280 research outputs found

    New Basal Perissodactyla (Mammalia) From The Lower Eocene Ghazij Formation of Pakistan

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    http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109436/1/Contributions32No8-12082014.pdfDescription of Contributions32No8-12082014.pdf : Contributions Volume 32, Number

    Propagation error simulations concerning the CLIC active prealignment

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    The CLIC1 components will have to be prealigned within a thirty times more demanding tolerance than the existing CERNmachines. It is a technical challenge and a key issue for the CLIC feasibility. Simulations have been undertaken concerning the propagation error due to the measurement uncertainties of the prealignment systems. The uncertainties of measurement, taken as hypothesis for the simulations, are based on the data obtained on several dedicated facilities. This paper introduces the simulations and the latest results obtained, as well as the facilities

    The alignment of the LHC

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been aligned using both classical and non-standard techniques. The results of these alignments were seen on September 10th, 2008 when the beam made several turns in the machine with very few correctors activated. This paper will present the different steps of the alignment as well the techniques used to obtain the alignment accuracy required for beam operation. The correlation of these results with the position recorded by the beam position monitors (BPM) will be presented

    New early Eocene tapiromorph perissodactyls from the Ghazij Formation of Pakistan, with implications for mammalian biochronology in Asia

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    Early Eocene mammals from Indo-Pakistan have only recently come under study. Here we describe the first tapiromorph perissodactyls from the subcontinent. Gandheralophus minor n. gen. and n. sp. and G. robustus n. sp. are two species of Isectolophidae differing in size and in reduction of the anterior dentition. Gandheralophus is probably derived from a primitive isectolophid such as Orientolophus hengdongensis from the earliest Eocene of China, and may be part of a South Asian lineage that also contains Karagalax from the middle Eocene of Pakistan. Two specimens are referred to a new, unnamed species of Lophialetidae. Finally, a highly diagnostic M3 and a molar fragment are described as the new eomoropid chalicothere Litolophus ghazijensis sp. nov. The perissodactyls described here, in contrast to most other mammalian groups published from the early Eocene of Indo-Pakistan, are most closely related to forms known from East and Central Asia. Tapiromorpha are diverse and biochronologically important in the Eocene there and our results allow the first biochronological correlation between early Eocene mammal faunas in Indo-Pakistan and the rest of Asia. We suggest that the upper Ghazij Formation of Pakistan is best correlated with the middle or late part of the Bumbanian Asian Land-Mammal Age, while the Kuldana and Subathu Formations of Pakistan and India are best correlated with the Arshantan Asian Land-Mammal Age

    Determination of the CNGS global geodesy

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    This paper describes the activities carried out in order to estimate the distance traveled by the neutrinos beam between CERN and LNGS with an accuracy better than 1 meter. In particular, the distance between two fundamental points has been estimated: the start point at CERN (de ned as T-40-S-CERN) and the OPERA detector point (de ned as A1-9999). The measurements campaings, at CERN and at LNGS, were performed using both terrestrial and Global Positioning System (GPS) based geodetic techniques. The positions of the two fundamental points were estimated in a common reference frame through the processing of the collected observations. The resulting distance (730534.610 m) was estimated with an accuracy at the level of 20 cm, remarkably better than the stated limit