65 research outputs found

    Esthesioneuroblastoma is not a member of the primitive peripheral neuroectodermal tumour-Ewing’s group

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    Esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB) is a rare, site-specific, locally aggressive neuronal malignancy so far thought to belong to primitive peripheral neuroectodermal tumour-Ewing's tumour (pPNETs-ETs). Its anatomical location, in addition to morphologic, immunophenotypic and ultrastructural features, suggests its origin in the neuronal or neuroendocrine cells of the olfactory epithelium. However, the cytogenetic and molecular data currently available appear controversial on the presence of the typical translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12) and of trisomy 8, chromosomal changes that characterize the tumours belonging to the pPNETs-ETs. Herein we have analysed five ENB tumour specimens for trisomy 8 by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), for the presence of EWS gene rearrangements by FISH, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analyses, as well as for the expression of the Ewing sarcoma-associated MIC2 antigen by immunohistochemistry. Neither EWS/FLI-I, EWS/ERG and EWS/FEV fusion genes nor MIC2 expression were found in any tumour, whereas trisomy 8 was found in one case only. Moreover, DNA from three cases analysed by Southern blot did not show EWS gene rearrangements. Our results support the evidence that ENB is not a member of the pPNETs-ETs. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Black shale deposition during Toarcian super-greenhouse driven by sea level

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    One of the most elusive aspects of the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE) is the paradox between carbon isotopes that indicate intense global primary productivity and organic carbon burial at a global scale, and the delayed expression of anoxia in Europe. During the earliest Toarcian, no black shales were deposited in the European epicontinental seaways, and most organic carbon enrichment of the sediments postdated the end of the overarching positive trend in the carbon isotopes that characterises the T-OAE. In the present study, we have attempted to establish a sequence stratigraphic framework for Early Toarcian deposits recovered from a core drilled in the Paris Basin using a combination of mineralogical (quartz and clay relative abundance) and geochemical (Si, Zr, Ti and Al) measurements. Combined with the evolution in redox sensitive elements (Fe, V and Mo), the data suggest that expression of anoxia was hampered in European epicontinental seas during most of the T-OAE (defined by the positive carbon isotope trend) due to insufficient water depth that prevented stratification of the water column. Only the first stratigraphic occurrence of black shales in Europe corresponds to the "global" event. This interval is characterised by >10% Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content that contains relatively low concentration of molybdenum compared to subsequent black shale horizons. Additionally, this first black shale occurrence is coeval with the record of the major negative Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE), likely corresponding to a period of transient greenhouse intensification likely due to massive injection of carbon into the atmosphere–ocean system. As a response to enhanced weathering and riverine run-off, increased fresh water supply to the basin may have promoted the development of full anoxic conditions through haline stratification of the water column. In contrast, post T-OAE black shales during the <i>serpentinum</i> and <i>bifrons</i> Zones were restricted to epicontinental seas (higher Mo to TOC ratios) during a period of relative high sea level, and carbon isotopes returning to pre-T-OAE values. Comparing palaeoredox proxies with the inferred sequence stratigraphy for Sancerre suggests that episodes of short-term organic carbon enrichment were primarily driven by third-order sea level changes. These black shales exhibit remarkably well-expressed higher-frequency cyclicities in the oxygen availability in the water column whose nature has still to be determined through cyclostratigraphic analysis

    Equatorial heat accumulation as a long-term trigger of permanent Antarctic ice sheets during the Cenozoic

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    Growth of the first permanent Antarctic ice sheets at the Eocene−Oligocene Transition (EOT), ∼33.7 million years ago, indicates a major climate shift within long-term Cenozoic cooling. The driving mechanisms that set the stage for this glaciation event are not well constrained, however, owing to large uncertainties in temperature reconstructions during the Eocene, especially at lower latitudes. To address this deficiency, we used recent developments in coccolith biogeochemistry to reconstruct equatorial Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric pCO2 values from pelagic sequences preceding and spanning the EOT. We found significantly more variability in equatorial SSTs than previously reported, with pronounced cooling from the Early to Middle Eocene and subsequent warming during the Late Eocene. Thus, we show that the Antarctic glaciation at the Eocene−Oligocene boundary was preceded by a period of heat accumulation in the low latitudes, likely focused in a progressively contracting South Atlantic gyre, which contributed to cooling high-latitude austral regions. This prominent redistribution of heat corresponds to the emplacement of a strong meridional temperature gradient that typifies icehouse climate conditions. Our equatorial coccolith-derived geochemical record thus highlights an important period of global climatic and oceanic upheaval, which began 4 million years before the EOT and, superimposed on a long-term pCO2 decline, drove the Earth system toward a glacial tipping point in the Cenozoic

    Constraints on the vital effect in coccolithophore and dinoflagellate calcite by oxygen isotopic modification of seawater

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    In this study, we show that there are independent controls of 18O/16O and 13C/12C fractionation in coccolithophore and dinoflagellate calcite due to the contrasting kinetics of each isotope system. We demonstrate that the direction and magnitude of the oxygen isotope fractionation with respect to equilibrium is related to the balance between calcification rate and the replenishment of the internal pool of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). As such, in fast growing cells, such as those of Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica (forming the so-called "heavy group"), calcification of the internal carbon pool occurs faster than complete isotopic re-adjustment of the internal DIC pool with H2O molecules. Hence, coccoliths reflect the heavy oxygen isotope signature of the CO2 overprinting the whole DIC pool. Conversely, in large and slow growing cells, such as Coccolithus pelagicus ssp. braarudii, complete re-equilibration is achieved due to limited influx of CO2 leading to coccoliths that are precipitated in conditions close to isotopic equilibrium ("equilibrium group"). Species exhibiting the most negative oxygen isotope composition, such as Calcidiscus leptoporus ("light group"), precipitate coccolith under increased pH in the coccolith vesicle, as previously documented by the "carbonate ion effect". We suggest that, for the carbon isotope system, any observed deviation from isotopic equilibrium is only "apparent", as the carbon isotopic composition in coccolith calcite is controlled by a Rayleigh fractionation originating from preferential incorporation of 12C into organic matter. Therefore, species with low PIC/POC ratios as E. huxleyi and G. oceanica are shifted towards positive carbon isotope values as a result of predominant carbon fixation into the organic matter. By contrast, cells with higher PIC/POC as C. braarudii and C. leptoporus maintain, to some extent, the original negative isotopic composition of the CO2. The calcareous dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii exhibits different behaviour for both isotopic systems, in particular with respect to its very negative carbon isotope composition, owing to coeval intra and extracellular biomineralisation in this group. In this study, we also investigate the sensitivity of 18O/16O fractionation to varying ambient oxygen isotope composition of the medium for inorganic, coccolithophore, and dinoflagellate calcite precipitated under controlled laboratory conditions. The varying responses of different taxa to increased oxygen isotope composition of the growth medium may point to a potential bias in sea surface temperature reconstructions that are based on the oxygen isotopic compositions of sedimentary calcite, especially during times of changing seawater oxygen isotopic composition. Overall, this study represent an important step towards establishing a mechanistic understanding of the "vital effect" in coccolith and dinoflagellate calcite, and provides valuable information for interpreting the geochemistry of the calcareous nannofossils in the sedimentary record, at both monospecific and interspecies levels

    Temperature dependence of oxygen isotope fractionation in coccolith calcite: A culture and core top calibration of the genus Calcidiscus

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    Reconstructions of seawater temperature based on measurement of oxygen isotopes in carbonates mostly derive from analyses of bulk sediment samples or manually picked foraminifera. The temperature dependence of 18O fractionation in biogenic calcite was first established in the 1950s and the objective of the present study is to re-evaluate this temperature dependence in coccolith calcite with a view to developing a robust proxy for reconstructing " vital effect" -free δ18O values. Coccoliths, the micron-sized calcite scales produced by haptophyte algae that inhabit surface mixed-layer waters, are a dominant component of pelagic sediments. Despite their small size, recent methodological developments allow species-specific separation (and thus isotopic analysis) of coccoliths from bulk sediments. This is especially the case for Calcidiscus spp. coccoliths that are relatively easy to separate out from other sedimentary carbonate grains including other coccolith taxa. Three strains of coccolithophores belonging to the genus Calcidiscus and characterised by distinct cell and coccolith diameters were grown in the laboratory under controlled temperature conditions over a range from 15 to 26°C. The linear relationship that relates 18O fractionation to the temperature of calcificationis here calibrated by the equation: T [°C]=-5.83×(δ18OCalcidiscus-δ18Omedium)+4.83 (r=0.98). The slope of the regression is offset of ∼-1.1‰ from that of equilibrium calcite. This offset corresponds to the physiologically induced isotopic effect or " vital effect" The direction of fractionation towards light isotopic values is coherent with previous reports, but the intensity of fractionation in our dilute batch cultures was significantly closer to equilibrium compared to previously reported offset values. No significant isotopic difference was found between the three Calcidiscus coccolithophores, ruling out a control of the cell geometry on oxygen isotope fractionation within species of this genus. This also indicates that our culture calibration may be applied to all Calcidiscus coccoliths found in the sediment. We compared the culture calibration to δ18O measured from near-monogeneric Calcidiscus fractions separated out from core top sediments. We found concordant 18O fractionation factors for the core top calibration with a good linear coefficient (r=0.94). The near-monogeneric Calcidiscus assemblages seem, however, to record slightly heaviest δ18O values compared to the data of culture study. This discrepancy may be due to a possible seasonality effect on the production of Calcidiscus coccoliths. The uncertainty of the calibration is of similar magnitude to those of other proxies used for SST reconstruction, such as foraminiferal δ18O or the alkenone undersaturation index. This confirms that coccoliths can be used as a complementary or alternative substrate to foraminiferal shells for isotopic analyses. Comparing δ18O of coccoliths to these other SST proxies, or developing an interspecific comparison of coccolith geochemistry may give insights into the carbonate chemistry of seawater through key periods of the geological record. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd
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