7,070 research outputs found

    Detection of variations in aspen forest habitat from LANDSAT digital data: Bear River Range, Utah

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    The aspen forests of the Bear River Range were analyzed and mapped using data recorded on July 2, 1979 by the LANDSAT III satellite; study efforts yielded sixty-seven light signatures for the study area, of which three groups were identified as aspen and mapped at a scale of 1:24,000. Analysis and verification of the three groups were accomplished by random location of twenty-six field study plots within the LANDSAT-defined aspen areas. All study plots are included within the Cache portion of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. The following selected site characteristics were recorded for each study plot: a list of understory species present; average percent cover density for understory species; aspen canopy cover estimates and stem measurements; and general site topographic characteristics. The study plot data were then analyzed with respect to corresponding Landsat spectral signatures. Field studies show that all twenty-six study plots are associated with one of the three aspen groups. Further study efforts concentration on characterizing the differences between the site characteristics of plots falling into each of the three aspen groups

    Detection of aspen/conifer forest mixes from multitemporal LANDSAT digital data

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    Aspen, conifer and mixed aspen/conifer forests were mapped for a 15-quadrangle study area in the Utah-Idaho Bear River Range using LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS) data. The digital MSS data were utilized to devise quantitative indices which correlate with apparently stable and seral aspen forests. The extent to which a two-date LANDSAT MSS analysis may permit the delineation of different categories of aspen/conifer forest mix was explored. Multitemporal analyses of MSS data led to the identification of early, early to mid, mid to late, and late seral stages of aspen/conifer forest mixing

    An integrated LANDSAT/ancillary data classification of desert rangeland

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    Range inventorying methods using LANDSAT MSS data, coupled with ancillary data were examined. The study area encompassed nearly 20,000 acres in Rush Valley, Utah. The vegetation is predominately desert shrub and annual grasses, with some annual forbs. Three LANDSAT scenes were evaluated using a Kauth-Thomas brightness/greenness data transformation (May, June, and August dates). The data was classified using a four-band maximum-likelihood classifier. A print map was taken into the field to determine the relationship between print symbols and vegetation. It was determined that classification confusion could be greatly reduced by incorporating geomorphic units and soil texture (coarse vs fine) into the classification. Spectral data, geomorphic units, and soil texture were combined in a GIS format to produce a final vegetation map identifying 12 vegetation types

    Detecting agricultural to urban land use change from multi-temporal MSS digital data

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    Conversion of agricultural land to a variety of urban uses is a major problem along the Wasatch Front, Utah. Although LANDSAT MSS data is a relatively coarse tool for discriminating categories of change in urban-size plots, its availability prompts a thorough test of its power to detect change. The procedures being applied to a test area in Salt Lake County, Utah, where the land conversion problem is acute are presented. The identity of land uses before and after conversion was determined and digital procedures for doing so were compared. Several algorithms were compared, utilizing both raw data and preprocessed data. Verification of results involved high quality color infrared photography and field observation. Two data sets were digitally registered, specific change categories internally identified in the software, results tabulated by computer, and change maps printed at 1:24,000 scale

    Fiscal Forecast Errors: Governments Versus Independent Agencies? ESRI Research Bulletin 2014/1/1

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    Should the role of preparing budgetary projections be delegated to an independent agency? A debate around this issue has arisen in Europe, given the deterioration of governments’ budget balances in many European countries and the lack of accuracy in fiscal projections. Of particular concern is that planned government deficits turned out to consistently exceed budgetary plans by a significant magnitude in recent years. Explanatory factors for these misalignments include unexpected or unplanned large GDP shocks or fiscal stimulus packages. However beyond this, a lack of both transparency and a realistic account of facts may be at fault

    Cyclic cycle systems of the complete multipartite graph

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    In this paper, we study the existence problem for cyclic ℓ\ell-cycle decompositions of the graph Km[n]K_m[n], the complete multipartite graph with mm parts of size nn, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence in the case that 2ℓ∣(m−1)n2\ell \mid (m-1)n

    A Novel Hierarchy of Integrable Lattices

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    In the framework of the reduction technique for Poisson-Nijenhuis structures, we derive a new hierarchy of integrable lattice, whose continuum limit is the AKNS hierarchy. In contrast with other differential-difference versions of the AKNS system, our hierarchy is endowed with a canonical Poisson structure and, moreover, it admits a vector generalisation. We also solve the associated spectral problem and explicity contruct action-angle variables through the r-matrix approach.Comment: Latex fil

    Through the Looking Glass:How the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed International Branch Campuses’ Academic Experience and Home Campus Relationship

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    This study examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the academic experience at international branch campuses (IBCs) and has changed the relationship between the IBC and the home campus. Semi-structured interviews with 26 leaders, academic staff, and students at seven IBCs in Malaysia revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the experience at IBCs in unique ways, including collaboration and communication with the home campus; increasing campus-specific resources for student wellbeing; and playing a larger role in student enrollment, recruitment, and mobility initiatives. Findings provide useful insights for higher education institutions (HEIs) engaged in transnational education (TNE)

    EU Development of High Heat Flux Components

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    The development of plasma facing components for next step fusion devices in Europe is strongly focused to ITER. Here a wide spectrum of different design options for the divertor target and the first wall have been investigated with tungsten, CFC, and beryllium armor. Electron beam simulation experiments have been used to determine the performance of high heat flux components under ITER specific thermal loads. Beside thermal fatigue loads with power density levels up to 20MWm(-2), off normal events are a serious concern for the lifetime of plasma facing components. These phenomena are expected to occur on a time scale of a few milliseconds (plasma disruptions) or several hundred milliseconds (vertical displacement events) and have been identified as a major source for the production of neutron activated metallic or tritium enriched carbon dust which is of serious importance from a safety point of view. The irradiation induced material degradation is another critical concern for future D-T-burning fusion devices. In ITER the integrated neutron fluence to the first wall and the divertor armour will remain in the order of I dpa and 0.7 dpa, respectively. This value is low compared to future commercial fusion reactors; nevertheless, a non-negligible degradation of the materials has been detected, both for mechanical and thermal properties, in particular for the thermal conductivity of carbon based materials. Beside the degradation of individual material properties, the high heat flux performance of actively cooled plasma facing components has been investigated under ITER specific thermal and neutron loads

    The Use of Barbed Suture for Intracorporeal Mechanical Anastomosis During a Totally Laparoscopic Right Colectomy: Is It Safe? A Retrospective Nonrandomized Comparative Multicenter Study

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    Background. A totally laparoscopic right colectomy could be perceived as a more challenging procedure over a laparoscopic-assisted right colectomy owing to the difficulty of intracorporeal anastomosis and the closure of the enterotomy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the barbed auto-locking absorbable suture for the closure of an anastomotic stapler-access enterotomy during a totally laparoscopic right colectomy. Methods. From January 2010 to April 2016, data from patients who had undergone a laparoscopic right colectomy in 2 different departments of 2 institutions (the Department of General and Minimally Invasive Surgery, San Camillo Hospital in Trento and the Department of Surgical Specialties and Nephrology, University Federico II in Naples) were retrospectively analyzed. We compared the data of patients in whom the stapler-access enterotomy was closed through a conventional absorbable suture (Group A), with the data of patients in whom a stapler-access enterotomy was closed through a V-Loc 180 suture (Group B). Biometric features and intraoperative and postoperative data were collected and analyzed. Results. The 2 groups (Group A: 40 patients; Group B: 40 patients) were comparable for biometric features and postoperative outcomes. The anastomosing time was lower in Group B. A statistically significant difference was noted in the mean operative time between Groups A and B (Group A = 134.92 ± 34.17; Group B = 120.92 ± 23.27, P =.035). Only one anastomotic leakage per group was recorded, each treated with an anastomosis redo. During the reoperations, we find in both groups an intact stapler-access enterotomy. Conclusion. On retrospective analysis, barbed suture appears to be safe and efficient for closure of the stapler-access enterotomy during totally laparoscopic right colectomy
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