


Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan bernalar secara ilmiah atau scientific reasoning merupakan kemampuan yang kurang terfasilitasi dalam proses pembelajaran fisika di kelas. Pendekatan levels of inquiry dipandang memiliki cara-cara yang dapat melatihkan scientific reasoning, oleh karena itu penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek kontribusi penerapan levels of inquiry terhadap scientific reasoning . Instrumen scientific reasoning dikembangkan berdasarkan lawson classroom test of scientific reasoning (LCTSR) standar, dari 34 soal yang diuji terpilih sebanyak 24 soal dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,64 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dan validitas 0,3<val<1 yang berada dalam kategori sedang sampai tinggi. Melalui metode pre experimental dengan one-group pretest-posttest design, penelitian diterapkan dengan menggunakan sampel 35 siswa di salah satu SMP Negeri di kota bandung. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan effect size ditemukan bahwa nilai effect size 3,11 yang berada dalam kategori besar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pendekatan levels of inquiry yang diterapkan memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap peningkatan scientific reasoning Kata Kunci : Scientific Reasoning, Levels Of Inquiry The observation result shown that the ability to think scientifically known as scientific reasoning is less facilitated in the physic subject learning process. The levels of inquiry has seen as an approacment that could be a way to train and enhance the scientific reasoning in which this research conducted to find out degree of contribution and how this levels of inquiry affect the scientific reasoning. Scientific reasoning instrument developed based on Lawson Classroom Test Of Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR) standard. From 34 question that have been judged, 24 is choosen which has 0,64 reliability that classified as high category and validity 0,3<val<1 that classified as middle high category. Using pre experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design, the research conducted 35 students sample in one among junior high school in bandung. Analysis result using effect size which resulted 3,11 effect size that grade point classifies as high category. Thus make levels of inquiry that has been implemented has been resulted in enhanced scientific reasoning. Keyword : Scientific Reasoning, Levels Of Inquir

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