4 research outputs found


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    Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan bernalar secara ilmiah atau scientific reasoning merupakan kemampuan yang kurang terfasilitasi dalam proses pembelajaran fisika di kelas. Pendekatan levels of inquiry dipandang memiliki cara-cara yang dapat melatihkan scientific reasoning, oleh karena itu penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek kontribusi penerapan levels of inquiry terhadap scientific reasoning . Instrumen scientific reasoning dikembangkan berdasarkan lawson classroom test of scientific reasoning (LCTSR) standar, dari 34 soal yang diuji terpilih sebanyak 24 soal dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,64 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dan validitas 0,3<val<1 yang berada dalam kategori sedang sampai tinggi. Melalui metode pre experimental dengan one-group pretest-posttest design, penelitian diterapkan dengan menggunakan sampel 35 siswa di salah satu SMP Negeri di kota bandung. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan effect size ditemukan bahwa nilai effect size 3,11 yang berada dalam kategori besar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pendekatan levels of inquiry yang diterapkan memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap peningkatan scientific reasoning Kata Kunci : Scientific Reasoning, Levels Of Inquiry The observation result shown that the ability to think scientifically known as scientific reasoning is less facilitated in the physic subject learning process. The levels of inquiry has seen as an approacment that could be a way to train and enhance the scientific reasoning in which this research conducted to find out degree of contribution and how this levels of inquiry affect the scientific reasoning. Scientific reasoning instrument developed based on Lawson Classroom Test Of Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR) standard. From 34 question that have been judged, 24 is choosen which has 0,64 reliability that classified as high category and validity 0,3<val<1 that classified as middle high category. Using pre experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design, the research conducted 35 students sample in one among junior high school in bandung. Analysis result using effect size which resulted 3,11 effect size that grade point classifies as high category. Thus make levels of inquiry that has been implemented has been resulted in enhanced scientific reasoning. Keyword : Scientific Reasoning, Levels Of Inquir

    Peran Komisaris Indepeden Memoderasi Hubungan Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas dan Financial Leverage terhadap Income Smoothing

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    Income smoothing is a general phenomenon that is quotated for variability to reduce the income reported to reduce market risks for regulatory shares. The income of this smoothing action has been considered a logical and rational action, but can harm other parties. This research is a queue to meet the role of independent commissioners in moderating the relationship of company size, profitability and financial leverage to the practice of profit in manufacturing companies that are registered with the Stock Exchange Exchange. The population of manufacturing companies registered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2021, Number of Research Samples 330. This research is the logistics regression examination method, SPSS Software. Income income is measured using the Eckel index. The independent variables in this study are the size of the company (LN Total sales), profitability (ROE), liquidity (debt of total assets), and independent commissioners as moderation variables. The results showed that the measurement of the careless had a significant negative effect while leverage had a significant positive effect but profitability had no effect on income income. Commissioners strengthen strengthening the relationship of company size tangkapan income smoothing and commissioners weaken the independent relationship of leverage income income income income. However, independent commissioners cannot moderate the profession of professional income. Large regulations will be more careful and have the courage to unkul in the risk of making reports that tend not to practice income income. Gurrivals who have a high profit that Tenji practices income to improve and decrease in profit, because the company is careful in boiling profit and gain of Kanca Pini Lapananaan to make a debt of one of the bahang ways to do with the practice of revenue removal. The Board of Commissioners has an independent mushroom in supervising and controlling the principal applied by the school to avoid irregularities

    Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat melalui Pendampingan Badan Usaha Milik Desa

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    Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) diharapkan dapat menggerakkan roda perekonomian masyarakat desa maupun pendapatan pemerintah desa. BUMDes menjawab permasalahan  yang dihadapi oleh UMKM desa Lemujut. Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh BUMDes adalah adanya Kerjasama atau kolaborasi antara BUMDes dengan UMKM. Bumdes menawarkan untuk membantu UMKM dalam kelayakan bisnis UMKM. Dari permasalahan UMKM tersebut besar potensi untuk BUMDes bisa meningkatkan kapasitas UMKM Desa lemujut. Metode yang dilakukan dalam program pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) yang secara aktif melibatkan masyarakat Desa Lemujut melalui BUMDes Lemujut Sejahtera dalam melakukan kajian suatu tindakan yang sedang berlangsung untuk melakukan suatu perubahan menuju arah yang lebih baik dengan landasan dari rakyat. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah ketersedian dari UMKM untuk melakukan sinergiritas dengan BUMDes dan Pemahaman UMKM mengenai Kelayakan bisnis. Kata kunci— UMKM, BUMDes, Kelayakan Bisnis Abstract Village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) are expected to drive the economy of the village community as well as village government revenues. BUMDes answers the problems faced by Lemujut village MSMEs. The solution offered by BUMDes is cooperation or collaboration between BUMDes and MSMEs. BUMDes offers to assist MSMEs in the feasibility of MSMEs businesses. From these MSMEs problems, there is great potential for BUMDes to increase the capacity of Lemujut Village MSMEs. The method used in this community service program is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method which actively involves the Lemujut Village community through BUMDes Lemujut Sejahtera in conducting a study of an ongoing action to make a change towards a better direction with the foundation of the people. The results of this activity are the availability of MSMEs to synergize with BUMDes and MSMEs understanding of business feasibility. Keywords—Small and Medium enterprises, Village-Owned Enterprises, Legal Feasibilit

    Studi Awal Analisis Molekuler Human Papillomavirus dari Apusan Glans dan Batang Penis

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    Pria juga dapat mengalami keganasan akibat infeksi Human Papillomavirus (HPV) serta bertindak sebagai reservoir virus. Metode skrining HPV pada wanita telah terstandardisasi, namun belum ada standar metode skrining pada pria di Indonesia. Beberapa studi pada populasi pria di luar negeri menunjukkan potensi sampling pada daerah genitalia eksterna untuk skrining HPV. Tujuan: mengoptimasi metode skrining HPV secara molekuler pada pria. Metode: Responden adalah partner seksual wanita pansien kanker serviks di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau. Apusan dari glans dan batang penis diambil menggunakan nylon-flocked swab yang kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam 350µl viral transport medium terpisah. DNA diisolasi dari sampel yang kemudian dianalisis untuk mendeteksi gen human β-globin dan HPV. Hasil: Optimasi awal menunjukkan gen β-globin dapat terdeteksi dari hasil ekstraksi dengan kit Zeesan Viral RNA Extraction. Pita HPV hasil PCR dengan primer MY09 dan MY11 dapat muncul namun masih tipis. Simpulan: Studi awal ini menunjukkan bahwa apusan glans dan batang penis dapat digunakan untuk deteksi HPV secara molekuler pada pria, namun proses pengambilan sampel, ekstraksi DNA, dan PCR masih perlu dioptimasi.Kata kunci: apusan, glans, HPV, peni