467 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Phil BENSON & Peter VOLLER (eds.). Autonomy & independence in language learning. New York: Longman, 1997

    Promoción e intercambio cultural de los inmigrantes de la zona IV (Terrassa)

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    LETSHAKE AGL2013-4846-

    Socio-economic potential impacts due to urban pluvial floods in Badalona (Spain) in a context of climate change

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    Pluvial flooding in Badalona (Spain) occurs during high rainfall intensity events, which in the future could be more frequent according to the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In this context, the present study aims at quantifying the potential impacts of climate change for the city of Badalona. A comprehensive pluvial flood multi risk assessment has been carried out for the entire municipality. The assessment has a twofold target: People safety, based on both pedestrians'' and vehicles'' stability, and impacts on the economic sector in terms of direct damages on properties and vehicles, and indirect damages due to businesses interruption. Risks and damages have also been assessed for the projected future rainfall conditions which enabled the comparison with the current ones, thereby estimating their potential increment. Moreover, the obtained results should be the first step to assess the efficiency of adaptation measures. The novelty of this paper is the integration of a detailed 1D/2D urban drainage model with multiple risk criteria. Although, the proposed methodology was tested for the case study of Badalona (Spain), it can be considered generally applicable to other urban areas affected by pluvial flooding

    Quo vadis, geografia?

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    Cet article passe en revue les differents thbmes traités lors du Congrés des Etudiants de Géographie qui s'est tenu a Toulouse au mois de Novembre de 1991. Le Congrés a été consacré au debat de probltmes epistemologiques de la géographie, mais aussi a des thèmes qui affectent directement les étudiants comme ceux de la formation des géographes et des actuels débouchés professionnels.This article reviews the different issues covered in the Geography Students Congress held in Toulouse in November 1991. The Congress focused on epistemology problems in Geography but also on problems directly affecting the student body such as the education of geographers and current professional opportunities.El articulo comenta los diferentes contenidos tratados en el Congreso de Estudiantes de Geografia, celebrado en Toulouse en noviembre de 1991. Un congreso dedicado al debate y a la discusión tanto de los problemas epistemológicos de la geografia como de la problemática de los estudiantes, al contenido de la formación y a las salidas profesionales actuales.L'article fa un repàs dels diferents continguts tractats en el Congrés d'Estudiants de Geografia, celebrat a Tolosa de Llenguadoc el novembre de 1991. Un congrés que estigué dedicat al debat i a la discussió tant dels problemes epistemològics de la geografia com a la problemàtica dels estudiants, al contingut de la formació i a les sortides professionals actuals

    Socio-economic assessment of green infrastructure for climate change adaptation in the context of urban drainage planning

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    Green infrastructure (GI) contributes to improve urban drainage and also has other societal and environmental benefits that grey infrastructure usually does not have. Economic assessment for urban drainage planning and decision making often focuses on flood criteria. This study presents an economic assessment of GI based on a conventional cost-benefit analysis (CBA) that includes several benefits related to urban drainage (floods, combined sewer overflows and waste water treatment), environmental impacts (receiving water bodies) and additional societal and environmental benefits associated with GI (air quality improvements, aesthetic values, etc.). Benefits from flood damage reduction are monetized based on the widely used concept of Expected Annual Damage (EAD) that was calculated using a 1D/2D urban drainage model together with design storms and a damage model based on tailored flood depth–damage curves. Benefits from Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) damage reduction were monetized using a 1D urban drainage model with continuous rainfall simulations and prices per cubic meter of spilled combined sewage water estimated from literature; other societal benefits were estimated using unit prices also estimated from literature. This economic assessment was applied to two different case studies: the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Badalona. The results are useful for decision making and also underline the relevancy of including not only flood damages in CBA of GI.This research was funded by the BINGO European H2020 project, Grant Agreement No.641739 and the RESCCUE European H2020 project, Grant Agreement No. 700174. The authors thank AMB, BCASA and the Municipalities of Badalona and Barcelona for their collaboration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version