2,620 research outputs found

    Canvis recents al municipi de Guardamar del Segura (1990-2011): nous reptes per a un nou paisatge

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    Aquest estudi d'un paisatge cultural en un sistema de regadiu tradicional de la província d'Alacant es dugué a terme fent servir tècniques adequades de quantificació i anàlisi del paisatge en el període 1990-2011. Els mètodes utilitzats deriven de l'anàlisi dels canvis espacial i temporal en l'estructura del paisatge de Guardamar del Segura, basant-se en mapes oficials (CORINE Land cover i SIOSE), adaptats a una escala local mitjançant l'ús d'eines SIG. La base de dades creada per a l'anàlisi diacrònica és una peça fonamental per tal d'obtenir una visió clara de l'evolució recent dels usos del sòl en l'àrea d'estudi i conèixer els impactes ecològics derivats de l'abandonament dels usos tradicionals del territori i l'expansió de les àrees urbanitzades. L'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi és posar de manifest que una aproximació integrada a nivell municipal, utilitzant tecnologies SIG, proporciona resultats valuosos per a la planificació de programes de conservació d'un paisatge cultural recentment transformat i considerat molt valuós des d'un punt de vista productiu i patrimonial.Este estudio de un paisaje cultural en un sistema de regadío tradicional de la provincia de Alicante se llevó a cabo utilizando técnicas adecuadas para cuantificar y analizar los recientes cambios del paisaje en el periodo 1990-2011. Los métodos utilizados derivan del análisis del cambio espaciotemporal en la estructura del paisaje de Guardamar del Segura, en base a mapas oficiales (CORINE Land cover y SIOSE), adaptados a una escala local mediante el uso de herramientas SIG. La base de datos creada para el análisis diacrónico es una pieza clave a fin de obtener una visión clara de la evolución reciente de los usos del suelo en el área de estudio y conocer los impactos ecológicos derivados del abandono de los usos tradicionales del territorio y la expansión de las áreas urbanizadas. El objetivo principal de este estudio es hacer hincapié en que un enfoque integrada, basada en el municipio, y el uso de tecnologías SIG proporciona resultados valiosos para la planificación de programas de conservación de un paisaje cultural recientemente transformada y considerada muy valioso desde el punto de vista productiva y patrimonial.This study of a cultural landscape in a traditional irrigated system of Alicante Province was conducted using appropriate techniques for quantifying and analyzing the recent landscape changes since 1990. Methods were derived from the spatial and temporal landscape structure change analysis of Guardamar del Segura, based on official maps (CORlNE Land cover and SIOSE), and were rendered at a local scale level using GIS tools. The created database for the diachronic GIS analysis is a key piece in order to obtain a clear view of recent land uses evolution in the study area and know the ecological impacts derived from the abandonment of traditional territory uses and the expansion of urbanised areas. The main objective of this study is to emphasize that an approach based on a landscape level and using GIS technologies provides valuable results for planning conservation programs in a cultural landscape recently transformed and considered to be highly valuable from the production and heritage points of view

    Cost-range trade-off in the design and operation of long range transport airplanes

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    The objective of this study is to show the environmental and operating cost savings that could be achieved if long range transport aircraft were designed for shorter ranges; obviously at the drawback of longer trip duration, for the inevitable intermediate stop. The maximum take-off weight and operating empty weight, main design variables of transport airplanes, would be greatly reduced. However, it would be impossible to take full advantage of this procedure for, on the one hand, it would be difficult to find a suitable airport at the exact midpoint and, moreover, there would be a certain increase in the total distance because of the deviation. The overall result will depend on the length of the route, the technology level (range factor and operating empty weight fraction with respect to maximum take-off weight), and other variables that will be discussed. Only for very long routes and/or very high fuel cost the shorter design range case represents a meaningful saving with respect to the non-stop flight

    Fish diversity and traditional fishing methods in semiarid irrigated system in the Bajo Vinalopó region, Southeastern Spain

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    The aim of this paper is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the importance of the fish fauna in the wetlands and coastal lagoons of the Bajo Vinalopó region (Alicante, South eastern Spain) and the ecological, historical and cultural value of the traditional knowledge on fishing maintained by local people. We have compiled data from different information sources: (1) the revision of historical archives, (2) personal interviews and collaborative research, and (3) ecological and water quality data. The results show that the area sustains important fish fauna diversity (17 species) and that local people have inherited a considerable traditional knowledge on fishing methods (11 modalities), on the maintenance and sound management of the water system and on the ecology and behaviour of fish. We conclude that a comprehensive consideration of all these ecological, historical and socio-cultural aspects related to fish and fishing shows clearly the value of this ecological and cultural heritage and provides a necessary base for a sustainable management of the area.This study has been included conducted within the ambit of the WADI Project (INCO2003-MPC2-015226) and financed by the European Commission

    Un software FOSS para la gestión de las fotografías obtenidas por fototrampeo

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    La constante innovación tecnológica y al abaratamiento de los dispositivos, han hecho que el fototrampeo se convierta en una técnica ampliamente utilizada para la realización de inventarios biológicos, generando gran cantidad de registros de alto interés ecológico. El principal objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar una herramienta de software libre (FOSS), desarrollada para facilitar el manejo de datos, obtenidos mediante fototrampeo en un espacio protegido de la Comunidad Valenciana. Así, a partir de un estudio iniciado en 2009, se ha analizado la composición de la comunidad de vertebrados en el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola. Para la realización de los muestreos se han empleado cámaras de infrarrojos con sensor de movimiento (Moultrie Game Spy I-60®), obteniendo un total de 29,941 contactos que han servido para determinar la abundancia de las especies muestreadas en las 63 cuadrículas (2*2 Km) establecidas en la zona de estudio. La aplicación FOSS, denominada “Camera Trap Manager”, se ha diseñado para agilizar el tratamiento de esta información y funciona sobre la plataforma .NET, pudiendo ser utilizada en varios sistemas operativos. Además, este software dispone de un interfaz de usuario muy intuitivo, capacidad de extraer automáticamente distintos tipos de metadatos (fecha, hora, fase lunar, localización, temperatura, presión atmosférica, etc), basados en el estándar Exif; disponibilidad de listas taxonómicas para permitir a los usuarios etiquetar fácilmente las imágenes con las identidades de las especies, capacidad de análisis y creación de informes. El uso de esta aplicación ha permitido simplificar el procesado, análisis y edición de datos, consiguiendo una significativa reducción de los costes económicos y temporales. Mientras que en el procesado manual se alcanzaba una media de 55 fotografías/hora, el uso de esta herramienta permite procesar más de 1,000 fotografías/hora, obteniendo una mayor cantidad de información. Finalmente, se pone de manifiesto la gran utilidad de esta aplicación, que puede ser adaptada a las necesidades de otros proyectos de gestión de fauna, haciendo su uso extensivo no solamente a los profesionales del sector, sino a todos aquellos que requieran procesar gran cantidad de imágenes de fototrampeo

    Landscape-use optimisation with regards to the groundwater resources protection in mountain hardrock areas, LOWRGREP

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    Synthesis of work performed during the European Project LOWRGREPThis report assesses the degree of interference of human activities with the hydrosphere in mountain-zones, all located in hard-rock areas of different countries in the European Union. Each of the test-regions has a specific degree of protection: from regions with very few inhabitants and very low human impact, to regions submitted to a strong anthropogenic impact. The investigations focused on the changes in water quality and on the simulation of various alternatives leading to optimum landscape-use from the point of view of water-management. The project's own Geographic Information System was used to fulfil the following objective: present all the obtained knowledge and analyse all the data in user-friendly form (maps of water vulnerability) and make this knowledge available for potential users with, for instance, the creation and use of a web site. A simulation tool has been developed which facilitates the assessment of the impact of landscape-use on the water budget of the catchment. In all the areas investigated chloride is present, only in winter and very close to roads. Another result of this work is the decreasing impact on water of sulphur and sulphuric compounds in Germany and in the Czech Republic, while the nitrogen impact is increasing. Recommendations concerning the landscape-use presented for all the regions in particular for good practices in agricultur

    Surgical treatment for colorectal cancer: Analysis of the influence of an enhanced recovery programme on long-term oncological outcomes-a study protocol for a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study

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    Introduction The evidence currently available from enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programmes concerns their benefits in the immediate postoperative period, but there is still very little evidence as to whether their correct implementation benefits patients in the long term. The working hypothesis here is that, due to the lower response to surgical aggression and lower rates of postoperative complications, ERAS protocols can reduce colorectal cancer-related mortality. The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of an ERAS programme for colorectal cancer on 5-year survival. As secondary objectives, we propose to analyse the weight of each of the predefined items in the oncological results as well as the quality of life. Methods and analysis A multicentre prospective cohort study was conducted in patients older than 18 years of age who are scheduled to undergo surgery for colorectal cancer. The study involved 12 hospitals with an implemented enhanced recovery protocol according to the guidelines published by the Spanish National Health Service. The intervention group includes patients with a minimum implementation level of 70%, and the control group includes those who fail to reach this level. Compliance will be studied using 18 key performance indicators, and the results will be analysed using cancer survival indicators, including overall survival, cancer-specific survival and relapse-free survival. The time to recurrence, perioperative morbidity and mortality, hospital stay and quality of life will also be studied, the latter using the validated EuroQol Five questionnaire. The propensity index method will be used to create comparable treatment and control groups, and a multivariate regression will be used to study each variable. The Kaplan-Meier estimator will be used to estimate survival and the log-rank test to make comparisons. A p value of less than 0.05 (two-tailed) will be considered to be significant. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Aragon Ethical Committee (C.P.-C.I. PI20/086) on 4 March 2020. The findings of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals (BMJ Open, JAMA Surgery, Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery). Abstracts will be submitted to relevant national and international meetings.The present research study was awarded a Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación health research project grant (PI19/00291) from the Carlos III Institute of the Spanish National Health Service as part of the 2019 call for Strategic Action in Health

    The OTELO survey: A case study of [O III] lambda 4959,5007 emitters at z=0.83

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    Context. The OSIRIS Tunable Filter Emission Line Object (OTELO) survey is a very deep, blind exploration of a selected region of the Extended Groth Strip and is designed for finding emission-line sources (ELSs). The survey design, observations, data reduction, astrometry, and photometry, as well as the correlation with ancillary data used to obtain a final catalogue, including photo-z estimates and a preliminary selection of ELS, were described in a previous contribution. Aims. Here, we aim to determine the main properties and luminosity function (LF) of the [O III] ELS sample of OTELO as a scientific demonstration of its capabilities, advantages, and complementarity with respect to other surveys. Methods. The selection and analysis procedures of ELS candidates obtained using tunable filter pseudo-spectra are described. We performed simulations in the parameter space of the survey to obtain emission-line detection probabilities. Relevant characteristics of [O III] emitters and the LF ([O III]), including the main selection biases and uncertainties, are presented. Results. From 541 preliminary emission-line source candidates selected around z = 0.8, a total of 184 sources were confirmed as [O III] emitters. Consistent with simulations, the minimum detectable line flux and equivalent width in this ELS sample are ∼5 × 10−19 erg s−1 cm2 and ∼6 Å, respectively. We are able to constrain the faint-end slope (α = −1.03 ± 0.08) of the observed LF ([O III]) at a mean redshift of z = 0.83. This LF reaches values that are approximately ten times lower than those from other surveys. The vast majority (84%) of the morphologically classified [O III] ELSs are disc-like sources, and 87% of this sample is comprised of galaxies with stellar masses of M⋆ <  1010 M⊙

    The use of the CNIC-Polypill in real-life clinical practice: opportunities and challenges in patients at very high risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease – expert panel meeting report

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    Although the cardiovascular (CV) polypill concept is not new and several guidelines state that a CV polypill should be considered an integral part of a comprehensive CV disease (CVD) prevention strategy, there are still some barriers to its implementation in the real-world setting, mainly in secondary CV prevention. As the CNIC-polypill is the only one approved for secondary CV prevention in patients with atherosclerotic CVD in 27 countries worldwide, a panel of four discussants and 30 participants from 18 countries conveyed in a virtual meeting on April 21, 2022, to discuss key clinical questions regarding the practical use of the CNIC-Polypill and barriers to its implementation. Data presented showed that, although the use of the CV polypill is not explicitly mentioned in the current 2021 European Society of Cardiology guidelines on CVD prevention, it may be used in any patient for secondary CVD prevention tolerating all their components to improve outcomes through different aspects. The favourable results of the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly (SECURE) trial now reinforce this recommendation. The panellists presented algorithms on how to switch from any baseline regimen when starting treatment with the CNIC-polypill in different situations, including patients with hypertension, dyslipidaemia, and a previous CV event; at discharge after a cardiovascular event; in chronic ischemic conditions; and in cases of polypharmacy. The panellists and expert discussants did agree that available studies conducted so far with the CNIC-polypill demonstrate that it is as efficacious as the monocomponents, equipotent drugs, or other therapies; reduces the risk of experiencing recurrent major CV events; improves medication adherence; reduces health care costs and resources compared to patients treated with loose drugs; and the patients prefer it over the multipill strategy. In conclusion, the data presented by the participants provided the evidence behind the use of the CNIC-polypill to help fulfil the goal of encouraging its adoption by physicians.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio