907 research outputs found

    Managing Climatic Risks to Combat Land Degradation and Enhance Food security: Key Information Needs

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    This paper discusses the key information needs to reduce the negative impacts of weather variability and climate change on land degradation and food security, and identifies the opportunities and barriers between the information and services needed. It suggests that vulnerability assessments based on a livelihood concept that includes climate information and key socio-economic variables can overcome the narrow focus of common one-dimensional vulnerability studies. Both current and future climatic risks can be managed better if there is appropriate policy and institutional support together with technological interventions to address the complexities of multiple risks that agriculture has to face. This would require effective partnerships among agencies dealing with meteorological and hydrological services, agricultural research, land degradation and food security issues. In addition a state-of-the-art infrastructure to measure, record, store and disseminate data on weather variables, and access to weather and seasonal climate forecasts at desired spatial and temporal scales would be needed

    Extended Recurrence Plot Analysis and its Application to ERP Data

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    We present new measures of complexity and their application to event related potential data. The new measures base on structures of recurrence plots and makes the identification of chaos-chaos transitions possible. The application of these measures to data from single-trials of the Oddball experiment can identify laminar states therein. This offers a new way of analyzing event-related activity on a single-trial basis.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; article for the workshop ''Analyzing and Modelling Event-Related Brain Potentials: Cognitive and Neural Approaches`` at November 29 - December 01, 2001 in Potsdam, German

    Effects of SmartStax\u3csup\u3e®\u3c/sup\u3e and SmartStax\u3csup\u3e®\u3c/sup\u3e PRO maize on western corn rootworm (\u3ci\u3eDiabrotica virgifera virgifera\u3c/i\u3e LeConte) larval feeding injury and adult life history parameters

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    Field-evolved resistance of the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) proteins Cry3Bb1 and Cry34/35Ab1 (now classified as Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1) expressed in the pyramid SmartStax® has been documented in areas of the United States (U.S.) Corn Belt. SmartStax® PRO is a recently registered rootworm-active pyramid containing the same Bt proteins expressed in SmartStax® plus DvSnf7 dsRNA. Little to no published data is available comparing efficacy of the technologies or potential effects of dietary exposure on adult WCR fitness. Therefore, experiments were conducted to compare effects of adult WCR dietary exposure to SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO on life history parameters and efficacy of the technologies in the field with both Bt-susceptible and Bt-resistant WCR populations. WCR life history parameters evaluated included adult longevity, head capsule width, egg production, and egg viability. Results of small-plot field trials indicated that both technologies provided a high level of root protection when a Bt-susceptible WCR population was present. Root protection was reduced on SmartStax® but maintained on SmartStax® PRO when WCR Bt resistance occurred. Lifetime egg production was the key life history parameter that was significantly reduced when either Bt-susceptible or Bt-resistant adult WCR were fed SmartStax® or SmartStax® PRO diet. A potential fitness advantage was apparent as egg production was significantly higher in the Bt-resistant than Bt-susceptible population. The similar response by the Bt-susceptible WCR population to SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO indicates that results were caused by sublethal dietary exposure to Bt proteins. Adult size (males \u3c females) and egg viability (high: \u3e95%) were not significantly different among treatments but longevity results were inconsistent between years. Collectively, the field efficacy and life history parameter data expand existing knowledge of SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO technologies, which will inform practical WCR resistance management programs

    Ground state non-universality in the random field Ising model

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    Two attractive and often used ideas, namely universality and the concept of a zero temperature fixed point, are violated in the infinite-range random-field Ising model. In the ground state we show that the exponents can depend continuously on the disorder and so are non-universal. However, we also show that at finite temperature the thermal order parameter exponent one half is restored so that temperature is a relevant variable. The broader implications of these results are discussed.Comment: 4 pages 2 figures, corrected prefactors caused by a missing factor of two in Eq. 2., added a paragraph in conclusions for clarit

    Characterizing the sublethal effects of SmartStax PRO dietary exposure on life history traits of the western corn rootworm, \u3ci\u3e Diabrotica virgifera virgifera\u3c/i\u3e LeConte

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    The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, is an economically important pest of field corn (Zea mays L.) across the United States (U.S.) Corn Belt. Repeated use of transgenic hybrids expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins has selected for field-evolved resistance to all current rootworm-active Bt proteins. The newest product available for WCR management is SmartStax® PRO, a rootworm-active pyramid containing Cry3Bb1, Cry34/35Ab1 [now reclassified as Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1] and a new mode of action, DvSnf7 dsRNA. Understanding the fitness of adult WCR after dietary exposure to SmartStax® PRO will identify potential impacts on WCR population dynamics and inform efforts to optimize resistance management strategies. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to characterize the effect of SmartStax® PRO dietary exposure on WCR life history traits. Adult WCR were collected during 2018 and 2019 from emergence tents placed over replicated field plots of SmartStax® PRO or non-rootworm Bt corn at a site with a history of rootworm-Bt trait use and suspected resistance to Cry3Bb1 and Cry34/35Ab1. Adult survival was reduced by 97.1–99.7% in SmartStax® PRO plots relative to the non-rootworm Bt corn plots during the study. Individual male/female pairs were fed different diets of ear tissue to simulate lifetime or adult exposure. Life history parameters measured included adult longevity, adult head capsule width, lifetime female egg production, and egg viability. Results indicate that lifetime or adult exposure to SmartStax® PRO significantly reduced adult longevity and lifetime egg production. Larval exposure to SmartStax® PRO significantly reduced WCR adult size. Results from this study collectively suggest that SmartStax® PRO may negatively impact WCR life history traits, which may lead to reduced population growth when deployed in an area with WCR resistance to Bt traits

    Resistance management and integrated pest management insights from deployment of a Cry3Bb1+ Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1 pyramid in a resistant western corn rootworm landscape

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    In Nebraska USA, many populations of western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, now exhibit some level of resistance to all corn rootworm-active Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) proteins expressed in commercial hybrids. Therefore, a study was conducted in northeast Nebraska from 2020–2022 to reevaluate current corn rootworm management options in continuous maize (consecutive planting for ≥2 years). Results from on-farm experiments to evaluate a standard soil-applied insecticide (Aztec® 4.67G) in combination with non-rootworm Bt or rootworm-active Bt pyramided maize (Cry3Bb1 + Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1) are reported within the context of WCR Bt resistance levels present. Corrected survival from Bt pyramid single-plant bioassays (\u3c0.3, 0.3–0.49, \u3e0.5) was used to place populations into 3 resistance categories. Variables evaluated included root injury, adult emergence, proportion lodged maize, and grain yield. Key results: A composite analysis of all populations across resistance levels indicated that addition of soil insecticide to Bt pyramid significantly reduced adult emergence and lodging but did not significantly increase root protection or yield. Within and among resistance category analyses of root injury revealed that the Bt pyramid remained highly efficacious at any non-rootworm Bt root injury level when resistance was absent or low. When corrected survival was \u3e0.3, mean Bt pyramid root injury tracked more closely in a positive linear fashion with mean non-rootworm Bt root injury (rootworm density x level of resistance interaction). Similar trends were obtained for adult emergence but not yield. Mean Bt pyramid root injury rating was \u3c0.75 in most populations with Bt resistance, which contributed to no significant yield differences among categories. Results are discussed within the context of IPM:IRM tradeoffs and the need to reduce WCR densities in this system to decrease the impact of the density x resistance interaction to bridge use of current pyramids with new technologies introduced over the next decade

    Evaluation of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO Maize against Western Corn Rootworm and Northern Corn Rootworm: Efficacy and Resistance Management

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    Background: Cases of western corn rootworm (WCR) field-evolved resistance to Cry3Bb1 and other corn rootworm (CRW) control traits have been reported. Pyramid products expressing multiple CRW traits can delay resistance compared to single trait products. We used field studies to assess the pyramid CRW corn products, SmartStax (expressing Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1) and SmartStax PRO (expressing Cry3Bb1, Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 and DvSnf7), at locations with high WCR densities and possible Cry3Bb1 resistance, and to assess the reduction in adult emergence attributable to DvSnf7 and other traits. Insect resistance models were used to assess durability of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO to WCR resistance. Results: SmartStax significantly reduced root injury compared to non-CRW-trait controls at all but one location with measurable WCR pressure, while SmartStax PRO significantly reduced root injury at all locations, despite evidence of Cry3Bb1 resistance at some locations. The advantage of SmartStax PRO over SmartStax in reducing root damage was positively correlated with root damage on non-CRW-trait controls. DvSnf7 was estimated to reduce WCR emergence by approximately 80–95%, which modeling indicated will improve durability of Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 compared to SmartStax. Conclusion: The addition of DvSnf7 in SmartStax PRO can reduce root damage under high WCR densities and prolong Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 durability