1,081 research outputs found

    La construcción de la imagen de marca «Andalucía» como destino turístico a través de las campañas publicitarias «Smail you are in Andalucía» y «Andalucía te quiere»

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    This paper analyzes the institutional advertising of Andalucía. The objective is to understand the meanings associated with the tourism brand of «Andalusia». The research technique used is «content analysis» and «sample» is three national and international advertising campaigns funded by the «Junta de Andalucía». Results show that brand «Andalucía» is associated, in all advertisements, with the meanings «sun and sand». However, there are meanings that are associated with «Andalucía» depending on «consumer representation» of each ad, such as «golf».Este trabajo analiza la semántica de la marca «Andalucía» en las campañas publicitarias de promoción turística «Smail you are in Andalucía» y «Andalucía te quiere». A través del «análisis de contenido» se ha elaborado un esquema semántico de la marca «Andalucía» que recoge el discurso común presente en las tres campañas. A su vez, se identifican las promesas y significados que actúan de manera singular en cada anuncio como propuestas o valores añadidos según el tipo de consumidor destinatario del mensaje

    Resistant/Refractory Hypertension and Sleep Apnoea: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges

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    Hypertension is one of the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors. The population of hypertensive patients includes some phenotypes whose blood pressure levels are particularly difficult to control, thus putting them at greater cardiovascular risk. This is especially true of so-called resistant hypertension (RH) and refractory hypertension (RfH). Recent findings suggest that the former may be due to an alteration in the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone axis, while the latter seems to be more closely related to sympathetic hyper-activation. Both these pathophysiological mechanisms are also activated in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). It is not surprising, therefore, that the prevalence of OSA in RH and RfH patients is very high (as reflected in several studies) and that treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) manages to reduce blood pressure levels in a clinically significant way in both these groups of hypertensive patients. It is therefore necessary to incorporate into the multidimensional treatment of patients with RH and RfH (changes in lifestyle, control of obesity and drug treatment) a study of the possible existence of OSA, as this is a potentially treatable disease. There are many questions that remain to be answered, especially regarding the ideal combination of treatment in patients with RH/RfH and OSA (drugs, renal denervation, CPAP treatment) and patients’ varying response to CPAP treatment

    Competencias informacionales en ciencias de la salud: una propuesta formativa para estudiantes de Grado en enfermería

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    We present the first results of an investigation that aims to promote information skills in undergraduate nursing students through an educational project that integrates information literacy in the curriculum of the Red Cross Nursing School in Madrid. In collaboration with the library, the information needs of the students are evaluated and also measure the effectiveness learning process from previous training experience taught from the university library. The results show satisfaction with the skills acquired in previous training and the methodology followed; and reflects the need for training and information skills transversely distributed in different subjects of the degree. The training proposal reveals the importance of the acquisition of information skills by future nursing professionals and also the advantages of the involvement of information professionals have in their teaching

    Advertising on Video-Sharing Platforms in the Toy and Food Categories in Spain

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    This article reviews the advertising content on the YouTube channels featuring kid influencers with the highest number of subscribers in Spain. The goal is to observe the evolution of the elements that define this type of content as advertising content, even though the vast majority of the advertising content is not labelled as such. An analysis was conducted of all the videos posted during the 2022 Christmas period on the 15 YouTube channels with the largest audiences, which produced a sample of 61 videos that possessed the pertinent characteristics. Content analysis was applied and the degree to which the content complied with food and toy advertising regulations was examined

    Distributed System for Cognitive Stimulation Over Interactive TV.

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    Descripción y evaluación de sistema de estimulación cognitiva a través de la TDT orientada a personas con enfermedad de Parkinson, con supervisión por parte de sus terapeutas de forma remota. Abstract: This paper details the full design, implementation, and validation of an e-health service in order to improve the community health care services for patients with cognitive disorders. Specifically, the new service allows Parkinson’s disease patients benefit from the possibility of doing cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) at home by using a familiar device such as a TV set. Its use instead of a PC could be a major advantage for some patients whose lack of familiarity with the use of a PC means that they can do therapy only in the presence of a therapist. For these patients this solution could bring about a great improvement in their autonomy. At the same time, this service provides therapists with the ability to conduct follow-up of therapy sessions via the web,benefiting from greater and easier control of the therapy exercises performed by patients and allowing them to customize new exercises in accordance with the particular needs of each patient. As a result, this kind of CST is considered to be a complement of other therapies oriented to the Parkinson patients. Furthermore, with small changes, the system could be useful for patients with a different cognitive disease such as Alzheimer’s or mild cognitive impairment

    Servicio ubicuo de estimulación cognitiva orientado a personas con enfermedad de Parkinson

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    Este trabajo de investigación detalla el diseño y evaluación de un servicio de e-salud cuyo objetivo es mejorar la estimulación y seguimiento de personas con un trastorno cognitivo. Con este fin, se ha desarrollado un protocolo de transferencia de mensajes que facilita la provisión de un servicio telemático para personas afectadas de Parkinson, pudiendo así realizar estimulación cognitiva personalizada, de forma ubicua, mediante un dispositivo fácil de usar como un tablet Android. Asimismo, este servicio permite a los terapeutas adaptar y monitorizar de forma segura la terapia, vía web, beneficiándose así de una mejor calidad en el seguimiento efectivo de cada paciente. El sistema ha sido evaluado satisfactoriamente durante tres meses con 10 pacientes entre 59 y 77 años. La solución resultante es fácilmente integrable con otras terapias complementarias y puede ser adaptada para otros deterioros cognitivos, como el debido a la enfermedad de Alzheimer o el deterioro cognitivo leve

    Strategies for continuous improvement in the master's degree in "Colour Technology for the automotive sector" based on feedback from graduates

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    [ES] The first edition of the Master's Degree in "Color Technology for the Automotive Sector" was held during the last academic year. The academic results in terms of qualifications, achievement and learning were good. In spite of the good sensations, there are aspects to be improved, both in methodology and the development of the subjects, timing of the contents, organization or communication channels. Following this line, the Academic, agreed on a plan of continuous improvement based on the feedback provided by the graduate surveys. A specific survey was carried out to gather their specific experience of the course in order to be able to modify the general strategy of the master's degree at the teaching and organisational level. The objectives were to adapt the teaching methodology to facilitate a more reflexive, participative and autonomous learning with a high degree of involvement and motivation of the students, to improve the academic results in terms of learning and satisfaction, to simplify and improve the logistic management of the course, etc. Thus, the survey included questions relating to the usefulness of the master's degree, methodology, organisation and planning of teaching, as well as a final question relating to the overall satisfaction of the course. A short survey was chosen with only 10 questions that the student rated from 1 to 5 on a scale from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". From the analysis of the responses, some important weaknesses were detected, such as the lack of content developed in video format, and the slowness of feedback on the results obtained in the proposed tasks. Based on these results, it was proposed an improvement plan that included the incorporation of videos to teaching materials, flexibility in the deadlines for activities, and the periodic monitoring of student learning and concerns through "Adobe Connect".Perales, E.; Micó-Vicent, B.; Viqueira, V.; Huraibat, K.; Martínez-Verdú, FM. (2019). Strategies for continuous improvement in the master's degree in "Colour Technology for the automotive sector" based on feedback from graduates. En INNODOCT/18. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 165-174. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2018.2018.8846OCS16517

    Sistema abierto de Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) accesible para personas con deficiencia visual

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    Este artículo detalla el diseño, implementación y validación de un sistema abierto de Televisión Digital accesible para personas con deficiencia visual. La solución facilita que este colectivo pueda acceder a los contenidos de la guía electrónica de programación recibidos a través de la TDT, pudiendo configurar a demanda la interfaz de usuario gráfica (IGU) y la síntesis de voz (TTS). Se presenta el análisis de sistemas existentes, requisitos demandados por este colectivo y tecnologías disponibles, tanto de TDT como de TTS, con el fin de elegir las más apropiadas con criterios de accesibilidad, interoperabilidad y bajo coste. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación demuestran que el sistema desarrollado es congruente con los criterios del Diseño para Todos según constata la validación realizada. El sistema ofrece combinaciones de colores y fuentes (contraste, tamaño) para diferentes necesidades de la deficiencia visual, y utiliza TTS local y adaptable para las personas con ceguera

    Auranofin-loaded nanoparticles as a new therapeutic tool to fight streptococcal infections

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    Drug-loaded nanoparticles (NPs) can improve infection treatment by ensuring drug concentration at the right place within the therapeutic window. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) NPs are able to enhance drug localization in target site and to sustainably release the entrapped molecule, reducing the secondary effects caused by systemic antibiotic administration. We have loaded auranofin, a gold compound traditionally used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis,into PLGA NPs and their efficiency as antibacterial agent against two Gram-positive pathogens, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes was evaluated. Auranofin-PLGA NPs showed a strong bactericidal effect as cultures of multiresistant pneumococcal strains were practically sterilized after 6 h of treatment with such auranofin-NPs at 0.25 μM. Moreover, this potent bactericidal effect was also observed in S. pneumoniae and S. pyogenes biofilms, where the same concentration of auranofin-NPs was capable of decreasing the bacterial population about 4 logs more than free auranofin. These results were validated using zebrafish embryo model demonstrating that treatment with auranofin loaded into NPs achieved a noticeable survival against pneumococcal infections. All these approaches displayed a clear superiority of loaded auranofin PLGA nanocarriers compared to free administration of the drug, which supports their potential application for the treatment of streptococcal infections

    Student perceptions on portfolio as an assessment tool for clinical practical learning

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    Introducción/objetivo: la evaluación de las prácticas clínicas en enfermería es una parte fundamental en la medida que retroalimenta a los profesores y a los estudiantes sobre la eficacia del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y sobre la adquisición de competencias. Una de las posibles estrategias que se están utilizando para la misma es el portafolio. Su uso como metodología de evaluación se considera la alternativa ideal, ya que permite una valoración continua del conocimiento, habilidades y actitudes de los estudiantes, reflejando la evolución de su aprendizaje. El objetivo es conocer la percepción de los estudiantes acerca de las ventajas e inconvenientes de la utilización del portafolio de prácticas como instrumento de evaluación de las mismas. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo cualitativo, la recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo a través de los portafolios y los cuestionarios de los estudiantes de enfermería de 4º curso de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Cruz Roja (España), que realizaron prácticas durante curso 2103-2014. Resultados: los estudiantes consideran al portafolio como un método de evaluación que permite conocer no solo lo que han aprendido, sino también cómo se ha producido el aprendizaje, para emitir una valoración ajustada a la realidad. Discusión: dichos resultados concuerdan con los obtenidos en muchas universidades donde es considerado una opción válida frente a los métodos tradicionales, para una evaluación sumativa y formativa. Conclusiones: los estudiantes perciben que el portafolio es un buen instrumento de evaluación para las prácticas, aunque continúa teniendo algunas limitaciones como el tiempo y el esfuerzo empleado en su elaboración.Introduction: evaluation of clinical practical learning in nursing is a very important item because of the feedback to teachers and students on the efficacy of the learning process and on competence acquisition. Portfolio is one of the alternative strategies being used for such an assessment. Its use as an assessment method is seen as ideal because it allows a continued evaluation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students, and reflects their learning process. Purpose: to assess students' perception on advantages and disadvantages of practical lessons portfolio use as an evaluation tool. Material and methods: a qualitative descriptive study was performed. Data collection was based on portfolios and questionnaires completed by 4th year nursing students in Red Cross School of Nursing participating in practical learning over the academic year 2103-2014. Results: students consider portfolio to be an assessment method allowing them to know what they have learnt as well as how the learning process has occurred, in order to make an assessment based on real facts. Discussion: such findings are consistent with those found in many universities, where this is a valid option as an alternative to traditional methods, for a summative and educational assessment. Conclusions: according to students perceptions, portfolio is a useful assessment tool for practical learning, but some limitations persist regarding time and efforts needed to use it