533 research outputs found

    Common fixed point results in partial symmetric spaces

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    In this paper, we prove some common fixed point results for weakly compatible mappings employing (E.A)-property and (CLRg)-property in partial symmetric spaces. Our results extend and improve several existing results in literature. We also give some examples which exhibit the utility of our results.Publisher's Versio

    Three Essays on the Gender Differentials in Mortality and Undernutrition in Pakistan

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    Kindersterblichkeit und Unterernährung sind die zwei Hauptprobleme der öffentlichen Gesundheitsversorgung in Entwicklungsländern. Ein damit verbundenes Phänomen ist die geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierung von Mädchen. Besonders in Südasien leiden Mädchen unter schlimmsten Formen der geschlechtsspezifischen Diskriminierung bezüglich des Zugangs zu medizinischer Versorgung und Ernährung. Diese Dissertation untersucht diese beiden Probleme in Pakistan und erforscht empirisch die Determinanten geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschiede von Sterblichkeit und Unterernährung. Die erst kürzlich entwickelten Bayesianischen Verfahren zur Schätzung strukturierter additiver Modelle werden anhand zweier Mikrodatensätze aus Pakistan verwendet

    Population genetics and drug resistance markers: an essential for malaria surveillance in Pakistan

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    Plasmodium (P.) vivax is the prevalent malarial species accounting for 70% of malaria cases in Pakistan. However, baseline epidemiological data on P. vivax population structure and drug resistance are lacking from Pakistan. For population structure studies, molecular genetic markers, circumsporozoite protein (csp) and merozoite surface protein-1 (msp-1) are considered useful as these play an important role in P. vivax survival under immune and environmental pressure. Furthermore, these genes have also been identified as suitable candidates for vaccine development. While efforts for effective vaccine are underway, anti-malarial agents remain the mainstay for control. Evidence of resistance against commonly used anti-malarial agents, particularly Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) is threatening to make this form of control defunct. Therefore, studies on drug resistance are necessary so that anti-malarial treatment strategies can be structured and implemented accordingly by the Malaria Control Program, Pakistan. This review aims to provide information on genetic markers of P. vivax population structure and drug resistance and comment on their usefulness in molecular surveillance and control

    Towards a model for e-learning using web services and fuzzy logic

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    Many colleges and universities are adopting an e-learning approach in order to offer a variety of courses to a global student audience. This approach is vital to gain a market share in an increasingly competitive world and stay abreast with deployment and usage of new technologies. The process, by which e-learning courses are offered, maintained and updated in terms of syllabus and content vary amongst institutions mainly due to limitations in available resources. This paper presents current, ongoing work on building a prototype for an e-learning model that is based on fuzzy logic and web services to analyze, deploy, maintain and update an arbitrary course syllabus and its content by way of effective communication between players of the e-learning environment

    C*-algebra valued quasi metric spaces and fixed point results with an application

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    [EN] In this paper, we introduce the notion of C*-algebra valued quasi metric space to generalize the notion of C*-algebra valued metric space and investigate the topological properties besides proving some core fixed point results. Finally, we employ our one of the main results to examine the existence and uniqueness of the solution for a system of Fredholm integral equations.Asim, M.; Kumar, S.; Imdad, M.; George, R. (2022). C*-algebra valued quasi metric spaces and fixed point results with an application. Applied General Topology. 23(2):287-301. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2022.1678328730123

    Effect of fiber loadings and treatment on dynamic mechanical, thermal and flammability properties of pineapple leaf fiber and kenaf phenolic composites

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    This study deals with the analysis of dynamic mechanical, thermal and flammability properties of treated and untreated pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) and kenaf fiber (KF) phenolic composites. Results indicated that storage modulus was decreased for all composites with increases in temperature and pattern of slopes for all composites, having almost the same values of E' at glass transition temperature (Tg). The peak of the loss modulus of pure phenolic composites was shown to be much less. After the addition of kenaf/PALF, peaks were higher and shifted towards a high temperature. The Tan delta peak height was low for pure phenolic composites and maximum for 60% PALF phenolic composites. Cole-Cole analysis was carried out to understand the phase behavior of the composite samples. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) results indicated that pure phenolic composites have better thermal stability than PALF and kenaf phenolic composites. Vertical and horizontal UL-94 tests were conducted and showed pure phenolic resin is highly fire resistant. The overall results showed that treated KF composites enhanced the dynamic mechanical and thermal properties among all PALF/KF composites

    Plant Root Hair in Tap Water: A Potential Cause for Diagnostic Confusion

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    Plant root hairs are commonly found artifacts in parasitology specimens and may be confused with helminthes by an untrained eye. We report a case of brain tuberculoma where the tissue sample was contaminated with root hair derived from tap water; the presence of this root hair, which mimicked a larva, led to diagnostic confusion. Therefore, tap water should be considered a source of root hair and vegetable matter

    A Comparison of Selected Biomechanical Parameters of Spike Serves between Intervarsity and Intercollegiate Volleyball Players

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the selected biomechanical parameters of spike service between intervarsity and intercollegiate level volleyball players. Twelve (6 Intervarsity and 6 Intercollegiate level) male volleyball players were selected as the subjects for this study from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. The mean age, height, body weight, arm length and leg length of intervarsity players were 22.25 years (SD 0.94), 178.33 cm (1.06), 69.67kg (1.29), 59.74 cm (1.05) and 87.74 (1.73) respectively, whereas intercollegiate players were 21.92 years (SD 0.66), 173.56 cm (1.65), 67.50 kg (1.38), 57.17 (1.25) and 86.32 (1.83) respectively. All subjects were right-handed volleyball players. The players were allowed to have warm-up and trials. Each subject was asked to do the spike service. Five services were recorded from one side of the body with a high speed camcorder (Canon Legria HF S10) operating at 1/2000 with a frame rate of 60 frames per second. Data were collected from the movement onset until the ball crosses the net (successful). The camcorder was placed on a tripod at the height of 6 feet on the right angle of the subjects at a distance of 12 meters away to the side-line. Recorded data were digitized with the help of Silicon Coach Pro7 motion analysis software. The selected kinematics variables were ball height, jump height, hand velocity and ball velocity. The other segmental angles were also be studied in this study those were ankle angle, knee angle, hip angle, shoulder angle, elbow angle and wrist angle. The t-test was used for statistical analysis of the data by using SPSS-18 version software. The results revealed that insignificant difference exits between intervarsity and intercollegiate level male volleyball players in the spike serve performance

    Fixed point theorems for F- contraction mapping in complete rectangular M-metric space

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    [EN] In this paper, we prove a fixed point result for F- contraction principle in the framework of rectangular M-metric space. An example is also adopted to exhibit the utility of our result. Finally, we apply our fixed point result to show the existence of solution of Fredholm integral equation.Asim, M.; Mujahid, S.; Uddin, I. (2022). Fixed point theorems for F- contraction mapping in complete rectangular M-metric space. Applied General Topology. 23(2):363-376. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2022.1741836337623