11,273 research outputs found

    Technique to create and identify by landslide susceptibility map applications using gis

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    Los procesos de remoción de masas, son definidos como “procesos de transporte de material de movilización lenta o rápida de determinado volumen de suelo, roca o ambos, en diversas proporciones, generados por una serie de factores“ (Hauser, 1993 en Martínez, 2009) y constituyen una de las formas más recurrentes de la evolución del relieve terrestre, puesto que son uno de los procesos geológicos más frecuentes, por ende, una de las amenazas naturales más recurrentes, las cuales se originan entre otros casos por efecto de procesos meteorológicos, siendo considerados estos, uno de los factores detonantes tienen mayor incidencia en el aumento de probabilidad de inestabilidad del sistema, incluso una lluvia que no supere los 10 mm en 12 horas, puede resultar el detonante perfecto para la generación de flujos o deslizamientos si el terreno tiene características propias de su naturaleza tales como: una litología rica en arcillas expansivas, un grado de agrietamiento de la roca elevado, una pendiente sobre los 20° y densidad de vegetación con rangos de descubierto, dichos factores combinados condicionan para la generación de desplazamientos.Removal processes mass , are defined as " transport processes material slow or rapid mobilization of specific volume of soil, rock, or both , in varying ratios , generated by a number of factors " ( Hauser , 1993 Martinez, 2009 ) and are one of the most frequent forms of the evolution of terrestrial relief , since they are one of the most common geological processes , therefore , one of the most recurrent natural hazards , which originate from other cases the effect of meteorological processes , these being considered one of the trigger factors have the greatest impact on increasing probability of system instability, even a rain that does not exceed 10 mm in 12 hours , it may be the perfect trigger for the generation of flows or landslides if the soil nature has its own characteristics such as lithology rich in expansive clays, a degree of cracking of the high rock slope of 20° and vegetation density ranges discovered, these factors combined to determine trip generation

    Historical SDI, thematic maps and analysis of a complex network of medieval towers (13th-15th century) in the moorish strip

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    The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-4, 2018 ISPRS TC IV Mid-term Symposium “3D Spatial Information Science – The Engine of Change”, 1–5 October 2018, Delft, The NetherlandsThis work is part of an investigation into the use of GIS for the documentation and comprehension of medieval architectural heritage in the ancient Kingdom of Seville. The research was done in the framework of the project “Sustainable guardianship of cultural heritage through digital BIM and GIS models: contribution to knowledge and social innovation”, an interdisciplinary project focused on the applications of information technology in architectural heritage in Spain. The study case of this paper is located in the Guadalquivir valley during the period between 13th and 15th centuries. It concerns the Moorish Strip site, fortified by the Christian Kingdom of Castile with the aim of creating a barrier with the Moorish Kingdom. Its deteriorated state has led us to create a historical and spatial database in order to contribute to its conservation management plan. Apart from the historical documentation research and the data gathering, intensive fieldwork was also done to collect information about the buildings. In this paper we present a Historical SDI to investigate the hypothesis that the spatial patterns of the Moorish Band obey rules of “inter-visibility” control. Some analysis has been done on the site scale, such as: i) a thematic map of building material; ii) a spatiotemporal analysis; iii) the density of the distribution of towers over the territory; iv) a simulation of the territory visibility from the towers; v) the inter-visibility among towers; iv) thematic maps using attribute values. These analyses permitted us to highlight the need to create a preservation plan that should consider the network visibility system as an important value for heritage interpretation and knowledge.Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness HAR2016–78113-

    The role of the electrolyte on the SERS spectra of pyridine

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    SERS spectra of pyridine has been recorded on a silver electrode in a potential range from 0.0 to -1.20 V with a saline solution, pyridine / KCl (0.1M / 0.1M), by using the 514.5 nm exciting line by us [1]. Under these experimental conditions, the maximum intensity of the enhanced 8a and 9a bands is reached at -0.75 V and -1.20 V, respectively, being the 9a band what dominates the spectrum at negative electrode potential. Although this behavior has been explained under a resonant charge transfer mechanism, the nature of the electronic resonance processes involved in the enhancement of each band is different. The 8a band is enhanced due to an electronic excitation between the ground and excited charge transfer electronic state of the metal-adsorbate surface complex, while the activity of the 9a band is due to a plasmon-like excitation taking into account an overall electronic structure of small metal clusters [2] which is able to selectively modify the relative intensities of specific SERS band. We intend now to record pyridine SERS spectra under the same experimental conditions but varying only the type of electrolyte in order to check how it affects the relative intensities and vibrational wavenumbers of the bands as well as the electrode potential to which the enhanced bands reach the maximum intensity. Different electrolytes like KCl, NaCl, KBr, NaBr and Na2SO4, have been selected in such way that allows us to compare SERS spectra in which changes only the cation or the anion of the electrolyte. From the analysis of all these SERS spectra, it can be concluded that no significant wavenumbers shifts have been detected, while the relative intensities of the bands and the electrode potential to which the maximum intensity is reached are slightly modified. NaBr electrolyte requieres more negative electrode potential in order to enhance the 8a and 9a bands and to resolve the 12 and 1 pair. Acknowledgements We are grateful to the Spanish MINECO (CTQ2012-31846) and Junta de Andalucía (FQM-5156 and 6778), for financial support. References [1] J.F. Arenas, I. López Tocón, J.C. Otero, and J.I. Marcos, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 9254-9261 (1996). [2] J. Román-Pérez, I. López-Tocón, J.L. Castro, J. F. Arenas, J. Soto and J.C. Otero, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17, 2326-2329 (2015).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Acetaldehyde involvement in ethanol's postabsortive effects during early ontogeny

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    Clinical and biomedical studies sustains the notion that early ontogeny is a vulnerable window to the impact of alcohol. Experiences with the drug during these stages increase latter disposition to prefer, use or abuse ethanol. This period of enhanced sensitivity to ethanol is accompanied by a high rate of activity in the central catalase system, which metabolizes ethanol in the brain. Acetaldehyde (ACD), the first oxidation product of ethanol, has been found to share many neurobehavioral effects with the drug. Cumulative evidence supports this notion in models employing adults. Nevertheless very few studies have been conducted to analyze the role of ACD in ethanol postabsorptive effects, in newborns or infant rats. In this work we review recent experimental literature that syndicates ACD as a mediator agent of reinforcing aspects of ethanol, during early ontogenetic stages. We also show a meta-analytical correlational approach that proposes how differences in the activity of brain catalase across ontogeny, could be modulating patterns of ethanol consumption.Fil: March, Samanta Mabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; ArgentinaFil: Abate, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; ArgentinaFil: Molina, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentin

    Numerical validation of a population balance model describing cement paste rheology

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    Rheology control is essential during the period in which cement and concrete pastes are encountered in the fresh state, due to the fact that it directly affects workability, initial placement and the structural performance of the hardened material. Optimizations of clinker formulations and reductions in cement-to-water ratios induced by economic and environmental considerations have a significant effect in rheology, which invokes the need for mechanistic models capable of describing the effect of multiple relevant phenomena on the observed paste flow. In this work, the population balance framework was implemented to develop a model able to relate the transient microstructural evolution of cement pastes under typical experimental conditions with its macroscopic rheological responses. Numerical details and performance are assessed and discussed. It was found that the model is capable of reproducing experimentally observed flow curves by using measured cluster size distribution information. It is also able to predict the complex rheological characteristics typically found in cement pastes. Furthermore, a spatially resolved scheme was proposed to investigate the nature of flow inside a parallel-plates rheometer geometry with the objective of assessing the ability of the model of qualitatively predicting experimentally observed behavior and to gain insight into the effect of possible secondary flows

    La posición ideológica de Juan Valera en sus cuentos maravillosos

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    Conferencias y Comunicaciones del primer Congreso Internacional de literatura fantástica y ciencia ficción, celebrado del 6 al 9 de mayo de 2008 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Direct healthcare costs of diabetes mellitus patients in Spain

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    Objectives. To estimate the healthcare resources spent by diabetic patients in Spain during the year 2002. Methods. The present work is a cost-of-illness study. Direct healthcare costs were estimated using rates of DM, based on primary and secondary sources of information. A range of prevalence from 5% to 6% of the adult population was determined. The total cost was composed of six items: insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents; other drugs; disposable and consumable goods (glucose test strips, needles and syringes); hospitalization; primary care visits; visits to specialists. Results. The estimated direct cost of DM during the year 2002 ranges from (euros)2.4 billion to (euros)2.67 billion. Hospital costs had the highest weight ((euros)933 million) in the total, followed by non-insulin, non-hypoglycemic-agent drugs ((euros)777-932 million). Much lower are the costs of insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents ((euros)311 million), primary care visits ((euros)181-272 million), specialized visits ((euros)127-145 million) and disposable elements ((euros)70-81 million). The per-diabetic, per-year cost ranges between (euros)1,290 to 1,476. Discussion. Despite our rather conservative approach to the issue, our findings demonstrate the high direct healthcare costs of diabetic patients. Likewise, they illustrate the magnitude of the costs of treatment of DM-related complications