58 research outputs found


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    Tugas Akhir merupakan salah satu kewajiban mahasiswa, khususnya di PENS-ITS, yang harus dikerjakan sebagai syarat kelulusan. Namun tidak jarang mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam penyelesaian tugas akhir tersebut. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah faktor kemampuan mahasiswa dalam bidang Tugas Akhir yang dikerjakannya. Penelitian ini membahas penggunaan metode clustering dan inner product untuk menentukan bidang Tugas Akhir mahasiswa Teknik Informatika PENS-ITS berdasarkan nilai yang didapat mulai dari semester pertama sampai dengan semester sebeum penentuan judul TA. Tiap bidang disusun oleh mata kuliah-mata kuliah tertentu. Nilai mata kuliah-mata kuliah tersebutlah yang digunakan sebagai atribut data dalam sistem ini. Metode clustering yang digunakan adalah Single Linkage Hierarchical, Centroid Linkage Hierarchical, dan K-Means. Metode-metode clustering tersebut digunakan untuk melakukan training data sehingga terbentuk cluster-cluster. Cluster-cluster yang terbentuk kemudian dilabelkan dengan Inner Product. Inner Product dilakukan dengan mengalikan centroid tiap cluster dengan nilai minimum (dari data training) untuk atribut centroid (mata kuliah) yang tidak mempengaruhi bidang TA dan mengalikan dengan nilai maximum (dari data training) untuk atribut centroid (mata kuliah) yang mempengaruhi bidang TA yang sedang diproses. Hasil Inner Product yang paling besar menunjukkan bahwa cluster tersebut memiliki label bidang TA yang sedang diproses. Pengujian dilakukan dengan data baru (data uji) yang memiliki atribut (mata kuliah) yang sama dengan data training. Data uji tersebut dihitung jaraknya menggunakan Euclidean Distance dengan masing-masing cluster yang telah berlabel (bidang TA). Jarak yang terdekat menujukkan data tersebut merupakan anggota cluster yang dimaksud yang berarti data baru tersebut termasuk ke bidang yang diwakili cluster yang berjarak paling dekat tersebut. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa metode centroid linkage memiliki nilai variance (Vw/Vb) paling kecil yang menandakan bahwa metode tersebut menghasilkan cluster paling baik dibanding dengan metode single linkage dan K-Means pada kasus ini. Kata kunci : Hierarchical, Clustering, Centroid, Single, Linkage, K-Means, variance, Euclidean Distance, Inner Product, Bidang Tugas Akhir


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    Web mining in searching based on keywords by automatic clustering is a document searching method by classifying documents based on its keyword. Following is the clustering by centroid linkage hierarchical method (CLHM) to the number of keywords from each document. In clustering, initialization is commonly required for the number of cluster to be formed first, however, in some clustering cases, the user cannot determine how many clusters can be built. Therefore, on this paper, the Valley tracing method is applied as a constraint which identifies variants movement from each cluster formation step and also analyzes its pattern to form automatic clustering. Document data used are from text mining process on documents. Based on 424 documents, this research shows that clustering method using CLHM algorithm can be generally used to classifying documents with exact number automatically


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    Development of computer technology is very rapid effects on human life, not least in the world ealth. Application of expert system in the website and mobile with JSP and J2ME is one manifestation of the development of these technologies. This final project built an expert system that can diagnose and provide therapy in diabetes Nephropathy and completed with a confidence alue of the diagnosis. Confidence value is obtained by using method called certainty factor. Certainty factor is a method used in MYCIN in the mid of 1970, in anticipation of knowledge is usually incomplete and uncertain. By providing accurate knowledge based on nowledge and followed by test conducted which is done seriously, it is expected that this system can help to make diagnosis and provide therapy of diabetes mellitus correctly and accurately. Keywords: Expert System, Certainty factor, Diabetes Nephropathy, JSP, J2ME

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Perangkat Lunak Untuk Penyelesaian Traveling Salesman Problem Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Dikenal Sebagai Suatu Permasalahan Yang Bersifat Nondetenninistic Polynomial-Time Complete, Dimana Tidak Ada Penyelesaian Yang Paling Optimal Selain Harus Mencoba Seluruh Kemungkinan Penyelesaian Yang Ada. Akan Tetapi, Bilamana Hal Tersebut Dilakukan, Akan Dibutt:Hkan Waktu Komputasi Yang Tidak Sedikit. Oleh Karena Itu Dibutuhkan Sebuah Metode Pencarian Heuristik Untuk Menyelesaikan Permasalahan Ini. Sementara Di Satu Sisi Yang Lain, Dalam Riset Di Bidang Optimasi Belum Ditemukan Satupun Metode Pencarian Yang Dapat Menjamin Ditemukannya Nilai Optimal Dalam Menyelesaikan Permasalahan Ini. Keberadaan Algoritma Genetika, Sebagai Sebuah Metode Adaptive Yang Berusaha Memecahkan Suatu Pencarian Nilai Dalam Sebuah Masalah Optimasi, Menjadi Salah Satu Alternatif Dalam Memecahkan Permasalahan Ini. Dalam Tugas Akhir Ini, Dibuat Sebuah Perangkat Lunak Untuk Menyelesaikan TSP Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika. Proses Algoritma Genetika Yang Digunakan Dirancang Sedemikian Rupa Sehingga Dapat Menyelesaikan Permasalahan Secara Akurat Untuk Permasalahan Ini. Tahapan Yang Dilakukan Pertama Kali Adalah Melakukan Pengkodean Yang Sesuai Untuk TSP. Yang Pada Gilirannya Dari Tahapan Ini Dibangun Populasi Dan Dari Sini Kemudian Dilanjutkan Dengan Proses-Proses Reproduksi Dan Rekombinasi Dari Algoritma Genetika. Selain Itu Untuk Menghindari Terjadinya Konvergensi Dini Dan Dominasi Individu-Individu Tertentu Pada Suatu Waktu, Maka Dilakukan Mekanisme Penyesuaian Dan Pemilihan Operator-Operator Yang Tepat Untuk Proses Rekombinasi. Sehingga Dari Algoritma Genetika Ini, Dihasilkan Nilai Optimum Dari TSP Berupa Jarak Lintasan Yang Paling Pendek. Dengan Perangkat Lunak Ini Pengguna Bisa Mendapatkan Nilai Optimal Suatu Rute TSP Dengan Lintasan Yang Benar. Perangkat Lunak Yang Dibuat, Dapat Ijikembangkanjlebih Lanjut Pada Permasalahan-Permasalahan Turunan TSP Seperti Desain Jaringan Telepon Dan Integrasi Sirkuit

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bimbingan Konseling di SMK2 Surabaya Berbasis JSP

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    ABSTRACT At this very rapid growth of information technology. Its dissemination was also very fast globally and without any time limit. Many human tasks are assisted by computer technology. In this final project, Applications Applications that make BK Management Information System (Guidance Counselling) in SMKN 2 Surabaya. In this case managed is the student attendance data. By knowing the student attendance can be correlated with the delay, naughty student, and student achievement. Views for this system is created using JSP (Java Server Page) and using MySQL database as data processing and data storage. The purpose of this system is built to facilitate teachers in controlling the level of discipline of students with student attendance records, and violations committed by students. The results of this last project was to determine the recapitulation of absenteeism of students, and history student violations that can be used by the father's mother in determining the increase of the classroom teacher, and guidance to learners


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    Today the development of computers and technology are so rapidly, use is no longer limited to companies or large institutions and capable only. Many companies or institutions, whether large or small, government or private use computers as a means to improve the effectiveness of work. Practice with a specialist is a practice that is more than one medical specialist working in public health services. It required that if a system can improve effectiveness and efficiency of work. In addition, many clinics still use manual way to record all patient health data, so that the patient's health data is difficult to control and lead to human error can not provide accurate information. So far in terms of patient health data records as well as the purchase and sale of drugs at the pharmacy took place manually, thus affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of work, so that service to the patient becomes very slow. In this final task, the author tries to apply the concept of an integrated information system to manage patient data, physician data, transaction data, and pharmacy data on drugs with the help of computers, since the patient came for treatment, drug supply data collection (inventory), the patient care, until the printing of reports required for decision-making and maintenance of the database. With this system, time constraints can be overcome. Iterative process can be done quickly. Also in its application, is expected not happening is due to constraints in the formulation of this system refers to the patient care system as a whole. So time to get the necessary information can be done in a timely and accurate. This application is designed to make patient data recording, the recording of transactions pharmacies, doctor's examination, the patient's health records, users, reports, and exit which allows the user to run this application. Key words : JSP, Practice with all Specialist, MySQ

    Pengelompokan Gambar Berdasarkan Fitur Warna Dan Tekstur Menggunakan FGKA Clustering (Fast Genetics K-Means Algorithm) Untuk Pencocokan Gambar

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    A large collections of digital images are being created. Usually, the only way of searching these collections was by using meta data (like caption or keywords). This way is not effective, impractical, need a big size of database and giving inaccurate result. Recently, it has been developed many ways in image retrieval that use image content (color, shape, and texture) that more recognised with CBIR ( Content Based Images Retrieval). The use of centroid produced from clustered HSV Histogram and Gabor Filter using FGKA, can be used for searching parameter. FGKA is merger of Genetic Algorithm and Kmeans Clustering Algorithm. FGKA is always converge to global optimum. Image Clustering and Matching based on color-texture feature are better than based on color feature only, texture only or using non-clustering method. Keywords: Genetics Algorithm, K-Means Clustering, CBIR, HSV Histogram, Gabor Filter


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    Pada proyek akhir ini dibuat sebuah game edukasi bernama “PETUALANGAN ANAK MUSLIM”. Game yang menyajikan materi serta cara belajar Bahasa Arab dengan mudah, sesuai untuk anak usia 5-8 tahun. Game ini akan dibuat dengan menggunakan teknologi pemograman Java Standart Edition (J2SE) yang diaplikasikan pada komputer dekstop dan Library game khusus Golden T Game Engine GTGE. Bentuk game ini adalah game petualangan (Adventure) dengan menyelesaikan serangkaian petualangan yang diperankan oleh seorang tokoh pemain. Dalam game ini terdapat 6 level yaitu level 1 dan level 2 (kata benda), 3 (kata sifat), level 4 dan 5 (kata kerja), level 6 (kalimat). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah game edukasi Bahasa Arab yang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa anak dengan mudah, menarik dan menyenangkan. Pada proyek akhir ini dibuat sebuah game edukasi bernama “PETUALANGAN ANAK MUSLIM”. Game yang menyajikan materi serta cara belajar Bahasa Arab dengan mudah, sesuai untuk anak usia 5-8 tahun. Game ini akan dibuat dengan menggunakan teknologi pemograman Java Standart Edition (J2SE) yang diaplikasikan pada komputer dekstop dan Library game khusus Golden T Game Engine GTGE. Bentuk game ini adalah game petualangan (Adventure) dengan menyelesaikan serangkaian petualangan yang diperankan oleh seorang tokoh pemain. Dalam game ini terdapat 6 level yaitu level 1 dan level 2 (kata benda), 3 (kata sifat), level 4 dan 5 (kata kerja), level 6 (kalimat). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah game edukasi Bahasa Arab yang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa anak dengan mudah, menarik dan menyenangkan


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    News is an important role in human life. Because people always require information, person can access the news through various media, including: print media, electronic media, and Internet media. Most people want a piece of news can be accessed anywhere and anytime, then arose an idea how to make the news becomes portable.In this final project, will develop a server application responsible for crawling and manage news, News was addressed to the mobile user such as a cell phone. The aim of this project which provides convenience for mobile phone users to get the latest news from the site on the internet news provider. By utilizing the RSS feature of the site, the system will get the latest news from the site. Then look for the complete news by taking the content page in the link results RSS document. News that is still embedded in HTML documents will be separated by using RegEx or Regular Expression. Then the news is categorized by using text mining and correlation analysis. The calculation of the correlation, which becomes variable is the news and categories of documents that have been provided by the system. Then stored into the database which will be accessed by a WML server The expected result is the news access to the WML server with load data faster than with direct access to the original site. And categorization of news with an error rate of 20 to 30%. Keywords: news, rss, regex, text mining, correlation analysis, wml


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    ABSTRACT Science is very important for the kids, and even a must-have and learned early to child growth and development can become a better generation. Science is given, among other animals, plants, shapes and colors. One method of delivery of content is using computer games and mobile phones. So that children can get pleasure and education of educational games. In this final project, created RPG (Role Playing Game) which contains about science everyday, especially for children ages three to seven years. The educational gaming software has been designed using Netbeans. This game and the game contains material about everyday science with a series of adventure stories that must be passed through to the finish. At the beginning of the adventure, players are given material form of images and then go through the questions in the form of the game. Materials submitted in the form of levels or levels, ie, there are five levels in accordance with the child's age 3-5 years and 6-7 years. While the questions on the game when diijawab correctly, it will add value to the player, otherwise if false it will reduce the chance of playing. So that at the end of the game will display ratings or Top Score. Keywords : Science, RPG (Role Playing Game), children aged 3-7 years, NetBeans IDE 6.9 M1, J2Me
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