1,761 research outputs found

    NIR spectroscopy of the most massive open cluster in the Galaxy: Westerlund 1

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    Using ISAAC/VLT, we have obtained individual spectra of all NIR-bright stars in the central 2'x2' of the cluster Westerlund 1 (Wd 1) with a resolution of R~9000 at a central wavelength of 2.30 micron. This allowed us to determine radial velocities of ten post-main-sequence stars, and from these values a velocity dispersion. Assuming virial equilibrium, the dispersion of sigma=8.4 km/s leads to a total dynamical cluster mass of 1.25x10^5 solar masses, comparable to the photometric mass of the cluster. There is no extra-virial motion which would have to be interpreted as a signature of cluster expansion or dissolution.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IAU 246: "Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems" (E. Vesperini, M. Giersz, A. Sills, eds.

    On the Relative Power of Reduction Notions in Arithmetic Circuit Complexity

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    We show that the two main reduction notions in arithmetic circuit complexity, p-projections and c-reductions, differ in power. We do so by showing unconditionally that there are polynomials that are VNP-complete under c-reductions but not under p-projections. We also show that the question of which polynomials are VNP-complete under which type of reductions depends on the underlying field

    On the Relative Power of Reduction Notions in Arithmetic Circuit Complexity

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    We show that the two main reduction notions in arithmetic circuit complexity, p-projections and c-reductions, differ in power. We do so by showing unconditionally that there are polynomials that are VNP-complete under c-reductions but not under p-projections. We also show that the question of which polynomials are VNP-complete under which type of reductions depends on the underlying field

    Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy with Extremely Large Telescopes: Integral-Field- versus Multi-Object-Instruments

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    Integral-field-spectroscopy and multi-object-spectroscopy provide the high multiplex gain required for efficient use of the upcoming generation of extremely large telescopes. We present instrument developments and designs for both concepts, and how these designs can be applied to cryogenic near-infrared instrumentation. Specifically, the fiber-based concept stands out the possibility to expand it to any number of image points, and its modularity predestines it to become the new concept for multi-field-spectroscopy. Which of the three concepts --- integral-field-, multi-object-, or multi-field-spectroscopy --- is best suited for the largest telescopes is discussed considering the size of the objects and their density on the sky.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (converted to bitmap), to appear in the proceedings of the Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes, Sweden, June 1-2, 1999, uses spie.sty (V0.91) and spiebib.bst (V0.91

    How Universal are the Young Cluster Sequences? - the Cases of LMC, SMC, M83 and the Antennae

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    Aims.Recently a new analysis of cluster observations in the Milky Way found evidence that clustered star formation may work under tight constraints with respect to cluster size and density, implying the presence of just two sequences of young massive cluster. These two types of clusters each expand at different rates with cluster age. Methods. Here we investigate whether similar sequences exist in other nearby galaxies. Results:We find that while for the extragalactic young stellar clusters the overall trend in the cluster-density scaling is quite comparable to the relation obtained for Galactic clusters, there are also possible difference. For the LMC and SMC clusters the densities are below the Galactic data points and/or the core radii are smaller than those of data points with comparable density. For M83 and the Antenna clusters the core radii are possibly comparable to the Galactic clusters but it is not clear whether they exhibit similar expansion speeds. These findings should serve as an incentive to perform more systematic observations and analysis to answer the question of a possible similarity between young galactic and extragalactic star clusters sequences.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, A&A in pres

    Cluster and nebular properties of the central star-forming region of NGC 1140

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    We present new high spatial resolution HST/ACS imaging of NGC 1140 and high spectral resolution VLT/UVES spectroscopy of its central star-forming region. The central region contains several clusters, the two brightest of which are clusters 1 and 6 from Hunter, O'Connell & Gallagher, located within star-forming knots A and B, respectively. Nebular analysis indicates that the knots have an LMC-like metallicity of 12 + log(O/H) = 8.29 +/- 0.09. According to continuum subtracted H alpha ACS imaging, cluster 1 dominates the nebular emission of the brighter knot A. Conversely, negligible nebular emission in knot B originates from cluster 6. Evolutionary synthesis modelling implies an age of 5 +/- 1 Myr for cluster 1, from which a photometric mass of (1.1 +/- 0.3) x 10^6 Msun is obtained. For this age and photometric mass, the modelling predicts the presence of ~5900 late O stars within cluster 1. Wolf-Rayet features are observed in knot A, suggesting 550 late-type WN and 200 early-type WC stars. Therefore, N(WR)/N(O) ~ 0.1, assuming that all the WR stars are located within cluster 1. The velocity dispersions of the clusters were measured from constituent red supergiants as sigma ~ 23 +/- 1 km/s for cluster 1 and sigma ~ 26 +/- 1 km/s for cluster 6. Combining sigma with half-light radii of 8 +/- 2 pc and 6.0 +/- 0.2 pc measured from the F625W ACS image implies virial masses of (10 +/- 3) x 10^6 Msun and (9.1 +/- 0.8) x 10^6 Msun for clusters 1 and 6, respectively. The most likely reason for the difference between the dynamical and photometric masses of cluster 1 is that the velocity dispersion of knot A is not due solely to cluster 1, as assumed, but has an additional component associated with cluster 2.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    A new era of spectroscopy: SINFONI, NIR integral field spectroscopy at the diffraction limit of an 8m telescope

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    SINFONI, the SINgle Faint Object Near-infrared Investigation, is an instrument for the Very Large Telescope (VLT), which will start its operation mid 2002 and allow for the first time near infrared (NIR) integral field spectroscopy at the diffraction limit of an 8-m telescope. SINFONI is the combination of two state-of-the art instruments, the integral field spectrometer SPIFFI, built by the Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), and the adaptive optics (AO) system MACAO, built by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). It will allow a unique type of observations by delivering simultaneously high spatial resolution (pixel sizes 0.025arcsec to 0.25arcsec) and a moderate spectral resolution (R~2000 to R~4500), where the higher spectral resolution mode will allow for software OH suppression. This opens new prospects for astronomy.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in SPIE proceedings "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000". More recent sensitivity estimates are available at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/www_ir/ir_instruments/sinfoni/spiffi.ht

    Surface differential rotation and prominences of the Lupus post T Tauri star RX J1508.6-4423

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    We present in this paper a spectroscopic monitoring of the Lupus post T Tauri star RX J1508.6-4423 carried out at two closely separated epochs (1998 May 06 and 10) with the UCL Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Applying least-squares convolution and maximum entropy image reconstruction techniques to our sets of spectra, we demonstrate that this star features on its surface a large cool polar cap with several appendages extending to lower latitudes, as well as one spot close to the equator. The images reconstructed at both epochs are in good overall agreement, except for a photospheric shear that we interpret in terms of latitudinal differential rotation. Given the spot distribution at the epoch of our observations, differential rotation could only be investigated between latitudes 15° and 60°. We find in particular that the observed differential rotation is compatible with a solar-like law (i.e., with rotation rate decreasing towards high latitudes proportionally to sin 2l, where l denotes the latitude) in this particular latitude range. Assuming that such a law can be extrapolated to all latitudes, we find that the equator of RX J1508.6-4423 does one more rotational cycle than the pole every 50 ±10 d, implying a photospheric shear 2 to 3 times stronger than that of the Sun. We also discover that the Hα emission profile of RX J1508.6-4423 is most of the time double-peaked and strongly modulated with the rotation period of the star. We interpret this rotationally modulated emission as being caused by a dense and complex prominence system, the circumstellar distribution of which is obtained through maximum entropy Doppler tomography. These maps show in particular that prominences form a complete and inhomogeneous ring around the star, precisely at the corotation radius. We use the total Hα and HÎČ emission flux to estimate that the mass of the whole prominence system is about 10 20g. From our observation that the whole cloud system surrounding the star is regenerated in less than 4 d, we conclude that the braking time-scale of RX J1508.6-4423 is shorter than 1 Gyr, and that prominence expulsion is thus likely to contribute significantly to the rotational spindown of young low-mass stars

    Medium resolution 2.3 micron spectroscopy of the massive Galactic open cluster Westerlund 1

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    The Galactic open cluster Westerlund 1 was found only a few years ago to be much more massive than previously thought, with evidence suggesting its mass to be in excess of ~10^5 Msun, in the range spanned by young extragalactic star clusters. Unlike those clusters its proximity makes spatially resolved studies of its stellar population feasible. It is therefore the ultimate template for a young, massive star cluster, permitting direct comparison of its properties with measurements of velocity dispersion and dynamical mass for spatially unresolved extragalactic clusters. To this end, we used the long slit near-infrared spectrograph VLT/ISAAC to observe the CO bandhead region near 2.29 micron scanning the slit across the cluster centre during the integration. Spatially collapsing the spectra along the slit results in a single co-added spectrum of the cluster, comparable to what one would obtain in the extragalactic cluster context. This spectrum was analysed the same way as the spectra of almost point-like extragalactic clusters, using red superiant cluster members as velocity templates. We detected four red supergiants which are included in the integrated spectrum, and our measured velocity dispersion is 5.8 km/s. Together with the cluster size of 0.86 pc, derived from archival near-infrared SOFI-NTT images, this yields a dynamical mass of 6.3x10^4 Msun. While this value is not to be considered the final word, there is at least so far no sign for rapid expansion or collapse.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, A&A accepte

    A Triarylamine-Triarylborane Dyad with a Photochromic Dithienylethene Bridge

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    A molecular triad composed of a triarylamine donor, a triarylborane acceptor, and a photoisomerizable dithienylethene bridge has been synthesized and explored by cyclic voltammetry, UV–vis, and luminescence spectroscopy. The effects of irradiation with UV light and fluoride addition on the electrochemical and optical spectroscopic properties of the donor–bridge–acceptor molecule were investigated. Photoisomerization of the dithienylethene bridge affects the triarylboron reduction potential, but not the triarylamine oxidation potential. UV–vis experiments reveal that the association constant for fluoride binding at the triarylborane site is independent of the isomerization state of the bridge. Irradiation of a THF solution of our donor–bridge–acceptor molecule with UV light, followed by F– addition, leads to a different color of the sample than UV irradiation alone or F– addition alone
