29 research outputs found

    Ultra-light disposable radio probes for atmospheric monitoring

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    Representation of clouds remains a latent ambiguity for weather forecasting and climate models since their characteristics depends on multidisciplinary processes in a wide range of natural scales, from the collision of micron-sized droplets and particles to the thousand-of-meters scale of airflow dynamics. Within the Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network Cloud-MicroPhysics-Turbulence-Telemetry (ITN-COMPLETE), the development of ultra-small light disposable radio probes for fluctuation-inside-cloudsmonitoring is promoted and financed. Being light-weighted (less than 20 grams), the probes will have a fluid-dynamic behavior to allow them to “float” inside warm clouds after been released by an aircraft or an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Each disposable probe is equipped with compact size microprocessors (presently the first prototype uses Arduino© Nano), controllers and a set of sensors for the measurement of atmospheric parameters such as velocity, acceleration, pressure, temperature and humidity variations. All probes are part of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) world. In fact, while floating, they collect, store and then send the coded information to a base station located at the ground through a dedicated radio transmission link. It is to be noted that long-range communication link (10 km) should be assured with low power consumption technology: a network based on the Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN© protocol) to connect and exchange data within the end-modules and the base station is the potential adopted solution. As far as possible biocompatible elements within the mini ultra-light radio probes will be used to avoid any environmental pollution


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    Characterization of atmospheric properties remains a latent ambiguity for weather forecasting and climate models since their characteristics depends on multidisciplinary processes in a wide range of natural scales. The development of ultra-small light disposable radio probes is important to understand this properties Being light-weighted, the probes will have a fluiddifferent atmospheric layers after been released, thus simulating the behaviour of small particles (e.g. drops). Each disposable probe is equipped with compact size microprocessors (presently the first prototype uses velocity, acceleration, pressure, temperature). The probes collect, store and then send the coded information to a base station located at the ground through a dedicated radio transmission link. It is to be noted that longrange communication link (10 km) should be assured with low power consumption technology: a network -modules and the base station is the potential adopted solution. In order to realize the communication system for the atmospheric probes, some prototypal links and networks have bene realized using the Adafruit Feather 32u4 LoRa Radio RFM95 modules. It is an embedded module, which contains a LoRa transceiver RFM95 and an ATmega32u4 microcontroller. The radio module can be powered using 3.3 volts either by using a micro USB or an external battery and it can transmit from +5 dBm to +20 dBm, which are theoretically enough for the purpose of this study. The present work presents the preliminary measurements made both in indoor and outdoor environment considering differ find the best set of parameters to work in the harsh environment to acquire information about warm clouds and send them to the ground receiver. Particularly detailed measurements have been made in harsh environmental found inside a warm cloud. The measurements techniques and results are presented together with the realization of a first operational prototype of both probes and ground receiver

    Feasibility Analysis of a LoRa-Based WSN Using Public Transport

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    LoRa (Long Range) is a proprietary radio communication technology exploiting license-free frequency bands, allowing low-rate information exchange over long distances with very low power consumption. Conventional environmental monitoring sensors have the disadvantage of being in fixed positions and distributed over wide areas, thus providing measurements with a spatially insufficient level of detail. Since public transport vehicles travel continuously within cities, they are ideal to house portable monitoring systems for environmental pollution and meteorological parameters. The paper presents a feasibility analysis of aWireless Sensor Network (WSN) to collect this information from the vehicles conveying it to a central node for processing. The communication system is realized by deploying a layer-structured, fault-resistant, multi-hop Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) based on the LoRa technology. Both a theoretical study about electromagnetic propagation and network architecture are addressed with consideration of potential practical network realization

    Progress on the realization of a LoRa® based communication system for atmospheric monitoring probes

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    The work presents the progress on the realization of the communication system realized for atmospheric monitoring probes. The realization of a link based on the Long Range (LoRa®) technology to connect and exchange data between the probes and the base station located on the ground is the potential adopted solution. After a brief description of the whole project, the realization of the first prototypal transmission system using Adafruit® Feather 32u4 LoRa Radio RFM95 embedded modules is described. First propagation measurements and results are presented

    Covid-19 and its repercussion on the nutritional Status and gestational Anemia from sociodemographic-obstetric factors

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    Introduction: Currently, the impact of COVID-19 on sociodemographic and obstetric factors, linked to nutritional status and anemia in pregnant women, represents a significant change in management and healthcare paradigms. Objectives: To consider a multiple logistic regression model and multiple comparisons (Mann-Whitney U test) based on sociodemographic-obstetric factors, nutritional status and anemia in pregnant women before and during Covid-19. Methods: In this study, 113 medical records of pregnant women attended between November 2019 and April 2020 at a Hospital II-1 in Trujillo, Peru were analyzed. Multiple logistic regression model showed a good fit and allowed to correctly classify most of pregnant women. Results: The covariates; employment situation, obstetric history, nutritional condition and anemia were significant. Differences were observed between sociodemographic factors such as employment status, obstetric factors such as obstetric history, and factors related to nutritional status and clinical symptoms of anemia. Conclusions: The impact of COVID-19 reflected in the relationships between sociodemographic and obstetric factors with nutritional status and the anemia diagnosed in pregnant women treated in a Hospital II-1 in Trujillo, Peru, was evidenced

    El paradigma de la investigación científica en el Perú y el canon minero

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    La presente investigación analiza el paradigma de la investigación científica en el Perú y la Ley del Canon Minero promulgada en julio de 2001, que ha sido modificada cuatro veces. En la investigación, de tipo documental-longitudinal, se ha tomado como referencia la Ley 29289 referida a la Ley de Presupuesto del Sector Público para el Año Fiscal 2009, la misma que establece que los recursos del canon, sobrecanon y regalías mineras no podrán utilizarse, en ningún caso, para el pago de remuneraciones o retribuciones de cualquier índole.El paradigma de toda universidad es hacer investigación, misión que se contempla en el artículo 1º de la Ley Universitaria 23733. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que las investigaciones en las universidades son insuficientes. A ello debemos sumar los problemas de índole político-motivacional que originan la escasa presentación de proyectos de investigación por parte de las universidades públicas con financiamiento del canon; y con la última modificatoria, introducida por la Ley 29626, se retrocede aún más en el apoyo económico asignado anualmente a la universidad.Es tarea del gobierno, de los políticos, de los docentes, de los estudiantes universitarios y de la sociedad- empresa concertar para superar nuestras limitaciones y deficiencias en el tema de investigación.Palabras clave: Ley del Canon Minero, Ley 29289, remuneraciones, investigación, universidades públicas.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/CienciayDesarrollo.2012.v15i1.0

    Morbilidad materna neonatal relacionado con la depresión y calidad de vida posparto

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    Introduction: Neonatal maternal morbidity and postpartum depression with quality of life are not only a medical, social and psychological problem that affects women during the postpartum period, but also leaves sequelae of permanent damage to the mother's health. Objective: To determine the relationship between neonatal maternal morbidity with depression and postpartum quality of life in women cared for in the Micro Maternal and Child Network of Cachicadán, 2017. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive investigation was carried out in 72 puerperal women. Data on neonatal maternal morbidity were collected from Perinatal Medical Records and two questionnaires were applied: Edinburgh Scale and the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire. Result: It was found that maternal morbidity is: hemorrhages (mostly Uterine Atonía with 36.1%), infections (mainly Urinary Tract with 61.1%), perineum injuries (mainly Tear I with 41.7%), pain (mainly intense with 97.2%), use of analgesia (5.6%) and visits to the emergency room after maternal discharge (80.6%). Neonatal morbidity is: respiratory distress (2.8%), infections at 48 hours (2.8%), admission to the neonatal unit (2.8%), low birth weight (8.3%), post-term gestational age (16.7%) and visits to the emergency room after discharge (80.6%). Conclusion: that postpartum depression (mostly Moderate with 58.3%) is related to perineal injuries and visits to the emergency room after maternal discharge (p <0.05) and with the gestational age of the newborn. Postpartum Quality of Life (mostly Regular with 55.6%) is not related to any postpartum maternal morbidity (p> 0.05) and is related to the gestational age of the neonate (p <0.05). Key words: Neonatal maternal morbidity, postpartum depression and postpartum quality of life.Introducción: La morbilidad materna neonatal y la depresión posparto con la calidad de vida no solo un problema medico social y psicológico que afecta a la mujer durante el posparto, sino que deja secuelas de daño permanente en la salud de la madre. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre l_a morbilidad materna neonatal con la depresión y calidad de vida posparto en mujeres atendidas en la Micro Red Materno Infantil de Cachicadán, 2017. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal en 72 puérperas. Se recolectaron datos sobre la morbilidad materna neonatal de Historias Clínicas Perinatales y se aplicaron dos cuestionarios: Escala de Edimburgo y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida SF-36. Resultado: Se encontró que la morbilidad materna es: hemorragias (mayormente Atonía Uterina con 36,1%), infecciones (principalmente del Tracto Urinario con 61,1%), lesiones de periné (principalmente Desgarro I con 41,7%), dolor (principalmente intenso con 97,2%), uso analgesia (5,6%) y visitas a urgencias tras el alta materna (80,6%). La morbilidad neonatal es: distrés respiratorio (2,8%), infecciones a las 48 horas (2,8%), ingreso a la unidad de neonatos (2,8%), bajo peso al nacer (8,3%), edad gestacional pos término (16,7%) y visitas a urgencias tras el alta (80,6%). Conclusión: que la depresión posparto (mayormente Moderada con 58,3%) se relaciona con las lesiones de periné y las visitas a urgencias tras el alta materna (p<0,05) y con la edad gestacional del neonato. La Calidad de Vida posparto (mayormente Regular con 55,6%) no se relaciona con ninguna morbilidad materna posparto (p>0,05) y si con la edad gestacional del neonato (p<0,05)

    Impacto de la COVID-19 en el estilo de vida materno y vínculo de apego madre-recién nacido

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    Introduction: mothers with newborn children became an easy target of the COVID-19 pandemic, their lives today revolve around avoiding its contagion and spread due to the confinement in which they live. Objective: determine the impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between lifestyle and the bond of mother-newborn attachment in a Hospital in Peru. Methods: an explanatory, descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional design was carried out, with a population of 1020 puerperal women and a sample of 103 puerperal women. The sampling was stratified by the presence or absence of COVID-19 in puerperal women. The variables were lifestyles, described by: practice of physical activity, quality of life, rest and sleep, physical health and social integrity, and bonding mother-newborn. Spearman's correlation, discriminant analysis and Wilcoxon's test were used. Results: in both groups of puerperal women made up of 51 with COVID-19 and 52 without COVID-19, the lifestyles were regular (66.7% and 55.8 %), good bonding mother-newborn (64.7%) and regular (55.8 %), intense (62.7 %) and moderate (61.5 %) physical activity, healthy diet (84.3% and 69.2 %), adequate rest and sleep (54, 9 % and 75.0 %), good (62.7 %) and fair (63.5 %) mental health and self-esteem, and high (68.6 %) and medium (67.3 %) social integration. Conclusions: COVID-19 had a significant impact (p <0.05) on the relationship between lifestyles and the bond of maternal attachment with the newborn, with rest and sleep being a determining factor of the impact of COVID-19.Objetivo: Determinar el impacto de la COVID-19 en la relación existente entre el estilo de vida y el vínculo del apego madre-recién nacido en un hospital de Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una investigación explicativa, descriptiva-correlacional, de diseño transversal, con una población de 1020 puérperas y una muestra de 103 participantes. El muestreo fue estratificado por la presencia o no de COVID-19 en la población de estudio. Las variables fueron los estilos de vida (que incluye práctica de actividad física, calidad de vida, descanso y sueño, salud metal e integridad social) y el vínculo de apego madre-recién nacido. Se empleó la correlación de Spearman, análisis discriminante y la prueba de Wilcoxon. Resultados: La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 51 puérperas con COVID-19 y 52 que no presentaron la enfermedad. Los estilos de vida fueron regulares en el 66,67 % y 55,77 %, respectivamente. En el primer grupo (con COVID-19), el vínculo de apego madre-recién nacido fue bueno (64,71 %), la práctica de actividad física resultó intensa (62,75 %) con una dieta saludable en el 84,31 % de los casos, el descanso y sueño fueron adecuados (54,90 %), la salud mental y autoestima se calificaron como buenas en el 62,74 %, y la integración social resultó alta (68,63 %). En el segundo grupo (pacientes sin COVID-19), el vínculo de apego madre-recién nacido fue regular (55,76 %), un 61,54 % tuvo una práctica de actividad física moderada, la dieta fue saludable en el 69,23 % de los casos, el descanso y el sueño fueron adecuados (75,00 %), la salud mental y autoestima tuvieron un nivel regular (63,47 %), y la integración social fue calificada como media (67,31 %). Conclusiones: La COVID-19 tuvo un impacto significativo (p < 0,05) sobre la relación entre estilos de vida y el vínculo de apego materno con el recién nacido. El componente descanso y sueño fue un factor determinante del impacto de la COVID-19


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    The present work tries to characterize psychopathologically the "scare" as a cultural syndrome. For which two phases were designed: analysis of the object of study and design of an explanatory model of this cultural syndrome and another phase to develop a model that allows knowing the therapeutic efficacy of shamanism. The population consisted of 50 inhabitants of the district of Mórrope, who presented the Cultural Syndrome “scare”. An etiology caused by stressful events that affects functionality and quality of life was found, with symptoms such as: lack of mood, anorexia, body pain, sleep disorder and nocturnal fear, and trembling in the body; Also, anxiety, abnormal beliefs (harm, witchcraft), sleep disorders including nightmares, these episodes last from 1 to 3 weeks. It is concluded that the scare was characterized psychopathologically presenting a particular symptomatology that is assumed to be dependent on the territory and culture.El presente trabajo pretende caracterizar psicopatológicamente el “susto” como síndrome cultural.  Para lo cual se diseñaron dos fases: análisis del objeto de estudio y diseño de un modelo explicativo de este síndrome cultural y otra fase para elaborar un modelo que permita conocer la eficacia terapéutica del chamanismo. La población estuvo conformada por 50 habitantes del distrito de Mórrope, que presentaron el Síndrome Cultural “susto”. Se encontró una etiología causada por eventos estresantes que afecta la funcionalidad y calidad de vida, con síntomas como: falta de ánimo, anorexia, dolor corporal, trastorno del sueño y temor nocturno, y temblor en el cuerpo; también ansiedad, creencias anormales (el daño, la brujería), trastornos del sueño que incluyen pesadillas nocturnas, estos episodios tienen una duración de 1 a 3 semanas. Se concluye que el susto fue caracterizado psicopatológicamente presentando una sintomatología particular que se asume es dependiente del territorio y la cultura. &nbsp