98 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Media Foto Peringatan Hutke 64 Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Makna Proklamasi

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    Understanding the independence proclamation is an abstract thing which most SMP Negeri 2 Polosari student find it difficult to discern. That was the reason behind this classroom action research. The aim was to improve the student understanding of the meaning of independence proclamation for them and to motivate learning. This was done to class VII B, with 34 students. Consisted of four stages (planning, action, observation, and reflection). In the action stage students had to discuss a topic in which photographs of the 64th independence celebration in pemalang was the focus. Data was taken through observation, questionaire and test. The result was that the use of photographs improved students understanding on the meaning of independence proclamation. This was based on the fact that students participation increased from 71,42% in cycle I to 90,47% in cycle II. The result of the questionaire and the observation showed increase in student motivation from 70,35% in cycle I and 79,85% in cycle II. Similiar tendency was also shown the average result of the test which was 66,62 in cycle I and 75,44 in cycle II. This also hapenned to the mastery level which showed increase from 50% in cycle I and 91,18% in cycle II. Key Words: photo\u27s medium, meaning of the independence proclamatio

    Urgensi Pembaharuan Hukum Indonesia Berdasarkan Nilai-nilai Pancasila

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    Imperialisme di era globalisasi adalah meningkatnya marginalisasi / hilangnya identitas sebuah bangsa termasuk bangsa Indonesia, dan digantikan oleh ideologi liberalisme. penyebab hukum dan sistem hukum kami terasa kering dari nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan keadilan sosial.Perasaan keadilan tidak dapat dihapus dari akar di mana hukum lahir, keadilan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari nilai-nilai/hukum agama dan hukum adat yang hidup dalam masyarakat, dan merupakan hal yang wajar bahkan sebuah "semangat zaman" terutama bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk mengakomodasi nilai-nilai itu ke dalam hukum nasional yang di cita-citakan

    Upaya Peningkatan Minat Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Melalui Model Pembelajaran (Pkn) Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad)

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    More than 60% of students in SMP Negeri 2 Pulosari were not interested in following Civic lesson. This action research is aimed at improving the student's interest in following the civic lesson. The research was done in two cycles each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflection. Data was collected through observation, questionnaire, and test. Based on the data analysis it could be concluded that STAD (student team achievement division) was effective in improving students' activeness; the average of which being 63.33% in cycle 1 and 80% in cycle 2. Key words: improving, interest, Civic, STAD

    Pengaruh Filsafat Positivisme dalam Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia

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    The principles of legal certainty very dominating in the law enforcement inIndonesia. The principle of legal certainty that comes from century XVII/XVIIIin Europe is a great idea from tangible in writing, made by competentauthorities. The term of analytical jurisprudence indicates that the law shoulbe removed from the study of metaphysics. Doctrine analytical jurisprudenceannnot be implemented just after about two centuries introduction by theoriginators. It is doe to changes and development of society so rapidly. Forthose in law enforcement must look spirit and the time made law. Don't justlook at the text but the context of the law with the purpose of the law


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian aktivitas antiinflamasi dari rimpang dringo (Acorus calamus, L). Aktivitas antiinflaması dikaji dengan membandingkan pengaruh pemberian minyak atsiri & fraksi etanol terhadap penurunan volume udem buatan yang ditimbulkan oleh penyuntikan 0,10 ml karagenin 1% subplantar dalam natrium klorida fisiologis. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor tikus putih jantan galur wistar dengan berat badan berkisar antara 150-200 gram. Tikus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, masing-masing 5 ekor tikus sebelum perlakuan, tikus dipuasakan 18 jam. Kelompok I hanya diradangkan dengan karagenin 1% secara subplantar. Untuk kelompok lainnya, sesaat sebelum diberi kargenin 1% subplantar, masing-masing diberi perlakuan, yaitu untuk kelompok Il diberi minyak atsiri Dringo. kelompok III diberi fraksi etanol Dringo, Kelompok IV diberi Natrium Diklofenak, Volume udem diukur pada jam ketiga, setelah pemberian karagenin dengan alat plestismograf Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk kelompok II diberi minyak atsiri dringo 100 mg kg BB mempunyai daya antinflamasi 52,81 ± 29,13, dan kelompok III diberi fraksi etanol dringo 100 mg/kgBB mempunyai daya antiinflamasi 28,56 ± 33,57%. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna daya antiinflamasi antara fraksi etanol dengan minyak atsiri rimpang dringo terhadap natrium diklofenak

    Membentuk Generasi Muda Berkarakter tanpa Narkoba di Kelurahan Tlogosari Kulon Kecamatan Pedurungan Kota Semarang

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    Distribution Patterns And Population Density Of Gastropods Terebralia Sulcata In Estuary Of Puteri Sembilan Rupat Utara Subdistric

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    This study was conducted in July 2014, located in the Putri Sembilan estuaryDistrict of Rupat Utara. Mangrove snails of T. sulcata as one of the foods favored ofRupat Utara coastal communities. This research aims to determine the patterns ofdistribution and population density of gastropods T. sulcata in estuary waters PutriSembilan District of Rupat Utara. The method used in this study was a surveymethod and determination of observation stations was determined by purpossivesampling method, where the location of the study divided into three stations. Theresults showed that the highest density of T. sulcata found at Station 2 which locatedat area of mangrove (± 100 meters from the station 1 towards the upper river) whilethe lowest density was found at station I (the mouth of the estuary of the river). Thedistribution pattern of mangrove snails T. sulcata overall was evenly which rangesfrom 0,01 - 0,05

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruang Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Swasta Di Demak

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    Kepuasan kerja adalah sikap emosional yang menyenangkan dan mencintai pekerjaannya. Kepuasan kerja perawat merupakan sasaran penting dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia. Kepuasan kerja karyawan banyak dipengaruhi sikap pimpinan dalam kepemimpinannya. Hasil survey awal tahun 2010 terdapat 6 tenaga keperawatan keluar dari Rumah Sakit Swasta di di Demak dan BOR turun 25 % dari tahunsebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruang dengan kepuasan kerja perawat di Rumah Sakit Swasta di di Demak. Metode penelitian adalah jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik korelasional dengan desain cross sectional, teknik sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 43 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah chi square dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Hasil penelitian adalah menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruang dengan kepuasan kerja perawat dengan p – value 0,005. Kesimpulan adalah penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi kepala ruang dalam menampilkan gaya kepemimpinannya sehingga terwujud kepuasankerja para anggotanya

    Pengaruh Jenis Dan Dosis Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill) Varietas Permata

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    Objectives of the research were to study: (1), the effect of different types and dosages of organic fertilizer, (2), to obtain the type and dosage of organic fertilizer suitable for tomato plants.The research was carried out from February 2013 to June 2013. The venue of research held in Kota Bangun III village, Kota Bangun sub district, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. It employed Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial 3x3 and 5 replications. The first factor was organic fertilizer type (K), consisted of 3 sub factors : chicken manure (k1), cow manure (k2) and fertilizer trikoderma (k3). And the second factor was Organic Fertilizer Treatment Dosage (D), consisted of 3 sub factors : d1 = 10 tons of organic fertilizer/ha (50 g per polybag), d2 = dosage of organic fertilizer 20 tons per acre (100 g per polybag), and d3 = 30 tons of organic fertilizer per acre (150 g per polybag).Result of the research indicated that treatment of organic fertilizer type (K) effect very significantly on plant height at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after planting, age of the plant during flowering, number of fruits per plant. But it did no affect significantly on plant height between 2 weeks and 6 weeks after planting. The best results are the heaviest pieces on the type of fertilizer treatment trikoderma (k3) with a weight of 3.75 kg per plant, in reverse, the lightest found in chicken manure treatment (k1), was 3.40 kg per plant.The treatment dosage of organic fertilizer (D) was highly significant on plant height at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after planting, the number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant. No significantly effect on plant height between 2 weeks and 6 weeks after planting and the age of the plant during flowering. The best results are the heaviest pieces contained in fertilizer treatment of 30 ton acre (d3) with a weight of 3.64 kg per plant, while the lightest one contained in the fertilizer treatment of 10 tons per acre (k1), was 3.45 kg/ plant.Treatment of interaction (KxD) affected significantly on the number of fruits plant and fruit weight per plant. But it did not affect significantly at the age of 2 weeks, 4 weeks of age, the age of 6 weeks and 8 weeks after planting age and age of the plant during flowering. The best results are the heaviest pieces on the type of fertilizer treatment trikoderma (k3) and 30 tons of organic fertilizer/ha, was 3.88 kg per plant. While the worse results are the lightest pieces of chicken manure treatment type (k1) and dosage of fertilizer 10 tons per acre (d1), was 3.19 kg per plant