55 research outputs found
Structure sharing—The case of free relatives in Serbian
The puzzling syntax of free relative clauses (FRs) has been the subject of substantive linguistic work. The core issue, which has divided the field, has been to determine whether this type of relative clause is a complex DP whose head is a wh-pronoun or a wh-clause without the overt external head. Lately, some theoretical reconsiderations of the nature of phrase structuring or, more precisely, of the nature of the syntactic operation Merge allowed for a fresh start in this matter. In this paper, I will follow the proposal put forward by Riemsdijk (2006b) that FRs are structurally ambiguous and that they are derived through grafting, a special type of Merge. As the relevant data in Serbian show, this—still unorthodox, though theoretically legitimate—move is also empirically sound. It also provides us with a new insight into another related phenomenon in this language—the optionality of clitic placement in FRs. The analysis will also reinterpret the status of the particle god typically occurring in this type of clauses, showing why it could be viewed as a complementizer
The lexical and superlexical verbal prefix iz- and its role in the stacking of prefixes
In this paper I show that there are two distinct iz- prefixes in
Serbian: a lexical, and a superlexical one. I show that there are criteria for the distinction between the two types of verbal prefixes (restricting my claims to the superlexical prefixes that stack after the secondary imperfectivization). I focus on the lexical iz- occurring with transitive verbs and show that it can be analyzed along the same lines as the English resultative particles up and out. I also consider the role of the lexical iz- as a perfectivizer and point to the distinction between the notion of telicity and overtly marked boundedness on the lexical level. It also follows from the discussion below that a more elaborate event structure would be necessary for the analysis of superlexical iz-
Leftward movement with discontinuous appositive constructions
A rather standard generalization regarding both clausal and nominal appositives to noun phrases is that the appositive element needs to be right adjacent to its antecedent/anchor (cf. Potts 2003). The exceptions to the adjacency requirement are usually restricted to the cases of extraposition (cf. de Vries 2002 for Dutch; Cinque 2006 for Italian). In some languages, however, such as Serbian or Old English, it is possible to split the antecedent and the appositive without resorting to extraposition. Our claim is that in such cases the observed discontinuity is the result of the leftward movement of the antecedent to a higher position in the clause. We discuss the interpretative and syntactic restrictions on this operation, basing our conclusions on the data from Serbian and Old English. We show that the leftward movement account of this phenomenon is not only the most optimal one, but provides a strong argument in favour of treating appositions as specifying conjuncts, as proposed by de Vries (2002; 2006), rather than noun phrase adjuncts
Wheat and oat bran based fat replacers and their application in cookie formulation
Sporedni proizvodi dobijeni u procesu mlevenja žitarica, pšenične i ovsene mekinje, hidrotermički su tretirane u cilju dobijanja gelova, koji se, kao zamenjivači masti, mogu koristiti u formulacijama prehrambenih proizvoda. Optimizacija procesnih parametara (koncentracija mekinja, vreme homogenizacije i temperatura homogenizacije) proizvodnje gelova vršena je primenom postupka odzivne funkcije (RSM). Gelovi od pšeničnih i ovsenih mekinja, koji su pripremljeni po prethodno utvrđenim optimalnim parametrima (za pšenične mekinje: 22,0% koncentracija mekinja, vreme homogenizacije od 11,7 min i temperatura homogenizacije od 83,2°C; za ovsene mekinje: 22,0% koncentracija mekinja, vreme homogenizacije od 10,0 min i temperatura homogenizacije od 95,0°C), su, dalje, kao zamenjivači masti, bili inkorporirani u formulaciju keksa na različitim nivoima supstitucije masti (30%, 40% i 50%). Fizičke, teksturne i senzorske karakteristike keksa sa zamenjivačima masti ispitane su u poređenju sa kontrolnim (punomasnim) keksom, te je nivo zamene od 30% izabran kao najpogodniji u smislu sniženja sadržaja masti, sa jedne strane, i ostvarenja željenih karakteristika, sa druge strane. S obzirom da su proizvedeni zamenjivači masti na bazi mekinja nutritivno vredni i bogati funkcionalnim komponentama, ustanovljeno je da je dodatak ova dva funkcionalana zamenjivača masti na nivou od 30% doprineo poboljšanju nutritivnih i funkcionalnih svojstava keksa u pogledu povećanog sadržaja prehrambenih vlakana i minerala, povoljnijeg odnosa PUFA/SFA, kao i porasta sadržaja antioksidativno delotvornih komponenti.Wheat and oat brans, by-products of grain processing, were processed by hydrothermal treatments into the form of gels for partial replacement of fat in food products. Response surface methodology (RSM) approach was applied to examine the effects and to optimize process parameters (bran concentration, homogenization time and homogenization temperature). Wheat and oat bran gels prepared according to the previously determined optimal parameters (for wheat bran: 22.0% bran concentration, homogenization time of 11.7 min and homogenization temperature of 83.2 °C; for oat bran: 22.0 % bran concentration, homogenization time of 10.0 min and homogenization temperature of 95.0 °C) were further incorporated as fat substitutes into the cookie formulation at different levels of substitution (30%, 40% and 50%). The physical, texture and sensory properties of cookies with fat replacers were examined in comparison with the control (full fat) cookies, and the fat replacement level of 30% was chosen as the most suitable in terms of reducing the fat, on the one hand, and achieving the desired mentioned characteristics, on the other. Knowing that the produced fat replacers are nutritionally valuable and rich in functional components, it has been found that the addition of these two functional fat replacers at the level of 30% contributed to the improvement of the nutritional properties of cookies in terms of higher content of dietary fibers, minerals and more favourable ratio of PUFA/SFA, as well as higher content of antioxidant components
The Serbian midlle class in occupied Serbia 1941-1944.
Рад је заснован на необјављеној архивској грађи Архива Србије, Архива
Југославије, Војног архива, Историјског архива Београда, Рукописног одељења
Матице српске из Новог Сада, Народне библиотеке Србије, као и на објављеним
документима, штампи и периодици, мемоарима и дневницима, релевантној
историографској литератури. У истраживању теме примењен је
интердисциплиниран приступ, који је захтевао коришћење метода и знања
социологије, етнологије, демографије, права, антропологије. Наш основни циљ
био је да пружимо сложену и слојевиту слику историје српског грађанства у
једном специфичном времену ограниченом трајањем нацистичке окупације
1941-1944, и то на простору који је обухватала Србија, после поделе међу
осовинским силама. Због тога смо настојали да тему прикажемо у више
тематских целина које су унутар себе подељене на бројне мање целине у оквиру
којих је поштован хронолошки принцип. Српско грађанство је у рату и
окупацији, наслеђеним поделама додало нове, попут подела на „партизане“,
„равногорце“, „недићевце“, „љотићевце“, али и „неопредељене“. Највећи део
грађанства је, због строгог режима окупације, репресије, страдања и притисака,
као и природе активног отпора, био приморан на „пасивну сарадњу“ и
изналажење стратегија преживљавања. У исто време је, кадгод му се пружила
прилика показивао пасивну резистенцију, исказујући тиме да окупацију схвата
као привремено стање. Оно је, у највећој мери, прећутно подржавало отпор, пре
свега отпор који је пружао Равногорски покрет. Живот припадника грађанства,
као и осталих слојева друштва, у рату је, због окупационе политике, сведен на
супсистенцијални ниво, односно ниво голог одржања живота. Читави слојеви
грађанства материјално су пропали, а неки су практично нестали из структуре
грађанства и структуре друштва.То је водило нивелисању друштвене структуре.
Грађанство је у том процесу, који је настављен и после рата, губило атрибуте
посебног друштвено-економског положаја.This study is based upon unpublished sources from all relevant archives and
libraries (Аrhiv Srbije, Arhiv Jugoslavije, Vojni arhiv, Istorijski arhiv
Beograda,Rukopisno odeljenje Matice srpske Novi Sad, Narodna biblioteka Srbije),
as well as upon published documents, newspapers, and magazines, memoirs, diaries
and relevant historiographic works. In this research, a multidisciplinary approach has
been applied, combining several academic disciplines (sociology, anthropology,
demography, social and oral history, law studies, etc). Our aim was to present a
complex and multifaceted description of the Serbian middle class in a specific time of
the German occupation 1941-1944. The encompassed space is Serbia, occupied by
Germans after the division of Yugoslavia and Serbia between the Axis powers.
Therefore we organized our topic into several thematic chapters. The Serbian middle
class added some new political and ideological division to those from the interwar
period. The new political division included „Communist followers (partisans)”,
„Mihailović followers (chetniks)“, „Nedić followers“, „Ljotić followers“ and „nonengaged“.
The severe occupational regime implemented punishments and opression.
That forced Serbian middle class members to choose different survival strategies:
from passive (or active) colaboration to passive (or active) resistance. Whenever
oportunity arose, they demonstrated at least passive resistance. This resistance is a
sign their understanding of occupation as a temporary situation. Majority of that
social class tacitly supported Resistance, in the first place chetnik movement. Life of
the middle class members in Serbia, as was the case with other social groups, was
reduced to a subsistential level, the level of bare survival. Entire strata od the middle
class were materially ruined. Some of them virtually disappeared from the social
structure. It led to the equalization of social structure. In this equalization process,
that continued after the WWII, the Serbian middle class lost its attributes of a specific
socio-economic category within the society
Residents` Perceptions of Socio-Cultural Impacts of Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
In order to reach the sustainable development of a tourism destination, it is important to investigate how residents perceive the impacts of tourism development. Tourism may cause improvements in residents' quality of life in many aspects of it. On the other side, with a greater number of tourists of different cultures in a destination, unpleasant crowds can occur, which may lead to community disruption, loss of cultural identity of the local community, and to other negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism. The danger of negative impacts of tourism might be even greater when the destination is small, considering the total number of residents and the size of the territory. This paper analyses the residents` perceptions of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, the leading spa destination in Serbia. The survey method was used to collect primary data and it included 110 respondents. Data were processed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results indicate that residents have more negative perceptions of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Vrnjačka Banja than positivePublishe
The future of tourism after one of the greatest health crises caused by the novel coronavirus is uncertain. Fear of infection and health concerns increased during the pandemic. The restrictive measures have limited international travel, which led to great expectations of an end to the pandemic for freer movement and safe travel. The great consequences of the COVID-19 for the tourism industry and tourism destinations will have its effects even after the end, and the post-pandemic tourism recovery strategies should be well planned and in focus along with strategies for the keeping tourism industry during the crisis. This paper aims to investigate the residents’ support for post-pandemic tourism in one of the most famous tourism destinations in Serbia, Vrnjačka Banja. The support of the residents was observed taking into account their perceptions on tourism during the pandemic.Publishe
Antioxidant Protection against Curative and Palliative Doses of Ionizing Irradiation in Human Blood Decreases with Aging
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are independently recognized to play a significant role in radiation-induced damage on healthy tissue and in aging process. However, an age-related alteration of antioxidant (AO) system in radiation response in humans is poorly investigated. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the irradiation effects on the activities and expression of AO system in the blood of healthy women during aging. Blood samples were irradiated with curative and palliative doses of 2 Gy or 9 Gy γ-rays. AO capacity for detoxification of O2•− and H2O2 in response to 2 Gy γ-irradiation decreases in women above 58 years, while in response to 9 Gy shows signs of weakening after 45 years of age. Due to reduction of AO capacity during aging, cytotoxic effects of curative and palliative doses of irradiation, mediated by ROS, may significantly increase in older subjects, while removal of H2O2 excess could reduce them
Kulturni i verski motivi kao faktori odluke za putovanjem: studija slučaja Neum
Kako su se na turističkom tržištu tokom pandemije Kovid-19 pojavile nove turističke destinacije, koje su svojom otvorenošću privlačile veliki broj turista, tako je cilj ovog rada bio da ispita koji su motivi bili glavni faktori odluke za putovanjem u jednu od takvih destinacija, kakav je i Neum. Gradić u Bosni i Hercegovini, bio je predmet ponude velikog broja turističkih agencija tokom pandemije Kovid-19, ali i tražnje turista. U radu se prošlo od pretpostavke da su odmor i relaksacija na moru bili glavni motivi i faktori odluke turista za putovanjem u Neum. Međutim, istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 92 turista koji su u julu 2021. godine boravili u Neumu, pokazalo je da su kulturni i verski motivi Neuma bili njihov glavni motiv za putovanjem u ovaj grad
Research on tourists' attitudes on the potential of Goč mountain for the development of eco-tourism
Goč Mountain has a wealth of natural resources, which represent the most important prerequisite for the development of ecotourism. However, the natural resources of this mountain are inadequately utilized for tourism. The aim of the research is to examine the views of tourists on the possibilities for the development of ecotourism on the mountain Goč, with a view to the more intensive tourist development of this mountain. Special attention is paid to the analysis of possibilities for expanding the existing tourist offer, additional attractive contents and activities, which would contribute to the greater competitiveness of this mountain in the ecotourism market. The survey method was used to collect primary data in the research and it included 174 respondents. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis showed that Goč Mountain has the potential for ecotourism development and that the construction of eco-accommodation facilities would contribute to the greater competitiveness of Goč Mountain.Publishe
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