142 research outputs found

    A Digital Qualitative Ethnographic Study of Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives and Experiences of Teaching from To-Be Teachers

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    This digital ethnographic study aimed to understand how and why college students decide to be teachers while many trained teachers leave the profession every year in the United States. A purposive sampling technique enabled 30 prospective teachers in a college of education to participate in this study. The research questions that guided the study were: 1) How and why did preservice teachers choose teaching as a career? 2) How did preservice teachers\u27 perception of the drawbacks of teaching and the opportunities to support them in becoming teachers influence their decisions? The conceptual framework to understand the phenomena came from educational change, teachers\u27 professional development, and learning organizations. This research used qualitative digital ethnographic design to collect data. Digital ethnography uses anthropological and sociological research approaches to understand digital space as a typical \u27traditional locale.\u27 Thematic analysis followed three weeks of data gathering, and the results indicate that people decide to teach from personal convictions that stem from experiences with children in different settings. The themes were service for children, payback to the community, other influences, and personal commitment. The study’s conclusions cover novice teachers\u27 understanding of teaching as a career, its challenges, opportunities, and creativity

    A Study On The Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Asphaltic Concrete Incorporating Crumb Rubber Produced Through Dry Process [TA443.A7 A136 2007 f rb].

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    Bitumen konvensional digunakan dengan meluas di kebanyakan negara di mana pada peringkat awal semasa kerja-kerja penghasilan, pembancuhan dan penggunaannya adalah agak sukar. Conventional bitumen is widely used in most countries where it hardens at the early stages during handling, mixing and in service. The level of performance of service life has a close relationship with the properties of bitumen used in the sphaltic concrete

    Skid Resistance and Texture Depth Analysis of Stone Mastic Asphalt

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    The skid resistance of highway pavements, particularly when wet, is a serious problem. As traffic speeds and densities continue to rise, the chances of skidding accidents as well as their consequences are both growing at an alarming rate with each passing year. Skid resistance between tire and road surface is a function of contact area. Maximum grip may be generated in dry conditions while in wet conditions the presence of surface water on the road surface may reduce the contact area and consequently reduce the available grip. Since 1994, Universiti Putra Malaysia had been involved in Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Technology research, to formulate for Malaysian roads, SMA, presents a very uniformly textured surface that can achieve grip or friction between rubber tire and road surface. In this study, pavement surface interaction was given the highest priority, and slab specimens were prepared by varying gradation of SMA 14 to simulate the actual behavior of field skid resistance. Conventional hot mix asphalt was also prepared as a control. The results of skid resistance and texture depth were tabulated with the variables (Angularity Number, Particle Index, and Percentage of Asphalt, Voids in Total Mix, Voids in Mineral Aggregate, Distribution of Coarse Aggregate and Polished Stone Value). Statistical analyses were performed to assess the relationship between physical and mechanical properties of the mix, and to study how the mixing materials contribute to the skid resistance and the texture depth of SMA. SPSS and EXCEL packages were employed to investigate these relationships. The foregoing data indicate convincingly that Angularity Number as measured by the angularity test, had highly significant effects on the skid resistance of SMA. In this case, the British Portable Number is shown to increase with increasing value of angularity number. For coarse aggregate and percentage of asphalt has significant effect P<O.05 on texture depth. It was also noted that the data of skid resistance and texture depth indicated a wide spread of values obtained ranging from SMA 14 ranging 93 up to 124 BPN units, regardless of composition of the mixture. It may therefore be concluded that SMA has the potential to optimize the contact area between tires and road surface under dry and wet surface conditions

    A Review of Strategies to Prevent On-Site Construction Waste

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    One of the most important concerns that improves building profitability is the implementation of a positive approach to minimize construction waste. This paper will discuss the roots of construction waste, current waste reduction strategies, and lastly the possible use of waste management. Furthermore, the key environmental priority for this issue should be to control and mitigate construction waste generation. The purpose of this study is to provide prevention measures, and the rising tide of public awareness is all conspiring to modify the face of waste management. Clients, contractors, suppliers, and designers Architects &amp; Engineers all have opportunities and duties to reduce construction waste. The outcomes of this study will assist academics in furthering their research into important management strategies for reducing on-site building waste

    Participatory Epidemiological Assessment of Priority Livestock Diseases, Their Seasonal Occurrence and Impact on Livelihood in Mandera West Sub-County, Mandera County, Kenya

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    Participatory epidemiology (PE) is a valuable technique for mapping livestock diseases, as it recognizes the indigenous knowledge held by pastoral communities regarding diseases that impact their livelihood and acknowledges the creative capacity of these communities, which can be harnessed to complement scientific disease control and prevention measures. The study aimed to evaluate the priority livestock diseases, their seasonal occurrence, and their impact on the livelihood of communities in Mandera West Sub-County, Mandera County, Kenya. A Cross-sectional study using participatory epidemiological (PE) methods and approaches was conducted with livestock keepers in Mandera west Sub-county from December 2021 to January 2022. Forty group discussions of 10-15 informants involving both men and women were held in 40 randomly selected villages in five administrative wards (Gither, Dandu, Lagsure, Didkuro and Takaba). Data collection tools used in PE study consisted of semi-structured interviews, simple ranking, pair-wise ranking, proportional piling, matrix scoring, disease impact matrix scoring (DIMs) and seasonal calendars. Livestock species were ranked by informants based on economic value to their livelihood. The order was camel, goats, cattle, sheep, donkey, and poultry. The top five priority livestock diseases were Camel Pox, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP), Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR), Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), and Enterotoxaemia. Disease Impact Matrix Scoring (DIMs) revealed CCPP as having the highest livelihood impact at 35.4%, followed by PPR (32.8%), CBPP (30.6%), and trypanosomiasis (28.1%). Proportional pilling indicated Black Quarter (BQ), Enterotoxaemia, CCPP, and Camel Pox had highest case fatalities (CF) of 69.8%, 55.9%, 45.5%, and 37.2% respectively. Informants identified four main seasons: Bira (January to March, dry season), Gan (April to June, long rain), Atholes (July to September, cold season), and Agay (October to December, short rain). Trypanosomiasis and mange were prevalent during the dry season, while CBPP, PPR, and CCPP were high in the cold season. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Sheep and Goat Pox (SGP) occurred frequently during the long rain, while Camel Pox and Haemorrhagic Septicemia (H.S) tended to occur during the short rain. In conclusion, the PE study identified a strong consensus among key informants in ranking priority livestock diseases, such as Camel Pox, CCPP, PPR, CBPP, and Enterotoxaemia. CCPP, PPR, CBPP, and trypanosomiasis had the most significant impact on community livelihoods. The study underscores the value of community involvement in disease control, utilizing indigenous knowledge

    Modelling and Validation of 3D FEM for Laterally Loaded Single Pile

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    At present, researchers are increasingly in favour of Three-Dimensional Finite Element Method (3D FEM) during design process to better understand ground mechanisms and soil-structure interactions. Subsequently, it is essentially a back-analysis modelling procedure for applications in design and post-construction or failure investigation. This research aims to use 3D FEM to validate laterally loaded single pile response. Two different case studies are selected, Firstly, a published case study comparing the p-y method and finite element method for the behaviour of single pile subjected to the horizontal forces is investigated. The second case is one of published centrifuge data and finite element method for the behaviour of pile behind retaining wall subjected to excavation-induced soil movement. Through comparison with the results from case studies, 3D FEM is in good agreement with the general trend observed in field or centrifuge measurements and gives better validation or prediction of lateral deflection characteristics compared to other conventional methods

    An overview of neural networks use in anomaly intrusion detection systems

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    With the increasing number of computers being connected to the Internet, security of an information system has never been more urgent. Because no system can be absolutely secure, the timely and accurate detection of intrusions is necessary. This is the reason of an entire area of research, called Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). Anomaly systems detect intrusions by searching for an abnormal system activity. But the main problem of anomaly detection IDS is that; it is very difficult to build, because of the difficulty in defining what is normal and what is abnormal. Neural network with its ability of learning has become one of the most promising techniques to solve this problem. This paper presents an overview of neural networks and their use in building anomaly intrusion systems

    Challenges of post-conflict urban transportation reconstruction in Mogadishu, Somalia

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    Mogadishu has experienced continuous internal conflicts in the past two decades, which has destroyed most parts of the city. As a result, it faces daunting development challenges to overcome the legacy of the sustained conflicts and fragility. The capital city, Mogadishu, is a significant pillar in building statehood as it forms an integral part of the growth and development of the country. It essentially provides an environment for the revival of socio-cultural activities and economic productivity in post-civil war reconstruction. Urban sprawls from the influx of displaced populations have extended city and town limits in Somalia, and the capital city Mogadishu bears the blunt of this expansion. Urban transportation in Mogadishu is a significant challenge requiring critical attention. Massive investment in urban transportation infrastructure and networks is vital for the city's urban recovery and economic development. However, the literature shows the lack of information and relevant statistics to support transport planning. Many NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and international development agencies are currently conducting surveys to improve the data resource for the post-conflict planning, development and management of the city. This paper evaluates the urban transportation in Mogadishu by providing an assessment of the challenges and opportunities for the new Mogadishu City Transport Planning Approach (MCTPA). The paper's findings could serve as a template for reconstructing the other urban transport systems in other parts of the country

    Shear Behaviour of RC T-Beams with Externally Bonded Discrete CFF Strips – A Experimental and Finite Element Study

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    The application of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for retrofitting and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures has fascinated the attention of researchers and engineers in the recent decades.&nbsp; This paper presents the results of experimental and finite element (FE) investigation of shear behaviour of reinforced concrete T-beams repaired with externally bonded bi-directional discrete carbon fibre fabric (CFF) strips.&nbsp; The reinforced concrete T-beams were tested under four point bending system to investigate the performance of CFF shear strengthening scheme in terms of ultimate load carrying capacity.&nbsp; These beams were modelled using LUSAS software.&nbsp; To evaluate the behaviour of the simulated models, the predicted results were compared with the experimental results.&nbsp; The experimental results show that the gain in shear capacity of the CFF repaired beams ranged between 20% and 40% over the control beam.&nbsp; Thus, it can be concluded that the externally bonded CFF strips significantly increased the shear capacity of CFF repaired beams.&nbsp; It was generally observed that the developed FE model shows better agreement with the experimental results.&nbsp; The results of load-deflection profile, cracking pattern, modes of failure, and strain distribution in discrete CFF strips are presented

    الإبداع القرآني في كشف أساليب اليهود السياسية في تزييف الوعي والتلاعب بالعقول = The Qur’anic creativity in revealing Jewish political methods of falsifying consciousness and manipulating minds = Kreativiti al-Quran dalam mendedahkan kaedah Yahudi dalam memalsukan kesedaran dan memanipulasi fikiran

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    على مدار التاريخ الإنساني، ارتبط اسم اليهود بالفتن والاضطرابات، وظلت سمة الدسائس والمكائد، وحب السيطرة ملازمة لهم في حلهم وترحالهم حتى يومنا هذا، ولا تتورع قياداتهم السياسية والفكرية أن تبوح بذلك جهرا بين الفينة والأخرى من خلال وسائل الإعلام المقروءة والمكتوبة والمسموعة والمرئية، ومن خلال الكتابات والمنشورات التي تؤصل لفكرة "شعب الله المختار" وفي سبيل تحقيق هذه الفكرة، استخدموا ومايزالون كل الوسائل المشروعة والممنوعة. وقد أبدع القرآن الكريم في عرض حقيقة التضليل الإعلامي الذي كان يقوم به اليهود لاسيما في عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وفترة احتكاك بني قريظة وبني النضير وبني قينقاع بالمسلمين في المدينة احتكاكا مباشرا. هذه الدراسة تلقي الضوء على الإبداع القرآني في كشف الحيل والأساليب السياسية التي مارسها اليهود في محاولاتهم المستميتة في تزييف الوعي والتلاعب بالعقول. للوصول إلى النتائج التي ينشد الباحث تحقيقها، تم في هذا الدراسة المقتضبة استخدام المنهجين التحليلي، والتاريخي الاستردادي. ومن أهم ما توصلت إليه الدراسة أن القرآن المجيد كشف الأدوار التخريبية التي يلعبها اليهود، ومواقفهم المخزية، والحرب النفسية التي كانوا يمارسونها ضدّ الرسول ودعوته من خلال إثارة الشكوك، ونشر الشائعات، وحرب الجدل العقيم، والأسئلة التعجيزية، وعرضها بأسلوب تجلى فيه الإبداع والإثارة والتشويق. Throughout human history, the name of Jews was associated with predicaments and disorder. Intrigues, plots and the love of control have accompanied them in their settlings and nomadic life style till the very day. The Jewish political and intellectual leaders do not refrain from revealing such features through social media, publications, and leaflets that aim to establish the idea that they are God’s chosen people. To achieve this, the Jews have used and still use all legal and illegal means. The Holy Quran had excelled in describing the reality of informative deception used by the Jews especially in the time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the direct contact of BanÊ Qurayẓah, BanÊ al-NaḍÊr and Bani QainuqÉʿ with Muslims in Medina. This study investigates the Quranic creativity in exposing deceptive and political methods used by the Jews in their deadly efforts to falsify consciousness and manipulate minds. The researcher utilizes the analytical and historical retrieval methods in this brief study. Amongst the important findings of this work is: The Quran revealed the destructive roles played by the Jews. It unveiled their blatant attitudes and the psychological war they waged against Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and his mission (daʿwah) through hovering suspicions, spreading rumours, waging wars of futile argument and unreasonable questions. All these are exposed in a creative, exciting and suspenseful method