114 research outputs found

    Data inversion algorithm development for the hologen occultation experiment

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    The successful retrieval of atmospheric parameters from radiometric measurement requires not only the ability to do ideal radiometric calculations, but also a detailed understanding of instrument characteristics. Therefore a considerable amount of time was spent in instrument characterization in the form of test data analysis and mathematical formulation. Analyses of solar-to-reference interference (electrical cross-talk), detector nonuniformity, instrument balance error, electronic filter time-constants and noise character were conducted. A second area of effort was the development of techniques for the ideal radiometric calculations required for the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) data reduction. The computer code for these calculations must be extremely complex and fast. A scheme for meeting these requirements was defined and the algorithms needed form implementation are currently under development. A third area of work included consulting on the implementation of the Emissivity Growth Approximation (EGA) method of absorption calculation into a HALOE broadband radiometer channel retrieval algorithm

    A detailed evaluation of heating processes in the middle atmosphere

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    A fundamental problem in the study of the terrestrial middle atmosphere is to calculate accurately the local heating due to the absorption of solar radiation. Knowledge of the heat budget is essential to understanding the atmospheric thermal structure, atmospheric motions, atmospheric chemistry, and their coupling. The evaluation of heating rates is complicated (especially above the stratopause) by the fact that the heating is not a simple one-step process. That is, the absorbed solar energy does not all immediately appear as heat. Rather, substantial portions of the incident energy may appear as internal energy of excited photolysis products (e.g., O(1D) or O2(1 delta)) or as chemical potential energy of product species such as atomic oxygen. The ultimate disposition of the internal and chemical energy possessed by the photolysis products determines the efficiency and thus the rate at which the middle atmosphere is heated. In studies of the heat budget, it is also vitally important to consider transport of long lived chemical species such as atomic oxygen above approximately 80 km. In such cases, the chemical potential energy may be transported great distances (horizontally or vertically) before undergoing a reaction to release the heat. Atomic oxygen influences the heating not only by reactions with itself and with O2 but also by reactions with odd-hydrogen species, especially those involving OH (Mlynczak and Solomon, 1991a). Consequently, absorbed solar energy may finally by converted to heat a long time after and at a location far from the original deposition. The purpose of this paper is to examine the solar and chemical heating processes and to present parameterizations for the heating efficiencies readily applicable for use in numerical models and heat budget studies. In the next two sections the processes relevant to the heating efficiencies for ozone and molecular oxygen will be reviewed. In section 4 the processes for the exothermic reactions will be reviewed and parameterizations for the heating efficiencies for both the solar and chemical processes will be presented in Section 5

    Science, Measurement, and Technology Requirements for Infrared Climate Benchmark Missions

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    Quantifying climate change in the presence of natural variability requires highly accurate global measurements covering more than a decade. Instrument design considerations for trending terrestrial emitted radiance are described

    On the Utility of the Molecular Oxygen Dayglow Emissions as Proxies for Middle Atmospheric Ozone

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    Molecular oxygen dayglow emissions arise in part from processes related to the Hartley band photolysis of ozone. It is therefore possible to derive daytime ozone concentrations from measurements of the volume emission rate of either dayglow. The accuracy to which the ozone concentration can be inferred depends on the accuracy to which numerous kinetic and spectroscopic rate constants are known, including rates which describe the excitation of molecular oxygen by processes that are not related to the ozone concentration. We find that several key rate constants must be known to better than 7 percent accuracy in order to achieve an inferred ozone concentration accurate to 15 percent from measurements of either dayglow. Currently, accuracies for various parameters typically range from 5 to 100 percent

    Climate Change Detection and Attribution of Infrared Spectrum Measurements

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    Climate change occurs when the Earth's energy budget changes due to natural or possibly anthropogenic forcings. These forcings cause the climate system to adjust resulting in a new climate state that is warmer or cooler than the original. The key question is how to detect and attribute climate change. The inference of infrared spectral signatures of climate change has been discussed in the literature for nearly 30 years. Pioneering work in the 1980s noted that distinct spectral signatures would be evident in changes in the infrared radiance emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere, and that these could be observed from orbiting satellites. Since then, a number of other studies have advanced the concepts of spectral signatures of climate change. Today the concept of using spectral signatures to identify and attribute atmospheric composition change is firmly accepted and is the foundation of the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) satellite mission being developed at NASA. In this work, we will present an overview of the current climate change detection concept using climate model calculations as surrogates for climate change. Any future research work improving the methodology to achieve this concept will be valuable to our society

    Scientific Results from the FIRST Instrument Deployment to Cerro Toco, Chile and from the Flight of the INFLAME Instrument

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    Results from the FIRST and INFLAME infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometers are presented. These are comprehensive measurements of the far-IR spectrum (FIRST) and the net infrared fluxes within the atmosphere (INFLAME)

    Overview of the Temperature Response in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere to Solar Activity

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    The natural variability in the terrestrial mesosphere needs to be known to correctly quantify global change. The response of the thermal structure to solar activity variations is an important factor. Some of the earlier studies highly overestimated the mesospheric solar response. Modeling of the mesospheric temperature response to solar activity has evolved in recent years, and measurement techniques as well as the amount of data have improved. Recent investigations revealed much smaller solar signatures and in some case no significant solar signal at all. However, not much effort has been made to synthesize the results available so far. This article presents an overview of the energy budget of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) and an up-to-date status of solar response in temperature structure based on recently available observational data. An objective evaluation of the data sets is attempted and important factors of uncertainty are discussed

    Model results of OH airglow considering four different wavelength regions to derive night-time atomic oxygen and atomic hydrogen in the mesopause region

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    Based on the zero-dimensional box model Module Efficiently Calculating the Chemistry of the Atmosphere/Chemistry As A Box model Application (CAABA/MECCA-3.72f), an OH airglow model was developed to derive night-time number densities of atomic oxygen ([O(3P)]) and atomic hydrogen ([H]) in the mesopause region ( ∼ 75–100 km). The profiles of [O(3P)] and [H] were calculated from OH airglow emissions measured at 2.0 µm by the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiography (SABER) instrument on board NASA\u27s Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. The two target species were used to initialize the OH airglow model, which was empirically adjusted to fit four different OH airglow emissions observed by the satellite/instrument configuration TIMED/SABER at 2.0 µm and at 1.6 µm as well as measurements by the Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) instrument on board the Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT) of the transitions OH(6-2) and OH(3-1). Comparisons between the "best-fit model" obtained here and the satellite measurements suggest that deactivation of vibrationally excited OH(ν) via OH(ν ≥ 7)+O2 might favour relaxation to OH(ν′ ≤ 5)+O2 by multi-quantum quenching. It is further indicated that the deactivation pathway to OH(ν′ = ν − 5)+O2 dominates. The results also provide general support of the recently proposed mechanism OH(ν)+O(3P) → OH(0 ≤ ν′ ≤ ν − 5)+O(1D) but suggest slower rates of OH(ν = 8,7,6,5)+O(3P), partly disagreeing with laboratory experiments. Additionally, deactivation to OH(ν′ = ν − 5)+O(1D) might be preferred. The profiles of [O(3P)] and [H] derived here are plausible between 80 and 95 km but should be regarded as an upper limit. The values of [O(3P)] obtained in this study agree with the corresponding TIMED/SABER values between 80 and 85 km but are larger from 85 to 95 km due to different relaxation assumptions of OH(ν)+O(3P). The [H] profile found here is generally larger than TIMED/SABER [H] by about 50 % from 80 to 95 km, which is primarily attributed to our faster OH(ν = 8)+O2 rate

    Correction to "Energy Transport in the Thermosphere During the Solar Storms of April 2002"

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    We present corrected computations of the infrared power and energy radiated by nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) during the solar storm event of April 2002. The computations in our previous paper underestimated the radiated power due to improper weighting of the radiated power and energy with respect to area as a function of latitude. We now find that the radiation by NO during the April 2002 storm period accounts for 50% of the estimated energy input to the atmosphere from the solar storm. The prior estimate was 28.5%. Emission computed for CO2 is also correspondingly increased, but the relative roles of CO2 and NO remain unchanged. NO emission enhancement is still, far and away, the dominant infrared response to the solar storms of April 2002

    SABER Observations of the OH Meinel Airglow Variability Near the Mesopause

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    The Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument, one of four on board the TIMED satellite, observes the OH Meinel emission at 2.0 m that peaks near the mesopause. The emission results from reactions between members of the oxygen and hydrogen chemical families that can be significantly affected by mesopause dynamics. In this study we compare SABER measurements of OH Meinel emission rates and temperatures with predictions from a 3-dimensional chemical dynamical model. In general, the model is capable of reproducing both the observed diurnal and seasonal OH Meinel emission variability. The results indicate that the diurnal tide has a large effect on the overall magnitude and temporal variation of the emission in low latitudes. This tidal variability is so dominant that the seasonal cycle in the nighttime emission depends very strongly on the local time of the analysis. At higher latitudes, the emission has an annual cycle that is due mainly to transport of oxygen by the seasonally reversing mean circulation
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