7 research outputs found


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    Introducción: la práctica de actividad física y el seguimiento de una dieta cetogénica pueden suponer un doble efecto con mejores resultados en los procesos de pérdida de peso y mejora de la composición corporal y perfil lipídico. Objetivo: el objetivo de esta revisión fue investigar los trabajos realizados con pacientes obesos que siguen una dieta cetogénica y un programa de ejercicio físico, así como calcular el tamaño del efecto en cuanto a las mejoras en la masa grasa, a través de un metaanálisis. Métodos: la selección de estudios se basó en los siguientes criterios: estudios experimentales; a) estudios experimentales (diseños controlados aleatorizados) y cuasi-experimentales (por ejemplo: pre-test/post-test); b) estudios con dieta baja en carbohidratos (< 30%) o muy baja en carbohidratos (5-10%) ( 35%); c) se admitieron estudios exclusivamente con sujetos que padecieran sobrepeso u obesidad (IMC > 25 y/o enfermedad metabólica relacionada; y d) con mediciones de composición corporal y/o perfil lipídico al principio y al final de la intervención. Resultados: se analizaron 7 artículos y 3 revisiones. Comparando los diferentes tipos de ejercicio se podría afirmar que destaca la disminución de masa muscular en aquellos en los que las intervenciones son con ejercicio aeróbico, manteniéndose e incluso aumentando, en los estudios donde se realizó un ejercicio de fuerza. El metaanálisis nos muestra una reducción significativa de la masa grasa con una heterogeneidad media, por lo tanto, habrá mayor reducción de masa grasa en grupos que realizan dieta baja en carbohidratos y ejercicio que en los que no realizan dieta o tan solo realizan ejercicio. Conclusiones: la combinación de dieta cetogénica y ejercicio físico puede reducir la masa grasa en comparación con realizar solo dieta o solo ejercicio físico. Key words: Ketogenic diet. Physical activity. Endurance. Resistance. Weight loss. Fat mass. Abstract Introduction: practice of physical activity and the ketogenic diet monitoring can have a doubAbstract Introduction: practice of physical activity and the ketogenic diet monitoring can have a double effect in helping in processes of weight loss and improvement of body composition and lipid profile. Objective: the objective of this review was to investigate the work done with obese patients who undertook a ketogenic diet and a physical exercise program, as well as to calculate the overall effect size in terms of improvements in fat mass, through a meta-analysis. Methods: the selection of studies was based on the following criteria: experimental studies; a) experimental studies (randomized controlled designs) and quasi-experimental (e.g. pre-test/post-test); b) studies with low-carbohydrate diet (< 30%) or very low in carbohydrates (5-10%) ( 35%); c) studies were admitted exclusively with subjects that facility overweight or obesity (BMI > 25; and d) with measurements of body composition and/or Lipid profile at the beginning and end of the intervention. Results: for the methodological review, 7 articles and 3 reviews were analyzed. All studies, whether by establishing aerobic or strength training and show significant weight loss in all outcomes. Conclusions: comparing different types of exercise, we could say that interventions based on endurance exercise reported a decrease in muscle mass, however there was a maintenance, and even an increase, in studies with resistance exercises. Meta-analysis showed significant results at the global level with a medium heterogeneity, therefore, there will be greater reduction of fat mass in groups that realize diets with low carbohydrates and exercise that in those who do not undertake this type of diet, and those only perform exercise

    Lifestyle Behaviours Profile of Spanish Adolescents Who Actively Commute to School

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    The aim of this study was to study different 'healthy profiles' through the impact of multiple lifestyle behaviours (sleep patterns, screen time and quality diet) on active commuting to school (ACS) in adolescents. Sixteen secondary schools from four Spanish cities were randomly selected. All participants filled in an "Ad-Hoc" questionnaire to measure their mode of commuting and distance from home to school and their lifestyle behaviours. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to analyse the main predictor variables of ACS. The final sample was 301 adolescents (50.2% girls; mean age +/- SD: 14.9 +/- 0.48 years). The percentage of ACS was 64.5%. Multiple logistic regressions showed: boys were more active commuters than girls [OR = 2.28 (CI 95%: 1.12-4.64); p = 0.02]; adolescents who lived farther had lower probability to ACS [OR = 0.74 (CI 95%: 0.69-0.80); p = 8 h and presented a higher adherence to MD.Department of Education, Culture and Sports from Castilla-La Mancha SBPLY/19/180501/000089National plan I+D+I of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities PGC2018-099512-B-I00 PRE2019-09054

    Lifestyle Behaviours Profile of Spanish Adolescents Who Actively Commute to School

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    The aim of this study was to study different ‘healthy profiles’ through the impact of multiple lifestyle behaviours (sleep patterns, screen time and quality diet) on active commuting to school (ACS) in adolescents. Sixteen secondary schools from four Spanish cities were randomly selected. All participants filled in an “Ad-Hoc” questionnaire to measure their mode of commuting and distance from home to school and their lifestyle behaviours. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to analyse the main predictor variables of ACS. The final sample was 301 adolescents (50.2% girls; mean age ± SD: 14.9 ± 0.48 years). The percentage of ACS was 64.5%. Multiple logistic regressions showed: boys were more active commuters than girls [OR = 2.28 (CI 95%: 1.12–4.64); p = 0.02]; adolescents who lived farther had lower probability to ACS [OR = 0.74 (CI 95%: 0.69–0.80); p p = 0.04], while with each hour of sleep, the odds of ACS was reduced [OR = 0.51 (CI 95%: 0.30–0.89); p = 0.02]; higher odds were shown to ACS in adolescents who have more adherence to MD [OR = 1.16(CI 95%: 1.00–1.33); p = 0.05]; and habitual breakfast consumption was inversely associated with ACS [OR = 0.41 (CI: 95%: 0.18–0.96); p = 0.04]. ACS was associated with being a boy, living at a shorter distance to school, a daily sleep time ≥ 8 h and presented a higher adherence to MD

    Protocolo del Proyecto PACOyPACA CLM : (Pedalea y Anda al Cole y Pedalea y Anda a Casa en Castilla-La Mancha)

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    The PACOyPACA Project aims to explore the relationships of active commuting to school (ACS) in different settings (urban, semi-urban and rural) with physical environment characteristics, psychosocial factors and lifestyle (sleep patterns, screen time and nutritional aspects) within the adolescent population of Castilla-La Mancha. The PACOyPACA Project is a cross-sectional study with a sample of students in their 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) (14-15 years old) from the five provinces of Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Cuenca and Guadalajara), and their parents. To guarantee the representativeness of the sample, a stratified sampling was carried out according to the size of the population in the schools’ localities, classifying them as urban, semi-urban and rural settings. Questionnaires have been created ad hoc for both adolescents and their parents/legal guardians to gather information on the physical environment, psychosocial factors and lifestyle based on previously validated surveys. The PACOyPACA Project in Castilla-La Mancha will be useful to raise awareness on the current state of ACS in adolescence and the factors possibly associated with ACS. This knowledge will provide a better understanding of the current situation and will be useful for the design and creation of ACS promotion strategies in different environments of Castilla-La Mancha. Likewise, the evidence collected may justify the implementation of ACS promotion strategies within the Community in urban, semi-urban and rural settings.&nbsp;El Proyecto PACOyPACA tiene como objetivo explorar las relaciones de los desplazamientos activos al centro educativo (DACE) en distintos entornos (urbano, semi-urbano y rural) con características del entorno físico, factores psicosociales y estilos de vida (patrones de sueño, actividad física, tiempo de pantalla y aspectos nutricionales) en la población adolescente de Castilla-La Mancha en España. El Proyecto PACOyPACA es un estudio transversal. Su muestra se compone de estudiantes en 3º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) (14-15 años) de las cinco provincias de Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Cuenca y Guadalajara), y sus padres. Para garantizar su representatividad, se realizó un muestreo estratificado de acuerdo con el tamaño poblacional de las localidades de los centros, clasificándolos como urbanos, semi-urbanos y rurales. Se crearon cuestionarios ad hoc para ambos, adolescentes y padres/madres/tutores legales, para recoger información sobre DACE, entorno físico, factores psicosociales y estilos de vida. Estos se basan en cuestionarios previamente validados. El Proyecto PACOyPACA en Castilla-La Mancha será útil para concienciar sobre el estado de DACE actual en la adolescencia y los factores asociados a los DACE. Este conocimiento será de ayuda para el diseño y creación de estrategias de fomento de los DACE en distintos entornos de Castilla-La Mancha. Asimismo, la evidencia recogida podrá servir para desarrollar la implementación de estrategias de promoción de los desplazamientos activos en el ámbito comunitario atendiendo a la zona urbana, semi-urbana y rural de manera más eficaz.&nbsp