801 research outputs found

    Interpretations of frequency domain analyses of neural entrainment: Periodicity, fundamental frequency, and harmonics

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    Brain activity can follow the rhythms of dynamic sensory stimuli, such as speech and music, a phenomenon called neural entrainment. It has been hypothesized that low-frequency neural entrainment in the neural delta and theta bands provides a potential mechanism to represent and integrate temporal information. Low-frequency neural entrainment is often studied using periodically changing stimuli and is analyzed in the frequency domain using the Fourier analysis. The Fourier analysis decomposes a periodic signal into harmonically related sinusoids. However, it is not intuitive how these harmonically related components are related to the response waveform. Here, we explain the interpretation of response harmonics, with a special focus on very low frequency neural entrainment near 1 Hz. It is illustrated why neural responses repeating at f Hz do not necessarily generate any neural response at f Hz in the Fourier spectrum. A strong neural response at f Hz indicates that the time scales of the neural response waveform within each cycle match the time scales of the stimulus rhythm. Therefore, neural entrainment at very low frequency implies not only that the neural response repeats at f Hz but also that each period of the neural response is a slow wave matching the time scale of a f Hz sinusoid. With a few exceptions, the literature on face recognition and its neural basis derives from the presentation of single faces. However, in many ecologically typical situations, we see more than one face, in different communicative contexts. One of the principal ways in which we interact using our faces is kissing. Although there is no obvious taxonomy of kissing, we kiss in various interpersonal situations (greeting, ceremony, sex), with different goals and partners. Here, we assess the visual cortical responses elicited by viewing different couples kissing with different intents. The study thus lies at the nexus of face recognition, action recognition, and social neuroscience. Magnetoencephalography data were recorded from nine participants in a passive viewing paradigm. We presented images of couples kissing, with the images differing along two dimensions, kiss type and couple type. We quantified event-related field amplitudes and latencies. In each participant, the canonical sequence of event-related fields was observed, including an M100, an M170, and a later M400 response. The earliest two responses were significantly modulated in latency (M100) or amplitude (M170) by the sex composition of the images (with male-male and female-female pairings yielding faster latency M100 and larger amplitude M170 responses). In contrast, kiss type showed no modulation of any brain response. The early cortical-evoked fields that we typically associate with the presentation and analysis of single faces are differentially sensitive to complex social and action information in face pairs that are kissing. The early responses, typically associated with perceptual analysis, exhibit a consistent grouping and suggest a high and rapid sensitivity to the composition of the kissing pairs

    The influence of auditory attention on rhythmic speech tracking: Implications for studies of unresponsive patients

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    Language comprehension relies on integrating words into progressively more complex structures, like phrases and sentences. This hierarchical structure-building is reflected in rhythmic neural activity across multiple timescales in E/MEG in healthy, awake participants. However, recent studies have shown evidence for this “cortical tracking” of higher-level linguistic structures also in a proportion of unresponsive patients. What does this tell us about these patients’ residual levels of cognition and consciousness? Must the listener direct their attention toward higher level speech structures to exhibit cortical tracking, and would selective attention across levels of the hierarchy influence the expression of these rhythms? We investigated these questions in an EEG study of 72 healthy human volunteers listening to streams of monosyllabic isochronous English words that were either unrelated (scrambled condition) or composed of four-word-sequences building meaningful sentences (sentential condition). Importantly, there were no physical cues between four-word-sentences. Rather, boundaries were marked by syntactic structure and thematic role assignment. Participants were divided into three attention groups: from passive listening (passive group) to attending to individual words (word group) or sentences (sentence group). The passive and word groups were initially naïve to the sentential stimulus structure, while the sentence group was not. We found significant tracking at word- and sentence rate across all three groups, with sentence tracking linked to left middle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus. Goal-directed attention to words did not enhance word-rate-tracking, suggesting that word tracking here reflects largely automatic mechanisms, as was shown for tracking at the syllable-rate before. Importantly, goal-directed attention to sentences relative to words significantly increased sentence-rate-tracking over left inferior frontal gyrus. This attentional modulation of rhythmic EEG activity at the sentential rate highlights the role of attention in integrating individual words into complex linguistic structures. Nevertheless, given the presence of high-level cortical tracking under conditions of lower attentional effort, our findings underline the suitability of the paradigm in its clinical application in patients after brain injury. The neural dissociation between passive tracking of sentences and directed attention to sentences provides a potential means to further characterise the cognitive state of each unresponsive patient

    Low loss, high contrast optical waveguides based on CMOS compatible LPCVD processing

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    A new class of integrated optical waveguide structures is presented, based on low cost CMOS compatible LPCVD processing. This technology allows for medium and high index contrast waveguides with very low channel attenuation. The geometry is basically formed by a rectangular cross-section silicon nitride (Si3N4)(Si_{3}N_{4}) filled with and encapsulated by silicon dioxide (SiO2)(SiO_{2}). The birefringence and minimal bend radius of the waveguide is completely controlled by the geometry of the waveguide layer structures. Experiments on typical geometries will be presented, showing excellent characteristics (channel attenuation ≤0.06 dB/cm, IL ≤0.6 dB, PDL ≤0.2 dB, Bg «1 x 10310^{-3}, bend radius ≤500 μm)

    Optical Backplane Based on Ring-Resonators: Scalability and Performance Analysis for 10Gb/s OOK-NRZ

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    The use of architectures that implement optical switching without any need of optoelectronic conversion allows us to overcome the limits imposed by today’s electronic backplane, such as power consumption and dissipation, as well as power supply and footprint requirements. We propose a ring-resonator based optical backplane for router line-card interconnection. In particular we investigate how the scalability of the architecture is affected by the following parameters: number of line cards, switching-element round-trip losses, frequency drifting due to thermal variations, and waveguide-crossing effects. Moreover, to quantify the signal distortions introduced by filtering operations, the bit error rate for the different parameter conditions are shown in case of an on-off keying non-return-to-zero (OOK-NRZ) input signal at 10 Gb/s

    Variabilidade Genética Em Populações De Rottboellia Cochinchinensis Na Cultura Da Cana-de-açúcar

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    The hypothesis assumed was the existence of biotypes within populations, which has been the cause of difficulties in itchgrass control by farmers. For that, the genetic variability of three populations of Rottboellia cochinchinensis in sugarcane fields in the state of São Paulo was investigated by using the Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique. Six primers were used to obtain molecular characterization data. AFLP gels were analyzed based on marker presence (1) and absence (0). Using NTSYs (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) software, the genetic similarity was calculated by the Jaccard coefficient and, from that, a dendrogram was built through the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method Arithmetic averages) method, besides determining the isopolymorphic marks. The average genetic similarities seen in the region was 0.742 for Igarapava, 0.793 for Mococa and 0.808 for Piracicaba. Between regions it was 0.730 (Igarapava vs Mococa), 0.735 (Mococa vs Piracicaba) and 0.694 (Igarapava vs Piracicaba). In line with the dendrogram, it is possible to detect the formation of two groups, one with 8 plants from Igarapava and Mococa and the other with 21 plants from Igarapava, Mococa and Piracicaba, as well as the presence of 1 discriminant individual from Piracicaba. It can be concluded that the genetic similarity among itchgrass populations from the state of São Paulo was high (72%), which denotes that the difficulties in chemical management are not only due to different biotypes but also due to other characteristics linked to tolerance of the species to herbicides. However, biotype existence cannot be discarded because of the polymorphic marks generating 22% average genetic variability. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira da Ciencia das Plantas Daninha. All rights reserved.34347548

    Surface nanoscale axial photonics: Robust fabrication of high quality factor microresonators

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    Recently introduced Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (SNAP) makes it possible to fabricate high Q-factor microresonators and other photonic microdevices by dramatically small deformation of the optical fiber surface. To become a practical and robust technology, the SNAP platform requires methods enabling reproducible modification of the optical fiber radius at nanoscale. In this Letter, we demonstrate super-accurate fabrication of high Q-factor microresonators by nanoscale modification of the optical fiber radius and refractive index using the CO2 laser and the UV excimer laser beam exposures. The achieved fabrication accuracy is better than 2 angstroms in variation of the effective fiber radius

    Cutting edge: extracellular high mobility group box-1 protein is a proangiogenic cytokine.

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    The chromosomal high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) protein acts as a proinflammatory cytokine when released in the extracellular environment by necrotic and inflammatory cells. In the present study, we show that HMGB1 exerts proangiogenic effects by inducing MAPK ERK1/2 activation, cell proliferation, and chemotaxis in endothelial cells of different origin. Accordingly, HMGB1 stimulates membrane ruffling and repair of a mechanically wounded endothelial cell monolayer and causes endothelial cell sprouting in a three-dimensional fibrin gel. In keeping with its in vitro properties, HMGB1 stimulates neovascularization when applied in vivo on the top of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane whose blood vessels express the HMGB1 receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Accordingly, RAGE blockade by neutralizing Abs inhibits HMGB1-induced neovascularization in vivo and endothelial cell proliferation and membrane ruffling in vitro. Taken together, the data identify HMGB1/RAGE interaction as a potent proangiogenic stimulus

    Scalable low-latency optical phase sensor array

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    Optical phase measurement is critical for many applications, and traditional approaches often suffer from mechanical instability, temporal latency, and computational complexity. In this paper, we describe compact phase sensor arrays based on integrated photonics, which enable accurate and scalable reference-free phase sensing in a few measurement steps. This is achieved by connecting multiple two-port phase sensors into a graph to measure relative phases between neighboring and distant spatial locations. We propose an efficient post-processing algorithm, as well as circuit design rules to reduce random and biased error accumulations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system in both simulations and experiments with photonics integrated circuits. The proposed system measures the optical phase directly without the need for external references or spatial light modulators, thus providing significant benefits for applications including microscope imaging and optical phased arrays

    TRAIL, OPG, and TWEAK in kidney disease: biomarkers or therapeutic targets?

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    Ligands and receptors of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily regulate immune responses and homeostatic functions with potential diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Kidney disease represents a global public health problem, whose prevalence is rising worldwide, due to the aging of the population and the increasing prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and immune disorders. In addition, chronic kidney disease is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, which further increases kidney-related morbidity and mortality. Recently, it has been shown that some TNF superfamily members are actively implicated in renal pathophysiology. These members include TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), its decoy receptor osteoprotegerin (OPG), and TNF-like weaker inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK). All of them have shown the ability to activate crucial pathways involved in kidney disease development and progression (e.g. canonical and non-canonical pathways of the transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B), as well as the ability to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, necrosis, inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrosis with double-edged effects depending on the type and stage of kidney injury. Here we will review the actions of TRAIL, OPG, and TWEAK on diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease, in order to provide insights into their full clinical potential as biomarkers and/or therapeutic options against kidney disease