12 research outputs found

    Verger bio, la diversité transfrontalière

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    Le CRA-W, BioWallonie, le GABNOR (Groupement des Agriculteurs Biologiques du Nord-Pas-de-Calais) et la FREDON (Fédération Régionale de Défense contre les Organismes Nuisibles) Nord-Pas-de-Calais, ont conduit jusqu'en 2014 le projet TransBioFruit, mutualisation des compétences transfrontalières en arboriculture fruitière, avec le soutien du Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER), du Conseil Régional Nord-Pas-de-Calais, de la Région Wallonne et des Conseils Généraux du Pas-de-Calais et du Nord, dans le cadre du programme Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen. Après avoir conçu un premier guide, "TransBioFruit - les principales clés du verger transfrontalier ; pommes et poires, une approche globale", destiné aux professionnels, un second volume "Verger bio : la diversité transfrontalière" a été édité. Cet ouvrage destiné aux amateurs et professionnels présente, sous forme de fiches, la grande diversité des espèces fruitières adaptées à nos régions (fruits à pépins, fruits à noyau, fruits à coque, petits fruits). Il apporte également des informations concernant la biodiversité des sols, le cortège des principaux ravageurs, auxiliaires, pathogènes présents et des éléments d'aménagement de votre environnement

    A decision support tool for technical processes optimization in drinking water treatment

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    International audienceIn water treatment, the technical processes study aims generally to deal with problems that natural processes are unable or only inadequate to perform. The technical systems aim for a good control of process and therefore a good stability. This is the case of coagulation process in drinking water treatment by removing suspended particles. It requires a good knowledge of raw water characteristics to ensure adequate choice of the coagulant rate. Without the adequate coagulant, this method is not effective. The good coagulation control is therefore essential to guarantee the reliability of the water treatment and the final quality of water produced. This paper presents a neural approach in combination with a fuzzy methodology to study the impact of raw water characteristics on the coagulation process control. Using the concepts of evolutionary algorithms, we developed a decision support tool using fault detection, data validation-reconstruction, and predictive control methods to predict the optimum coagulant dosage to be used in a drinking water treatment plant. Simulation results using experimental data stemming from four treatment plants show the reliability of this system to optimize one of critical processes in drinking water treatment

    The Kalimantacin Polyketide Antibiotics Inhibit Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Staphylococcus aureus by Targeting the Enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Binding Site of FabI

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    The enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase enzyme FabI is essential for fatty acid biosynthesis in Staphylococcus aureus and represents a promising target for the development of novel, urgently needed anti-staphylococcal agents. Here, we elucidate the mode of action of the kalimantacin antibiotics, a novel class of FabI inhibitors with clinically-relevant activity against multidrug-resistant S. aureus. By combining X-ray crystallography with molecular dynamics simulations, in vitro kinetic studies and chemical derivatization experiments, we characterize the interaction between the antibiotics and their target, and we demonstrate that the kalimantacins bind in a unique conformation that differs significantly from the binding mode of other known FabI inhibitors. We also investigate mechanisms of acquired resistance in S. aureus and identify key residues in FabI that stabilize the binding of the antibiotics. Our findings provide intriguing insights into the mode of action of a novel class of FabI inhibitors that will inspire future anti-staphylococcal drug development.status: publishe

    Devir-criança da Matemática: experimentações em uma pesquisa com imagens e infâncias

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    Resumo Este artigo apresenta-se com o propósito de refletir sobre a criança, a infância, a educação e a educação matemática. Ele parte de uma pesquisa desenvolvida em uma Escola Pública de Educação Infantil em Vilhena – RO, utilizando-se da metodologia de produção de imagens por crianças. O estudo parte da seguinte problemática: o que pode uma pesquisa de produção de imagens com crianças pequenas provocar a matemática, a educação matemática e a pesquisa em educação matemática a pensar? Dessa maneira, procuramos discutir, neste trabalho, a pesquisa e sua relação com a experiência, como movimento de colocarmo-nos à prova, a invenções, a experimentações de sentidos, de sensações, de saberes. Acreditamos que a pesquisa aponta uma importante discussão para a educação matemática: que seja mais atenta, que se distinga por uma atitude frente às múltiplas dimensões do aprender e que se configure em um movimento de invenção recíproca e indissociável de si-matemática e do mundo