20 research outputs found

    The role of interfering RNA in immune response proliferative processes regulation in experimental model of endometrial cancer associated with thyroid disease

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    Оценка выраженности экспрессии маркёров пролиферации и дендритных клеток на фоне рака эндометрия при трансфекции siРНК (от англ. short interference — короткие интерферирующие молекулы рибонуклеиновой кислоты) в условиях экспериментальной патологии щитовидной железы. Было показано, что ингибирующее действие siРНК проявляется в большей степени при гипотиреоидном состоянии, указывая на важную роль гормонов щитовидной железы в регуляции экспрессии генов, контролирующих клеточный цикл. Трансфекция siРНК приводит к повышению экспрессии зрелых дендритных клеток (СD83) в опухолевой ткани при гипотиреоидном состоянии и повышению экспрессии незрелых дендритных клеток (CD1a) при гипертиреоидном состоянии.To assess the proliferation and dendritic cells markers expression degree at short interference RNA (siRNA) transfection in endometrial cancer associated with experimental thyroid disease. siRNA inhibitory effect was more marked in animals with hypothyroidism, indicating an important role of thyroid hormones in regulating cell cycle controlling genes expression. Transfection of siRNA increased mature dendritic cells (CD83) expression in tumor tissue in animals with hypothyroidism and increased immature dendritic cells (CD1a) expression in tumor tissue in animals with hyperthyroidism

    The role of the hyper- and hypofunction of thyroid gland in the pathoginesis of the malignant tumours of endometrium

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    Рак эндометрия занимает одно из первых мест среди опухолей женских половых органов и в 65,5 % ассоциируется с патологией щитовидной железы. Анализ литературных данных показывает, что нарушение функции щитовидной железы является толчком для возникновения расстройств менструального цикла у женщин, в результате чего в эндометрии происходит постоянная взаимосвязь между эстрогенами и эстрогеновими рецепторами. Показано, что как гипер- так и гипотиреоз могут быть провоцирующим моментом в развитии рака эндометрия, тригером как промоторного, так и генотоксического механизмов канцерогенеза.Рак ендометрія посідає одне з перших місць серед пухлин жіночих статевих органів та в 65,5 % асоціюється з патологією щитоподібної залози. Аналіз літературних даних показує, що порушення функції щитоподібної залози є поштовхом для виникнення розладів менструального циклу у жінок, у результаті чого в ендометрії відбувається постійний взаємозв’язок між естрогенами та естрогеновими рецепторами. Показано, що як гіпер- так і гіпотиреоз можуть бути провокувальним моментом у розвитку раку ендометрія, тригером як промоторного, так і генотоксичного механізмів канцерогенезу.The cancer of endometrium takes one of the first places among the tumours of women’s genital organs and in 65,5 % is associated with the pathology of thyroid gland. The analysis of literary data shows that the breach of function of thyroid gland is a shove for the origin of disorders of menstrual cycle for women, as a result there is permanent intercommunication between estrogens and estrogen receptors in endometrium. It is rotined that both hyper- and hypothyroisis may be a provocation in the development of the cancer of endometrium, triggering both promoter and genotoxic mechanisms of cancerogenesis

    National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support

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    By the most recent estimates, 18.8 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with diabetes and an additional 7 million are believed to be living with undiagnosed diabetes. At the same time, 79 million people are estimated to have blood glucose levels in the range of prediabetes or categories of increased risk for diabetes. Thus, more than 100 million Americans are at risk for developing the devastating complications of diabetes (1). Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is a critical element of care for all people with diabetes and those at risk for developing the disease. It is necessary in order to prevent or delay the complications of diabetes (2–6) and has elements related to lifestyle changes that are also essential for individuals with prediabetes as part of efforts to prevent the disease (7,8). The National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education are designed to define quality DSME and support and to assist diabetes educators in providing evidence-based education and self-management support. The Standards are applicable to educators in solo practice as well as those in large multicenter programs—and everyone in between. There are many good models for the provision of diabetes education and support. The Standards do not endorse any one approach, but rather seek to delineate the commonalities among effective and excellent self-management education strategies. These are the standards used in the field for recognition and accreditation. They also serve as a guide for nonaccredited and nonrecognized providers and programs. Because of the dynamic nature of health care and diabetes-related research, the Standards are reviewed and revised approximately every 5 years by key stakeholders and experts within the diabetes education community. In the fall of 2011, a Task Force was jointly convened by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association

    National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support

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    By the most recent estimates, 18.8 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with diabetes and an additional 7 million are believed to be living with undiagnosed diabetes. At the same time, 79 million people are estimated to have blood glucose levels in the range of prediabetes or categories of increased risk for diabetes. Thus, more than 100 million Americans are at risk for developing the devastating complications of diabetes (1). Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is a critical element of care for all people with diabetes and those at risk for developing the disease. It is necessary in order to prevent or delay the complications of diabetes (2–6) and has elements related to lifestyle changes that are also essential for individuals with prediabetes as part of efforts to prevent the disease (7,8). The National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education are designed to define quality DSME and support and to assist diabetes educators in providing evidence-based education and self-management support. The Standards are applicable to educators in solo practice as well as those in large multicenter programs—and everyone in between. There are many good models for the provision of diabetes education and support. The Standards do not endorse any one approach, but rather seek to delineate the commonalities among effective and excellent self-management education strategies. These are the standards used in the field for recognition and accreditation. They also serve as a guide for nonaccredited and nonrecognized providers and programs. Because of the dynamic nature of health care and diabetes-related research, the Standards are reviewed and revised approximately every 5 years by key stakeholders and experts within the diabetes education community. In the fall of 2011, a Task Force was jointly convened by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association

    National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support

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    By the most recent estimates, 18.8 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with diabetes and an additional 7 million are believed to be living with undiagnosed diabetes. At the same time, 79 million people are estimated to have blood glucose levels in the range of prediabetes or categories of increased risk for diabetes. Thus, more than 100 million Americans are at risk for developing the devastating complications of diabetes (1). Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is a critical element of care for all people with diabetes and those at risk for developing the disease. It is necessary in order to prevent or delay the complications of diabetes (2–6) and has elements related to lifestyle changes that are also essential for individuals with prediabetes as part of efforts to prevent the disease (7,8). The National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education are designed to define quality DSME and support and to assist diabetes educators in providing evidence-based education and self-management support. The Standards are applicable to educators in solo practice as well as those in large multicenter programs—and everyone in between. There are many good models for the provision of diabetes education and support. The Standards do not endorse any one approach, but rather seek to delineate the commonalities among effective and excellent self-management education strategies. These are the standards used in the field for recognition and accreditation. They also serve as a guide for nonaccredited and nonrecognized providers and programs. Because of the dynamic nature of health care and diabetes-related research, the Standards are reviewed and revised approximately every 5 years by key stakeholders and experts within the diabetes education community. In the fall of 2011, a Task Force was jointly convened by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association

    Efficiency of ademethionine in oxidative stress in tissues of irradiated rats

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    Introduction. Ionizing radiation in low doses of low intensity causes prolonged activationof lipid per oxidation and depletion of the antioxidant system in a living organism. Moreover, Ademethionine is currently being considered as a promisingantioxidant. Method. Experimental studies were carried out on 60 sexually mature male Wistar rats. The animals were irradiated in a total dose of 1Gy on a γ-therapeutic device AGAT-R No. 83 (isotope 60Co). At the end of the total dose, the rats were injected intraperitoneally with Heptral (ademethionine) after 15 minutes, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156 hours after radiation exposure at the rate of 10 mg / kg mass. After the introduction of Heptral, the animals were taken into the experiment after 24 hours, 3, 7, 15 days. In homogenates of the spleen and thymus of animals, the amount of oxidized and reduced forms of pyridine nucleotides was determined. Results. Chronic γ-irradiation in a total dose of 1Gy leads to a significant decrease in the content of reduced forms of pyridine nucleotides in the spleen and thymus of rats. Administration of Heptral to irradiated animals normalized oxidative homeostasis. So, on the 7th day of the experiment, the amount of oxidized forms of pyridine nucleotides in the spleen was 47.3% lower, and reduced - 36.3% higher than in animals that did not receive treatment. At the end of the observation period, the reduction coefficient of pyridine nucleotides in the spleen slightly differed from the control level. In comparison with irradiated animals, which were not injected with Heptral, the NADP content was lower by 70.3%, and NADPH2 - higher by 48.8%. Conclusion. The course administration of Heptral to irradiated animals leads to the normalization of the reduction factor of pyridine nucleotides. According to its mechanism of action, Heptral can be used in the complex treatment of low- intensity radiation injuries in low doses

    Оцінка можливості супресії пухлинного росту із використанням трансфекції інтерферуючих РНК SOSCI на прикладі експериментальної моделі утворення пухлини за зміненої функції щитоподібної залози

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    To assess the impact of siRNA transfection on the tumor development under experimental pathology of the thyroid gland. Methods. Experiments were performed on rats weighing 180 ± 20 g, which were divided into five groups: IA and IB – animals with simulated hypo- and hyperthyroid states and transplanted Guerin’s carcinoma; IIA and IIB – animals with simulated hypo- and hyperthyroid states and transplanted Guerin’s carcinoma in combination with siRNA transfection; III – control group with transplanted Guerin’s carcinoma in combination with siRNA transfection. Orthogonal dimensions of the tumor were measured. Histological and immunohistochemical researches of tumor samples were performed. Results. It has been shown that the inhibitory effect of short interfering RNA is realized to a greater extent in the hypothyroid state, indicating an important role of thyroid hormones in the regulation of expression of genes that control the cell cycle. We discuss a possible dependence of necrobiotic processes prevalence and characteristic changes in the blood vessels on the effects of thyroid hormones on angiogenesis and proliferative processes. Conclusions. siRNA trasfection leads to inhibition of tumor growth in animals with both hypo- and hyperthyroidism, but it is more pronounced at hypothyroidism.Показано, що інгібувальний вплив коротких інтерферуючих РНК більшою мірою проявляється за гіпотиреоїдного стану, що свідчить про важливу роль гормонів щитоподібної залози у регуляції експресії генів, контролюючих клітинний цикл. Обговорюється йомовірність залежністі переважання некробіотичних процесів та характерних змін у судинах від дії тиреоїдних гормонів на ангіогенез і проліферативні процеси.Показано, что ингибирующее влияние коротких интерферирующих РНК в большей степени проявляется при гипотиреоидном состоянии, что указывает на важную роль гормонов щитовидной железы в регуляции экспрессии генов, контролирующих клеточный цикл. Обсуждается вероятность зависимости преобладания некробиотических процессов и характерных изменений в сосудах от влияния тиреоидных гормонов на ангиогенез и пролиферативные процессы