1,183 research outputs found

    The effect of a physical literacy and differential learning program in motor, technical and tactical basketball skills

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a physical literacy and differential learning program in motor, technical and tactical basketball skills. Seventy-six college students (age 20.4 ± 1.9) were randomly allocated into control and experimental (BasketCAL) groups. The motor skills were assessed using Illinois Agility Test, technical abilities were evaluated through Taco Bell skills challenge and tactical variables were examined during a 4-on-4 full-court basketball game. Globally, the learning program and respective classes could be characterized by attentional breadth, large unpredictability and adaptation demands. The results indicated that BasketCAL group had a significant improvement in agility comparatively to the control group. Also, was noted that BasketCAL students decreased the unsuccessful actions performed during the game. Overall, this program prepares the players to attune the relevant stimulus through the development of adaptive behaviors to overcome environment constraints, leading to better game decisions.El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el efecto de un programa de alfabetización motora y aprendizaje diferenciado en el desempeño motor, habilidades técnicas y tácticas de baloncesto. Setenta y seis estudiantes universitarios (20.4 ± 1.9 años de edad) fueron asignados de modo aleatorio en grupos experimental (BasketCAL) y de control. Las habilidades motoras se evaluaron a través de la prueba la agilidad de Illinois, la habilidad técnica se evaluó a través de concurso Taco Bell y se examinaron las variables tácticas durante un juego de baloncesto 4 contra 4 en toda la cancha. En general, el programa BasketCAL y las respectivas clases podrían caracterizarse por la amplitud atencional, gran imprevisibilidad y demandas de adaptación. Los resultados indicaron que el grupo BasketCAL tuvo una mejora significativa en la agilidad comparativamente con el grupo control. Además, se observó que los estudiantes BasketCAL disminuyeron las acciones sin suceso durante el juego. En conclusión, este programa prepara a los jugadores para sintonizar el estímulo relevante a través del desarrollo de conductas adaptables para superar las limitaciones del entorno, lo que lleva a mejores decisiones en el juego

    Natural and Synthetic Flavylium-Based Dyes: The Chemistry behind the Color

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    Funding Information: This research was supported by project grants (PTDC/OCE-ETA/31250/2017; PTDC/QUI-COL/32351/2017), with financial support from FCT/MEC through national funds and cofinancing from FEDER, in Partnership Agreement PT2020 (UIDB/50006/2020 - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017687); and AgriFoodXXI I&D&I (Norte-01-0145 FEDER-000041) cofinanced by European Regional Development FUND (ERDF), through the NORTE 2020 (Programa Operacional Regional do Norte 2014/2020). L.C. and N.B. acknowledge financial support from FCT/MEC, respectively contract (DL 57/2016/CP1334/CT0008) and (CEECIND/00466/2017). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.Flavylium compounds are a well-known family of pigments because they are prevalent in the plant kingdom, contributing to colors over a wide range from shades of yellow-red to blue in fruits, flowers, leaves, and other plant parts. Flavylium compounds include a large variety of natural compound classes, namely, anthocyanins, 3-deoxyanthocyanidins, auronidins, and their respective aglycones as well as anthocyanin-derived pigments (e.g., pyranoanthocyanins, anthocyanin-flavan-3-ol dimers). During the past few decades, there has been increasing interest among chemists in synthesizing different flavylium compounds that mimic natural structures but with different substitution patterns that present a variety of spectroscopic characteristics in view of their applications in different industrial fields. This Review provides an overview of the chemistry of flavylium-based compounds, in particular, the synthetic and enzymatic approaches and mechanisms reported in the literature for obtaining different classes of pigments, their physical-chemical properties in relation to their pH-dependent equilibria network, and their chemical and enzymatic degradation. The development of flavylium-based systems is also described throughout this Review for emergent applications to explore some of the physical-chemical properties of the multistate of species generated by these compounds.publishersversionpublishe

    The influence of previous sport experiences in transfer of behaviour patterns among team sports

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    The present study aimed to examine how players' positional data can be used to assess the transfer of behaviour patterns among team sports (basketball, football and rugby) in early specialized and diversified sport careers. Thirty-four college students were divided into early specialization and early diversification groups, according to information provided by a questionnaire designed to obtain detailed information about their sports career. In-game derived variables were calculated based on players' positioning data, collected by GPS and processed with non-linear techniques (approximate entropy). For each positional variable (distance to both team and opponent team centroid and distance to target and opponent target) a top-10 ranking was computed based on approximate entropy values in basketball, football and rugby game performance. The results suggested that students belonging to the early diversification group are over-represented (top-10) in all positional variables regardless of sport. This trend, especially in football and rugby, confirms that it is possible that transfer of behavior patterns occurs more significantly in early diversified approach.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar cómo se pueden utilizar los datos posicionales de los jugadores para evaluar la transferencia de patrones de comportamiento entre los deportes de equipo (baloncesto, fútbol y rugby) en las carreras deportivas de especialización ó diversificación temprana. Treinta y cuatro estudiantes universitarios fueron divididos en grupos de especialización temprana ó de diversificación temprana, de acuerdo a la información proporcionada por un cuestionario diseñado para obtener información detallada acerca de su carrera deportiva. Las variables de la situación de juego, fueron calculadas en función de los datos de posicionamiento de los jugadores, obtenidos por GPS y procesados con técnicas no lineales (entropía aproximada). Para cada variable posicional (distancia de la propia equipo a su centro, y la distancia al centro del equipo contrario y la meta oponente) se calculó un ranking top-10 con en base a los valores de entropía aproximadas en el juego del baloncesto, fútbol y rugby. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes pertenecientes al grupo de la diversificación temprana son más representado (top-10) en todas las variables posicionales, independientemente del deporte. Esta tendencia, sobre todo en el fútbol y el rugby, confirma que es posible que la transferencia de patrones de comportamiento se produce más significativamente cuando la iniciación deportiva es direccionada a una diversificación temprana

    Epigenetic (de)regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis: implications for depression

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    Adult neurogenesis represents a dynamic level of modulation upon the neuroplastic properties of the mature nervous system, that is essential to the homeostatic brain function. The adult neurogenic process comprises several sequential steps, all of which subjected to an assortment of cell-intrinsic and neurogenic-niche complex regulatory mechanisms. Among these, epigenetic regulation is now emerging as a crucial regulator of several neurogenesis steps. In particular, the active regulation of hippocampal neurogenesis and its repercussions in global hippocampal function are of special interest for the biomedical field, since imbalances at this level have been strongly related to the precipitation of several neuropsychyatric disorders, such as depression. Indeed, growing evidence supports that the detrimental effects on adult hippocampal neurogenesis, that have been associated with depression, might be epigenetically-mediated. Therefore, understanding the epigenetic regulation of the neurogenic process may provide a link between neurogenesis imbalances and the deterioration of the behavioural and cognitive domains frequently affected in depression, thus contributing to unravel the complex pathophysiology of this disorder

    Effects of using four baskets during simulated youth basketball games

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    © 2019 Mateus et al. This study aimed to identify how playing basketball with two additional baskets influences the players\u27 technical, physiological, physical and especially, positional performance. Fourteen youth players performed eight 5vs.5 simulated basketball games, four with the two official baskets and four with two-extra official baskets, each one placed in the court restricted area. The variables collected were technical (field-goals made and missed, offensive and defensive rebounds, steals, passes, dribble-drive, give-and-go and ball possessions), physiological (heart rate monotony and sample entropy), workload (total distance covered and distance covered at different velocities) and positioning-related (distance to the nearest opponent, distance to the nearest teammate, stretch-index and distance between centroids). The results showed that the four-baskets games favoured the emergence of individual behaviours, increasing the game\u27 physical demands and promoting a collective dispersion, which might impair team playing. Conversely, when playing with two-baskets, there was less distance between teammates. In conclusion, this study has clear implications for practice as it emphasizes that coaches can manipulate the number of baskets to modulate training workload and promote different individual and team behaviours

    Navegação web anónima e segura

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    A Web aproximou a humanidade dos seus pares a um nível nunca antes visto. Com esta facilidade veio também o cibercrime, o terrorismo e outros fenómenos característicos de uma sociedade tecnológica, plenamente informatizada e onde as fronteiras terrestres pouco importam na limitação dos agentes ativos, nocivos ou não, deste sistema. Recentemente descobriu-se que as grandes nações “vigiam” atentamente os seus cidadãos, desrespeitando qualquer limite moral e tecnológico, podendo escutar conversas telefónicas, monitorizar o envio e receção de e-mails, monitorizar o tráfego Web do cidadão através de poderosíssimos programas de monitorização e vigilância. Noutros cantos do globo, nações em tumulto ou envoltas num manto da censura perseguem os cidadãos negando-lhes o acesso à Web. Mais mundanamente, há pessoas que coagem e invadem a privacidade de conhecidos e familiares, vasculhando todos os cantos dos seus computadores e hábitos de navegação. Neste sentido, após o estudo das tecnologias que permitem a vigilância constante dos utilizadores da Web, foram analisadas soluções que permitem conceder algum anónimato e segurança no tráfego Web. Para suportar o presente estudo, foi efetuada uma análise das plataformas que permitem uma navegação anónima e segura e um estudo das tecnologias e programas com potencial de violação de privacidade e intrusão informática usados por nações de grande notoriedade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as tecnologias de monitorização e de vigilância informática identificando as tecnologias disponíveis, procurando encontrar potenciais soluções no sentido de investigar a possibilidade de desenvolver e disponibilizar uma ferramenta multimédia alicerçada em Linux e em LiveDVD (Sistema Operativo Linux que corre a partir do DVD sem necessidade de instalação). Foram integrados recursos no protótipo com o intuito de proporcionar ao utilizador uma forma ágil e leiga para navegar na Web de forma segura e anónima, a partir de um sistema operativo (SO) virtualizado e previamente ajustado para o âmbito anteriormente descrito. O protótipo foi testado e avaliado por um conjunto de cidadãos no sentido de aferir o seu potencial. Termina-se o documento com as conclusões e o trabalho a desenvolver futuramente.The Web was the mean to shorten the distance between Men to an unprecedented level. With this facility also came cybercrime, terrorism and other phenomena of a moving society, fully computerized and where the land borders are of little importance in limiting the active agents, harmful or not, to this system. Recently the world knew by the media and the WikiLeaks, that its leading nations follow closely their citizens, disregarding any moral and technological threshold, that internal and external security agencies in the United States closely follow telephone conversations, e-mail, Web traffic of their counterparts, using powerful monitoring and surveillance programs. In other corners of the globe, nations in turmoil or wrapped in the cloak of censorship persecute and deny uncontrolled Web access without armful repercussions to their citizens. Worldlier, pears coerce and invade the privacy of acquaintances and family, searching every corner of their computers and surfing habits, enforcing violence as vendetta. This work analyzed the technologies that control the usage of Web consumers, solutions that enable and grant some anonymity and security in Web traffic. To support this study, an analysis of platforms that allow for anonymous Web browsing, technologies and programs with potential computer intrusion and violation of privacy by high-profile nations, was made. This study aimed to analyze the computer monitoring and surveillance technologies and identify the available countermeasure technologies. It scope relied on the deliver a multimedia tool developed in Linux, providing a LiveDVD (Linux OS that runs from DVD without installation). Resources were integrated in the prototype, developed in order to provide the user with a flexible and lay way to surf the Web in a safe and anonymous environment. It was prepared to operate from as a LiveDVD or inside a virtual machine. The prototype was tested and evaluated by a group of citizens to check its potentiality and effectiveness. The work was finished with the conclusions and the work to be develop in the future

    Paranoid operative system methodology for anonymous & secure web browsing, doctoral project

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    Recently the world knew by the media, that its leading nations follow closely their citizens, disregarding any moral and technological threshold, that internal and external security agencies in the USA and Europe closely follow telephone conversations, e-mail, web traffic of their counterparts, using powerful monitoring and surveillance programs. In other corners of the globe nations in turmoil or wrapped in the cloak of censorship persecute and deny uncontrolled web access without harmful repercussions to their citizens. This work is a research-in-progress project and consists in showing the research done so far to develop a methodology. This consists in the construction of an operative system with an academic scientific source that permits a secure and anonymous use of the web. For such methodology, first is required to comprehend and get acquaintance with the technologies that controls usage of web consumers, solutions that enable and grant some anonymity and security in web traffic

    O piso térreo do edificado na cidade do Porto

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    Orientação: Vítor Manuel Araújo de OliveiraEsta dissertação centra-se sobre a evolução da ocupação do piso térreo e sobre as diferentes formas que este elemento assume na cidade atual. O modo de ocupação do piso térreo tem um papel fundamental na urbanidade de uma cidade. A primeira parte da dissertação constitui uma breve introdução ao tema, discutindo as transformações do piso térreo dos edifícios das nossas cidades. Analisa-se a relação do piso térreo com a rua, com quarteirão, com o logradouro e com os restantes pisos do edifício. A segunda parte apresenta uma seleção de casos de estudo na cidade do Porto. Os diferentes casos de estudo são escolhidos partindo da definição dos diferentes tecidos urbanos propostos pelo Plano Diretor Municipal (PDM) do Porto de 2006, da autoria do arquiteto Manuel Fernandes de Sá. São então escolhidas ruas de diferentes tecidos urbanos, e selecionados os edifícios mais pertinentes, de forma a representarem diferentes modos de relação formal e funcional entre o piso térreo e os restantes elementos da forma urbana – rua, parcela (espaço exterior privado) e edifício (pisos superiores). A relação do piso térreo com estes elementos é analisada através de um conjunto de levantamentos realizados na cidade do Porto. A terceira parte da dissertação constitui uma reflexão sobre o modo como a temática do piso térreo é tratada no projeto de intervenção no quarteirão do Parque das Camélias. Esta reflexão parte de uma análise de todo o quarteirão tendo como foco o piso térreo do edificado e o seu impacto nesta zona da cidade. Termina-se a dissertação com um conjunto de considerações finais.This dissertation focuses on the evolution of the ground floor and on the different ways that this element takes in contemporary cities. The way the ground floor is utilized plays a key role in the urbanity of a city. The first part of the dissertation is a brief introduction to this theme, debating the the transformations of the ground floor of buildings in our cities. It analyzes the relationship between the ground floor and the street, the block, the plot and the other storeys of the building. The second part presents a selection of case studies in Porto. The different case studies were chosen drawing on the definition of the different urban tissues proposed by the Plano Director Municipal (PDM) of Porto, of 2006, coordinated by the architect Manuel Fernandes de Sá. Different streets are selected within these different tissues. The most relevant buildings are chosen, in order to represent different modes of formal and functional relationships between the ground floor and the other elements of urban form – streets, plots (private open space) and buildings (upper storeys of buildings) floors. The relationship between the ground floor and these elements is analysed through a set number of surveys in the city of Porto. The third part of the dissertation is a reflection on how the theme of the ground floor is dealt with in the project for the street block of the Parque das Camélias. This reflection drawns on ananalysis of the whole street block focusing on the ground floor of buildings and on its impact on this area of the city. The dissertation is concluded with a final set of considerations

    Riscos psicossociais na carreira de Técnico de Emergência Pré-Hospitalar

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    O corpo de conhecimento sobre os Riscos Psicossociais dos Técnico de Emergência Pré-Hospitalar (TEPH) é marcadamente escasso, não sendo possível identificar nenhum estudo direcionado a esta população profissional. Sendo os TEPH profissionais sujeitos a exigências cognitivas e físicas expressivas no âmbito do exercício da sua atividade no campo da saúde (por exemplo, horário, carga de trabalho, envolvimento emocional, etc.), e existindo já outros estudos com trabalhadores da área constatando que os riscos psicossociais impactam significativamente no bem-estar dos indivíduos, constata-se a pertinência de explorar esta realidade junto dos TEPH, a fim de contribuir para colmatar esta lacuna na literatura e identificar oportunidades de intervenção que melhorem a vida destes profissionais. Face ao referido, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, com enfoque quantitativo. Esta foi operacionalizada mediante a aplicação do instrumento Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (Kristensen & Borg, 2000) a uma amostra aos profissionais TEPH do Centro de Orientação de Doentes Urgentes (CODU) e dos meios INEM da Delegação Regional do Sul. Participaram do estudo uma amostra de 165 destes profissionais em exercício de funções, maioritariamente da faixa etária dos 35 aos 45 anos. De uma forma global, os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de analisar e intervir no Ritmo de Trabalho dos TEPH, assim como as Exigências Emocionais associadas ao exercício laboral, nas Exigências Cognitivas, no Apoio Social de Superiores e na Influência no Trabalho, sendo estes os fatores psicossociais de risco identificados nesta população no presente estudo e que devem ser intervencionados ativamente. Identificaram-se ainda 19 fatores psicossociais de risco intermédio que devem ser monitorizados ao longo do tempo a fim de perceber a sua evolução e possível necessidade de intervenção