268 research outputs found

    Influence of Di erent Sieving Methods on Estimation of Sand Size Parameters

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    Sieving is one of the most used operational methods to determine sand size parameters which are essential to analyze coastal dynamics. However, the influence of hand versus mechanical shaking methods has not yet been studied. Herein, samples were taken from inside the hopper of a trailing suction dredger and sieved by hand with sieves of 10 and 20 cm diameters on board the dredger. Afterwards, these same samples were sieved with a mechanical shaker in the laboratory on land. The results showed di erences for the main size parameters D50, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. Amongst the main results, it should be noted that the highest values for D50 and kurtosis were given by the small sieves method. On the other hand, the lowest values were given by the mechanical shaker method in the laboratory. Furthermore, standard deviation and skewness did not seem to be a ected by the sieving method which means that all the grainsize distribution was shifted but the shape remained unchanged. The few samples that do not follow these patterns have a higher percentage of shells. Finally and definitely, the small sieves should be rejected as a sieving method aboard

    The application of artificial intelligence to journalism: an analysis of academic production

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    Journalism has been able to adapt quickly to technological innovation, especially in recent years. The application of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to this discipline is a phenomenon that has developed rapidly in a very short time. This is therefore a research area that, in spite of its short life, deserves special interest. The objective of this review article is to map and analyze the global scientific production on this topic and to identify which countries are most focused on this issue, which areas are studied most and using which methodological approaches, how and where it is evolving, and the gaps present in this research. The review of 358 texts confirms the considerable attention from academia during the last decade, especially between 2015 and 2020, and that the USA is, by far, the country with most publications on this subject. Most of the published works are research articles carried out, above all, using qualitative methodologies. The areas that have attracted the most interest to date are data journalism, robot writing, and news verification. As is to be expected in a developing discipline, others such as the review of the role of the journalist, the personalization of content, or the incorporation of AI into teaching of journalism have not yet been sufficiently explored but surely will be in the near future

    Estudio de factibilidad para el desarrollo del producto financiero “microcrédito”, en la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito Educadores de Chimborazo en la ciudad de Riobamba

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    Se realizó un estudio con el fin de determinar la factibilidad para implementar un nuevo producto financiero “microcrédito” de tipo acumulación simple en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Educadores de Chimborazo, para ello, a través de la muestra se pudo determinar la oferta y demanda, para lo cual se utilizó el cuestionario como instrumento primordial para conocer dichos datos y saber las necesidades y opiniones de los clientes sobre el proyecto. Los resultados de las 317 encuestas realizadas arrojan que existe demanda crediticia y los socios están dispuestos a realizar microcréditos en la Institución con el fin de crear nuevas microempresas o seguir invirtiendo en la misma, esto también se puede observar por el incremento de miembros en la CACECH por el cambio de reglamentos para el ingreso de parientes de hasta segundo grado de consanguinidad y primero de afinidad de socios que se encuentren activos, también a través de análisis financiero se demuestra que la institución cuenta con liquidez y solvencia para la implementación del nuevo producto financiero. De tal manera, por el resultado de la relación costo beneficio, se concluye que la implementación de esta nueva línea de crédito es factible ya que generara más ingresos a la COAC, de esta forma se ayudará a los socios a que puedan satisfacer sus necesidades, generando nuevas fuentes de empleo y dinamizando la economía del paísA study was conducted to determine the feasibility of implementing a new "microcredit" financial product of simple accumulation type in the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Educadores de Chimborazo. Through the sample, it was possible to determine the offer and the demand, for which the questionnaire was used as a primary instrument to know these data and the needs and opinions of the clients about the project. The results of the 317 surveys carried out show that there is a credit demand, and the partners are willing to make precious credits in the Institution to create new companies or continue to invest in it. This can also be observed by the increase of members in the CACECH by the change of regulations for the entry of the second degree of consanguinity relatives. First, of the affinity of active partners, also through financial analysis, It is shown that the Institution has liquidity and solvency for the implementation of the new commercial product. Thus, the result of the cost-benefit ratio, it is concluded that the application of this new line of credit is feasible as it will generate more revenue to the COAC. In this way, it will help the partners to meet their needs, creating new sources of employment, and energizing the country's economy

    Efecto de patologias dentales sobre la condicion corporal de los Equinos en la Hacienda Huasi-caballo.

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    The present investigation was carried out with the objective to characterize dental effect on pathologies that influence body equine condition at Hacienda Huasi-Caballo Aloag Farm. For this purpose, 30 equines were studied; 17 females and 13 males, divided into ages ranging from 1 day to 5 years old on foal or filly section and from 5 years old onwards on mare and horse section. A data base was established with initial weight and initial body condition were calculated and with them oral examination was carried out, animals were sedated, and the examination was done in order of dental presentation, that is: incisors, canines, premolars and molars, identifying following pathologies: enamel tip 56%, dental hooks 7%, ramps 31%, periodontal diseases 6%. At statistical analysis in relation to dental pathologies with variables of feeding, age, and sex, a significant statistical relation was found (p0.05) which represents that equines that suffered a low body condition, once pathologies were treated, these would improve. The correct treatment of dental pathologies in equines will contribute and favor their body condition, and therefore their welfare.La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de caracterizar el efecto de las patologías dentales que influyen en la condición corporal del equino en la Hacienda Huasi-Caballo Aloag. Para ello se realizó el estudio e 30 equinos; 17 hembras y 13 machos, divididos en edades que comprenden de 1 día a 5 años sección potros o potras y de 5 años en adelante sección yeguas y caballos. Se estableció una base datos con ello se calculó el peso inicial y su estado corporal inicial con ellos se llevó a cabo la realización del examen bucal, se procedió a sedar a los animales, y se hizo el examen en el orden de presentación dentaria, es decir: incisivos, caninos, premolares y molares, identificando las siguientes patologías: punta de esmalte 56%, ganchos dentales 7%, rampas 31%, enfermedades periodontales 6%. En el análisis estadístico en relación a las patologías dentales con las variables de alimentación, edad, y sexo se encontró una relación estadística significativa (p0.05) lo que representa que los equinos que padecían una baja condición corporal, una vez tratadas las patologías, estas mejoraran. El correcto tratamiento de las patologías dentales en equinos, contribuirá y favorecerá en la condición corporal de estos, y por ende en su bienestar

    Resolución de problemas de grandes desplazamientos mediante elementos finitos utilizando mallados cartesianos

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    [EN] 5 Abstract The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering has been working in recent years on the development of a finite element code ba sed on independent geometry cartesian grid (cgFEM), to solve elastic problems in 2D and 3D. The code has been programmed using MATLAB, through different final projects, master thesis and research projects. The finite element industry is always in constant development and its cgFEM code seeks the advantage with the optimization of the data generated to pe rform the design of cartesians elements. This type of optimized mesh seeks to save calculation time which at the same time results in minimization of the computational cost of the solution. The code has be en made to solve optimization problems. The objective of this Master's End Work is the development of the code to solve the elastic problem of large displacements. To achieve this, a standard fine element has been programmed in the MATLAB software first. T his allows you to check the generated and valid code for any integration point. It has subsequently adapted to the cgFEM program. 6 Once done the above have been solved some problems refer to our results with commercial software such as ANSYS and conclude th e results obtained.[ES] El Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Mecánica ha desarrollado un código de elementos finitos que utiliza mallas cartesianas (FEAVOX). A diferencia del método tradicional, en las mallas cartesianas la geometría del sólido deformable no coincide con la malla y se deben utilizar técnicas de integración especiales. Actualmente el código puede resolver problemas de elasticidad lineal en pequeños desplazamientos. En este trabajo se trata de implementar la formulación de grandes desplazamientos en MATLAB y adaptarla para su uso en el programa de mallas cartesianas, FEAVOX.[CA] Resum El departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica i de Materials ha estat treballant en els últims anys en el desenvolupament d'un codi d'el ements finits basat en mallats catesians independents de la geometria (cgFEM), per re soldre problemes elàstics en 2D i 3D. El codi s'ha programat utilitzant MATLAB, a través de diferents projectes finals de carrera, tesi de màster i projectes d'investigació. La indústria dels elements finits sempre es troba en constant desenvolupament i el codi cgFEM busca l'millorar les formulacions tradicionals amb l'optimització de les dades ge nerades per realitzar malles d'elements cartesians . Aquest tipus de mallat optimitzat busca estalviar temps de càlcul que alhora es tradueix en la minimització del cost computacional de la solució. El codi s'ha aplicat per resoldre problemes d'optimització. L'objectiu d'aquest Treball Fi de Màster és el desenvolupament del codi per resoldre el problema elàstic de grans desplaçaments. Per obtenir aquest objectiu s'ha programat en primer lloc un eleme nt fi estàndard en el programa MATLAB. Això permet c omprovar el codi generat i validarlo per a un punt 8 d'integració qualsevol. Posteriorment s'ha adaptat al programa cgFEM. Un cop fet això s'han resolt alguns problemes de referencia i sì lan comparat e ls nostr es resultats amb els d’un programa comercial com és ANSYS Nº de páginas:Paredes Mera, FJ. (2017). Resolución de problemas de grandes desplazamientos mediante elementos finitos utilizando mallados cartesianos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78512TFG

    Píldoras emprendedoras. 15 casos para fomentar el espíritu emprendedor entre los universitarios

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    Este libro tiene como finalidad general fomentar la cultura emprendedora entre los universitarios, de forma que perciban la creación de una empresa propia como una salida profesional adecuada tras finalizar sus estudios Se trata de sensibilizar al lector y suscitar su interés por el emprendimiento. Esta sensibilización debe trabajar en dos direcciones: a) Construir una imagen positiva del emprendedor b) Eliminar la percepción de dificultad en el proceso de emprendimiento entre los jóvenes. Las “píldoras emprendedoras” las definimos como medicamentos que estimulan la hormona del emprendimiento en el paciente (el estudiante) y consisten en breves casos de estudio en los que jóvenes emprendedores extremeños cuentan quiénes son, cuál es su proyecto, por qué y cómo decidieron emprender y, de esta forma, acaben dando un consejo a los futuros emprendedores. Para los estudiantes, estas “píldoras emprendedoras” sirven para conocer la experiencia de jóvenes emprendedores con características similares a ellos y surgidos en su mismo contexto.This book has as general purpose promote an entrepreneurial culture among university students, in a way that they perceive the creation of your own business as a professional output appropriate after completing their studies Aims to raise awareness and generate reader interest in entrepreneurship. This awareness should work in two directions: a) build a positive image of the entrepreneur b) eliminate the perception of difficulty in the process of entrepreneurship among young people. The "enterprising pills" defined as the medications that stimulate the hormone of the entrepreneurship for the patient (the student) and consist of brief cases in the study of that young entrepreneurs from Extremadura have who they are, what is your project, why and how they have decided to embark and, in this way, you will end up giving a council to prospective entrepreneurs. For students, these "enterprising pills" serve to learn from the experience of young entrepreneurs with similar characteristics to them and which have emerged in the same context

    Design, automation and remote management of a water purification plant

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    This study presents a water purification plant that uses the waste cake from the process of oil extraction of Moringa oleifera seeds. The particularity of this purification plant is that it should be autonomous to work in isolated areas. To do so, the design counts on solar panels and batteries controlled by a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The main objective of this study is the design and automation of the purification power plant so it can be used either manually or remotely by means of a web server and a micro controller in charge of data collection and to proceed orders from and to the web platform. In pursue of a cost reduction, caused by the development and implementation of hardware and software, this project is conceived using open source systems. Additionally, the plant counts on an Energy Management System that should optimize the energy consumption of the control system and actuators. This system is designed in such a way that it can be used independently in isolated mode or connected to the grid in regions where local authority regulations allows the connection of energy storage systems to the grid.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sand size variability inside the hopper of a trailing suction dredger in regards to beach nourishment projects

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    Amongst the design parameters for a beach nourishment project, sand size must be highlighted. Sand size is critical not only to compare the suitability of a borrow sand to substitute the eroded native sand, but also to identify the new equilibrium beach profile and to calculate the sediment volume necessary to achieve the projected berm or beach width. Some researchers have already taken into account the phenomena that change the theoretical volume of sand needed for a beach nourishment project (CUR, 1987; CEM 2002) such as the methodology for the hopper measurements taken on board of the dredger (Muñoz-Perez et al., 2003) or the sand porosity variability (Roman-Sierra et al., 2014). Nevertheless, no investigation has been carried out about the variability of sand size inside the hopper of a trailing suction dredger till nowadays. There are several reasons to justify this possible heterogeneity of the granulometric parameters inside the hopper. Firstly, there is the intrinsic variability of the sediment characteristics at the sea bottom. On top of that, most of the vessels which dredge nowadays are of the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers (TSHD) type and this means that these vessels do not dredge in a stationary way, i.e. at a certain location and vicinity, but along a big stretch of the bottom. Moreover, the fall speed of sand depends directly on the grain diameter (for a given density); i.e. the larger the grain sizes the faster the grain deposits and so, probably, the coarser grains would be at the bottom of the hopper and the finer grains would be at the top. Finally, it is noteworthy a word about the fragments of shells or bioclasts: because of their flat shape, these pieces linger more than the silica grains to decant and, therefore, their percentage will most likely be larger at the surface of the hopper

    Multi-Target Spectral Moment QSAR vs. ANN for antiparasitic drugs against different parasite species

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    The 14th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Computational ChemistryThere are many of pathogen parasite species with different susceptibility profile to antiparasitic drugs. Unfortunately, almost QSAR models predict the biological activity of drugs against only one parasite species. Consequently, predicting the probability with which a drug is active against different species with a single unify model is a goal of the major importance. In so doing, we use Markov Chains theory to calculate new multi-target spectral moments to fit a QSAR model that predict by the first time a mt-QSAR model for 500 drugs tested in the literature against 16 parasite species and other 207 drugs no tested in the literature using spectral moments. The data was processed by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classifying drugs as active or non-active against the different tested parasite species. The model correctly classifies 311 out of 358 active compounds (86.9%) and 2328 out of 2577 non-active compounds (90.3%) in training series. Overall training performance was 89.9%. Validation of the model was carried out by means of external predicting series. In these series the model classified correctly 157 out 190, 82.6% of antiparasitic compounds and 1151 out of 1277 non-active compounds (90.1%). Overall predictability performance was 89.2%. In addition we developed four types of non Linear Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and we compared with the mt-QSAR model. The improved ANN model had an overall training performance was 87%. The present work report the first attempts to calculate within a unify framework probabilities of antiparasitic action of drugs against different parasite species based on spectral moment analysisF. acknowledges the financial support from program Angeles Albariño and González-Díaz, H. acknowledges financial support of the Programme Isidro Parga Pondal both funded by the Xunta de Galicia and European Social Fund (ESF