443 research outputs found

    One-dimensional multicomponent Fermi gas in a trap: quantum Monte Carlo study

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    One-dimensional world is very unusual as there is an interplay between quantum statistics and geometry, and a strong short-range repulsion between atoms mimics Fermi exclusion principle, fermionizing the system. Instead, a system with a large number of components with a single atom in each, on the opposite acquires many bosonic properties. We study the ground-state properties a multi-component Fermi gas trapped in a harmonic trap by fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo method. We investigate how the energetic properties (energy, contact) and correlation functions (density profile and momentum distribution) evolve as the number of components is changed. It is shown that the system fermionizes in the limit of strong interactions. Analytical expression are derived in the limit of weak interactions within the local density approximation for arbitrary number of components and for one plus one particle using an exact solution.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Shot noise in Weyl semimetals

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    We study the effect of inelastic processes on the magneto-transport of a quasi-one dimensional Weyl semi-metal, using a modified Boltzmann-Langevin approach. The magnetic field drives a crossover to a ballistic regime in which the propagation along the wire is dominated by the chiral anomaly, and the role of fluctuations inside the sample is exponentially suppressed. We show that inelastic collisions modify the parametric dependence of the current fluctuations on the magnetic field. By measuring shot noise as a function of a magnetic field, for different applied voltage, one can estimate the electron-electron inelastic length leel_{\rm ee}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Fatty Acids for Biodiesel Production

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    This paper is devoted to the production of second generation biodiesel via catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of fatty acids. Pd/C catalysts with different metal loading were used. The palladium catalysts were characterized using low-temperature nitrogen physisorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It was revealed that the most active and selective catalyst was 1%-Pd/C which allowed reaching up 97.5% of selectivity (regarding to n-heptadecane) at 100% conversion of substrate. Moreover, the chosen catalyst is more preferable according to lower metal content that leads the decrease of the process cost. The analysis of the catalysts showed that 1%-Pd/C had the highest specific surface area compared with 5%-Pd/C. Copyright © 2016 BCREC GROUP. All rights reservedReceived: 31st July 2015; Revised: 9th December 2015; Accepted: 30th December 2015How to Cite: Stepacheva, A.A., Sapunov, V.N., Sulman, E.M., Nikoshvili, L.Z., Sulman, M.G., Sidorov, A.I., Demidenko, G.N., Matveeva, V.G. (2016). Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Fatty Acids for Biodiesel Production. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 11 (2): 125-132 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.11.2.538.125-132)Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.11.2.538.125-132Article Metrics: (click on the button below to see citations in Scopus)

    Method of Myelogram Analysis in Leukocyte Recognition Systems

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    An approach for the formation of a myelogram was proposed. It is based on digital image processing and pattern recognition. It is used in automated analysis of blood smears and bone marrow. The proposed approach is implemented in an automated recognition system of blood cells. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was evaluated. Keywords: Computer microscopy, image processing, segmentation, blood cells recognition, acute leukemi

    The effects of prolonged oral administration of gold nanoparticles on the morphology of hematopoietic and lymphoid organs

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    Currently, the usage of gold nanoparticles as photosensitizers and immunomodulators for plasmonic photothermal therapy has attracted a great attention of researches and end-users. In our work, the influence of prolonged peroral administration of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) with different sizes on the morphological changes of hematopoietic and lymphoid organs was investigated. The 24 white outbred male rats weighing 180-220 g were randomly divided into groups and administered orally for 30 days the suspension of gold nanospheres with diameters of 2, 15 and 50 nm at a dosage of 190 μg/kg of animal body weight. To prevent GNPs aggregation in a tissue and enhance biocompatibility, they were functionalized with thiolated polyethylene glycol. The withdrawal of the animals from the experiment and sampling of spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow tissues for morphological study were performed a day after the last administration. In the spleen the boundary between the red and white pulp was not clearly differ in all experimental groups, lymphoid follicles were significantly increased in size, containing bright germinative centers represented by large blast cells. The stimulation of lymphocyte and myelocytic series of hematopoiesis was recorded at morphological study of the bone marrow. The number of immunoblasts and large lymphocytes was increased in all structural zones of lymph nodes. The more pronounced changes were found in the group with administration of 15 nm nanoparticles. Thus, the morphological changes of cellular components of hematopoietic organs have size-dependent character and indicate the activation of the migration, proliferation and differentiation of immune cells after prolonged oral administration of GNPs

    Features of molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance pathogenesis in various tissues in obesity

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    Obesity is a chronic pathology, which experts of theWorld Health Organization regard as an epidemic, based on the high rates of annual growth in the proportion of the overweight population in almost all countries of the world. Obesity is the leading cause of tissue insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This disease is fraught with serious complications: the onset and aggravation of cardiovascular pathology, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the appearance of certain types of malignant neoplasms and dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and liver play unique roles in maintaining metabolic homeostasis of the whole organism. These differences are due to the tissue-specificity of the intracellular signaling  pathways of insulin. This review presents the current literature data on the features of the molecular mechanisms responsible for disturbances in the conduction of regulatory insulin signals at the intracellular level in its main target organs in obesity. The data on the nature of disturbances  in interorgan metabolic flows caused by the growth of adipose tissue mass and their participation in the formation of insulin resistance in the liver and muscles are presented. The importance of  further in-depth study of the tissue features of the mechanisms of insulin resistance pathogenesis  for the development of new targeted pharmaceuticals that will serve to improve the complex drug correction of metabolic disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes is discussed

    Comparison of American mink embryonic stem and induced pluripotent stem cell transcriptomes

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    BACKGROUND: Recently fibroblasts of many mammalian species have been reprogrammed to pluripotent state using overexpression of several transcription factors. This technology allows production of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells with properties similar to embryonic stem (ES) cells. The completeness of reprogramming process is well studied in such species as mouse and human but there is not enough data on other species. We produced American mink (Neovison vison) ES and iPS cells and compared these cells using transcriptome analysis. RESULTS: We report the generation of 10 mink ES and 22 iPS cell lines. The majority of the analyzed cell lines had normal diploid chromosome number. The only ES cell line with XX chromosome set had both X-chromosomes in active state that is characteristic of pluripotent cells. The pluripotency of ES and iPS cell lines was confirmed by formation of teratomas with cell types representing all three germ layers. Transcriptome analysis of mink embryonic fibroblasts (EF), two ES and two iPS cell lines allowed us to identify 11831 assembled contigs which were annotated. These led to a number of 6891 unique genes. Of these 3201 were differentially expressed between mink EF and ES cells. We analyzed expression levels of these genes in iPS cell lines. This allowed us to show that 80% of genes were correctly reprogrammed in iPS cells, whereas approximately 6% had an intermediate expression pattern, about 7% were not reprogrammed and about 5% had a "novel" expression pattern. We observed expression of pluripotency marker genes such as Oct4, Sox2 and Rex1 in ES and iPS cell lines with notable exception of Nanog. CONCLUSIONS: We had produced and characterized American mink ES and iPS cells. These cells were pluripotent by a number of criteria and iPS cells exhibited effective reprogramming. Interestingly, we had showed lack of Nanog expression and consider it as a species-specific feature

    Comparative Analysis of Particularly Dangerous Infections Manifestations in the Territory of the Saratov and West-Kazakhstan Regions with a View to Advanced Epidemiological Risk Assessment

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    On the model of the Saratov and West-Kazakhstan regions carried out is the analysis of the current epidemiological and epizootiological situations in the cross-border territories of the two states: the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Depicted is not only the common area of natural-focal territories of old-established infections, such as tularemia, but an intense outspread and formation of natural foci of the emerging infectious diseases too: Crimean hemorrhagic and West Nile fevers. This phenomenon assumes a great deal of importance due to dissemination and circulation of previously unknown to these areas infections concurrently in the two neighboring regions. Specified uniformity of epidemiological public risks in the bordering regions testifies to the need for development and implementation of the integrated system for prevention and response to the emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population in the territory of both of them