28 research outputs found

    A method for single pair mating in an obligate parasitic nematode

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    Parasitic nematode species have extremely high levels of genetic diversity, presenting a number of experimental challenges for genomic and genetic work. Consequently, there is a need to develop inbred laboratory strains with reduced levels of polymorphism. The most efficient approach to inbred line development is single pair mating, but this is challenging for obligate parasites where the adult sexual reproductive stages are inside the host, and thus difficult to experimentally manipulate. This paper describes a successful approach to single pair mating of a parasitic nematode, Haemonchus contortus. The method allows for polyandrous mating behaviour and involves the surgical transplantation of a single adult male worm with multiple immature adult females directly into the sheep abomasum. We used a panel of microsatellite markers to monitor and validate the single pair mating crosses and to ensure that the genotypes of progeny and subsequent filial generations were consistent with those expected from a mating between a single female parent of known genotype and a single male parent of unknown genotype. We have established two inbred lines that both show a significant overall reduction in genetic diversity based on microsatellite genotyping and genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism. There was an approximately 50% reduction in heterozygous SNP sites across the genome in the MHco3.N1 line compared with the MoHco3(ISE) parental strain. The MHco3.N1 inbred line has subsequently been used to provide DNA template for whole genome sequencing of H. contortus. This work provides proof of concept and methodologies for forward genetic analysis of obligate parasitic nematodes

    Genetic variation associated with circulating monocyte count in the eMERGE Network

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    With white blood cell count emerging as an important risk factor for chronic inflammatory diseases, genetic associations of differential leukocyte types, specifically monocyte count, are providing novel candidate genes and pathways to further investigate. Circulating monocytes play a critical role in vascular diseases such as in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. We performed a joint and ancestry-stratified genome-wide association analyses to identify variants specifically associated with monocyte count in 11 014 subjects in the electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network. In the joint and European ancestry samples, we identified novel associations in the chromosome 16 interferon regulatory factor 8 (IRF8) gene (P-value = 2.78×10(−16), β = −0.22). Other monocyte associations include novel missense variants in the chemokine-binding protein 2 (CCBP2) gene (P-value = 1.88×10(−7), β = 0.30) and a region of replication found in ribophorin I (RPN1) (P-value = 2.63×10(−16), β = −0.23) on chromosome 3. The CCBP2 and RPN1 region is located near GATA binding protein2 gene that has been previously shown to be associated with coronary heart disease. On chromosome 9, we found a novel association in the prostaglandin reductase 1 gene (P-value = 2.29×10(−7), β = 0.16), which is downstream from lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1. This region has previously been shown to be associated with monocyte count. We also replicated monocyte associations of genome-wide significance (P-value = 5.68×10(−17), β = −0.23) at the integrin, alpha 4 gene on chromosome 2. The novel IRF8 results and further replications provide supporting evidence of genetic regions associated with monocyte count

    Targeting of alpha(v) integrin identifies a core molecular pathway that regulates fibrosis in several organs

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    Myofibroblasts are the major source of extracellular matrix components that accumulate during tissue fibrosis, and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are the major source of myofibroblasts in the liver. To date, robust systems to genetically manipulate these cells have not existed. We report that Pdgfrb-Cre inactivates genes in murine HSCs with high efficiency. We used this system to delete the αv integrin subunit because of the suggested role of multiple αv integrins as central mediators of fibrosis in multiple organs. Depletion of the αv integrin subunit in HSCs protected mice from CCl(4)-induced hepatic fibrosis, whereas global loss of αvβ3, αvβ5 or αvβ6 or conditional loss of αvβ8 on HSCs did not. Pdgfrb-Cre effectively targeted myofibroblasts in multiple organs, and depletion of αv integrins using this system was also protective in models of pulmonary and renal fibrosis. Critically, pharmacological blockade of αv integrins by a novel small molecule (CWHM 12) attenuated both liver and lung fibrosis, even when administered after fibrosis was established. These data identify a core pathway that regulates fibrosis, and suggest that pharmacological targeting of all αv integrins may have clinical utility in the treatment of patients with a broad range of fibrotic diseases

    Fishing practices and representations of shark conservation issues among users of a land-based shark angling online forum

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    •This study examined posts by users of an online angling forum.•Forum users do not believe that their practices harm shark populations.•Forum users sometimes engage in illegal fishing behavior.•Forum users have mixed feelings about other stakeholders.•New protections for sharks do not appear to influence fishing practices.Recreational fisheries can play a significant role in the population dynamics of threatened fish species, but have received much less research and management attention than commercial fisheries. Land-based anglers are a group of recreational fishers that fish from beaches or piers; however, comparatively little is known about the practices and perceptions of this stakeholder group. In order to gather data for an initial assessment of the fishing practices of land-based anglers and their perspectives on shark conservation issues, we performed a content and discourse analysis of an online discussion forum used by the largest land-based shark fishing club in Florida. Discussion board content analysis can identify evidence that certain perceptions or practices exist within a studied sample, but cannot be used to estimate how common those perceptions and practices are among the wider population. We found evidence that forum users are demographically distinct from other recreational anglers in Florida, and are mostly young males. Some forum users perceive themselves as relatively low-income compared with other fishing stakeholder groups. There was no evidence in forum discussions that patterns of reported landing and release of hammerhead and tiger sharks changed following the introduction of new legal protections for these species in 2012. This study identified a minimum of dozens of cases of illegal shark fishing practices among forum users, and found evidence that some users are aware that these practices are illegal. There was evidence that some users believe that their own practices have no effect on shark populations and should not be regulated. Additionally, this study found the existence of mixed attitudes and levels of trust towards scientific researchers and environmentalists