61 research outputs found

    Reproductive traits in Ethiopian male goats

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    This thesis characterizes reproductive traits of Ethiopian male goats raised under extensive husbandry and subjected to differential nutritional management. A total of 177 extensively-managed indigenous bucks of 5 breeds (i.e., Arsi–Bale [AB], Central Highlands [CH], Afar, Boran and Woito-Guji [WG]) were selected following stratified random sampling.The bucks were compared according to three age classes (<14 mo [young], 14–19.5 mo [intermediate] and 19.6–24 mo [old]) to determine whether breed and age influenced body size, testicular traits and epididymal sperm morphology. Bucks of a single goat breed (Ogaden; n= 35), selected by simple random sampling, were used to determine responses to differential nutritional treatments. Dietary treatments consisted of native hay fed ad libitum (control, C), native hay supplemented with 1% of body weight (BW) of agro–industrial by-products (Treatment 1, T1), native hay supplemented with 1% of BW of khat (Catha edulis) leftovers (Treatment 2, T2) and khat leftovers fed ad libitum (Treatment 3, T3). Breed, age and their interaction affected (P<0.05 to P<0.001) BW, body condition score (BCS), scrotal circumference (SC) and testicular weight (TW). Comparing all age classes, Boran displayed the highest (P<0.05) BW, greatest SC and heaviest TW, while Afar displayed the lowest values for these characteristics. Expressed as percentage of BW, Afar bucks had the highest TW. Regarding epididymal sperm morphology, most acrosome defects were displayed by CH (P<0.05) while AB mainly showed loose sperm heads (P<0.05). Bucks from a lowland agroclimate (i.e., Afar, Boran and WG) displayed more total sperm-head abnormalities (P<0.05) than did bucks of highland breeds (i.e., AB and CH). Younger bucks showed more (P<0.05) loose sperm heads, while older bucks had more (P<0.05) acrosome defects. Bucks fed according to the T1–T3 treatments improved (P<0.05) their BW, BCS, testicular size and testicular weight compared to controls. Goats in treatment groups T1–T3 showed higher (P<0.05) sperm motility, sperm concentration per mL and total number of spermatozoa per ejaculate compared to controls. Of groups T1–T3, bucks in T3 had the highest BW and testicular size. Feeding goats according to the T1–T3 regimes improved (P<0.001) feed dry matter (DM) and nutrient intake, and the occurrence of morphologically normal spermatozoa, compared to controls. Of the T1–T3 treatments, feeding according to T3 and T2 resulted in higher (P<0.05) DM, organic matter and gross energy intakes, while T1 followed by T3 resulted in the highest (P<0.05) crude protein intake, and T3 the highest occurrence of morphologically normal spermatozoa. In conclusion, body size, testicular traits and sperm morphology of Ethiopian bucks raised under extensive management were influenced by breed and age. Nutritional supplementation with khat leftovers and an agro–industrial by-product mix improved feed intake, growth and semen characteristics; these feedstuffs could be considered alternative feed resources to enhance goat production under smallholder farming systems in Ethiopia

    Evaluation of Crossbred Heifer Calves Rearing Practices and Growth Performace in Urban and Peri-Urban Dairy Systems of Sebeta Awas Wereda, Oromia, Ethiopia

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    Abstract. The study was aimed at evaluating the rearing practice and growth performance of heifer calves in urban and peri-urban dairy systems of Sebeta Awas Wereda, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Stratified random sampling method was used to select target farms and sample respondents for the prepared questionnaire. Farms for monitoring study was selected from data collected during the survey. Hence, 18 farms which had crossbred dairy heifer calves of (3-6 months of age), were purposively selected from both production systems and across the entire herd size category. Eighteen heifer calves were monitored from 18 different farms (2 production systems, 3 farm sizes, 3 replicates). Dairy farming has been gradually expanding in the area through years where above 90% of farms were established within last fifteen years. The overall average crossbred dairy herd size per household was 10.6±2.1 in urban and 11.3±2 in peri-urban area, where, the proportion of heifers accounted for 50.5% for urban and 48.8% for peri-urban farms of their respective total herds. Stall-feeding system is commonly practiced in urban and peri-urban farms, mostly feeding hay, straw, high-energy and protein feeds. Above 91.7% households raised their heifer calves through bucket feeding, where, 60%, 26% and 14% of overall farms weaned their calves at three, four and above four months of age respectively. Crude protein (CP) to metabolizable energy (ME) ratio of offered feeds to heifer calves were slightly below the desired level (66:1) in most farms. Body weight change, body condition score, girth height and average daily body weight gain (adg) of heifer calves were not affected by production systems. There was significant difference in body weight changes and adg due to difference in herd sizes. The overall observed heifer calf rearing and growth were good. But relatively inferior performance and prominent management problems were observed in medium sized farms Key words: heifer calf, urban, peri-urban, body weight, body condition score Abstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi praktik budidaya dan pertumbuhan sapi heifer di peternakan kota dan pinggir kota di Sebeta Awas Wereda, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Metode sample acak terstruktur digunakan untuk memilih target peternakan dan sampel responden untuk kuesioner. Peternakan untuk penelitian dipilih dari data yang dikumpulkan selama survei, sehingga ada 18 peternakan dengan sapi heifer perah silang berusia 3-6 bulan dipilih baik dari segi sistem produksi dan dari seluruh kategory jumlah ternak. Delapan belas sapi heifer diteliti dari 18 peternakan berbeda (2 sistem produksi, 3 ukuran peternakan, 3 pengulangan). Peternakan sapi perah berangsur berkembang di daerah itu sepanjang tahun dimana lebih dari 90% peternakan dibangun selama 15 tahun terakhir. Total rataan jumlah ternak sapi perah silang per rumah tangg adalah 10,6±2,1 di daerah kota dan 11,3±2 di pinggiran kota, dimana proporsi total ternak heifer sejumlah 50,5% di kota dan 48,85% di pinggiran kota. Sistem stall feeding umumnya diterapkan di peternakan kota dan pinggir kota yang sebagian besar menggunakan pakan jerami, rumput serta pakan tinggi protein dan energi. Lebih dari 97,6% rumah tangga memelihara ternaknya dengan pakan yang diberikan dalam ember, 60% peternakan memelihara ternak berumur 3 bulan, 26% empat bulan dan 14% diatas 4 bulan. Rasio protein kasar (PK) terhadap energi metabolit (ME) pada pakan berada di bawah level peternakan pada umumnya (66:1). Perubahan bobot tubuh, nilai kondisi tubuh, lingkar dada dan penambahan bobot tubuh harian (pbbh) sapi heifer tidak dipengaruhi oleh sistem produksi. Ada perbedaan nyata dalam perubahan bobot tubuh dan pbbh karena perbedaan jumlah ternak. Keseluruhan kondisi pemeliharaan dan pertumbuhan sapi heifer bagus, namun peternakan berukuran sedang menunjukkan performa yang kurang baik dan masalah manajemen yang menonjol. Kata  kunci: sapi heifer, kota, pinggir kota, bobot tubuh, nilai kondisi tubu

    Within Breed Phenotypic Diversity of Sokota/Tigray Sheep in Three Selected Zones of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

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    The study was carried out in Atsibi wonberta, Wukro kilteawlaeo, Ofla, Alamata, Enderta and Degua Temben district of Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia. The objectives of the study were to characterize the sheep breeds based on their different qualitative and quantitative traits in their natural environment. Data were gathered through semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, field observations and linear body measurements of sample populations. Body weight, linear body measurements and qualitative records were taken and observed from 600 sheep. The most frequent sheep types were the short fat tailed and fat rumped type of sheep. These include Begie- Degua (common highland) sheep breed which is found in Atsibi-wonberta, Wukro-Kilteawlaelo, Ofla and Degua-Tembien districts, Elle (Afar) sheep breed mostly found in Alamata district and mixed sheep breeds found in Enderta district. For Elle sheep, Sex of the sheep had highly significant (p&lt;0.01) effect on Heart girth (HG), Wither height (WH), tail length (TL). Whereas body weight (BW) and Body length (BL) was affected by sex of the sheep (p&lt;0.05) and ear length (EL) of Elle sheep were not affected (p&gt;0.05) by sex of the sheep. Differently in Common highland and mixed sheep breeds, BW, BL, HG, WH, TL and EL were not affected (p&gt;0.05) by sex of the sheep. Chest girth had consistently showed the highest correlation coefficient (r= 0.22 to 0.84) in the Elle, common highland and mixed sheep breeds in this study. Keywords: Sheep breeds, district (s), linear body measuremen

    Participatory evaluation of cattle fattening innovations of smallholder farmers in Gamogofa zone of southern Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in Gamogofa zone, southern Ethiopia, located 445-505 km south of Addis Ababa. The area is semi-arid lowland with altitudes ranging from 746 to 1450 m asl and mean temperature ranges from 22 to 25 °C. The dominant farming system is mixed crop-livestock. Cattle, goats and poultry are the major livestock species, while maize, sorghum, teff, banana and mango are the major crops. Cattle fattening is an important undertaking and source of livelihoods. However, the fattening system is traditional low-input-low-output and producers are not benefiting much from the sector. This study evaluated the challenges and constraints, and cattle fattening innovations introduced through the participation of stakeholders in the study area. The study used focus group discussion, key informants interview, livestock commodity platforms and questionnaires for data collection. The major challenges and constraints identified are; a) feed and feeding related - lack of improved fodder and poor utilisation, lack of fodder conservation practices, poor natural grazing lands management and energy loss due to long distance grazing; lack of access for concentrate feed; b) cattle related - inappropriate cattle type for fattening; c) production related - long cycle fattening (> 8 months), poor housing and poor cattle management; d) market related - unorganised cattle marking, dominance of local markets with brokers which makes producers price takers, lack of market linkage; e) capacity related - lack of knowledge and skill on improved cattle fattening by producers, input providers and livestock extension staff. The following interventions were introduced: a) capacity related, which includes skill based training and coaching & mentoring of producers and livestock extension staff on improved cattle fattening, improved reproductive management and artificial insemination; b) fattening innovations which includes stall feeding instead of grazing, short cycle (3-4 months) multiple fattening per annum, improved on farm fodder production, improved fodder utilisation through chopping, fodder conservation through bag silage making & proper harvesting and storage of crop residues, initiation of commercial concentrate feed supplying business and use of concentrate supplementation, better animal selection from the market and deworming before fattening, establishment of fattened cattle marketing groups, and marketing linkage with buyers

    Phenotypic Characterization of Indigenous Goat Types in West Gojjam Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

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    The study was carried out in Bahirdar Zuria, Yilmana Densa and Gonji Kolela districts of Western Gojjam zone of Amhara National Regional State. The objectives of the study were to undertake phenotypic characterization of indigenous goat type found in the study area under farmers’ management condition and to develop equation for prediction of body weight by using linear body measurements. A total of 600 goats were sampled randomly for characterization of phenotypic traits. Data were gathered through field observations and linear body measurements of sample populations. The Sampled goats were identified by sex, age and district. The most dominant coat color patterns in the sampled populations were plain and patchy with the most frequently observed coat color type being brown and fawn followed by white. Sex of animals had significant effect on all of the body measurements, except ear length, tail length and horn length. District effect was not significant (p&gt;0.05) for all of the body measurements. Dentition classes of animals contributed significant differences to body weight and most of the linear body measurements. The result of the multiple regression analysis showed that chest girth explained more variation than any other linear body measurements in both does (88%) and bucks (91%). The prediction of body weight could be based on regression equation y = -40.35 + 0.65x for female sample population and y = -33.71 + 0.82x for male sample goat population where y and x are body weight and chest girth, respectively. Most of the body measurements of goats were affected by sex and dentition class differently, whereas district effect was not apparent across all of the body measurements. Further characterization of goats in the study area at molecular level should be done. Keywords: Body weight, characterization, indigenous, linear body measurement,   regressio

    Participatory Evaluation of Herbage Composition, Biomass Yield, and Management Practices of Natural Grazing Lands in Sidama Highlands of Southern Ethiopia

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    Natural grazing land is the dominant source of feed for ruminant livestock in Ethiopia (Alemayehu, 2003; Zewdie and Yoseph, 2014). However, the production capacity and quality of natural grazing lands has been deteriorating over time and could not support optimum livestock production. Overgrazing the natural grazing lands due to poor grazing land management is among the major contributing factors (Alemayehu, 2003). Although previous studies focused on the evaluation of native grass lands it was either limited to arid and semi-arid agro-ecology or undertaken under different settings (Ayana, 2010; Diriba et al., 2012). Moreover, it did not involve the community in the evaluation process. Natural grazing lands are spatially and temporally heterogeneous (Eaton et al., 2011) and its composition varies with altitude, rainfall, soils, cropping intensity, and grazing land management (Alemayehu, 2003). Thus, understanding the current status of natural grazing lands is important to design pertinent strategies to improve the condition of the grazing land and thereby ensure sustainable utilization. The present study, therefore, examined botanical composition, biomass yield and management practices of natural grazing land under sub-humid and cool humid agro-climatic zones of Sidama highlands

    Effect of Supplementation of Cactus and Selected Browses Mix on Feed Utilization of Somali Goats

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    The problem of feed shortage is more aggravated in arid and semi-arid areas where erratic nature of the rainfall hampers crop production. During the dry season, there is under nutrition and malnutrition of livestock. In an effort to alleviate the problem looking for non-conventional feeds deserves due attention. In this regard cactus pear is known to have great potential. In this study, the effect of supplementation of spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) and selected browse species mixture on feed intake, digestibility and body weight (BW) change of Somali goats was determined. The feeding and digestibility trial was conducted on a private farm, located in Chiro town, West Hararghe, Ethiopia. Twenty intact male Somali goats with mean initial BW of 20.00±1.43 kg (mean±SD) were used. The experiment consisted of feeding trial of 90 days followed by digestibility trial of 7 days. The feeding and digestibility trials were conducted using a randomized complete block design with five replication of four animals in each block. The dietary treatments used were hay ad libitum (T1), hay + 300 g cactus and Acacia saligna (T2), hay +300 g cactus and Acacia robusta (T3) and hay + 300 g cactus and Sesbania sesban (T4) on dry matter (DM) basis at 1:1 ratio. Hay intake was higher (P&lt;0.001) in supplemented goats than the control. Supplementation favored (P&lt;0.001) the CP intake of T2, T3, T4 more than the control. Nutrient digestibility for DM, OM and CP were higher (P&lt;0.001) for supplemented than the control goats. Nutrient detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber digestibility (P&lt;0.5) and (P&lt;0.01), respectively were higher among the supplemented goats. Similarly, there was higher (P&lt;0.001) daily BW gain in the supplemented than in the non-supplemented goats. In addition, feed conversion efficiency and feed conversion ratio (P&lt;0.001) were improved among the supplemented goats compared to the control ones. From the results of the study, it is concluded that mixtures of chopped and dried cactus and the browse species reversed body weight loss of goats in the dry season. Among the mixtures of cactus and the browse species, the cactus and sesbania mix could be recommended for a better body weight gain

    Assessment of Herd Structure and Use of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) and Indigenous Browse Species as Livestock Feed in Miesso, Eastern Ethiopia

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    The survey was conducted in Miesso district, West Harerghe zone, Ethiopia bin five purposively selected peasant associations. These included two from pastoral and three from agro pastoralist areas. The objective of the study was to assess the utilization practices of cactus and browse species as livestock feed in Miesso district. The results of the survey showed that cactus introduction in Miesso district linked with the emergence of Ethio-Djibouti railway construction. Farmers allow their animals to graze cactus alone or feed in combination of crop residues, grass hay and browses during dry season and drought period. Animals consumed little drinking water after cactus feeding. However, feeding cactus is associated with bloating, soreness around mouth, loss of teeth and damage on eye and skin of animals. To alleviate these problems, farmers use various traditional prevention and treatment measures such as restricting the amount consumed; feeding crop residues before and after cactus; migration to areas where less cactus invasion and preventing animals from cactus feeding.The treatment measures include removing accumulated cactus from throat area by hand especially from cattle, drenching with pepper, salt solution, coca cola, gasoline, chasing animals and using nearby vet clinics. Browse trees were also very valuable as animal feed to the farmers/pastoralists of Miesso district. Therefore, in addition to the indigenous knowledge the farmers/pastoralists have, efforts of different organizations working in the agriculture sector in the area should focus on use feeding systems like burning the spines of cactus, chopping and drying cactus, provision of grass hay, maize/sorghum stover before cactus feeding and propagation of the spineless cactus species, banning the excessive use of browse trees for charcoal making and fuel wood through education and introducing improved forage species adaptable to the area are recommended.
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