434 research outputs found

    Increasing territorial capitalization by incorporation of small enterprises into clusters

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    Modernization of the Russian national economy depends on small businesses and their involvement in capitalization of the territorial potential. This article discusses methods, models, and mechanisms of territorial capitalization based on incorporation of small business enterprises into clusters along with medium- and large businesses. We propose an optimization model for assessing the efficiency of such clusters: our research has shown that this model can be applied for decision-making in regional strategic planning. Methodologically, this study relies on the theories of industrial development and economic growth, the industrial cluster theory, and the works of Russian and international researchers on mechanisms of management of territorial potential, their establishment and implementation. Capitalization of the region's resource potential manifests itself in the form of static and dynamic effects. We developed models of interaction between small and other businesses and structures within a cluster oriented towards territorial capitalization. We demonstrated that incorporation of a university into a cluster structure increases the innovative capacity of all cluster members. This research may be further expanded to study the mechanisms of involving small businesses operating in peripheral areas into clusters

    Development of Meat Snack Production Technology Using Herbal Ingredients

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    The relevance of the topic is obvious: snacks are very common in Russia as a product which is used to satisfy hunger on the go. But their market can be filled with both high and low-grade quality products. To be sure in the type of product, you need to know about raw materials, manufacturing technology, and methods of product identification. Moreover, modern people try to monitor their nutrition. This is evidenced by the development of such areas as functional nutrition. Therefore, snacks should not just be properly prepared, they should meet the standards of healthy nutrition. The aim of the article was to study the composition and properties of pumpkin oil, mustard cake and starter cultures of microorganisms, their influence on the quality indicators of meat snacks, the development of recipes and technologies of meat snacks with vegetable components, and the assessment of their quality, taking into account consumer preferences. Literature sources were analysed and patents were searched. This work will allow us to create competitive meat snacks that combine high consumer and functional properties, and recommend their implementation on an industrial scale at meat processing enterprises. Keywords: meat snacks, meat and vegetable products, herbal ingredients, mustard cake, pumpkin seed oil, starter crop

    Erosion yields of carbon under various plasma conditions in Pilot-PSI

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    Fine-grain graphite targets have been exposed to ITER divertor relevant plasmas in Pilot-PSI to address material migration issues in fusion devices. Optical emission spectroscopy and mass loss measurements have been employed to quantify gross chemical erosion and net erosion yields, respectively. Effects of the ion impact energy and target geometry on carbon erosion yields have been studied. It is concluded that temporal evolution of gross chemical erosion is strongly connected with changes in morphology of plasma exposed surfaces. The net carbon erosion yield is increased when the targets are partly covered by insulating boron-nitride rings.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Contribution to the 19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction

    Особливості правосвідомості транзитивного суспільства

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    Матвєєва Л. Г. Особливості правосвідомості транзитивного суспільства / Л. Г. Матвєєва // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 93-94

    Comparative characteristics of biochemical composition of synovial fluid of knee and elbow human joints

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    The purpose of this study was comparative analysis of normal biochemical composition of synovial fluid of knee and elbow human joints. Studies were performed on synovial fluid samples of 33 cadavers of suddenly dead people of both sexes (26 men and. 7 women) at the age of 23 to 79 years, without articular pathology registered by expert. We didn't reveal reliable differences of albumen-globulin coefficient, but there were differences in contents of albumen fractions, products of oxide peroxidation of albumens. At the developement of pathological process cast of albumen in synovial fluid is possibly the compensatory reaction in providing of synovia viscosity, because albumen component provides this function on level with hyaluronic acid. Knee joint is an hinge joint, that is meant to bend only in one plane. Biomechanics of elbow joint is much more complicated and. is described as "ginglymoid hinge" with abduction-adduction besides the joint is much smaller. Obtained results can be used as normative values of biochemical synovial fluid indexes in orthopaedic and. trauma practic


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    Aim. To defne the role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the development of persistent multiple organ dysfunction followed cardiac surgeries with cardiopulmonary bypass.Methods. 40 patients who have undergone cardiac surgery were included in the study. Granulocyte myeloid-derived suppressor cells (G-MDSC) were defned as cells with the HLA-DR– / CD11β+ / CD15+ / CD33+ phenotype, and monocytic MDSC (M-MDSC) as cells with the HLA-DR– / CD11β+ / CD14+ / CD33+ phenotype using flow cytometry. Levels of cytokines, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10 were measured with an enzyme immunoassay. All patients were assigned to three groups: Group 1 – patients with the uncomplicated postoperative period (n = 14), Group 2 – patients with non-persistent MODS and its early resolution (n = 16), and Group 3 – patients with persistent MODS at day 7.Results. We observed an increase in M-MDSCs and G-MDSC at day 1 following cardiac surgery. The most pronounced increase was found in monocytic-myeloid derived suppressor cells, i.e. an 8-fold increase in M-MDSCs in all study groups at day 1 after surgery. The number of M-MDSCs remained high in patients with persistent MODS at day 7 after cardiac surgery. Levels of IL-6 and IL-10 increased at day 1 after surgery. IL-6 reached its peak level, signifcantly exceeding baseline levels. By day 7, blood levels of all cytokines have decreased, except IL-10 levels, which remained above the baseline in patients with persistent MODS.Conclusion. An increase in M-MDSCs and elevated serum levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 have been found in patients regardless of the presence or absence of the complications in the early postoperative period after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Persistent MODS with the SOFA scoring > 5 scores at day 7 after cardiac surgery, is associated with an increase in M-MDSCs and elevated levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, related to higher rate of hospital infections, prolonged intensive care unit stay and higher mortality.Aim. To defne the role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the development of persistent multiple organ dysfunction followed cardiac surgeries with cardiopulmonary bypass.Methods. 40 patients who have undergone cardiac surgery were included in the study. Granulocyte myeloid-derived suppressor cells (G-MDSC) were defned as cells with the HLA-DR– / CD11β+ / CD15+ / CD33+ phenotype, and monocytic MDSC (M-MDSC) as cells with the HLA-DR– / CD11β+ / CD14+ / CD33+ phenotype using flow cytometry. Levels of cytokines, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10 were measured with an enzyme immunoassay. All patients were assigned to three groups: Group 1 – patients with the uncomplicated postoperative period (n = 14), Group 2 – patients with non-persistent MODS and its early resolution (n = 16), and Group 3 – patients with persistent MODS at day 7.Results. We observed an increase in M-MDSCs and G-MDSC at day 1 following cardiac surgery. The most pronounced increase was found in monocytic-myeloid derived suppressor cells, i.e. an 8-fold increase in M-MDSCs in all study groups at day 1 after surgery. The number of M-MDSCs remained high in patients with persistent MODS at day 7 after cardiac surgery. Levels of IL-6 and IL-10 increased at day 1 after surgery. IL-6 reached its peak level, signifcantly exceeding baseline levels. By day 7, blood levels of all cytokines have decreased, except IL-10 levels, which remained above the baseline in patients with persistent MODS.Conclusion. An increase in M-MDSCs and elevated serum levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 have been found in patients regardless of the presence or absence of the complications in the early postoperative period after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Persistent MODS with the SOFA scoring > 5 scores at day 7 after cardiac surgery, is associated with an increase in M-MDSCs and elevated levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, related to higher rate of hospital infections, prolonged intensive care unit stay and higher mortality

    Modeling of dynamic properties of national economic systems

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    The objective of the article is to develop the modeling of dynamic properties of national economic systems at different hierarchic levels from the universal statistical and mathematical perspective of the economic system dynamics modeling theory. Taking into account the suggested model, the major factors in the economic development of the present-day Russia have been studied in the article. The methodology of socio-economic analysis has been applied to assess the impact of the identified factors on quantitative and qualitative indicators of the Russian economy development. The article describes the role of the analysis of national economy dynamic properties in increasing the efficiency of the national economy development strategies management in order to achieve structural and dynamic harmonization of innovative processes and economic growth

    A Conceptual Model of Balance of Subjects of the Electric Energy Market Interests

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    The conceptual basis for reconciling divergent interests of the constituent entities of the electricity market - the state as the quasi-owner and electricity consumers (enterprises and households), electricity companies - is formed in the article. The relevance of this problem from the standpoint of electricity producers and consumers is determined by the strategic imperatives of electricity acquiring the status of “stimulating infrastructure”. The purpose of the research is to develop a model to achieve a balance of interests of electric power market participants, which lies in the conflict between efficiency and justice. The authors consider the evolution of the concept of “power engineering efficiency”, which they interpret as incentives for owners of energy companies to find innovative ways of development in the long term; the increase of companies’ capitalization; provision of a rational level of consumption of electric power; provision of a decent level and quality of welfare. Different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “fair price”, which forms the basis for a balance of interests, are analyzed. A conclusion is made that the existing pricing model in the industry does not contribute to its achievement. The author’s view on the fair price for electricity is based on the criterion of Pareto efficiency, according to which it is defined as a range of indicators deviation from which leads to the deterioration of any category of market participants. For model representation of the structure of the balance of interests from the positions of the systemic approach, their characteristics in respect to all categories of subjects using the author’s system of indicators is proposed. A model for taking into account agents’ conflicting interests within the framework of the cognitive approach which is based on the problem of multi-criteria selection is formalized; stages of establishing a “fair price” for electricity are determined. The resulting conclusion is that the balance of interests in the electricity sector is determined by the policy of tariff setting which facilitates the growth of capitalization of the industry, the competitiveness of the economy, improvement of the quality of life. The balance can be reached through the integration of administrative and organizational resources of state regulation and business potential is drawn.В статье формируется концептуальный базис согласования разнонаправленных интересов субъектов рынка электроэнергии – государства как квазисобственника и макрорегулятора, потребителей электроэнергии (предприятий и населения), электроэнергетических компаний. Актуальность решения данной проблемы с позиции производителей и потребителей электроэнергии, являющихся участниками рынка, на котором формируются условия эффективного энергообеспечения, определяется стратегическими императивами приобретения электроэнергетикой статуса «стимулирующей инфраструктуры». Целью исследования является разработка модели достижения баланса интересов субъектов рынка электрической энергии, который лежит в плоскости конфликта между эффективностью и справедливостью, что позволит повысить эффективность проводимых в отрасли реформ. Рассматривается эволюция понятия «эффективность функционирования электроэнергетики», которое в авторском толковании означает стимулирование собственников энергетических компаний к поиску инновационных путей развития в долгосрочном периоде; рост уровня капитализации компаний; обеспечение рационального объема потребления электроэнергии; обеспечение достойного уровня и качества жизни населения. Проводится анализ различных подходов к трактовке понятия «справедливая цена», которая лежит в основе баланса интересов, и делается вывод о том, что существующая модель ценообразования в отрасли не способствует его достижению. Обоснована необходимость решения данной проблемы на разных иерархических уровнях: макро-, мезо- и микроэкономическом. В основу авторского представления справедливой цены на электроэнергию положен критерий Парето-эффективности, в соответствии с которым она определяется как некий диапазон показателей, отклонение от которого ведет к ухудшению положения любой категории участников рынка. Для модельного представления конструкции баланса интересов предложена их характеристика в отношении всех категорий субъектов с использованием авторской системы показателей. Формализована в рамках когнитивного подхода модель учета противоречивых интересов субъектов, в основе которой лежит задача многокритериального выбора; определены этапы установления «справедливой цены» на электроэнергию. Получен вывод о том, что баланс интересов в электроэнергетике определяется политикой тарифообразования, которая способствует росту капитализации отрасли, конкурентоспособности экономики, улучшению качества жизни населения, а его достижение возможно на основе интеграции административных и организационных ресурсов государственного регулирования и потенциала бизнеса.Статья реализуется за счет средств внутреннего гранта ЮФУ ВнГр-07/2017-13 в рамках проекта «Формирование системы поддержки принятия решений по управлению ресурсным обеспечением стратегического развития регионов Юга России» базовой части Госзадания Минобрнауки Р

    Cytokine concentration and profile of lipid peroxidation in synovial fluids of patients with osteoarthritis and concomitant defects of articular surfaces

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate cytokine concentration and profile of lipid peroxidation in synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis and concomitant defects of articular surfaces. Material and methods Synovial fluid samples were taken from 102 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis of a post-traumatic etiology, and somatic diseases that could affect results of the study were excluded from the study. Thirty control samples originated from deceased donors of both genders. Synovial fluid was extracted in compliance with Ministry of Health Order No. 694 dtd July 21, 1978, p. 2.24 "Guidelines of forensic medical examination in the USSR". Results Findings of laboratory studies showed statistically significant differences in synovial fluid cytokine levels depending on absence or presence of defects on the tibial condyles. Biochemical tests revealed greater changes in lipid peroxidation in patients with articular defects. Total level of lipid peroxidation products resulting in the formation of conjugated dienes (CD), malondialdehyde (MDA) was shown to increase in both groups of patients being significantly higher in patients with defects on articular surfaces. Primary (conjugated dienes) and secondary (malondialdehyde) lipid peroxidation products accumulated in the synovial fluid of the patients with the levels being significantly increased in both groups with no changes in the CD/MDA ratio. Patients with defects on articular surfaces demonstrated increased formation of primary products, and non-defect group showed greater formation of secondary products. Antioxidant enzyme, catalase, appeared to me more active in patients of Group I. Conclusion The findings can be used to evaluate defects on articular surface and identify strategies of medication therapy

    Callus formation ability in cultivated peanuts (<i>Arachis hypogaea</i> L.)

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    Background: Russia is one of the largest peanut importing countries. At the same time, in the south of the country, several zones meet the requirements for peanut cultivation. It is possible to increase the yield of the existing peanut varieties by using modern biotechnology methods, in particular agrobacterial transformation. It is known from the literature data that different peanut genotypes and explants from various sources react differently to in vitro regeneration. Successful regeneration depends on the correct protocol, including both the type of regeneration and the composition of media promoting growth and in vitro induction.Objectives: a technique for obtaining peanut regenerants in in vitro culture.Materials and methods: Eight peanut accessions from the VIR collection of different origin were used in the work. Embryonic explants were grown on Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with the hormone 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).Results and conclusions: As a result of assessing the regenerative ability of peanuts grown on Murashige-Skoog medium with the hormone 2,4-D at a concentration of 2 g/L, differences in the callus formation ability were revealed in different accessions. Those with catalog numbers k-793, k-2054 and k-2055 did not form organogenic calli, while accessions k-698 and k-1987 showed the highest percentage of callus formation from embryonic explants