993 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Pemillhan Berulang Ringkas dan Pemilihan Berulang Salingan Penuh-Sib ke Atas Dua Populasi Jagung Manis

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    Satu program pemilihan ke atas populasl jagung manis Bakti 1 dan Manis Madu telah dijalankan di Ladang Universiti Pertanian Malaysia dengan menggunakan dua kaedah pemilihan berulang, iaitu pemilihan berulang ringkas berasaskan prestasi progeni Sl dan pemilihan berulang salingan penuh-sib. Objektif utama kajian ini ialah untuk menghasilkan populasi-populasi maju dari populasi-populasi asal yang digunakan. Objektif khusus ialah untuk menentukan keberkesanan secara relatif dua kaedah pemilihan tersebut, menentukan pengawalan genetik dan kebolehwarisan luas beberapa ciri penting, menganalisis korelasi antara hasil dan komponen-komponen hasil di dalam populasi penyendirian Bakti 1 dan Manis Madu, dan menganalisis kesan pemilihan. Tiga ciri-ciri pertumbuhan pokok dan sembilan ciri-ciri hasil dan komponen hasil telah dinilai

    Ammonia Volatilization from Malaysian Soils Following Application of Urea

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    Surface application of urea often results in high ammonia volatilization loss. Information on ammonia volatilization in tropical acid soils is limited. This study was carried out to determine ammonia volatilization loss from surface applied urea in Malaysian soils and to study the ejects of soil properties on the rate of loss. Measurement of urease activity and ammonia volatilization loss in the laboratory was carried out on topsoil (0-15 cm) of 22 soils commonly found in Malaysia using a force-draft technique. Ammonia volatilization loss was recorded daily for seven days. Ammonia volatilization loss from the 22 soils studied ranged from 0.5 to 53% of N applied with most soils having values around 35 %. The ammonia loss in acid sulfate soil was low. Most of the loss occurred during the first 34 days after urea application. The urease acitivity of soils ranged from 12.20 to 150.50 uglg Nih and was not affected by soil texture and C content. Urease acitivity had a significant e1Ject on ammonia volatilization los


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    In automotive industry, disc brake is a device that plays a vital role in slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel. Abrake disc, which is usually made of cast iron or ceramic, is connected to the wheel or the axle. To stop the wheel, friction material in the form of brake pads (mounted in a device called a brake caliper) is forced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or electromagnetically against both side of the disc. Friction causes the disc and the attached wheel to decelerate or stop. Current disc brakehas weaknesses either from the designandthe application, which causes the damages to the brake. This research attempts to investigate a ventilated disc brake with the aim to improve the stopping time, material used for disc caliper and brake pad and the optimization of the brake disc position. The project will employ the method of simulation in ANSYS software, which is a software used to analyze the air flow and dynamic inside the brake rotor vane, as well as thermal stress analysis of ventilated brake disc. The data are gathered from trusted resources such as from internet, books, journal and dissertation thesis to be used in the simulation. The result from the simulation using the detail in Proton Waja's disc brake will be a reference to improvethe design. This research aims mainly to find an optimum braking performance and to reduce the percentage of damage modes reoccurrence. If the braking time and damage modes are reduced using the best material chosen, then this project has succeeded to achieve its goal

    Keusangan bahasa Orang Asli dan peribumi Malaysia: impak terhadap bahasa melayu.

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    Dari segi etnolinguistik, penduduk Malaysia dikategorikan kepada kaum Bumiputera yang terdiri daripada suku-suku kaum Melayu di Semenanjung Malaysia, kaum Peribumi yang terdiri daripada suku-suku kaum Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia dan puluhan suku kaum di Sabah dan Sarawak, serta kaum Cina dan India. Selain itu terdapat juga sebilangan kecil kaum berketurunan Siam di bahagian utara Semenanjung Malaysia, dan kaum peranakan Cina, India dan Portugis, juga di Semenanjung Malaysia. Kesemua kaum ini boleh dicirikan melalui bahasa ibunda atau bahasa pertuturan mereka dalam mandala keluarga dan mandala sosial seperti kejiranan, keagamaan, dan kemasyarakatan. Makalah ini akan mengupas lebih lanjut tentang krisis keyakinan yang melanda bahasa Melayu dengan membuat rujukan khusus kepada usaha pengemblengan dan pendinamikan bahasa Orang Asli dan Peribumi Malaysia sebagai sumber penyelamat bahasa Melayu. Data dan maklumat diperoleh menerusi tinjauan literatur dan kajian lapangan yang dilakukan mulai 2000 dan berlangsung sehingga Disember 2009. Pemakalah memberi tumpuan kepada pencarian dan pengemblengan leksikal dan usaha pemasyarakatan yang dilakukan. Dalam memperjelaskan hal itu, makalah ini turut menyorot beberapa variabel yang menggugah bahasa Orang Asli dan Peribumi Malaysia sehingga membawa kepada status obsolesensi dan impak langsungnya terhadap bahasa Melayu

    End Of Chemotherapy Response In Lymphoma Patients: The Predictive Value Of Dual Time Point Imaging Of Minimal Residual Uptake Lesions During Interim Pet-Ct

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    Penilaian peringkat awal tahap keberkesanan rawatan kemoterapi yang diberikan kepada pesakit limfoma adalah penting kerana ia membolehkan pesakit yang tidak bertindak balas dikenal pasti lebih awal Early treatment response assessment in lymphoma is important as it allows physicians to identify patients with poor response to treat earlie


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    The strength of a language is its ability to reveal all human behaviour and progress of civilization. Language should be ready for use at all times and in any human activity and must be able to grow together with all forms of discipline and knowledge. Languages that are not dynamic over time will become obsolete, archaic and finally extinct. Accordingly, the effort to develop and create a civilisation needs to take into account also the effort to expand its language as the medium of instruction. The most basic language development in this regard was to look for vocabulary that could potentially be taken to develope a dynamic language. This paper shows the potential and the wealth of lexical resources in building the Nusantara language to become a world language

    Improving of soil carrying capacity for better living.

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    Soil is the most important resource for food production. The increase in world population puts pressure on the soil resource to continuously provide food security for the population. The per capita arable land is 0.22 ha per capita and it is expected to reduce due to population increase, land degradation processes and competition for non-agriculture land use. The agricultural sector has been successful to continuously supply food for the growing population. This is brought about by the green revolution resulting from technological improvement through advancement in scientific knowledge. With more constraints and greater challenges the agriculture sector requires more efficient and productive technology. Since horizontal increase through expansion of arable land is restricted the increase in food production has to be achieved vertically by increasing soil productivity. The use of fertilizer for improvement of soil productivity is one of the widely practices worldwide. The use of fertilizer has no doubt increased the soil productivity; however it has also created serious environmental problems. As an example, the efficiency of N fertilizer is often low due to losses and the N that leaks to the environment causes serious environmental problems such as ground water pollution, emission of greenhouse gases, eutrophication and nitrate pollution. For sustainable fertilizer management, the loss has to be minimized to subsequently increase fertilizer efficiency. Application of balanced plant nutrients had been shown to increase soil productivity. Addition of small amount of micronutrients in certain soils can result in tremendous yield increase. Other technologies that increase soil productivity and reduce its degradation will enhance the soil carrying capacity. The public awareness on the importance of soil resource for food production and human survival should be provided through the education system. Research for public good on sustainable soil management must be given top priority alongside the market driven research, to ensure the agriculture sector continues to supply us with food from the growing population

    Association In Number Of Red Blood Cell Units Transfused And The Outcome Of Discharge At Different Haemoglobin Levels In Acute Non-Variceal Upper Gastroinstestinal Bleeding Patients At Hospital Putrajaya

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    Background: Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (NVUGIB) is very common and with considerable 5-10% mortality. RBC transfusion is one of the treatments for NVUGIB patients but it is associated with various morbidity and mortality. This study was to determine the associations between number of RBC units transfused with presenting symptoms, aetiologies and Glasgow-Blatchford Score (GBS). This study also compared the outcomes of discharge at different level of Hb among NVUGIB patients at Hospital Putrajaya. Methods: Retrospective cohort study was performed with data from 180 patients with NVUGIB and were transfused with RBC over a period of five years. Data were retrieved from the computerised patient information system of Hospital Putrajaya. Study subjects selected were filled in the proforma. All demographic and clinical data including presenting symptoms such as melaena, haematemesis, haematochezia, and anaemia were recorded. Besides presenting symptoms, other variables studied include aetiologies of NVUGIB, GBS, and number of RBC units transfused. The clinical outcomes of patients with two different level of discharge Hb were compared. Results: Out of 180 patients, 92 (51.1%) had discharge Hb < 10 g/dl while 88 (48.9%) of them had discharge Hb ≥ 10 g/dl. Using multiple linear regression, haematochaezia (p=0.022) and higher GBS (p<0.001) were factors which were independently associated with higher number of RBC units transfused. Using Mann Whitney-U test, patients with discharge Hb ≥ 10 g/dl were shown to be significant contributor to higher number of RBC units transfused (p=0.005) and longer length of stay (LOS) (p=0.029). Conclusion: Haematochaezia and GBS were two important determinants for the probability of higher need in RBC unit transfusion for NVUGIB patients. Patients with discharge Hb ≥ 10 g/dl will result in higher number of RBC units transfusion and longer LOS

    Genetic inheritance of multiple traits of blast, bacteria leaf blight resistant and drought tolerant rice lines

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a cereal and staple food crop of over half of the world’s population. Blast, bacteria leaf blight and drought stresses affect yield of rice drastically ranging from 1-100% loss depending on the severity of disease and water deficit condition. Resistance and tolerance high yielding varieties of blast (Putra1) and drought (MR219 IR99784-156-137-1-3) respectively and also IRBB60 (bacteria leaf blight) were used. The research considered the genetic inheritance of the new improved lines and their interactions. Pedigree breeding method was used to develop two single, double and three-way (and reciprocal) crosses through marker-assisted selection. Southern blot analysis was used to determine success of introgression of resistance/tolerance genes/QTLs and selection, also validated by phenotyped results. Agro-morphological and yield parameters of the various populations were analysed. The results indicated levels of significant differences amongst and between treatments for non-drought stress (NS) and reproductive drought stress (RS) and their interactions. There were significant variation among parents and improved lines on some traits in NS treatment, but RS significantly affected parameters of DF, FFG, YM and most especially the susceptible parent, while the improved lines were tolerant.  Significant interactions was recorded (P≤0.05) between treatment and variety (Trt*Var.) on PL, T, FFG and GLW. Cluster analysis and PCA of relationship among the 9 traits in the two treatments revealed that each of single, double and three-way (and reciprocal) crosses had good lines either under NS and RS.