742 research outputs found

    From the play to the event: Delineating phenomena of theatrical activity in Greece at the turn of the twenty-first century

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    Attempting a general overview, this article may be understood as a preliminary requisite towards a more systematic study of theatrical activity in Greece since the turn of the twenty-first century. At the heart of this approach lies the fundamental shift from the dramatic play to the performance event, which has taken place both in theatre practice and theatre studies since the 1960s. The hypothesis underlying this study is that in Greek theatre the transition commenced after the reestablishment of democracy, becoming more broadly evident in this century. Some of the main points discussed are the profile of the new generation of theatre creators, the role of some major theatrical events and organisations, institutional transformations, new forms of collectivity in theatrical activity, the persistent demand for extroversion, dramatic production and its links to the stage

    A Comparative Molecular Dynamics, MM−PBSA and Thermodynamic Integration Study of Saquinavir Complexes with Wild-Type HIV‑1 PR and L10I, G48V, L63P, A71V, G73S, V82A and I84V Single Mutants

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    A great challenge toward Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) treatment is to combat the HIV-1 virus. The major problem of drug resistance has kept the virus one step ahead of the medical community, and the call for more effective drugs remains as urgent as ever. Saquinavir, the first inhibitor against HIV-1 protease, offers the most extensive clinical data regarding resistance mutations. In this work, we examine L10I, G48V, L63P, A71V, G73S, V82A, and I84V single mutant HIV-1 PR strains in complexes with saquinavir to elucidate drug–protease interactions and dynamics. A comparative analysis of these mutations at the molecular level may lead to a deeper understanding of saquinavir resistance. The G48V mutation induces structural changes to the protease that reflect upon the drug’s binding affinity, as shown by MM–PBSA and thermodynamic integration (TI) calculations (ΔΔGTI = 0.3 kcal/mol; ΔΔGMM–PBSA = 1.2 kcal/mol). It was shown that mutations, which increase the flexibility of the flaps (G48V, L63P, L10I) diminish binding. The preservation of hydrogen bonds of saquinavir with both the active site and flap residues in the wild-type and certain single mutants (A71V, V82A) is also crucial for effective inhibition. It was shown that mutations conferring major resistance (G48V, L63P, I84V) did not present these interactions. Finally, it was indicated that a water-mediated hydrogen bond between saquinavir and Asp29 in the active site (wild-type, A71V, G73S) facilitates a proper placement of the drug into the binding cavity that favors binding. Mutants lacking this interaction (G48V, V82A, I84V) demonstrated reduced binding affinities. This systematic and comparative study is a contribution to the elucidation of the drug resistance mechanism in HIV-1 PR

    Correlating Facial Expressions and Subjective Player Experiences in Competitive Hearthstone

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    In this study, we used recordings of players’ facial expressions that are captured during competitive Hearthstone games to analyse the correlation between in-game player affective responses and subjective post-game self-reports. With this, we aimed to examine whether eye gaze, head pose and emotions gathered as objective data from face recordings would be associated with subjective experiences of players which were collected in the form of a post-game survey. Data was collected during a live offline Hearthstone competition, which involved a total of 17 players and 31 matches played. Correlation analyses between in-game and post-game variables show that players’ facial expressions and eye gaze measurements are associated with both players’ attention to the opponent and their mood influenced by the opponent. In future research, these results may be used to implement predictive player models

    Η Σημειολογία των αριθμών και των ωρών στο Κατά Ιωάννη Ευαγγέλιο

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    Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή διαπραγματεύεται η σημειολογία των αριθμών και ωρών που απαντούν στο Κατά Ιωάννη Ευαγγέλιο. Οι ερμηνείες οι οποίες καταγράφονται περιλαμβάνουν Πατέρες και Εκκλησιαστικούς συγγραφείς κατά προτεραιότητα της Ορθόδοξης Πίστης μας και δευτερευόντως άλλων δογμάτων. Επιπρόσθετα, συγκαταλέγονται οι ερμηνείες σύγχρονων Ελλήνων ερμηνευτών θεολόγων και της αλλοδαπής. Στόχος της διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι να εγκαθιδρυθεί μία συστηματική ανάλυση και μεθοδολογία στην ερμηνεία των αριθμών και ωρών η οποία πιθανόν να έχει προεκτάσεις και στην υπόλοιπο Αγία Γραφή. Πράγματι, τα συμπεράσματα τα οποία εξήχθησαν μπορούν να έχουν εφαρμογή κυρίως στα Καινοδιαθηκικά κείμενα αλλά ακόμη και σε κείμενα της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης. Τα κείμενα της Αγίας Γραφής προσφέρονται για πλουραλισμό ερμηνειών φτάνει αυτές να μην παρεκκλίνουν από το Χριστιανικό δόγμα και να μην οδηγούν σε πολυθεϊκές ή αντιθεϊκές ερμηνείες. Πιστεύουμε ότι τα συμπεράσματα τα οποία προέκυψαν σε κάθε εδάφιο το οποίο περιέχει αριθμό ή ώρα είναι σημαντικά. Ο πλουραλισμός σε αλληγορικές και μη ερμηνείες βοηθά στην κατανόηση της Αγιοπνευματικής ποικιλότητας, στον φωτισμό ανάλογα με το πνευματικό υπόβαθρο του μελετητή. Παρέχει επίσης ευδαιμονία και αγαλλίαση στον Πιστό γιατί κατανοεί ότι η Αγία Γραφή προσφέρεται ως πνευματική κλίμακα ανέλιξης με αμέτρητα σκαλοπάτια. Οι ανάλογες ερμηνείες βοηθούν τον Πιστό να ανελιχθεί στην πνευματική κλίμακα. Τέλος, θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι σε πολλά εδάφια δόθησαν νέες ερμηνείες με βάση τα σύγχρονα δεδομένα τα οποία έφερε στο φως η επιστημονική γνώση. Αυτές οι νέες ερμηνείες δεν έρχονται σε αντίφαση ή ακυρώνουν αυτές των Αγίων Πατέρων της Ορθόδοξης Πίστης μας αλλά αντίθετα τις συμπληρώνουν.In this PhD dissertation, the semiology of the numbers and hours met in the Gospel of John is discussed. The interpretations recorded include Fathers and Ecclesiastical Writers as a priority of our Orthodox Faith and, secondarily, other doctrines. In addition, interpretations of contemporary theologians and the non-Greek are included. The aim of the PhD thesis is to establish a systematic analysis and methodology in interpreting the numbers and hours found in John Gosple which may have implication for the rest of the Bible as well. Indeed, the conclusions that have been excerpted can apply mainly to the New Testament texts, but even to texts in the Old Testament. The Bible texts lend themselves to pluralism of interpretations as far as they do not deviate form the Christian doctrine and lead to polytheic or antitheic interpretations. We believe that the conclusions that came out in each chapter containing a number or hour are important. Pluralism in allegorical and non-interpretations helps to understand the Spiritual diversity in lighting according to the scholar’s spiritual background. Finally, it should be noted that in many passages, new interpretations have been given on the basis of the modern data brought to light by scientific knowledge. These new interpretations do not contradict or invalidate those of the Holy Fathers of our Orthodox Faith but instead supplement them

    Inferring player experiences using facial expressions analysis

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    © 2014 ACM. Understanding player experiences is central to game design. Video captures of players is a common practice for obtaining rich reviewable data for analysing these experiences. However, not enough has been done in investigating ways of preprocessing the video for a more efficient analysis process. This paper consolidates and extends prior work on validating the feasibility of using automated facial expressions analysis as a natural quantitative method for evaluating player experiences. A study was performed on participants playing a first-person puzzle shooter game (Portal 2) and a social drawing trivia game (Draw My Thing), and results were shown to exhibit rich details for inferring player experiences from facial expressions. Significant correlations were also observed between facial expression intensities and self reports from the Game Experience Questionnaire. In particular, the challenge dimension consistently showed positive correlations with anger and joy. This paper eventually presents a case for increasing the application of computer vision in video analyses of gameplay

    An effort to discover the preferred conformation of the potent AMG3 cannabinoid analog when reaching the active sites of the cannabinoid receptors

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    Most of current 3D-QSAR algorithms use alignments of compounds at the training set based on reference active ligands in the first step of the construction of the pharamacophore modeling. This first step mostly defines the success of constructed pharmacophore models. In this step, it is essential to find the bioactive conformation for solid and reliable 3D-QSAR models. Therefore, we have proceeded through different approaches for revealing the preferred conformations of Δ(8)-THC derivative AMG-3 at CB1 and CB2 receptors. In the first approach, we have applied conformational search methods in gas and in solvent phases for the ligand. The derived low energy conformers using these methodologies have been modeled through 3D-QSAR studies (first generation model). In the second approach, the low energy conformers derived from molecular docking studies have been used as input for 3D-QSAR studies (second generation model). In the current study, a new approach using MD calculations in a simulated biological environment, thus the CB receptors surrounded by a lipid bilayer environment has been used (third generation). The obtained results for different environments were compared and the approach deriving the highest statistic results was used for the generation of the novel AMG3 analogs for optimal and selective binding affinities at CB1 and CB2 receptors by the de novo drug design modeling

    Interactions of the dipeptide paralysin β-Ala-Tyr and the aminoacid Glu with phospholipid bilayers

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    AbstractExisting evidence points out that the biological activity of β-Ala-Tyr may in part related to its interactions with the cell membranes. For comparative reasons the effects of Glu were also examined using identical techniques and conditions. In order to examine their thermal and dynamic effects on membrane bilayers a combination of DSC, Raman and solid state NMR spectroscopy on DPPC/water model membranes were applied and the results were compared. DSC data showed that Glu perturbs to a greater degree the model membrane compared to β-Ala-Tyr. Thus, alteration of the phase transition temperature and half width of the peaks, abolishment of the pretransition and influence on the enthalpy of the phase transition were more pronounced in the Glu loaded bilayers. Raman spectroscopy showed that incorporation of Glu in DPPC/water bilayers increased the order in the bilayers in contrast to the effect of the dipeptide. Several structural and dynamical properties of the DPPC multilamellar bilayers with and without the dipeptide or Glu were compared using high resolution C-13 MAS (Magic Angle Spinning) spectra and spectral simulations of inhomogeneously broadened, stationary P-31 NMR lineshapes measured under CP (Cross-polarization) conditions. These methods revealed that the aminoacid Glu binds in the close realm of the phosphate in the hydrophilic headgroup of DPPC while β-Ala-Tyr is located more deeply inside the hydrophobic zone of the bilayer. The P-31 NMR simulations indicated restricted fast rotary motion of the phospholipids about their long axes in the organized bilayer structure. Finally, by the applied methodologies it is concluded that the two molecules under study exert dissimilar thermal and dynamic effects on lipid bilayers, the Glu improving significantly the packing of the lipids in contrast to the smaller and opposite effect of the dipeptide

    Comparison between two different types of school bags and musculoskeletal symptoms in primary school students

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    The subject of this research was to find out the relationship between the school bag (trolley bags and shoulder bags) and the appearance of musculoskeletal symptoms in Greek primary school pupils, as well as to discuss ways in which these symptoms can be avoided. The sample consisted of 199 primary school children, aged 7-12 years old. Also, questionnaires answered by their parent-guardians and the educational staff of the school where the survey was conducted. The measuring tools used were questionnaires, measuring tape, electronic scale and electronic dynamometer. The results indicated that the 60.8% of children, regardless of the type of bag, reported some musculoskeletal pain during the transfer of the school bag, with pupils with a shoulder bag showing 65.3% musculoskeletal pain and 42.9% of those with trolley bag showing musculoskeletal pains. However, students with trolley bags carry heavier bags, than the pupils with shoulder bags, and the ratio between the body weight and the bag weight of the pupils in all classes exceed the 10% suggested by the literature. Findings made during this study suggest that children, parents and teachers should be trained on the characteristics of the school bag and its safe transport. Parents should have a more active role in promoting safety and should represent the team that will most likely help to significantly reduce the damage associated with carrying the school bag, choosing safe school backpacks, supervising the contents of the bag and checking its weight