39 research outputs found

    ALMA Uncovers Highly Filamentary Structure toward the Sgr E Region

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    We report on the discovery of linear filaments observed in the CO(1-0) emission for a āˆ¼2ā€² field of view toward the Sgr E star-forming region, centered at (l, b) = (358.Ā°720, 0.Ā°011). The Sgr E region is thought to be at the turbulent intersection of the ā€œfar dust laneā€ associated with the Galactic bar and the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). This region is subject to strong accelerations, which are generally thought to inhibit star formation, yet Sgr E contains a large number of H ii regions. We present 12CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and C18O(1-0) spectral line observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and provide measurements of the physical and kinematic properties for two of the brightest filaments. These filaments have widths (FWHMs) of āˆ¼0.1 pc and are oriented nearly parallel to the Galactic plane, with angles from the Galactic plane of āˆ¼2Ā°. The filaments are elongated, with lower-limit aspect ratios of āˆ¼5:1. For both filaments, we detect two distinct velocity components that are separated by about 15 km sāˆ’1. In the C18O spectral line data, with āˆ¼0.09 pc spatial resolution, we find that these velocity components have relatively narrow (āˆ¼1-2 km sāˆ’1) FWHM line widths when compared to other sources toward the Galactic center. The properties of these filaments suggest that the gas in the Sgr E complex is being ā€œstretched,ā€ as it is rapidly accelerated by the gravitational field of the Galactic bar while falling toward the CMZ, a result that could provide insights into the extreme environment surrounding this region and the large-scale processes that fuel this environment

    Astro2020 Science White Paper: What is the lifecycle of gas and stars in galaxy centers?

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    The closest galaxy center, our own Central Molecular Zone (CMZ; the central 500 pc of the Milky Way), is a powerful laboratory for studying the secular processes that shape galaxies across cosmic time, from large-scale gas flows and star formation to stellar feedback and interaction with a central supermassive black hole. Research over the last decade has revealed that the process of converting gas into stars in galaxy centers differs from that in galaxy disks. The CMZ is the only galaxy center in which we can identify and weigh individual forming stars, so it is the key location to establish the physical laws governing star formation and feedback under the conditions that dominate star formation across cosmic history. Large-scale surveys of molecular and atomic gas within the inner kiloparsec of the Milky Way (~10 degrees) will require efficient mapping capabilities on single-dish radio telescopes. Characterizing the detailed star formation process will require large-scale, high-resolution surveys of the protostellar populations and small-scale gas structure with dedicated surveys on the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, and eventually with the James Webb Space Telescope, the Next Generation Very Large Array, and the Origins Space Telescope

    The Morpho-kinematic architecture of super star clusters in the center of NGC 253

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    The center of the nearby galaxy NGC 253 hosts a population of more than a dozen super star clusters (SSCs) that are still in the process of forming. The majority of the star formation of the burst is concentrated in these SSCs, and the starburst is powering a multiphase outflow from the galaxy. In this work, we measure the 350 GHz dust continuum emission toward the center of NGC 253 at 47 mas (0.8 pc) resolution using data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. We report the detection of 350 GHz (dust) continuum emission in the outflow for the first time, associated with the prominent South-West streamer. In this feature, the dust emission has a width of ā‰ˆ8 pc, is located at the outer edge of the CO emission, and corresponds to a molecular gas mass of āˆ¼(8ā€“17)Ɨ106 MāŠ™. In the starburst nucleus, we measure the resolved radial profiles, sizes, and molecular gas masses of the SSCs. Compared to previous work at the somewhat lower spatial resolution, the SSCs here break apart into smaller substructures with radii 0.4ā€“0.7 pc. In projection, the SSCs, dust, and dense molecular gas appear to be arranged as a thin, almost linear, structure roughly 155 pc in length. The morphology and kinematics of this structure can be well explained as gas following x2 orbits at the center of a barred potential. We constrain the morpho-kinematic arrangement of the SSCs themselves, finding that an elliptical, angular-momentum-conserving ring is a good description of both the morphology and kinematics of the SSCs

    VLASSICK: The VLA Sky Survey in the Central Kiloparsec

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    At a distance of 8 kpc, the center of our Galaxy is the nearest galactic nucleus, and has been the subject of numerous key projects undertaken by great observatories such as Chandra, Spitzer, and Herschel. However, there are still no surveys of molecular gas properties in the Galactic center with less than 30" (1 pc) resolution. There is also no sensitive polarization survey of this region, despite numerous nonthermal magnetic features apparently unique to the central 300 parsecs. In this paper, we outline the potential the VLASS has to fill this gap. We assess multiple considerations in observing the Galactic center, and recommend a C-band survey with 10 micro-Jy continuum RMS and sensitive to molecular gas with densities greater than 10^4 cm^{-3}, covering 17 square degrees in both DnC and CnB configurations ( resolution ~5"), totaling 750 hours of observing time. Ultimately, we wish to note that the upgraded VLA is not just optimized for fast continuum surveys, but has a powerful correlator capable of simultaneously observing continuum emission and dozens of molecular and recombination lines. This is an enormous strength that should be fully exploited and highlighted by the VLASS, and which is ideally suited for surveying the center of our Galaxy

    The 492 GHz emission of Sgr A* constrained by ALMA

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    We report linearly polarized continuum emission properties of Sgr A* at āˆ¼\sim492 GHz, based on the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) observations. We used the observations of the likely unpolarized continuum emission of Titan, and the observations of C\textsc{i} line emission, to gauge the degree of spurious polarization. The Stokes I flux of 3.6Ā±\pm0.72 Jy during our run is consistent with extrapolations from the previous, lower frequency observations. We found that the continuum emission of Sgr A* at āˆ¼\sim492 GHz shows large amplitude differences between the XX and the YY correlations. The observed intensity ratio between the XX and YY correlations as a function of parallactic angle may be explained by a constant polarization position angle of āˆ¼\sim158āˆ˜^{\circ}Ā±\pm3āˆ˜^{\circ}. The fitted polarization percentage of Sgr A* during our observational period is 14\%Ā±\pm1.2\%. The calibrator quasar J1744-3116 we observed at the same night can be fitted to Stokes I = 252 mJy, with 7.9\%Ā±\pm0.9\% polarization in position angle P.A. = 4.1āˆ˜^{\circ}Ā±\pm4.2āˆ˜^{\circ}. The observed polarization percentage and polarization position angle in the present work appear consistent with those expected from longer wavelength observations in the period of 1999-2005. In particular, the polarization position angle at 492 GHz, expected from the previously fitted 167āˆ˜^{\circ}Ā±\pm7āˆ˜^{\circ} intrinsic polarization position angle and (-5.6Ā±\pm0.7)Ɨ\times105^{5} rotation measure, is 155āˆ’8+9^{+9}_{-8}, which is consistent with our new measurement of polarization position angle within 1Ļƒ\sigma. The polarization percentage and the polarization position angle may be varying over the period of our ALMA 12m Array observations, which demands further investigation with future polarization observations

    Star formation in a high-pressure environment: An SMA view of the Galactic centre dust ridge

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    The star formation rate in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) is an order of magnitude lower than predicted according to star formation relations that have been calibrated in the disc of our own and nearby galaxies. Understanding how and why star formation appears to be different in this region is crucial if we are to understand the environmental dependence of the star formation process. Here, we present the detection of a sample of high-mass cores in the CMZ's "dust ridge" that have been discovered with the Submillimeter Array as part of the CMZoom survey. These cores range in mass from ~ 50 - 2150 Msun within radii of 0.1 - 0.25 pc. All appear to be young (pre-UCHII), meaning that they are prime candidates for representing the initial conditions of high-mass stars and sub-clusters. We report that at least two of these cores ('c1' and 'e1') contain young, high-mass protostars. We compare all of the detected cores with high-mass cores in the Galactic disc and find that they are broadly similar in terms of their masses and sizes, despite being subjected to external pressures that are several orders of magnitude greater - ~ 10^8 K/cm^3, as opposed to ~ 10^5 K/cm^3. The fact that > 80% of these cores do not show any signs of star-forming activity in such a high-pressure environment leads us to conclude that this is further evidence for an increased critical density threshold for star formation in the CMZ due to turbulence

    High-mass star-forming cloud G0.38+0.04 in the Galactic Center Dust Ridge contains H2CO and SiO masers

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    We have discovered a new H2_2CO (formaldehyde) 11,0āˆ’11,11_{1,0}-1_{1,1} 4.82966 GHz maser in Galactic Center Cloud C, G0.38+0.04. At the time of submission, this is the eighth region containing an H2_2CO maser detected in the Galaxy. Cloud C is one of only two sites of confirmed high-mass star formation along the Galactic Center Ridge, affirming that H2_2CO masers are exclusively associated with high-mass star formation. This discovery led us to search for other masers, among which we found new SiO vibrationally excited masers, making this the fourth star-forming region in the Galaxy to exhibit SiO maser emission. Cloud C is also a known source of CH3_3OH Class-II and OH maser emission. There are now two known SiO and H2_2CO maser containing regions in the CMZ, compared to two and six respectively in the Galactic disk, while there is a relative dearth of H2_2O and CH3_3OH Class-II masers in the CMZ. SiO and H2_2CO masers may be preferentially excited in the CMZ, perhaps due to higher gas-phase abundances from grain destruction and heating, or alternatively H2_2O and CH3_3OH maser formation may be suppressed in the CMZ. In any case, Cloud C is a new testing ground for understanding maser excitation conditions

    The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre - II. Spatial structure and kinematics of simulated clouds

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    The evolution of molecular clouds in galactic centres is thought to differ from that in galactic discs due to a significant influence of the external gravitational potential. We present a set of numerical simulations of molecular clouds orbiting on the 100-pc stream of the Central Molecular Zone (the central āˆ¼500\sim500 pc of the Galaxy) and characterise their morphological and kinematic evolution in response to the background potential and eccentric orbital motion. We find that the clouds are shaped by strong shear and torques, by tidal and geometric deformation, and by their passage through the orbital pericentre. Within our simulations, these mechanisms control cloud sizes, aspect ratios, position angles, filamentary structure, column densities, velocity dispersions, line-of-sight velocity gradients, spin angular momenta, and kinematic complexity. By comparing these predictions to observations of clouds on the Galactic Centre 'dust ridge', we find that our simulations naturally reproduce a broad range of key observed morphological and kinematic features, which can be explained in terms of well-understood physical mechanisms. We argue that the accretion of gas clouds onto the central regions of galaxies, where the rotation curve turns over and the tidal field is fully compressive, is accompanied by transformative dynamical changes to the clouds, leading to collapse and star formation. This can generate an evolutionary progression of cloud collapse with a common starting point, which either marks the time of accretion onto the tidally-compressive region or of the most recent pericentre passage. Together, these processes may naturally produce the synchronised starbursts observed in numerous (extra)galactic nuclei

    ALMA Uncovers Highly Filamentary Structure toward the Sgr E Region

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    We report on the discovery of linear filaments observed in the CO(1-0) emission for a āˆ¼2ā€² field of view toward the Sgr E star-forming region, centered at (l, b) = (358.Ā°720, 0.Ā°011). The Sgr E region is thought to be at the turbulent intersection of the ā€œfar dust laneā€ associated with the Galactic bar and the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). This region is subject to strong accelerations, which are generally thought to inhibit star formation, yet Sgr E contains a large number of H ii regions. We present 12CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and C18O(1-0) spectral line observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and provide measurements of the physical and kinematic properties for two of the brightest filaments. These filaments have widths (FWHMs) of āˆ¼0.1 pc and are oriented nearly parallel to the Galactic plane, with angles from the Galactic plane of āˆ¼2Ā°. The filaments are elongated, with lower-limit aspect ratios of āˆ¼5:1. For both filaments, we detect two distinct velocity components that are separated by about 15 km sāˆ’1. In the C18O spectral line data, with āˆ¼0.09 pc spatial resolution, we find that these velocity components have relatively narrow (āˆ¼1-2 km sāˆ’1) FWHM line widths when compared to other sources toward the Galactic center. The properties of these filaments suggest that the gas in the Sgr E complex is being ā€œstretched,ā€ as it is rapidly accelerated by the gravitational field of the Galactic bar while falling toward the CMZ, a result that could provide insights into the extreme environment surrounding this region and the large-scale processes that fuel this environment

    Star Formation Rates of Massive Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone

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    We investigate star formation at very early evolutionary phases in five massive clouds in the inner 500 pc of the Galaxy, the Central Molecular Zone. Using interferometer observations of H2_2O masers and ultra-compact H II regions, we find evidence of ongoing star formation embedded in cores of 0.2 pc scales and ā‰³\gtrsim105^5 cmāˆ’3^{-3} densities. Among the five clouds, Sgr C possesses a high (9%) fraction of gas mass in gravitationally bound and/or protostellar cores, and follows the dense (ā‰³\gtrsim104^4 cmāˆ’3^{-3}) gas star formation relation that is extrapolated from nearby clouds. The other four clouds have less than 1% of their cloud masses in gravitationally bound and/or protostellar cores, and star formation rates 10 times lower than predicted by the dense gas star formation relation. At the spatial scale of these cores, the star formation efficiency is comparable to that in Galactic disk sources. We suggest that the overall inactive star formation in these Central Molecular Zone clouds could be because there is much less gas confined in gravitationally bound cores, which may be a result of the strong turbulence in this region and/or the very early evolutionary stage of the clouds when collapse has only recently started