12 research outputs found

    Characterization of the wood properties of Cedrelinga cateniformis as substitute for timbers used for window manufacturing and outdoor applications

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    Cedrelinga cateniformis (tornillo) is a timber species of the South American Amazon Basin. In its natural distribution area, the wood has various local uses, such as furniture, art work, door and window frames, and light construction. In order to promote this lesser known species for high valued applications on the international market, wood anatomical, topochemical and physical/mechanical studies were carried out to characterize the wood properties. The topochemical distribution of the lignin and phenolic extractives in the tissue were studied by means of cellular UV microspectrophotometry (UMSP). The results of the structural and topochemical analyses were compared with the interrelation of certain anatomical and subcellular structures as well as the chemical composition with regard to the physical and mechanical properties. The natural durability of the mature heartwood was analyzed according to the European Standards and is resulting in a durability class 1 against basidiomycetes. Based on the findings of the comprehensive investigations concerning physical and biological features, e.g. the dimensional stability and durability, Cedrelinga cateniformis is ideally suited as a substitute for overexploited tropical woods currently used in Europe for wooden window frames and other above ground outdoor applications and thus can contribute to increase the value-added production in Peruvian forests

    Influence of wood sample size and species on the leaching of chromium and copper using different lab tests

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    The present study deals with the development of standardized laboratory methods to predict depletion of biocides more accurately under service condition. Laboratory test was conducted with EN 252 standard and non-standard pine as well as spruce specimens to determine leaching of chromium and copper from stakes pressure impregnated with commercial copper- and chromium-containing preservative. Two modified laboratory test methods were carried out; first discontinuous (CEN/TS 15119-1) and second continuous water immersion (CEN/TS 15119-2). Results showed that leaching of copper in pine sapwood specimens was higher than that in spruce specimens. Moreover, copper leaching was greater in comparison to leaching chromium

    Modelling the Material Resistance of Wood—Part 3: Relative Resistance in above- and in-Ground Situations—Results of a Global Survey

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    Durability-based designs with timber require reliable information about the wood properties and how they affect its performance under variable exposure conditions. This study aimed at utilizing a material resistance model (Part 2 of this publication) based on a dose–response approach for predicting the relative decay rates in above-ground situations. Laboratory and field test data were, for the first time, surveyed globally and used to determine material-specific resistance dose values, which were correlated to decay rates. In addition, laboratory indicators were used to adapt the material resistance model to in-ground exposure. The relationship between decay rates in- and above-ground, the predictive power of laboratory indicators to predict such decay rates, and a method for implementing both in a service life prediction tool, were established based on 195 hardwoods, 29 softwoods, 19 modified timbers, and 41 preservative-treated timbers

    Modeling the material resistance of wood—part 2:Validation and optimization of the meyer-veltrup model

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    Service life planning with timber requires reliable models for quantifying the effects of exposure-related parameters and the material-inherent resistance of wood against biotic agents. The Meyer-Veltrup model was the first attempt to account for inherent protective properties and the wetting ability of wood to quantify resistance of wood in a quantitative manner. Based on test data on brown, white, and soft rot as well as moisture dynamics, the decay rates of different untreated wood species were predicted relative to the reference species of Norway spruce (Picea abies). The present study aimed to validate and optimize the resistance model for a wider range of wood species including very durable species, thermally and chemically modified wood, and preservative treated wood. The general model structure was shown to also be suitable for highly durable materials, but previously defined maximum thresholds had to be adjusted (i.e., maximum values of factors accounting for wetting ability and inherent protective properties) to 18 instead of 5 compared to Norway spruce. As expected, both the enlarged span in durability and the use of numerous and partly very divergent data sources (i.e., test methods, test locations, and types of data presentation) led to a decrease in the predictive power of the model compared to the original. In addition to the need to enlarge the database quantity and improve its quality, in particular for treated wood, it might be advantageous to use separate models for untreated and treated wood as long as the effect of additional impact variables (e.g., treatment quality) can be accounted for. Nevertheless, the adapted Meyer-Veltrup model will serve as an instrument to quantify material resistance for a wide range of wood-based materials as an input for comprehensive service life prediction software

    Characterization of the wood properties of "Cedrelinga cateniformis" as substitute for timbers used for window manufacturing and outdoor applications

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    Cedrelinga cateniformis (tornillo) is a timber species of the South American Amazon Basin. In its natural distribution area, the wood has various local uses, such as furniture, art work, door and window frames, and light construction. In order to promote this lesser known species for high valued applications on the international market, wood anatomical, opochemical and physical/mechanical studies were carried out to characterize the wood properties. The topochemical distribution of the lignin and phenolic extractives in the tissue were studied by means of cellular UV microspectrophotometry (UMSP). The results of the structural and topochemical analyses were compared with the interrelation of certain anatomical and subcellular structures as well as the chemical composition with regard to the physical and mechanical properties. The natural durability of the mature heartwood was analyzed according to the European Standards and is resulting in a durability class 1 against basidiomycetes. Based on the findings of the comprehensive investigations concerning physical and biological features, e.g. the dimensional stability and durability, Cedrelinga cateniformis is ideally suited as a substitute for overexploited tropical woods currently used in Europe for wooden window frames and other above ground outdoor applications and thus can contribute to increase the value-added production in Peruvian forests

    Influence of wood sample size and species on the leaching of chromium and copper using different lab tests

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    The present study deals with the development of standardized laboratory methods to predict depletion of biocides more accurately under service condition. Laboratory test was conducted with EN 252 standard and non-standard pine as well as spruce specimens to determine leaching of chromium and copper from stakes pressure impregnated with commercial copper- and chromium-containing preservative. Two modified laboratory test methods were carried out; first discontinuous (CEN/TS 15119-1) and second continuous water immersion (CEN/TS 15119-2). Results showed that leaching of copper in pine sapwood specimens was higher than that in spruce specimens. Moreover, copper leaching was greater in comparison to leaching chromium

    Zur Dauerhaftigkeit von Stallbohlen fĂĽr die Pferdehaltung

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    Für deren Erfüllung fehlt es der Praxis jedoch an konkreten Umsetzungsvorschlägen. Ein möglicher Ansatz, die gestellten Anforderungen zuverlässig zu erfüllen, wäre, Stallbohlen als sicherheitsrelevante Bauteile im Sinne des Ingenieurbauwesens aufzufassen und dementsprechend Materialauswahl und Dimensionierung durchzuführen. Die Auswahl des Materials müsste dann so gestaltet werden, dass innerhalb der vorgesehenen Nutzungsdauer keine Veränderung von Steifigkeit und Festigkeit zu erwarten ist. Dies ließe sich dadurch erreichen, dass für die jeweilige Einbausituation entsprechend dauerhafte Hölzer eingesetzt oder besondere Maßnahmen zum Schutz des Holzes durchgeführt werden. Der vorliegende Text erläutert die Inhalte der für diesen Ansatz relevanten Normen und klassifiziert anhand dieser die Einbausituationen von Stallbohlen in Gebrauchsklassen im Sinne der Holzschutznorm DIN 68800. Hierauf basierend wird die Verwendbarkeit gängiger Stallbauhölzer sowie möglicher Alternativen zu etablierten Hölzern tropischen Ursprungs beurteilt. Ergänzend hierzu wird betrachtet, wie der Verbau von ungetrockneten Stallbohlen zu bewerten ist. Für gängige Stallbauhölzer wurde im Rahmen des vorliegenden Aufsatzes herausgearbeitet, dass diese weitestgehend über eine der Einbausituation entsprechend ausreichende Dauerhaftigkeit verfügen. Weiter konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere für Boxenabtrennungen auch problemlos alternative Hölzern verwendet werden können. Die Verwendung von sägefrischem Holz für den Bau von Pferdeboxen wurde als unproblematisch bewertet

    Bestimmung des Wirkstoffes Fenoxycarb in Holz mittels HochdruckflĂĽssigchromatographie

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    International audienceFenoxycarb ist ein insektizider Wirkstoff, der wegen seiner hormonähnlichen Wirkung in sehr geringen Konzentrationen in Holzschutzmitteln eingesetzt werden kann. Das hat zur Folge, dass aus Extrakten von behandeltem Holz relativ geringe Fenoxycarb-Mengen vor dem Hintergrund ebenfalls extrahierter Holzinhaltsstoffe zu bestimmen sind. In Vergleichsanalysen verschiedener Laboratorien wurde gezeigt, dass Fenoxycarb durch Methanol mit hoher Ausbeute aus Holz extrahierbar ist und in den Extrakten durch Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie in Kopplung mit UV-Detektion bestimmt werden kann. Fenoxycarb-Konzentrationen im unteren Bereich der erforderlichen Einbringmengen können mit dem erprobten Verfahren nur nach zusätzlicher Probenaufarbeitung bestimmt werden. Bedingt durch schwer auswertbare Chromatogramme sind die Abweichungen der Ergebnisse zwischen verschiedenen Laboratorien relativ hoch