6 research outputs found

    Educar los principios del poder judicial en Europa del Este

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles.El tema de estudio en este artículo tiene como objetivo educar los conceptos de los principios judiciales en el grupo oriental. Verificamos la conclusión sobre la estructuración constitucional de la formalización de los principios judiciales en las secciones dedicadas a las fundaciones estatales (sistema constitucional); derechos y libertades humanos y civiles; judicial; autoridades judiciales superiores (generalmente el tribunal constitucional). Un estudio jurídico comparativo de las normas de secciones especiales sobre el poder judicial contenidas en las constituciones de los países de Europa del Este permitió al autor formar una lista de principios que organizan y constituyen la base de la actividad de este tipo de poder judicial; identificar la naturaleza específica de su consolidación; Presentar características cuantitativas y cualitativas de los principios fundamentales declarados

    Digital Transformation of Additional Professional Education: Features of the LK-14 Educational Platform

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    This article substantiates the relevance of the transformation of the educational environment of additional professional education (APE) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This study aims to justify the transformation of the educational environment of APE in the context of digitalization and to consider the prospects for targeted professional development of teachers in the republic according to their needs. The authors chose this scientific topic due to the pressing needs of Russian continuing professional education (CPE) and current problems such as the lack of unified approaches and mechanisms for regulating the professional development of teachers in the digital educational environment and the lack of methods for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of CPE distance learning programs. Creating an innovative and dynamic CPE system requires the intensive introduction of information technologies into education. These technologies ensure that the learning process is open and of high quality, as well as provide access to global educational resources. This helps learners create “their own individual educational environment” reflecting their needs and requirements. The research methods used to explore this problem were a pedagogical experiment, the analysis of the organization of CPE of teachers in the region, designing a regional model of targeted personalized training of educators and administration. The research results include the specifics of APE modernization in the region and the model of targeted personalized training of teachers of the republic. The qualitative novelty of this model stems from the fact that developing teachers’ competencies involves identifying gaps in their professional knowledge and building individual learning paths

    Educating the Principles of Judiciary in Eastern Europe

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles

    Digital Transformation of Additional Professional Education: Features of the LK-14 Educational Platform

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    This article substantiates the relevance of the transformation of the educational environment of additional professional education (APE) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This study aims to justify the transformation of the educational environment of APE in the context of digitalization and to consider the prospects for targeted professional development of teachers in the republic according to their needs. The authors chose this scientific topic due to the pressing needs of Russian continuing professional education (CPE) and current problems such as the lack of unified approaches and mechanisms for regulating the professional development of teachers in the digital educational environment and the lack of methods for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of CPE distance learning programs. Creating an innovative and dynamic CPE system requires the intensive introduction of information technologies into education. These technologies ensure that the learning process is open and of high quality, as well as provide access to global educational resources. This helps learners create “their own individual educational environment” reflecting their needs and requirements. The research methods used to explore this problem were a pedagogical experiment, the analysis of the organization of CPE of teachers in the region, designing a regional model of targeted personalized training of educators and administration. The research results include the specifics of APE modernization in the region and the model of targeted personalized training of teachers of the republic. The qualitative novelty of this model stems from the fact that developing teachers’ competencies involves identifying gaps in their professional knowledge and building individual learning paths.Este artículo confirma la relevancia de la transformación del entorno educativo de la educación profesional adicional (APE) en la República de Sakha (Yakutia). Este estudio tiene como objetivo justificar la transformación del entorno educativo de APE en el contexto de la digitalización y considerar las perspectivas de desarrollo profesional dirigido de los docentes en la república de acuerdo con sus necesidades. Los autores eligieron este tema científico debido a las necesidades apremiantes de la educación profesional continua rusa (CPE) y los problemas actuales, como la falta de enfoques y mecanismos unificados para regular el desarrollo profesional de los docentes en el entorno educativo digital y la falta de métodos de monitoreo La efectividad y eficiencia de los programas de educación a distancia CPE La creación de un sistema CPE innovador y dinámico requiere la introducción intensiva de tecnologías de la información en la educación. Estas tecnologías aseguran que el proceso de aprendizaje sea abierto y de alta calidad, y proporcionan acceso a recursos educativos globales. Esto ayuda a los alumnos a crear "su propio entorno educativo individual" que refleja sus necesidades y requisitos. Los métodos de investigación utilizados para explorar este problema fueron un experimento pedagógico, el análisis de la organización de CPE de docentes en la región, el diseño de un modelo regional de capacitación personalizada dirigida de educadores y administración. Los resultados de la investigación incluyen los detalles específicos de la modernización de APE en la región y el modelo de capacitación personalizada dirigida de maestros de la república. La novedad cualitativa de este modelo se deriva del hecho de que desarrollar las competencias de los docentes implica identificar lagunas en su conocimiento profesional y construir caminos de aprendizaje individuales

    Educating the Principles of Judiciary in Eastern Europe

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles.El tema de estudio en este artículo tiene como objetivo educar los conceptos de los principios judiciales en el grupo oriental. Verificamos la conclusión sobre la estructuración constitucional de la formalización de los principios judiciales en las secciones dedicadas a las fundaciones estatales (sistema constitucional); derechos y libertades humanos y civiles; judicial; autoridades judiciales superiores (generalmente el tribunal constitucional). Un estudio jurídico comparativo de las normas de secciones especiales sobre el poder judicial contenidas en las constituciones de los países de Europa del Este permitió al autor formar una lista de principios que organizan y constituyen la base de la actividad de este tipo de poder judicial; identificar la naturaleza específica de su consolidación; Presentar características cuantitativas y cualitativas de los principios fundamentales declarados

    Zhurkov’s Stress-Driven Fracture as a Driving Force of the Microcrystalline Cellulose Formation

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    Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is a chemically pure product of cellulose mechano-chemical conversion. It is a white powder composed of the short fragments of the plant cells widely used in the modern food industry and pharmaceutics. The acid hydrolysis of the bleached lignin-free cellulose raw is the main and necessary stage of MCC production. For this reason, the acid hydrolysis is generally accepted to be the driving force of the fragmentation of the initial cellulose fibers into MCC particles. However, the low sensibility of the MCC properties to repeating the hydrolysis forces doubting this point of view. The sharp, cleave-looking edges of the MCC particles suggesting the initial cellulose fibers were fractured; hence the hydrolysis made them brittle. Zhurkov showed that mechanical stress decreases the activation energy of the polymer fracture, which correlates with the elevated enthalpy of the MCC thermal destruction compared to the initial cellulose