74 research outputs found

    Presencia tecnológica en el consumidor responsable

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    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es conocer el comportamiento del consumidor responsable que utiliza la tecnología para desarrollar una conducta más sostenible. El consumo responsable es un tema de gran importancia en la actualidad debido a que estamos sufriendo un cambio climático acelerado, que produce graves consecuencias en todo el mundo. Para ello se estudiará, la evolución del consumo responsable y el perfil del consumidor responsable. Además, se analizará la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías en la economía responsable y los negocios que surgen a través del consumo responsable. A continuación, se realizará un estudio de mercado a través de un muestreo no probabilístico, para analizar el perfil del consumidor responsable. Por último, se analizarán los resultados obtenidos de dicho estudio, del que podemos adelantar que un 93,8% del total se preocupa por el medioambiente, el 53,1% de los encuestados compra productos de segunda mano y un 37,6% consume alimentos ecológicos. Con ello llegamos a unas conclusiones y elaboramos unas recomendaciones con el fin de aumentar el consumo responsable.<br /

    Un héroe del Avapiés :(parodia de un hombre de estado):juguete cómico en un acto, en verso

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    Representado en Madrid, en el teatro de la Comedia, el 2 de abril de 1851Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Pie de imprenta tomado del colofónSign.:1(4º)Texto a dos col.Colección de comedias representadas con éxito en los teatros de Madri

    Neuroimagen y neurobiología de la adicción:un estudio sobre los cambios funcionales cerebrales en personas adictas a las cocaína

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    Decenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2004-2005)El consumo crónica de cocaína produce una reducción de la dopamina en ciertas áreas cerebrales, provocando una alteración en este sistema. (Volkow y cols., 1999; Wu y cols., 1997). El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar mediante Resonancia Magnética Funcional, los efectos que el consumo crónico de cocaína provoca sobre el procesamiento emocional. Los participantes (10 pacientes adictos a la cocaína y 10 personas no adictas) realizaron una tarea de procesamiento emocional en la que visualizaban fotografías con contenido emocional positivo, negativo y neutro (Adaptación española del International Affective Pictures System, IAPS, moltó y cols. 2001) como fondo en un tarea de discriminación de letras. Los resultados muestran una menor activación en el núcleo accumbens, giro cingulado anterior y cortex orbitofrontal en personas adictas a la cocaína en comparación al grupo control, ante la visión de imágenes positivas. Mientras que, se observa una menor activación del giro cingulado anterior en pacientes en comparación a los controles, para la visión de imágenes negativas. Estos resultados sugieren que la tarea del IAPS es una buena tarea para activar áreas específicas de recompensa (N.acc y giro orbitofrontal). Y que los pacientes presentan una disfunción en el sistema de recompensa, lugar donde actúa la cocaína tras su administración, liberando dopamina. Esto podría tener como consecuencia una menor sensibilidad de estas personas para los reforzadores naturales

    Importancia de la responsabilidad ambiental y social de las empresas en México: caso Grupo Bimbo

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    En este estudio se plantea por objetivo destacar la importancia que tiene la responsabilidad ambiental y social que algunas empresas manifiestan en México, cabe mencionar que para realizar este estudio se hizo una revisión de la literatura pertinente desde un enfoque cualitativo, con un trabajo de gabinete, de una manera transversal y con un diseño no experimental. Por lo que se concluye que a raíz de las problemáticas ambientales que se han vivido en nuestro planeta, se ha observado un recrudecimiento de diferentes tipos de contaminaciones, es por ello; que aquí se señala que cada vez más las empresas demuestran cierta evolución de conciencia sobre las problemáticas ambientales y sociales, lo cual demuestra su preocupación por las próximas generaciones, como es el caso del grupo Bimbo

    Changes on Levels of Essential Trace Elements in Selenium Naturally Enriched

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    Selenium (Se) enrichment improves milk functional nutrient content enhancing its nutritive value and providing health benefits. This Se enriched milk can be considered as “nutraceutical” or “functional food”. However, this benefit should not affect negatively other milk properties, such as its trace element contents. Holstein-Friesian cows diets were supplemented with increasing Se dosages in order to obtain on-farm Se enriched milk, and trace metals content including Co, Cu, I, Se and Zn were determined in these milk samples. Our results showed that Se milk supplementation did not affect negatively other trace element levels in milk, obtaining a functional food designed to allow consumers to drink enriched milk close to their natural state. No effect was detected on Co, I and Zn at any Se supplementation dosages. However, Cu level decreased when Se concentration in milk was higher than 100 ng/g

    Una actriz improvisada :juguete cómico en un acto, original y en verso

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    Para representarse en los teatros de Madrid el año de 1847Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Pie de imprenta tomado del colofónSign.:1-2(2)Texto a dos col.Colección de comedias representadas con éxito en los teatros de la cort

    Country-level gender inequality is associated with structural differences in the brains of women and men

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    Significance Gender inequality is associated with worse mental health and academic achievement in women. Using a dataset of 7,876 MRI scans from healthy adults living in 29 different countries, we here show that gender inequality is associated with differences between the brains of men and women: cortical thickness of the right hemisphere, especially in limbic regions such as the right caudal anterior cingulate and right medial orbitofrontal, as well as the left lateral occipital, present thinner cortices in women compared to men only in gender-unequal countries. These results suggest a potential neural mechanism underlying the worse outcome of women in gender-unequal settings, as well as highlight the role of the environment in the brain differences between women and men. Abstract Gender inequality across the world has been associated with a higher risk to mental health problems and lower academic achievement in women compared to men. We also know that the brain is shaped by nurturing and adverse socio-environmental experiences. Therefore, unequal exposure to harsher conditions for women compared to men in gender-unequal countries might be reflected in differences in their brain structure, and this could be the neural mechanism partly explaining women’s worse outcomes in gender-unequal countries. We examined this through a random-effects meta-analysis on cortical thickness and surface area differences between adult healthy men and women, including a meta-regression in which country-level gender inequality acted as an explanatory variable for the observed differences. A total of 139 samples from 29 different countries, totaling 7,876 MRI scans, were included. Thickness of the right hemisphere, and particularly the right caudal anterior cingulate, right medial orbitofrontal, and left lateral occipital cortex, presented no differences or even thicker regional cortices in women compared to men in gender-equal countries, reversing to thinner cortices in countries with greater gender inequality. These results point to the potentially hazardous effect of gender inequality on women’s brains and provide initial evidence for neuroscience-informed policies for gender equality

    European database of explanted UHMWPE liners from total joint replacements: correlations among polymer modifications, structure, oxidation, mechanical properties and lifetime in vivo

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    This contribution lays the foundation for the European database of explanted UHMWPE liners from total joint replacements. Three EU countries (Czech Republic, Italy and Spain) have joined their datasets containing anonymized patient data (such as age and BMI), manufacturer data (such as information on UHMWPE crosslinking, thermal treatment and sterilization), orthopedic evaluation (such as total duration of the implant in vivo and reasons for its revision) and material characterization (such as oxidative degradation and micromechanical properties). The joined database contains more than 500 entries, exhibiting gradual growth, and it is beginning to show interesting trends, which are discussed in our contribution, including (i) strong correlations between UHMWPE oxidative degradation, degree of crystallinity and microhardness; (ii) statistically significant differences between UHMWPE liners with different types of sterilization; (iii) realistic correlations between the extent of oxidative degradation and the observed reasons for total joint replacement failures. Our final objective and task for the future is to continuously expand the database, involving researchers from other European countries, in order to create a robust tool that will contribute to the better understanding of structure–properties–performance relationships in the field of arthroplasty implants

    Exposing the Oxygen-Centered Radical Character of the Tetraoxido Ruthenium(VIII) Cation [RuO4]+

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    The tetraoxido ruthenium(VIII) radical cation, [RuO4]+, should be a strong oxidizing agent, but has been difficult to produce and investigate so far. In our X-ray absorption spectroscopy study, in combination with quantum-chemical calculations, we show that [RuO4]+, produced via oxidation of ruthenium cations by ozone in the gas phase, forms the oxygen-centered radical ground state. The oxygen-centered radical character of [RuO4]+ is identified by the chemical shift at the ruthenium M3 edge, indicative of ruthenium(VIII), and by the presence of a characteristic low-energy transition at the oxygen K edge, involving an oxygen-centered singly-occupied molecular orbital, which is suppressed when the oxygen-centered radical is quenched by hydrogenation of [RuO4]+ to the closed-shell [RuO4H]+ ion. Hydrogen-atom abstraction from methane is calculated to be only slightly less exothermic for [RuO4]+ than for [OsO4]+