20 research outputs found

    The effects of contextual meaning aspects on reading comprehension

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    The study is aimed at investigating the effects of contextual meaning aspects on reading comprehension, and finding out whether or not there is effect of reading proficiency, consists of low and high, on reading comprehension and effect of contextual meaning aspects together with reading proficiency on reading comprehension. It was used experimental design in this study. The data were processed and analyzed according to these steps: giving the treatment, checking and scoring, tabulating, analyzing the data by using statistic technique of ANOVA, and making the conclusion based on the analysis. The number of the sample was 34 students of the students of English education study program of Palangka Raya University. The findings show that example clues considered as the easiest and appositive clues as the most difficult of three context clues in this study. Based on the result, it can be concluded that there is significant effect for contextual meaning aspects and reading proficiency on reading comprehension; however, there is no significant effect of contextual meaning aspects together with reading proficiency on reading comprehension

    Investigating students’ belief toward the importance of English learning for dakwah activity at IAIN Palangka Raya

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    This study aims to find out students' belief in learning English as an additional tool for preaching in the national and international regions. This research uses quantitative methods with survey design. The sample of this study was the KPI study program students from the 2014 to 2018 academic year at IAIN Palangka Raya which consisted of 110 students. The data were collected by using questionnaire. In analyzing data, several procedures are used such as collecting, reducing, displaying, and summarizing data. The final result of all these categories is 77.2% and is categorized Agree that students' belief in the importance of positive English learning is high (rxy = 0.444> rtable = 0.05 at 5%). Therefore, the final result found by researchers is that they agree on the importance of learning English is to a dakwah tool in Islamic broadcasting and communication

    Trend mapping of students' thesis in English Education Study Program of IAIN Palangka Raya

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    This research aims to map out the trend of students’ thesis in English Education Study Program of State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya from 2012 to 2016. This research belongs to qualitative approach and the design is case study research as the objective of this study is to identify, analyze, and map the thesis trend among the students of English Education Study Program of IAIN Palangka Raya. To make this research focus, writers limit the research only in mapping out the subject of the study, the topic/theme of the study, and the method of the study. The findings show that from 317 theses, junior high school students are the most targeted subject where there are 104 theses conducted on them. Meanwhile, writing is the most explored topic/theme as 88 theses are administered toward it. Lastly, there are 139 of theses by the students of English Education Study Program of IAIN Palangka Raya from 2012 to 2016 that apply experiment method which makes it becomes the most used method

    Correlation between metacognitive strategies and listening comprehension of the 4th semester students of English department at IAIN Palangka Raya

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    The purposes of this research are (1) to find out how metacognitive awareness strategies applied by 4th semester students of IAIN Palangka Raya in the learning process; (2) to find out the listening ability of 4th semester students of IAIN Palangka Raya; and (3) to find out whether or not there is correlation between metacognitive strategy and listening comprehension. The research belongs to the quantitative approach, and the design is correlation study. There are 63 students as the samples of this research that taken by using total sampling and purposive sampling technique. The data are collected by using three instruments, they are MALQ (Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire), Listening TOEFL score and interview. The data are analyzed by using pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The result showed that r-obtained (-0.127) is lower than r-table (0.248), then the level of probability (p) significance (sig.2-tailed) is .321. Subsequently, p value (.321) is higher than 0.05. Then, it means that there is no correlation between metacognitive strategies and listening comprehension. On the other words, students’ metacognitive strategies are not a dominant factor that affect their listening comprehension

    Correlation between Students’ Anxiety and Speaking Ability at English Department of IAIN Palangka Raya

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    This study was focused to find out if there is or not any correlation between students’ anxiety and speaking ability at the 3rd semester students of English Department IAIN Palangka Raya. The method of this research was quantitative and correlation was the design of the research. The sample of the research was the 3rd semester students of English Department at IAIN Palangka Raya consisting of 30 students taken by cluster random sampling technique. The instruments were questionnaire and speaking test. The first instrument was FLCAS questionnaire sheet developed by Horwitz et.al (1986), and the second instrument was speaking test. The result of this research showed that the result of r calculation for students’ anxiety and their speaking test is -.269. Based on the table of interpretation of r value, the result of r calculated (-.269) is between 0.200 and 0.400, This value shows that there is a negative correlation in low correlation criteria. From the significance (2 tailed), the writers get the score .151. It means r>0.05 which showed Ho cannot be rejected. The result explained that there is a correlation between two variables, students’ anxiety and speaking ability of 3rd semester students of English Department IAIN Palangka Raya


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    Language variations in terms of usage are known as registers. This study examines the form and meaning of registers of vegetable traders in the modern traditional Kahayan market of Palangkaraya Municipality. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research which involved five informants in Kahayan Modern Traditional Market Palangkaraya Municipality based on sampling technique the criteria needed. Collecting the data, the researcher utilized three instruments  which  were observation, interview and documentation. (1) This study attempts to describe the form of registers of vegetable traders in the modern traditional Kahayan market, Palangkaraya Municipality. (2) This  study attempts to describe the meaning of the register of vegetable traders in the modern traditional Kahayan market, Palangkaraya Municipality. The data were analyzed using the listen, note and tapping technique. Data were analyzed using triangulation method. The results of this study are that the first is that there is a clitic form of the entlithic type and the phrase. Second, the meaning of registering vegetable traders in the traditional Kahayan market, Palangkaraya, Kota Madya, is instrumental, provides an opportunity, and interaction function shows feelings. Keywords:  Vegetable Seller Register, Analysis Language, and Traditional Marke

    The Effect of Reflective Journaling on Writing Skills of English As a Foreign Language Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Reflective journaling defined as a development-oriented assessment in which contributes students to reach potential capabilities through analyzing their learning process. The students engaged in reflection of their learning process through reflective journal writing. The present study focused to investigate the effect of reflective journaling on writing skills of English as A Foreign Language (EFL) students. Two classes of twelfth grade students in a state Islamic school were involved in the study. The participants were assigned to two groups (experimental and control) and involved in writing test. Experimental group was provided by reflective journal template adapted from Gibb’s Reflective Cycle. The analysis was significant with p value was 0.024 in which less than critical value 0.05. The results indicated that students who used reflective journal significantly different compared to those do not use it

    The History of 90s English Curriculum in Indonesia

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    From ancient times until now, the curriculum has been a pillar in the education system. This also applies to English education. However, in Indonesia, the English curriculum in the 90's was not maximized. That is why this paper was made, namely to study history and be able to take lessons in order to develop the English curriculum to be maximized for use in the education system in Indonesia today. The method used in this research is the Qualitative Research and Library Research method, because this method is the most suitable method in historical research. In this research, it is found that Indonesia has experienced 12 curriculum changes from the 90's until now, as well as the application of English language learning, whose role changes along with the changes in the national learning curriculum in Indonesia. This article explains the history of the curriculum in Indonesia from the past to the present, especially explaining the English curriculum in Indonesia in the 90s