1,517 research outputs found

    A closed-form solution to predict short-range surface plasmons in thin films and its application to hole arrays

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    A theoretical study of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in ultrathin lossy metal films is presented. The dispersion relation of such films is well known and can be solved numerically to obtain a combination of long-range (LR-) and short-range (SR-) eigenmodes. In this contribution, a simple solution for the SR-SPPs is derived. An approximation for the LR- eigenmodes can be found elsewhere. To validate the approximation, a two dimensional (2D) periodic array of small holes is studied subsequently. The spectral response of the array is obtained by full-wave simulations and the results compared with those calculated analytically, showing an excellent agreement for small holes

    Understanding rural areas dynamics from a complex perspective. An application of Prospective Structural Analysis

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    The development of rural areas continues to be an international priority. The urgent need to fight poverty (mainly concentrated in rural areas) in developing countries, and the demand for increasing economic and social cohesion in developed countries, explain this priority on the political agendas of multilateral bodies, the EU and most other countries. When Development Economics was acknowledged as part of the social and economic theory in the 50’s, different theories and models have tried to explain the unevenness of development and the key elements or conditions that foster it. Traditional rural development programmes were characterised by the implementation of non coordinated, sectoral, horizontal and top-down policies and strategies. The lack of effectiveness and the failures prompted by these policies have propelled the development of new approaches. Territorial rural development is a policy approach embracing contributions from different theoretical frameworks that attempt to foster development strategies based on the consideration of territory as a social construction. Thus, the territory (including all the existing elements and its interactions) has become a key actor for development. However, most of these approaches contemplate rural world through simplistic and monodimensional analysis based on methodologies from single disciplines and on quantitative and/or qualitative morphological descriptions. The pretended multidisciplinarity, frequently ends up on an addition of mono-disciplinary analysis around the object of study. The objective of the present paper is to check the role different elements considered relevant for development by literature´s recent approaches play or can play in rural territories with a very different development situation, using techniques and tools that allow the analysis of rural areas from a complex perspective.territorial rural development, complexity, prospective structural analysis, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Lourdes Oñederraren eleberrigintza eta genero ikuspegia

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    Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburua Lourdes Oñederraren Eta emakumeari sugeak esan zion (1999) eta Intemperies. Babes bila (2013) eleberriak genero perspektiba batetik aztertzea da, eta bien arteko irakurketa konparatua egitea. Amaieran, azterketetatik ateratako zenbait ondorio azalduko dira. Horretarako, lehenik eta behin emakumeek idatziriko euskal literaturaren gaineko sarrera bat aurkeztuko dugu, aurretik gai hau jorratu duten lanen inguruko berrikuspen labur bat eginez. Sarreraren ostean bi eleberriak genero perspektiba batetik aztertu ahal izateko oinarri izan dugun Lasarteren Pertsonaia protagonista femeninoen ezaugarriak eta bilakaera euskal narratiba garaikidean (2011) tesiaren ekarpen nagusiak azalduko ditugu, lan honen helburuak eta nondik norakoak zehazte aldera. Horrela, literaturan emakume protagonista berriaren eraikuntzan gailentzen diren bost aztergaien aurkezpena egingo da: memoria eta modus autobiografikoa, genero indarkeria, amatasunaren gaineko diskurtsoak, emakumea eta nazioa eta sexua eta generoaren berridazketa: polizia eleberrien kasua dutena. Hauen artean batzuk ondoren landuko diren bi eleberrien azterketan oinarri izango direnez gero, ezinbestekoa da bakoitzaren funtzioa labur bada ere zehaztea. Ondoren Eta emakumeari sugeak esan zion eleberriaren azterketari helduko diogu, lau ikerlerro oinarri izanik. Ikerlerro horietatik hiru aurretik azaldutakoak izango dira: memoria eta modus autobiografikoa, amatasunaren gaineko diskurtsoak eta emakumea eta nazioa, amatasunaren aztergaia gai zentrala izango delarik. Gainera, Oñederraren eleberrigintzan nabarmentzekoa den hizkuntzaren erabilera ere kontuan izango dugu. Ikerketa aurrera eramateko, halaber, eleberri honen gainean burutu diren bestelako autoreen ekarpenak ere aintzat izango ditugu. Jarraian Intemperies. Babes bila eleberriaren azterketa egingo dugu, aurreko azterketak landutako ikerlerro berak jarraituz. Eleberriak banaka aztertu ondoren, bi eleberriek eta bi nobelen emakume protagonistek partekatzen dituzten aztergaien antzekotasunei helduko diegu. Horien artean Lasartek azalduriko emakume berriaren irudia sortzeko garrantzitsuak diren memoria eta modus autobiografikoaren erabilera, amatasunaren gaineko diskurtsoa edota nazioaren gaia gailenduko dira; eta baita hizkuntzaren erabilerak bi eleberrietan bereganatzen duen garrantzia ere

    A unifying study of phenotypic and molecular genetic variability in natural populations of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil from Yungas and Paranaense biogeographic provinces in Argentina

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    Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil is a native tree species in the South American subtropical forests that is discontinuously distributed. Thirteen quantitative traits and eight nuclear microsatellite loci were examined in individuals from two biogeographic provinces of Argentina in order to determine the number and composition of genetically distinguishable groups of individuals and explore possible spatial patterns of thephenotypic and genetic variability. Means of reproductive traits were higher in the Yungas than in the Paranaense biogeographic province whereas five out of eight non-reproductive quantitative traits showed higher mean values in the latter. Variance coefficients were moderate, and Analyses of Variance resulted in significant differences between and within provinces. Three clusters were defined based on spatial model for cluster membership for quantitative traits. One cluster grouped the individuals from the Paranaense biogeographic province whereas the individuals from the Yungas biogeographic province grouped regarding its population of origin. Parameters of molecular genetic variability showed higher values in the Yungas than in the Paranaense biogeographic province. Observed heterozygosity was lower than expected heterozygosity in both biogeographic provinces indicating an excess of homozygosity. The homozygosity test by Watterson and the exact test by Slatkin suggested diversifying selection for locus Ac41.1. Bayesian clustering spatial model for microsatellites loci data were performed for both all loci and all loci excluding locus Ac41.1. In both analyses two clusters were inferred. AMOVAs revealed similar results for all genotypes and for all genotypes defined excluding locus Ac41.1. Most of the total variance is attributable to genetic variation within clusters. The presence of homogeneous clusters was detected for both the phenotypic and molecular genetic variability. Two Bayesian clustering analyses were performed according to molecular genetic data, and two clusters were inferred. Individuals were assigned to their provinces of origin. Genetic molecular variation was higher in the populations of the Yungas biogeographic province which translates in highly qualified populations for conservation. Populations from the Paranaense biogeographic province showed the highest mean value of number of seeds per fruit making them valuable as well with regard to the exploitation of management strategies as a means to recover the impacted areas where these populations are located.Fil: García, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Prinz, Kathleen. Universität Göttingen; Alemania. Universitat Jena; AlemaniaFil: Barrandeguy, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Miretti, Marcos Mateo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Finkeldey, Reiner. Universitat Jena; Alemani

    Característiques sensorials de la garnatxa negra de la DOQ Priorat

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    El tractament estadístic de les dades de tast dels vins de la DOQ Priorat indica els principals trets dels vins de garnatxa negra d'aquesta DOQ, i mostra les aromes afruitades i el postgust com a trets característics. Diferencia clarament els vins segons l'origen varietal i en funció de la zona de producció. També s'observa una diferència anual. Es mostra un efecte sinèrgic entre la garnatxa negra i la carinyena o samsó.El tratamiento estadístico de los datos de cata de los vinos de la DOC Priorat indica los principales rasgos de los vinos de garnacha tinta de esta DOC, mostrando los aromas frutales y el posgusto como rasgos característicos. Diferencia claramen- te los vinos según el origen varietal y en función de la zona de producción. Sin duda también se observa una diferencia anual. También se muestra un efecto sinérgico entre la garnacha tinta y la cariñena o mazuelo.The statistical processing of the wine tasting data from the DOQ Priorat reveals the main features of the Grenache Noir wines of this Qualified Designation of Origin, showing that fruity aromas and aftertaste are their characteristic features. Moreover, it clearly differentiates the wines according to their varietal origin and production area. An annual difference is also observed and a synergic effect is shown to exist between Grenache Noir and Carignan or Samsó

    Increasing online shop revenues with web scraping: a case study for the wine sector

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    Purpose – Wine has been produced for thousands of years and nowadays we have seen a spread in the wine culture. E-commerce sales of wine have increased considerably and online customer’s satisfaction is influenced by quality and price. This paper presents a case study of the company “QuieroVinos, S.L.”, an online wine shop founded in 2015 that sells Spanish wines in two main marketplaces. Design/methodology/approach – With the final target of increasing the company profits it has been designed and developed an application to track the prices of competitors for a set of products. This information will be used to set the product prices in order to offer the products both competitively and profitably in each Marketplace. This application must check, by tacking into account information such as the product cost or the minimum product margin, if it is possible to decrease the price in order to reach the top cheapest position and as a consequence, increase the sales. Findings – The application improved in a notorious way the company’s results in terms of sales and shipping costs. It must be said that without the use of the presented application, performing the price comparison process within each one of the marketplaces would have taken a long time. Moreover, as prices change very frequently, the obtained information has a very limited time value, and the competitors prices should be analyzed daily in order to take accurate decisions regarding the company’s price policy. Originality/value – Although the application has been designed for the wine sector and the two named marketplace, it could be exported to other sectors. For that, it should be implemented new modules to collect information regarding the competitor’s price of the products selling on each corresponding marketplaceThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under contract TIN2017- 84553-C2-2-R. Also, the authors are members of the research group 2017-SGR363, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Trabajo social en España. De los recortes sociales a la arena pública

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    Los derechos humanos están sufriendo severos recortes con la excusa de que las políticas internacionales exigen ajustes económicos. Hay un cambio drástico de política. Las universidades y trabajadores sociales profesionales junto con las organizaciones civiles, están participando en el debate público y denunciando la calidad de estas políticas o su inexistencia cuando no las hay.La investigación que lleva a estos resultados ha recibido financiación por el People programme (Marie Curie Actions) del European Union's seventh framework programme Fp7/2007-2013 bajo el acuerdo Rea de subvención n.318938