668 research outputs found

    Sports-Related Concussion Management in Montana Youth: Rural vs. Non-Rural Settings

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    Objective: Approximately 1.6 to 3.8 million sports-related concussions occur each year in the United States, and there was a four-fold increase in the number of sports-related concussions in high school athletes from 2000 to 2011.This study assessed the knowledge of coaches from rural (population \u3c 10,000) and non-rural (population \u3e 10,000) counties in Montana with regard to sports-related concussion management and return-to-play guidelines. It was hypothesized that there would be a higher amount of deficits in sports-related concussion management practices for youth sports in rural counties. Participants and Methods: Individuals involved in overseeing youth sports (including coaches, assistant coaches, and athletic directors) were surveyed regarding sports-related concussion management and return-to-play guidelines. Of these participants, 48.1% were from rural counties and 51.9% were from non-rural counties. These data were collected prior to the first sports season in which the Dylan Steigers Protection of Youth Athletes Act became effective in Montana. Results: Differences were apparent between rural and non-rural counties in all aspects of concussion management addressed in this survey. Significantly more respondents from non-rural counties indicated that their organizations have individuals trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. Additionally, significantly more respondents from non-rural counties reported that they have an individual specialized in recognition and treatment of concussions present during sporting events. Conclusions: These findings highlight a significant discrepancy between concussion management practices in rural and non-rural counties in Montana. Montana was one of the last states in the nation to implement a law regarding concussion management in youth sports, and it is imperative that all counties within our state receive the education and resources necessary to protect youth athletes from the devastating consequences of poor concussion management. With these baseline findings, the overall effectiveness of concussion legislation to protect youth athletes in Montana can be monitored

    Genome analysis of a highly virulent serotype 1 strain of streptococcus pneumoniae from West Africa

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteremia, estimated to cause 2 million deaths annually. The majority of pneumococcal mortality occurs in developing countries, with serotype 1 a leading cause in these areas. To begin to better understand the larger impact that serotype 1 strains have in developing countries, we characterized virulence and genetic content of PNI0373, a serotype 1 strain from a diseased patient in The Gambia. PNI0373 and another African serotype 1 strain showed high virulence in a mouse intraperitoneal challenge model, with 20% survival at a dose of 1 cfu. The PNI0373 genome sequence was similar in structure to other pneumococci, with the exception of a 100 kb inversion. PNI0373 showed only15 lineage specific CDS when compared to the pan-genome of pneumococcus. However analysis of non-core orthologs of pneumococcal genomes, showed serotype 1 strains to be closely related. Three regions were found to be serotype 1 associated and likely products of horizontal gene transfer. A detailed inventory of known virulence factors showed that some functions associated with colonization were absent, consistent with the observation that carriage of this highly virulent serotype is unusual. The African serotype 1 strains thus appear to be closely related to each other and different from other pneumococci despite similar genetic content

    Artificial Intelligence for Rapid Meta-Analysis: Case Study on Ocular Toxicity of Hydroxychloroquine.

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid access to evidence is crucial in times of an evolving clinical crisis. To that end, we propose a novel approach to answer clinical queries, termed rapid meta-analysis (RMA). Unlike traditional meta-analysis, RMA balances a quick time to production with reasonable data quality assurances, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to strike this balance. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate whether RMA can generate meaningful clinical insights, but crucially, in a much faster processing time than traditional meta-analysis, using a relevant, real-world example. METHODS: The development of our RMA approach was motivated by a currently relevant clinical question: is ocular toxicity and vision compromise a side effect of hydroxychloroquine therapy? At the time of designing this study, hydroxychloroquine was a leading candidate in the treatment of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We then leveraged AI to pull and screen articles, automatically extract their results, review the studies, and analyze the data with standard statistical methods. RESULTS: By combining AI with human analysis in our RMA, we generated a meaningful, clinical result in less than 30 minutes. The RMA identified 11 studies considering ocular toxicity as a side effect of hydroxychloroquine and estimated the incidence to be 3.4% (95% CI 1.11%-9.96%). The heterogeneity across individual study findings was high, which should be taken into account in interpretation of the result. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that a novel approach to meta-analysis using AI can generate meaningful clinical insights in a much shorter time period than traditional meta-analysis

    Gender Differences in Bed Rest: Preliminary Analysis of Vascular Function

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    Orthostatic intolerance is a recognized consequence of spaceflight. Numerous studies have shown that women are more susceptible to orthostatic intolerance following spaceflight as well as bed rest, the most commonly used ground-based analog for spaceflight. One of the possible mechanisms proposed to account for this is a difference in vascular responsiveness between genders. We hypothesized that women and men would have differing vascular responses to 90 days of 6-degree head down tilt bed rest. Additionally, we hypothesized that vessels in the upper and lower body would respond differently, as has been shown in the animal literature. Thirteen subjects were placed in bedrest for 90 days (8 men, 5 women) at the Flight Analogs Unit, UTMB. Direct arterial and venous measurements were made with ultrasound to evaluate changes in vascular structure and function. Arterial function was assessed, in the arm and leg, during a reactive hyperemia protocol and during sublingual nitroglycerin administration to gauge the contributions of endothelial dependent and independent dilator function respectively. Venous function was assessed in dorsal hand and foot veins during the administration of pharmaceuticals to assess constrictor and dilator function. Both gender and day effects are seen in arterial dilator function to reactive hyperemia, but none are seen with nitroglycerin. There are also differences in the wall thickness in the arm vs the leg during bed rest, which return toward pre-bed rest levels by day 90. More subjects are required, especially females as there is not sufficient power to properly analyze venous function. Day 90 data are most underpowered

    Development of a Novel Aspirin Suppository Formulation and Evaluation of the Acetylation of COX-1 Via a HT-29/Caco-2 Cell Absorption Assay Used to Detect the Absorption of Aspirin Formulated With Various Bases and Excipients

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    As the baby-boomer population ages, hospitalization rates will rise, increasing the number of patients who are NPO. Research indicates that aspirin use also increases with advanced age. With the increased prevalence of this demographic, there continues to be a growing need for alternative dosage forms for aspirin administration. A common and limited-risk alternative is rectally administered aspirin. However, there appears to be only one commercially available aspirin suppository and it has yielded erratic results as shown in previous research. Aspirin is considered a pro-drug; once it is inside the body, the acidic environment cleaves the aspirin molecule down to salicylic acid, its active form. Rectal cells may not provide an acidic environment needed to cleave the aspirin molecule into salicylic acid, thereby inhibiting the absorption and rate of onset of the drug. With this thought in mind and with the erratic results from the literature, the aim of this study, to be completed by summer of 2015, is to create a novel aspirin suppository. The study will be a prospective preclinical in-vitro design conducted in the Cedarville University Pharmaceutical Sciences lab. The samples will include two colonic adenocarcinoma cell lines, Caco-2 and HT-29. A standard curve will be developed as a baseline by using a 12(S)-HETE ELISA Assay using purified 12(S)-HETE. The two cell lines will be cultured, then incubated. Aspirin will be added to the samples and incubated again for 30 minutes. After incubation, medium samples will be taken and the same ELISA Assay will be performed on the results. The cell line that yields the most consistent results will be selected. The various aspirin formulations will be tested on this cell line in the same fashion. The ELISA assay will be performed and the concentration of 12(S)-HETE will be determined, plotted, and compared to the standard curve. A repeated-measures ANOVA will then be performed to analyze statistical significance

    Visible light carrier generation in co-doped epitaxial titanate films

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    Perovskite titanates such as SrTiO3_{3} (STO) exhibit a wide range of important functional properties, including high electron mobility, ferroelectricity, and excellent photocatalytic performance. The wide optical band gap of titanates limits their use in these applications, however, making them ill-suited for integration into solar energy harvesting technologies. Our recent work has shown that by doping STO with equal concentrations of La and Cr we can enhance visible light absorption in epitaxial thin films while avoiding any compensating defects. In this work, we explore the optical properties of photoexcited carriers in these films. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, we show that the Cr3+^{3+} dopants, which produce electronic states immediately above the top of the O 2p valence band in STO reduce the direct band gap of the material from 3.75 eV to between 2.4 and 2.7 eV depending on doping levels. Transient reflectance spectroscopy measurements are in agreement with the observations from ellipsometry and confirm that optically generated carriers are present for longer than 2 ns. Finally, through photoelectrochemical methylene blue degradation measurements, we show that these co-doped films exhibit enhanced visible light photocatalysis when compared to pure STO.Comment: 19 pages including supplement, 8 figures (3 main, 5 supplement

    Utility and limitations of hepascore and transient elastography to detect advanced hepatic fibrosis in HFE hemochromatosis

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    Aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI) and Fibrosis-4 Index (Fib4) have been validated against liver biopsy for detecting advanced hepatic fibrosis in HFE hemochromatosis. We determined the diagnostic utility for advanced hepatic fibrosis of Hepascore and transient elastography compared with APRI and Fib4 in 134 newly diagnosed HFE hemochromatosis subjects with serum ferritin levels \u3e 300 µg/L using area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUROC) analysis and APRI- ( \u3e 0.44) or Fib4- ( \u3e 1.1) cut-offs for AHF, or a combination of both. Compared with APRI, Hepascore demonstrated an AUROC for advanced fibrosis of 0.69 (95% CI 0.56–0.83; sensitivity = 69%, specificity = 65%; P = 0.01) at a cut-off of 0.22. Using a combination of APRI and Fib4, the AUROC for Hepascore for advanced fibrosis was 0.70 (95% CI 0.54–0.86, P = 0.02). Hepascore was not diagnostic for detection of advanced fibrosis using the Fib4 cut-off. Elastography was not diagnostic using either APRI or Fib4 cut-offs. Hepascore and elastography detected significantly fewer true positive or true negative cases of advanced fibrosis compared with APRI and Fib4, except in subjects with serum ferritin levels \u3e 1000 µg/L. In comparison with APRI or Fib4, Hepascore or elastography may underdiagnose advanced fibrosis in HFE Hemochromatosis, except in individuals with serum ferritin levels \u3e 1000 µg/L

    Land Use and Pollinator Dependency Drives Global Patterns of Pollen Limitation in the Anthropocene

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    Land use change, by disrupting the co-evolved interactions between plants and their pollinators, could be causing plant reproduction to be limited by pollen supply. Using a phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis on over 2200 experimental studies and more than 1200 wild plants, we ask if land use intensification is causing plant reproduction to be pollen limited at global scales. Here we report that plants reliant on pollinators in urban settings are more pollen limited than similarly pollinator-reliant plants in other landscapes. Plants functionally specialized on bee pollinators are more pollen limited in natural than managed vegetation, but the reverse is true for plants pollinated exclusively by a non-bee functional group or those pollinated by multiple functional groups. Plants ecologically specialized on a single pollinator taxon were extremely pollen limited across land use types. These results suggest that while urbanization intensifies pollen limitation, ecologically and functionally specialized plants are at risk of pollen limitation across land use categories
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