86 research outputs found

    Concepción de Castro, La corrupción municipal en la Castilla del siglo XVIII

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    La obra que a continuación es objeto de esta reseña se titula: La corrupción municipal en la Castilla del siglo XVIII, de la autora Concepción de Castro Monsalve. Ella es profesora jubilada del Departamento de Historia y de Movimientos Sociales y Políticos de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación se han desarrollado hacia la historia social, centrándose en el estudio de las instituciones españolas del siglo XVIII, p..

    The Contribution of the Latinx Immigrant Workforce to Staten Island’s Economy Before and During the Pandemic

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    [Excerpt] New York City workers and communities have been weathering the impacts of a public health and economic crisis of unprecedented magnitude in U.S. history of the last 100 years. This report focuses on the experience of working- class immigrant workers in the County of Richmond, also known as Staten Island, as they endured the human costs of the COVID-19 crisis. This report provides the first analysis of the working and living conditions of working class immigrants in Staten Island, identifying their unique vulnerabilities, and highlighting their efforts to engage in mutual aid-support systems to weather the crisis. The research presented in the report results from the joint efforts of The Worker Institute and La Colmena Staten Island Community Job Center. La Colmena is a community-based organization working to empower day laborers, domestic workers, and other low-wage immigrant workers in Staten Island through educational, cultural, and economic development efforts. The findings of these report are based on worker surveys conducted by La Colmena organizers before and after the onset of the COVID crisis. The Worker Institute researchers provided technical assistance, analyzed survey and census data, and co-authored the report with La Colmena

    Planeamiento estratégico del limón

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    El presente Plan Estratégico está centrado en el desarrollo del Limón hacia el año 2023. Las dos variedades cultivadas en Perú (i.e., Sutil y Tahití), cuentan con características muy particulares que históricamente han orientado su consumo al mercado interno, sin embargo esto puede empezar a cambiar rápidamente gracias al creciente interés mundial por la gastronomía peruana y la difusión de bebidas de bandera como el pisco sour. Los principales objetivos de este Plan son incrementar el consumo interno en 50% respecto al año 2013 y ubicar al Limón dentro de los cinco principales exportadores latinoamericanos. Perú cuenta con una alta variedad de recursos naturales, fuerte demanda de educación, estabilidad política, aumento de la preocupación por la responsabilidad social y la sostenibilidad, así como una economía creciente. Sin embargo, el consumo interno del Limón se encuentra estancado, las hectáreas destinadas a este cultivo se han venido reduciendo en las últimas décadas. La industria del Limón se apoyará en el impulso del Gobierno hacia los proyectos de inversión pública y privada en obras de irrigación y en general a la infraestructura que soporte el crecimiento de la agroexportación. El modelo aplicado para elaborar el Plan Estratégico del Limón hacia el año 2023 ha sido el desarrollado por el Profesor Fernando D’Alessio. El proceso da como resultado las estrategias a emplear como curso de acción. Se cuenta con ocho estrategias retenidas y nueve estrategias de contingencia, las cuales aseguran la implementación de los objetivos de largo plazo definidos, procurando además un equilibrio entre el desarrollo de la demanda interna, el impulso a la exportación con apoyo en los nuevos tratados internacionales, la generación de desarrollo económico y social para las regiones que lo cultivan y la explotación responsable de los recursos naturalesTwo main varieties of lemon cultivated in Peru are Limón Sutil and Limón Tahiti. These have very distinctive features which, historically speaking, have highly impulsed domestic market; however, this tendency may show a sudden variation due to the worldwide growing interest in Peruvian gastronomy and the promotion of national drinks; such as the Pisco Sour. The current strategic plan is focused on the development of Lemon Industry in Peru towards 2023. This plan mainly aims to increase the percentage of the fruit’s domestic consumption in 50% compared to 2013, and place its market among the five main Latin American exporters of this citric fruit. In the last years, Peru has gained prestige for its wide range of natural resources, a high educational demand, political stability, increasing interest for social responsibility and sustainability, as well as a growing economy. However, the domestic consumption of lemon has shown to be hindered and the number of hectares destined for the production of it has shown a decreasing tendency in the last decades. In spite of this, the lemon industry will soon be supported by the Governmental boost towards the development of PPPs (public-private partnerships) aiming to improve irrigation and infrastructure processes that support the growth of agro-exports. The model used on the elaboration of this strategic plan for 2023 has been developed by Professor Fernando D’Alessio. The process gives way to the identification of strategies to be used as an action plan; 8 retained ownership and 9 contingency strategies, which ensure the implementation of long-term well-defined objectives and aim to keep balance among the development of domestic demand, exports boost with the help of new international trade agreements, and the generation of economic and social development for regions that cultivate and export their natural resources responsiblyTesi

    Diagnóstico y metodología para la implementación de "internet of things" en el planeamiento y desarrollo de ciudades inteligentes

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    El paradigma de “Ciudades Inteligentes”, como aquellas que adoptan soluciones novedosas para el mejoramiento de la vida de los ciudadanos, tienen cada vez más relevancia y protagonismo. Desde el punto de vista “tecnológico”, normalmente se emplea el concepto de “Internet de las Cosas” (IoT Internet of Things) para el desarrollo de las Ciudades Inteligentes. Este proyecto pretende entender y analizar las distintas alternativas de IoT en ciudades de la provincia de Mendoza y determinar, de acuerdo a las características y necesidades propias de cada ciudad, un modelo para el desarrollo de la Ciudad Inteligente. Se debe abordar el problema analizando las necesidades de las ciudades, con un enfoque a la sustentabilidad, habitabilidad y desarrollo urbano. Se llevarán a cabo acciones para determinar las necesidades y proponer las soluciones que utilicen tecnologías de IoT y de Smart Cities. Se cuenta con la colaboración, mediante convenios, de las autoridades y del personal técnico de los municipios intervinientes. (Mendoza y San Rafael), También se llevan a cabo encuestas ciudadanas con el propósito de verificar el nivel de apropiación de las tecnologías de IoT, por parte de los ciudadanos Al final se genera y se propone una solución tecnológica de IoT y se determina un orden de prioridades y costos. Las ciudades intervinientes, podrán utilizar estos conocimientos para avanzar en el desarrollo propio de “Ciudad Inteligente”.Eje: Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    La aplicación del control de convencionalidad en las resoluciones penales en El Salvador

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    El presente documento, contiene el trabajo de graduación, relativo a “LA APLICACIÓN DEL CONTROL DE CONVENCIONALIDAD EN LAS RESOLUCIONES PENALES EN EL SALVADOR” cuyo objetivo principal es el determinar el grado de aplicación del Control de Convencionalidad por parte de los aplicadores de justicia en materia penal del Municipio de Santa An

    Antiviral activity of an endogenous parvoviral element

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    Endogenous viral elements (EVEs) are genomic DNA sequences derived from viruses. Some EVEs have open reading frames (ORFs) that can express proteins with physiological roles in their host. Furthermore, some EVEs exhibit a protective role against exogenous viral infection in their host. Endogenous parvoviral elements (EPVs) are highly represented in mammalian genomes, and although some of them contain ORFs, their function is unknown. We have shown that the locus EPV-Dependo.43-ODegus, an EPV with an intact ORF, is transcribed in Octodon degus (degu). Here we examine the antiviral activity of the protein encoded in this EPV, named DeRep. DeRep was produced in bacteria and used to generate antibodies that recognize DeRep in western blots of degu tissue. To test if DeRep could protect against exogenous parvovirus, we challenged cells with the minute virus of mice (MVM), a model autonomous parvovirus. We observed that MVM protein expression, DNA damage induced by replication, viral DNA, and cytopathic effects are reduced when DeRep is expressed in cells. The results of this study demonstrate that DeRep is expressed in degu and can inhibit parvovirus replication. This is the first time that an EPV has been shown to have antiviral activity against an exogenous virus

    Estudio de saturación de transformadores de corriente: análisis y simulación / Current transformer saturation study: analysis and simulation

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    Este artigo descreve o estudo da saturação do transformador de corrente durante uma falta transitória, quando causará distorção da corrente secundária. Quando ocorre a saturação, a corrente secundária não será linearmente proporcional à corrente primária, o que pode causar um mau funcionamento dos dispositivos de proteção. A metodologia é baseada na pesquisa documental, que apresenta os princípios teóricos, causas e efeitos desse fenômeno. Um tipo de medição TC de 2000/5 A, 25 VA nominal, é usado na análise e é testado para condições de falha normais e transitórias usando o software MATLAB-Simulink. Nos resultados da simulação, as formas de onda da corrente secundária são registradas para diferentes valores de corrente de falta no lado primário. Todas as formas de onda atuais são comparadas para analisar o comportamento do TC durante uma falta transitória. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma investigação sobre a modelagem da saturação por TC em software de computador. 

    Perfusion Decellularization of Extrahepatic Bile Duct Allows Tissue-Engineered Scaffold Generation by Preserving Matrix Architecture and Cytocompatibility

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    Reconstruction of bile ducts damaged remains a vexing medical problem. Surgeons have few options when it comes to a long segment reconstruction of the bile duct. Biological scaffolds of decellularized biliary origin may offer an approach to support the replace of bile ducts. Our objective was to obtain an extracellular matrix scaffold derived from porcine extrahepatic bile ducts (dECM-BD) and to analyze its biological and biochemical properties. The efficiency of the tailored perfusion decellularization process was assessed through histology stainings. Results from 4’-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stainings, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) quantification showed proper extracellular matrix (ECM) decellularization with an effectiveness of 98%. Immunohistochemistry results indicate an effective decrease in immunogenic marker as human leukocyte antigens (HLA-A) and Cytokeratin 7 (CK7) proteins. The ECM of the bile duct was preserved according to Masson and Herovici stainings. Data derived from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed the preservation of the dECM-BD hierarchical structures. Cytotoxicity of dECM-BD was null, with cells able to infiltrate the scaffold. In this work, we standardized a decellularization method that allows one to obtain a natural bile duct scaffold with hierarchical ultrastructure preservation and adequate cytocompatibility

    Universal mental health screening with a focus on suicidal behaviour using smartphones in a Mexican rural community: Protocol for the SMART-SCREEN population-based survey

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    Introduction Mental disorders represent the second cause of years lived with disability worldwide. Suicide mortality has been targeted as a key public health concern by the WHO. Smartphone technology provides a huge potential to develop massive and fast surveys. Given the vast cultural diversity of Mexico and its abrupt orography, smartphone-based resources are invaluable in order to adequately manage resources, services and preventive measures in the population. The objective of this study is to conduct a universal suicide risk screening in a rural area of Mexico, measuring also other mental health outcomes such as depression, anxiety and alcohol and substance use disorders. Methods and analysis A population-based cross-sectional study with a temporary sampling space of 9 months will be performed between September 2019 and June 2020. We expect to recruit a large percentage of the target population (at least 70%) in a short-term survey of Milpa Alta Delegation, which accounts for 137 927 inhabitants in a territorial extension of 288 km 2. They will be recruited via an institutional call and a massive public campaign to fill in an online questionnaire through mobile-assisted or computer-assisted web app. This questionnaire will include data on general health, validated questionnaires including Well-being Index 5, Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale 2, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, selected questions of the Drug Abuse Screening Test and Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scales and Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) questions about self-harm. We will take into account information regarding time to mobile app response and geo-spatial location, and aggregated data on social, demographical and environmental variables. Traditional regression modelling, multilevel mixed methods and data-driven machine learning approaches will be used to test hypotheses regarding suicide risk factors at the individual and the population level. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval (002/2019) was granted by the Ethics Review Board of the Hospital Psiquiátrico Yucatán, Yucatán (Mexico). This protocol has been registered in ClinicalTrials.gov. The starting date of the study is 3 September 2019. Results will serve for the planning and healthcare of groups with greater mental health needs and will be disseminated via publications in peer-reviewed journal and presented at relevant mental health conferences. Trial registration number NCT04067063