268 research outputs found

    1-1 SFO and Hypothalamic Activation by

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    Dynamic changes in 5-hydroxymethylation signatures underpin early and late events in drug exposed liver

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    Aberrant DNA methylation is a common feature of neoplastic lesions, and early detection of such changes may provide powerful mechanistic insights and biomarkers for carcinogenesis. Here, we investigate dynamic changes in the mouse liver DNA methylome associated with short (1 day) and prolonged (7, 28 and 91 days) exposure to the rodent liver non-genotoxic carcinogen, phenobarbital (PB). We find that the distribution of 5mC/5hmC is highly consistent between untreated individuals of a similar age; yet, changes during liver maturation in a transcriptionally dependent manner. Following drug treatment, we identify and validate a series of differentially methylated or hydroxymethylated regions: exposure results in staged transcriptional responses with distinct kinetic profiles that strongly correlate with promoter proximal region 5hmC levels. Furthermore, reciprocal changes for both 5mC and 5hmC in response to PB suggest that active demethylation may be taking place at each set of these loci via a 5hmC intermediate. Finally, we identify potential early biomarkers for non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, including several genes aberrantly expressed in liver cancer. Our work suggests that 5hmC profiling can be used as an indicator of cell states during organ maturation and drug-induced responses and provides novel epigenetic signatures for non-genotoxic carcinogen exposur

    Microwave pyrolysis of Laminaria digitata to produce unique seaweed-derived bio-oils

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    Microwave pyrolysis has become an attractive form of processing technology to generate bio-oil, bio-char and syngas from different biomass feedstocks. In this study, microwave pyrolysis was performed on the UK native seaweed Laminaria digitata and its extract residue from a bio-refinery process. Pyrolysis of these two feedstocks was successfully achieved without the requirement of microwave susceptors, as pelletizing the biomass was sufficient to allow microwave pyrolysis to occur. It was found that average energy requirements as low as 1.84–2.83 kJ g−1 were required to pyrolyse 55–70% of both feedstocks and bio-oil yields of 5–8% and 10–14% for native and extraction residue L. digitata were produced, respectively. Maximum microwave pyrolysis processing times were in the order of 200 s. The bio-oil generated from both feedstocks contained no phenolic based compounds, but a greater number of nitrogen-containing compounds and compounds derived from macroalgal polysaccharides. Yields of certain compounds differed in bio-oils generated from the two L. digitata feedstocks, however it was observed that specific energy did not have a direct influence on bio-oil compound yield. Furthermore, the identification of a particular nitrogen-containing compound L-Proline, 1-methyl-5-oxo-, methylester is thought to be a unique product of microwave pyrolysis when carbon-based additives are avoided

    Comparative analysis of affinity-based 5-hydroxymethylation enrichment techniques

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    The epigenetic modification of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is receiving great attention due to its potential role in DNA methylation reprogramming and as a cell state identifier. Given this interest, it is important to identify reliable and cost-effective methods for the enrichment of 5hmC marked DNA for downstream analysis. We tested three commonly used affinity-based enrichment techniques; (i) antibody, (ii) chemical capture and (iii) protein affinity enrichment and assessed their ability to accurately and reproducibly report 5hmC profiles in mouse tissues containing high (brain) and lower (liver) levels of 5hmC. The protein-affinity technique is a poor reporter of 5hmC profiles, delivering 5hmC patterns that are incompatible with other methods. Both antibody and chemical capture-based techniques generate highly similar genome-wide patterns for 5hmC, which are independently validated by standard quantitative PCR (qPCR) and glucosyl-sensitive restriction enzyme digestion (gRES-qPCR). Both antibody and chemical capture generated profiles reproducibly link to unique chromatin modification profiles associated with 5hmC. However, there appears to be a slight bias of the antibody to bind to regions of DNA rich in simple repeats. Ultimately, the increased specificity observed with chemical capture-based approaches makes this an attractive method for the analysis of locus-specific or genome-wide patterns of 5hm

    Investigation into the role of the germline epigenome in the transmission of glucocorticoid-programmed effects across generations.

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    BACKGROUND: Early life exposure to adverse environments affects cardiovascular and metabolic systems in the offspring. These programmed effects are transmissible to a second generation through both male and female lines, suggesting germline transmission. We have previously shown that prenatal overexposure to the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (Dex) in rats reduces birth weight in the first generation (F1), a phenotype which is transmitted to a second generation (F2), particularly through the male line. We hypothesize that Dex exposure affects developing germ cells, resulting in transmissible alterations in DNA methylation, histone marks and/or small RNA in the male germline. RESULTS: We profile epigenetic marks in sperm from F1 Sprague Dawley rats expressing a germ cell-specific GFP transgene following Dex or vehicle treatment of the mothers, using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing, small RNA sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing for H3K4me3, H3K4me1, H3K27me3 and H3K9me3. Although effects on birth weight are transmitted to the F2 generation through the male line, no differences in DNA methylation, histone modifications or small RNA were detected between germ cells and sperm from Dex-exposed animals and controls. CONCLUSIONS: Although the phenotype is transmitted to a second generation, we are unable to detect specific changes in DNA methylation, common histone modifications or small RNA profiles in sperm. Dex exposure is associated with more variable 5mC levels, particularly at non-promoter loci. Although this could be one mechanism contributing to the observed phenotype, other germline epigenetic modifications or non-epigenetic mechanisms may be responsible for the transmission of programmed effects across generations in this model

    5-hydroxymethylcytosine profiling as an indicator of cellular state

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    A Laird is supported by the Medical Research Council Scottish Clinical Pharmacology and Pathology Programme, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Robertson’s Trust and The Melville Trust for the Care and Cure of Cancer. J Thomson is supported by the MARCAR project. Work in RR Meehan’s laboratory is supported by the Medical Research Council, the BBSRC and by the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI JU) under grant agreement number 115001 (MARCAR project).DNA methylation is widely studied in the context of cancer. However, the rediscovery of 5-hydroxymethylation of DNA adds a new layer of complexity to understanding the epigenetic basis of development and disease, including carcinogenesis. There have been significant advances in techniques for the detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and, with this, greater insight into the distribution, regulation and function of this mark, which are reviewed here. Better understanding of the associated pathways involved in regulation of, and by, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine may give promise to new therapeutic targets. We discuss evidence to support the view of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine as a unique and dynamic mark of cellular state. These 5-hydroxymethylcytosine profiles may offer optimism for the development of diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Diverse interventions that extend mouse lifespan suppress shared age-associated epigenetic changes at critical gene regulatory regions

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    Background: Age-associated epigenetic changes are implicated in aging. Notably, age-associated DNA methylation changes comprise a so-called aging “clock”, a robust biomarker of aging. However, while genetic, dietary and drug interventions can extend lifespan, their impact on the epigenome is uncharacterised. To fill this knowledge gap, we defined age-associated DNA methylation changes at the whole-genome, single-nucleotide level in mouse liver and tested the impact of longevity-promoting interventions, specifically the Ames dwarf Prop1 df/df mutation, calorie restriction and rapamycin. Results: In wild-type mice fed an unsupplemented ad libitum diet, age-associated hypomethylation was enriched at super-enhancers in highly expressed genes critical for liver function. Genes harbouring hypomethylated enhancers were enriched for genes that change expression with age. Hypermethylation was enriched at CpG islands marked with bivalent activating and repressing histone modifications and resembled hypermethylation in liver cancer. Age-associated methylation changes are suppressed in Ames dwarf and calorie restricted mice and more selectively and less specifically in rapamycin treated mice. Conclusions: Age-associated hypo- and hypermethylation events occur at distinct regulatory features of the genome. Distinct longevity-promoting interventions, specifically genetic, dietary and drug interventions, suppress some age-associated methylation changes, consistent with the idea that these interventions exert their beneficial effects, in part, by modulation of the epigenome. This study is a foundation to understand the epigenetic contribution to healthy aging and longevity and the molecular basis of the DNA methylation clock