513 research outputs found

    Разработка научного обоснования оптимизации природопользования особо охраняемых природных территорий регионального значения

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    В условиях Кемеровской области, где большая часть территорий распределена между природопользователями, организация мероприятий по ограничению хозяйственного использования на новых участках крайне затруднительна. В этой связи единственным реальным подходом снижения комплексных антропогенных воздействий, в том числе и рекреационных, может быть разработка и внедрение новых механизмов оптимизации сохранения природных комплексов.In the Kemerovo region, where most of the territories are distributed among nature users, the organization of measures to limit economic use in new areas is extremely difficult. In this regard, the only realistic approach to reducing complex anthropogenic impacts, including recreational ones, can be the development and implementation of new mechanisms for optimizing the conservation of natural complexes

    Fluid-induced coagulopathy: does the type of fluid make a difference?

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    Crystalloid and colloid solutions are used for resuscitation of the critically ill. One set of options, widely used today, are different preparations of hydroxyethyl starch (HES). However, the safety of HES regarding impairment of blood coagulation remains incompletely elucidated, a circumstance that limits its clinical use. Understanding mechanisms and potential differences between low-molecular and low-substituted HES and other HES solutions seems clinically relevant

    Design Requirements for Pressurized Chemical Looping Reforming

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    A key issue in chemical looping reforming is to operate the process under pressurized conditions. Applicability of dual fluidized bed systems, currently used in atmospheric chemical looping processes, is affected by pressure. Critical design issues were studied and experimentally verified by cold flow model experiments. It turns out that it is important to achieve sufficient global solids circulation and to keep the pressure difference between the reactors low enough for proper operation of the loop seals

    Roma-/Zigeuner-Vertreter – vom Steuerübermittler zum Parteivorsitzenden: Historische Konstante der sozialen Kontaktzone zwischen Roma/Zigeuner-Gruppen und Gaje-Gesellschaften in Mazedonien und Bulgarien

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    Roma-/Zigeuner-Vertreter bzw. Repräsentanten sind nicht erst seit der Demokratisierung Bulgariens und Mazedoniens wichtige Akteure im Hinblick auf verschiedene Integrationsmaßnahmen dieser Länder. Der Beitrag wird diese Akteure durch mehr als 500 Jahre Geschichte dieser Teile 'des Balkans' als Nutzer der Kontaktzone zwischen den mehrheitsgesellschaftlichen Institutionen und 'ihrer' durch sie vertretenen 'Roma' zeigen

    Vergleich zweier deutschsprachiger, standardisierter Lesetafeln zur Bestimmung der Lesegeschwindigkeit

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    Fragestellung: Um im augenärztlichen Alltag möglichst einfach die Lesegeschwindigkeit eines Patienten zu ermitteln, wurden hoch standardisierte Lesetafeln erschaffen. Ein Großteil davon basiert auf einzelnen Sätzen wie die deutschsprachigen Radner Lesetafeln (jeweils 14 Wörter pro Text), während die International Reading Speed Texts (durchschnittlich 132 Wörter pro Text), kurz IReST, auf der Grundlage von Textabschnitten erstellt wurden. In dieser Studie soll untersucht werden, ob sich die Lesegeschwindigkeiten zwischen den Textsorten und deren Variabilität unterscheiden. Methoden: Von jeder Textsorte (=Lesetafel) wurden 3 Texte gewählt und von zwei Probandenkollektiven, 30 normalsichtigen Probanden (mittleres Alter 64,5 Jahre, SD ±7,7) und 25 sehbehinderten Probanden mit Makulopathie (mittleres Alter 77,8 Jahre SD ±9,9), in zufälliger Reihenfolge laut vorgelesen. Die Lesezeit wurde mittels Stoppuhr gemessen und anschließend die Lesegeschwindigkeit in "korrekt gelesenen Wörtern pro Minute" (w/m) errechnet. Der Einfluss von Textsorte und Textnummer auf die Lesegeschwindigkeit wurde mittels Regressionsanalyse geprüft, zusätzlich wurden die Pearson Korrelationskoeffizienten berechnet und die Übereinstimmung nach Bland-Altman dargestellt. Ergebnisse: Beim normalsichtigen Probandenkollektiv lieferten beide Textsorten in ihrer Größenordnung vergleichbare Messwerte. Innerhalb der Textsorten ließen sich jedoch größere Unterschiede zwischen den Radner Texten als zwischen den IReST nachweisen. Die Korrelationskoeffizienten beliefen sich auf r = 0,69-0,78 für Radner und r = 0,96-0,98 für IReST; die Übereinstimmung nach Bland-Altman fiel für die IReST ebenfalls vergleichsweise besser aus. Es zeigte sich eine größere Streuung der Lesegeschwindigkeit für die Radner Texte als für die IReST (IQR = 19,4-29,6 vs. 8,3-13,9). Die Lesegeschwindigkeiten beim sehbehinderten Probandenkollektiv fielen insgesamt niedriger aus als beim normalsichtigen Probandenkollektiv, darüber hinaus waren die Ergebnisse (Regressionsanalyse, Korrelation, Übereinstimmung, Streuung) allerdings vergleichbar mit jenen des normalsichtigen Kollektives. Fazit: Die IReST, stellvertretend für Textabschnitte, sind wegen ihrer geringeren Variabilität insbesondere bei wiederholten Messungen von Lesegeschwindigkeiten besser geeignet als die aus Einzelsätzen bestehenden Radner Lesetafeln

    Fluid Dynamic Effects of Ring- Type Internals in a Dual Circulating Fluidized Bed System

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    Intensified gas-solids contact in the fuel reactor of chemical looping combustion systems can be a key issue for achieving the necessary gas-phase conversion rates. Wedge-shaped rings were designed and installed in the fuel reactor of a cold flow model for fluid dynamic testing. These internals are meant to reduce the typical radial and axial solids concentration non-uniformity. It is shown, that more solids are present in the upper regions of the riser when in-ternals are used. Additionally, increase of the solids elutriation rate from the riser was foun

    From Suppliers to Complementors: Motivational Factors for Joining Industrial Internet of Things Platform Ecosystems

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    Spurred by the internet of things, industry firms are increasingly establishing platforms that animate an ecosystem of external actors to provide complementary offerings. But why do independent firms decide to join these ecosystems and to become complementors? The goal of this study is to disentangle their motivational factors in the context of the industrial internet of things. A theoretical framework is developed a priori based on the knowledge-based view of the firm and complementary logics. The framework is empirically explored using a case study design. Our results indicate that financial, technology, and knowledge gains positively influence the decision of complementors to join the ecosystem. Yet, our interviews reveal relative differences in motivations based on complementors’ uncertainty. Our findings contribute to the research on joining nascent digital platform ecosystems from a complementor perspective and the growing stream of research on industrial internet of things platforms

    HyFL: A Hybrid Framework For Private Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) has emerged as an efficient approach for large-scale distributed machine learning, ensuring data privacy by keeping training data on client devices. However, recent research has highlighted vulnerabilities in FL, including the potential disclosure of sensitive information through individual model updates and even the aggregated global model. While much attention has been given to clients' data privacy, limited research has addressed the issue of global model privacy. Furthermore, local training at the client's side has opened avenues for malicious clients to launch powerful model poisoning attacks. Unfortunately, no existing work has provided a comprehensive solution that tackles all these issues. Therefore, we introduce HyFL, a hybrid framework that enables data and global model privacy while facilitating large-scale deployments. The foundation of HyFL is a unique combination of secure multi-party computation (MPC) techniques with hierarchical federated learning. One notable feature of HyFL is its capability to prevent malicious clients from executing model poisoning attacks, confining them to less destructive data poisoning alone. We evaluate HyFL's effectiveness using an open-source PyTorch-based FL implementation integrated with Meta's CrypTen PPML framework. Our performance evaluation demonstrates that HyFL is a promising solution for trustworthy large-scale FL deployment.Comment: HyFL combines private training and inference with secure aggregation and hierarchical FL to provide end-to-end protection and to facilitate large-scale global deploymen

    Pathomechanisms of Paraneoplastic Myasthenia Gravis

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    Thymic T cell development is characterized by sequential selection processes to ensure generation of a self-tolerant, immuncompetent mature T cell repertoire. Malfunction of any of these selection processes may potentially result in either immunodeficiency or autoimmunity. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a typical autoimmune manifestation of thymic epithelial tumors (thymomas) and is related to the capacity of these tumors to generate and export mature T cells. Analysis of the factors that lead to autoimmunization in thymomas will help to understand the mechanisms that prevent MG under physiological conditions in humans. In a comparison of MG(+) and MG(-) thymomas, we could show that only thymomas capable of generating mature CD45RA+CD4+ T cells are associated with MG (p< 0.0001), while terminal thymopoiesis was abrogated in MG(-) thymomas. In particular, acquisition of the CD27+CD45RA+ phenotype appears to be a critical checkpoint of late T cell development in the human thymus and may play an important role in the prevention of autoimmunity. Moreover, MG(-) thymomas were virtually depleted of regulatory (CD4+CD25+) T cells (regT), while regT were readily detectable in MG(+) thymomas, albeit at significantly reduced numbers compared to control thymuses. Thus, in MG(+) thymoma patients, thymectomy apparently also results in removal of a regulatory T cell pool and may explain the frequent temporary postoperative deterioration of MG in these patients

    PIK AS – Mathematikunterricht weiter entwickeln

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