3,601 research outputs found

    El fomento del patrimonio cultural a través de vías no fiscales o presupuestarias: Nuevos canales para el estímulo de la participación privada en el sector

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    Hoy en día resulta indiscutible que la protección del Patrimonio cultural constituye un cometido que depende, para su éxito, de una intensa colaboración entre sujetos públicos y privados, muy especialmente en el caso de países dotados de una gran riqueza patrimonial. El legislador estatal español ha tratado de estimular dicha colaboración estableciendo principalmente incentivos fiscales dirigidos a los potenciales colaboradores del sector privado. Pero estas técnicas no son las únicas ni necesariamente las más efectivas en sus propósitos. El presente trabajo pretende aportar un análisis profundo de aquellas medidas de fomento no fiscal o presupuestario, menos conocidas y estudiadas, que han sido incorporadas progresivamente en la legislación autonómica española sobre Patrimonio cultural, procurando su identificación, sistematización y estudio comparado en las diecisiete Leyes autonómicas vigentes, a los efectos de ofrecer después una valoración de conjunto que identifique tanto sus fortalezas como sus carenciasIt is not disputed nowdays that the protection of cultural heritage is a task that depends for its success on an intense collaboration between public and private subjects, especially in the case of countries having a rich heritage. The Spanish state legislator has tried to encourage such collaboration mainly by providing tax incentives for potential private sector partners. But these techniques are not the only or necessarily the most effective in their purposes. This paper provides a detailed analysis of those other promotion measures, less known and studied, which have been included progressively in the Spanish regional legislation on cultural heritage. The concrete aims are to provide their identification, systematic and comparative study over the seventeen Cultural heritage regional Acts, in order to give, finally, an overall assessment identifying both its strengths and weaknesse

    Reputation and Trust in Sharing Economy Platforms: The Case of Traity

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    The concept of reputation is assiduously used in various fields such as communication, public relations, advertising, marketing and management. The convergence between the rise of new technologies linked to corporate communication has favoured the birth of what has been called online reputation. Thus, unprecedented behaviours have been generated that are establishing new social forms and even some authors speak of a new economy of reputation where society would be highly connected through networks and organizations that would operate in an ecosystem of permanent influence from the interest groups. With this premise, Traity arises the project that we analyzed in our research and that raises a reputational score that takes advantage of the fingerprint information to reproduce online trust as we understand it in the physical world, but without trying to reduce its people into a percentage, a number or some stars.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Proyecto de ejecución vivienda unifamiliar, calle Buganvillas nº 4L Ascoy, Cieza (Murcia)

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    Los condicionantes fundamentales que se han tenido en cuenta a la hora de redactar el presente proyecto son los siguientes: Sociales: La edificación se destina a vivienda unifamiliar. Económicos: El planteamiento económico responde, por tanto, al de una construcción de buena calidad, que deberá de ajustarse en sus materiales a la finalidad de su uso, en conformidad con los Documentos Básicos (DB) del CTE, y cuyas especificaciones concretas vienen expresadas en las hojas de mediciones. Estéticos: en lo respectivo a los detalles estéticos, serán considerados a mi parecer para un correcto diseño del edificio teniendo en cuenta que concuerde con el entrono en el que se encuentra la vivienda, creando así un bloque armonioso con el resto de los edificios. Medioambientales: las tierras sobrantes resultantes de excavaciones, etc.… se llevarán a vertederos autorizados (especificado en la parte de movimiento de tierras dispuesto en la memoria de calidades). En cuanto a la eliminación de aguas residuales, estas se llevaran al sistema público de saneamiento para su correcto tratamiento y posterior vertido controlado y medioambientalmente aceptable. Entorno físico: La parcela que he escogido para ejecutar la vivienda se encuentra en Calle buganvillas, con cruce al norte con la calle palmeras y al sur da a la carretera del poblado oeste nos encontramos con una parcela contigua, pero no tenemos edificios medianeros. La parcela es parcialmente rectangular, con un pequeño desvió en la zona Sureste con forma triangular. No encontramos elementos que sean necesarios derribar con lo que nos limitaremos a los movimientos de tierras básicos que especificaremos más adelante. Las características del terreno no se especifican ya que no se ha realizado estudio geotécnico.Escuela de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de EdificaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen


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    Throughout this article on the adjective function, our main goal lays on the fact of the wide range and frequent morphological variability of the function. The starting point will always be the coordinative test through which two coordinated members make the same syntactic function. Therefore taking into account the above mentioned morphological variability, we are able to study in deep not only the attribute (or pure adjetive function), but also the noun predicate (both adjective and verbal functions), the acting predicative (both adjective and noun functions) and lastly the circumstance predicative (both adjective and adverbial functions). In this way, we are able to acknowledge that the adjective function is not only made by the regular first player of the function, that is the adjective, but also by the participle, the pronominal adjective, the genitive, the dative, the ablative, the prepositional group, the adjectival noun (and infinitive), the adjectival adverb and the adjective and adjectival clauses, as coordination among them stated in most cases

    Eta cuadrado generalizado para comparaciones múltiples en diseños entregrupos

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    Psychological and educational researchers are experiencing many practical difficulties in following the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) for their statistical analyses: one such difficulty is the reporting of an effect-size measure along with each test of statistical significance (APA, 2010). The problem is exacerbated when researchers focus on contrast analysis instead of omnibus tests and when the Type-I error rate per comparison has to be adjusted. Method: Several reasons for this problem are discussed, with emphasis on the facts that researchers may be presented with too many optional effect-size measures with varying degrees of adequacy in several designs, and common statistical packages fail to provide appropriate effect-size measures for contrast analysis. This study proposes specific procedures (also implemented in spreadsheets) to compute generalized eta squared for various kinds of hypotheses, either general or specific, for one-factor and factorial between-group designs, and with manipulated and/or measured factors. Conclusions: Finally, conclusions are drawn concerning the need to take into account the kind of design and the kind of hypothesis in order to calculate comparable effect-size indexes across different types of studies and to prevent an overestimation of effect size.Antecedentes: los investigadores en Psicología y Educación están teniendo muchas dificultades prácticas para seguir la directriz de la Asociación Americana de Psicología (APA) de aportar una medida de tamaño de efecto junto con cada prueba de significación (APA, 2010). El problema se agrava cuando se realizan contrastes a priori en lugar de pruebas ómnibus y cuando la tasa de error de Tipo I por comparación tiene que ser ajustada. Método: se discuten diversas razones para ello, como la existencia de muchas medidas diferentes de tamaño de efecto y el hecho de que los paquetes estadísticos comunes como SPSS no proporcionan medidas apropiadas para las comparaciones múltiples. Resultados: se proponen procedimientos específicos (también implementados en hojas de cálculo) para calcular el índice eta cuadrado generalizado para diversos tipos de hipótesis, generales o específicas; tipos de diseños, univariables o factoriales; y con factores manipulados y/o medidos. Conclusiones: finalmente se concluye sobre la necesidad de tener en cuenta el tipo de diseño y el tipo de hipótesis para obtener índices de tamaño de efecto comparables entre diferentes tipos de investigaciones y que eviten una sobreestimación del mismo

    Reprogrammable 4D printed liquid crystal elastomer photoactuators by means of light-reversible perylene diimide radicals

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    Reconfigurable soft actuators can be programmed to morph into different 3D shapes under the same stimulus exhibiting great potential for adaptive robotic functionalities. Liquid crystalline crosslinked materials programmed and controlled by light have demonstrated great potential in this area, however, their implementation is mainly based on azobenzene chromophores, using ultraviolet light that can potentially damage the device and its surroundings, especially if living cells are present. Here, an ink is presented, containing a green‐absorbing perylene diimide chromophore, to prepare light active liquid crystalline elastomer (LCE) actuators via direct ink writing. Green light irradiation of the LCE elements leads to photothermal actuation, but also to new absorption bands in the far‐red and near‐infrared, ascribed to the formation of radical species. Far‐red irradiation results in mechanical actuation and, advantageously, a recovery of the original absorption spectrum. This reversible transformation enables spatial reconfigurability of the actuator's response to far‐red light. The reconfigurable system gives access to complex deformation modes by simply exciting the element with homogeneous far‐red light, without the need for any structural modification of the actuator. This material strategy, using green and far‐red light, less harmful than ultraviolet, shows significant promise for future development of reconfigurable actuators for biomedical applications

    Comparative study of road and urban object classification based on mobile laser scanners

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    Recently, the rapid development of new laser technologies has led to the continuous evolution of mobile laser systems, resulting in even greater capabilities for transport infrastructure. However, the market offers numerous MLS systems with varying specifications for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), inertial measurement units (IMU), and laser scanners, which can result in different accuracies, resolutions, and densities. In this regard, this paper aims to compare two different MLS system, integrated with different GNSS and IMU for mapping in road and urban environments. The study evaluates the performance of these sensors using different classifiers and neighborhood sizes to determine which sensor produces better results. Random forest was found to be the most suitable classifier with an overall accuracy of (91.81% for Optech and 94.38% for Riegl) in road environment and (86.39% for Optech and 84.21% for Riegl) in urban environment. In terms of MLS, Optech achieved the highest accuracy in the road environment, while Riegl obtained the highest accuracy in the urban environment. This study provides valuable insights into the most effective MLS systems and approaches for accurate mapping in road and urban infrastructure.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019-061Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I0

    The projects of the military engineers Alejandro de Rez and Antonio Montaigú de la Perille for the Cartagena harbour. The first proposals to transform the shoreline (1717-1731)

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    [SPA] Los proyectos que se realizan durante el siglo XVIII para la más profunda transformación que experimentará el puerto de Cartagena a lo largo de su historia, son numerosos y responden a las circunstancias geoestratégicas, económicas y técnicas que concurren en el momento de su realización. El presente artículo recoge parte de las aportaciones de un trabajo de investigación más amplio llevado a cabo sobre la génesis proyectual y la transformación material que se desarrolla en esta centuria para la adaptación a las nuevas necesidades de la monarquía borbónica del entonces “obsoleto” puerto de la ciudad. A continuación, se exponen los argumentos que llevan a afirmar que el proyecto del ingeniero Montaigú de la Perille, descontextualizado hasta el momento, es coetáneo con el que Rez elabora para la construcción de una Base Naval en la ciudad, estableciendo las directrices que éste contemplará en el que será el primer Plan Director aprobado para la transformación del contorno litoral de la bahía cartagenera. Así mismo, se reivindica la desconocida autoría compartida de esta propuesta entre dos ingenieros de indudable pericia: Alejandro de Rez y Sebastián Feringán Cortés.[ENG] To perform the largest transformation ever of the Cartagena harbour, many projects were carried out during the XVIII Century and they reflect the existing geostrategic, economic and technical circumstances at the time of their implementation. This article contains part of the contributions of a broader research work carried out on the genesis of the project and the material implementation carried out to adapt the then obsolete city harbour for the new needs of the Bourbon Monarchy in this century. Next we state the reasons confirming that the project of the engineer Montaigú de la Perille, decontextualised so far, is contemporary with Rez’s project drawn up to build a Naval Base in the city, which set up guidelines followed by Montaigú for the first Master Plan approved to transform the bay shoreline. And so two engineers of undoubted expertise claim the unkonwn and shared authorship for the proposal: Alejandro de Rez and Sebastián Feringán Cortés

    Performance and Extreme Conditions Analysis Based on Iterative Modelling Algorithm for Multi-Trailer AGVs

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    Automatic guidance vehicles (AGV) are industrial vehicles that play an important role in the development of smart manufacturing systems and Industry 4.0. To provide these autonomous systems with the flexibility that is required today in these industrial workspaces, AGV computational models are necessary in order to analyze their performance and design efficient planning and control strategies. To address these issues, in this work, the mathematical model and the algorithm that implement a computational control-oriented simulation model of a hybrid tricycle-differential AGV with multi-trailers have been developed. Physical factors, such as wheel-ground interaction and the effect of vertical and lateral loads on its dynamics, have been incorporated into the model. The model has been tested in simulation with two different controllers and three trajectories: a circumference, a square, and an s-shaped curve. Furthermore, it has been used to analyze extreme situations of slipping and capsizing and the influence of the number of trailers on the tracking error and the control effort. This way, the minimum lateral friction coefficient to avoid slipping and the minimum ratio between the lateral and height displacement of the center of gravity to avoid capsizing have been obtained. In addition, the effect of a change in the friction coefficient has also been simulated

    Artichoke By-Products as Natural Source of Phenolic Food Ingredient

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    Nowadays, the transformation activity of the food industry results in the generation of a huge amount of daily discarded vegetables wastes. One of those undervalued by-products are produced during the post-harvesting and processing process of artichokes. In the present research, the potential of artichokes’ bracts and stalks have been evaluated as a natural source of phenolic compounds which could be used as bioactive food ingredients, among others. In this study, the bioactive composition of those wastes has been evaluated using recent advances in extraction and analytical technologies, concretely, pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrospray time-of flight mass spectrometry (ESI-TOF/MS) analysis. To achieve this goal, first, the extraction process was evaluated by a comparative study using GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) solvents (mixtures of ethanol and water) at different temperatures (40–200 ◦C). The second step was to deeply characterize the composition of individual polyphenols by HPLC-ESI-TOF/MS in order to establish a comparison among the different PLE conditions applied to extract the phenolic fraction. The analysis revealed a wide variety of phenolic-composition, mainly phenolic acids and flavonoids. The results also highlighted that high percentages of ethanol and medium-high temperatures pointed out to be useful PLE conditions for recovering this kind of phytochemicals, which could be used in different applications, such as functional food ingredients, cosmetics, or nutraceuticals