26 research outputs found

    Evidence for Direct Roles of Two Additional Factors, SECp43 and Soluble Liver Antigen, in the Selenoprotein Synthesis Machinery

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    Selenocysteine (Sec) is inserted into selenoproteins co-translationally with the help of various cis- and trans-acting factors. The specific mechanisms of Sec biosynthesis and insertion into protein in eukaryotic cells, however, are not known. Two proteins, SECp43 and the soluble liver antigen (SLA), were previously reported to interact with tRNA [Ser]Sec, but their functions remained elusive. Herein, we report that knockdown of SECp43 in NIH3T3 or TCMK-1 cells using RNA interference technology resulted in a reduction in the level of methylation at the 2’-hydroxylribosyl moiety in the wobble position (Um34) of Sec tRNA [Ser]Sec, and consequently reduced glutathione peroxidase 1 expression. Double knockdown of SECp43 and SLA resulted in decreased selenoprotein expression. SECp43 formed a complex with Sec tRNA [Ser]Sec and SLA, and the targeted removal of one of these proteins affected the binding of the other to Sec tRNA [Ser]Sec. SECp43 was located primarily in the nucleus, whereas SLA was found in the cytoplasm. Co-transfection of both proteins resulted in the nuclear translocation of SLA suggesting that SECp43 may also promote shuttling of SLA and Sec tRNA [Ser]Sec between different cellular compartments. Taken together, these data establish the role of SECp43 and SLA in selenoprotein biosynthesis through interaction with tRNA [Ser]Sec in a multiprotein complex. The data also reveal a role of SECp43 in regulation of selenoprotein expression by affecting the synthesis of Um34 on tRNA[ [Ser]Sec and the intracellular location of SLA

    SECIS elements in the coding regions of selenoprotein transcripts are functional in higher eukaryotes

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    Expression of selenocysteine (Sec)-containing proteins requires the presence of a cis-acting mRNA structure, called selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element. In bacteria, this structure is located in the coding region immediately downstream of the Sec-encoding UGA codon, whereas in eukaryotes a completely different SECIS element has evolved in the 3′-untranslated region. Here, we report that SECIS elements in the coding regions of selenoprotein mRNAs support Sec insertion in higher eukaryotes. Comprehensive computational analysis of all available viral genomes revealed a SECIS element within the ORF of a naturally occurring selenoprotein homolog of glutathione peroxidase 4 in fowlpox virus. The fowlpox SECIS element supported Sec insertion when expressed in mammalian cells as part of the coding region of viral or mammalian selenoproteins. In addition, readthrough at UGA was observed when the viral SECIS element was located upstream of the Sec codon. We also demonstrate successful de novo design of a functional SECIS element in the coding region of a mammalian selenoprotein. Our data provide evidence that the location of the SECIS element in the untranslated region is not a functional necessity but rather is an evolutionary adaptation to enable a more efficient synthesis of selenoproteins

    Biosynthesis of Selenocysteine on Its tRNA in Eukaryotes

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    Selenocysteine (Sec) is cotranslationally inserted into protein in response to UGA codons and is the 21st amino acid in the genetic code. However, the means by which Sec is synthesized in eukaryotes is not known. Herein, comparative genomics and experimental analyses revealed that the mammalian Sec synthase (SecS) is the previously identified pyridoxal phosphate-containing protein known as the soluble liver antigen. SecS required selenophosphate and O-phosphoseryl-tRNA([Ser]Sec) as substrates to generate selenocysteyl-tRNA([Ser]Sec). Moreover, it was found that Sec was synthesized on the tRNA scaffold from selenide, ATP, and serine using tRNA([Ser]Sec), seryl-tRNA synthetase, O-phosphoseryl-tRNA([Ser]Sec) kinase, selenophosphate synthetase, and SecS. By identifying the pathway of Sec biosynthesis in mammals, this study not only functionally characterized SecS but also assigned the function of the O-phosphoseryl-tRNA([Ser]Sec) kinase. In addition, we found that selenophosphate synthetase 2 could synthesize monoselenophosphate in vitro but selenophosphate synthetase 1 could not. Conservation of the overall pathway of Sec biosynthesis suggests that this pathway is also active in other eukaryotes and archaea that synthesize selenoproteins

    Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of Eukaryotic Selenocysteine Synthase

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    In eukaryotes and Archaea, selenocysteine synthase (SecS) converts O-phospho-L-seryl-tRNA[Ser]Sec into selenocysteyltRNA[Ser]Sec using selenophosphate as the selenium donor compound. The molecular mechanisms underlying SecS activity are presently unknown. We have delineated a 450-residue core of mouse SecS, which retained full selenocysteyl-tRNA[Ser]Sec synthesis activity, and determined its crystal structure at 1.65Å resolution. SecS exhibits three domains that place it in the fold type I family of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes. Two SecS monomers interact intimately and together build up two identical active sites around PLP in a Schiff-base linkage with lysine 284. Two SecS dimers further associate to form a homotetramer. The N terminus, which mediates tetramer formation, and a large insertion that remodels the active site set SecS aside from other members of the family. The active site insertion contributes to PLP binding and positions a glutamate next to the PLP, where it could repel substrates with a free α-carboxyl group, suggesting why SecS does not act on free O-phospho- L-serine. Upon soaking crystals in phosphate buffer, a previously disordered loop within the active site insertion contracted to form a phosphate binding site. Residues that are strictly conserved in SecS orthologs but variant in related enzymes coordinate the phosphate and upon mutation corrupt SecS activity. Modeling suggested that the phosphate loop accommodates the γ-phosphate moiety of OL-seryltRNA[Ser]Sec and, after phosphate elimination, binds selenophosphate to initiate attack on the proposed aminoacrylyl-tRNA[Ser]Sec intermediate. Based on these results and on the activity profiles of mechanism-based inhibitors, we offer a detailed reaction mechanism for the enzyme

    New Developments in Selenium Biochemistry: Selenocysteine Biosynthesis in Eukaryotes and Archaea

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    We used comparative genomics and experimental analyses to show that (1) eukaryotes and archaea, which possess the selenocysteine (Sec) protein insertion machinery contain an enzyme, O-phosphoseryl-transfer RNA (tRNA) [Ser]Sec kinase (designated PSTK), which phosphorylates seryl-tRNA [Ser]Sec to form O-phosphoseryl-tRNA [Ser]Sec and (2) the Sec synthase (SecS) in mammals is a pyridoxal phosphate-containing protein previously described as the soluble liver antigen (SLA). SecS uses the product of PSTK, Ophosphoseryl- tRNA [Ser]Sec, and selenophosphate as substrates to generate selenocysteyltRNA [Ser]Sec. Sec could be synthesized on tRNA [Ser]Sec from selenide, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and serine using tRNA [Ser]Sec, seryl-tRNA synthetase, PSTK, selenophosphate synthetase, and SecS. The enzyme that synthesizes monoselenophosphate is a previously identified selenoprotein, selenophosphate synthetase 2 (SPS2), whereas the previously identified mammalian selenophosphate synthetase 1 did not serve this function. Monoselenophosphate also served directly in the reaction replacing ATP, selenide, and SPS2, demonstrating that this compound was the active selenium donor. Conservation of the overall pathway of Sec biosynthesis suggests that this pathway is also active in other eukaryotes and archaea that contain selenoproteins