1,570 research outputs found
Comunicació publicitària i estudis de relacions públiques
La publicitat, en el seu sentit més ampli, ha adquirit en la Comunitat Valenciana
especificitat com a objecte d'estudi acadèmic a partir de l'any 2000,
quan les titulacions en aquest àmbit s'han assentat i s'ha doctorat un elenc
d'investigadors novells. Ara, les línies de treball són àmplies i diverses. Tant a la
Universitat d'Alacant, com a la Jaume I de Castelló o a la Cardenal Herrera - CEU
(UCH - CEU) de València, a més de l'anàlisi dels manifestos publicitaris, són objecte
d'investigació, entre altres qüestions, els sistemes i les polítiques de comunicació
o la docència en comunicació persuasiva. No obstant això, la idiosincràsia
de cada institució ha marcat diferents singularitats per a cadascuna de les
universitats. Així, a Alacant, adquireixen rellevància els estudis centrats en el
benestar social; a Castelló, aquells orientats a la comunicació comercial i corporativa;
i, a la UCH - CEU, els estudis sobre processos i tècniques publicitàries i
les noves tecnologies.Publicity, in its broadest sense, has acquired weight in the Autonomous
Community of Valencia as a subject of academic study since 2000, when degrees
in the field of publicity began to be granted and a group of young researchers
received doctoral degrees. At present, a wide range of diverse lines of
work is being carried out. At the Universitat dAlacant, at the Universitat Jaume
I in Castelló, and at the Universidad Cardenal Herrera - CEU in Valencia proper,
besides analysis of publicity texts, subjects such as communication systems and
policies, and courses in persuasive communication are being researched. Each
university, however, has its own idiosyncrasies. The Universitat dAlacant focuses
more on social welfare studies; the Universitat Jaume I, on commercial and
corporative communication; and Cardenal Herrera - CEU, on publicity processes
and techniques, and the new technologies
Andalusian youth: Residential independence and/or economic self-sufficiency?
Se agradece la colaboración y el apoyo recibido de Jorge Guardiola con respecto
a la calidad del artículo.
Los posibles errores contenidos en este artículo son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores.La actualidad española se caracteriza por un retraso en el calendario en lo que respecta
al logro de una emancipación completa, consecuencia de un alargamiento en el periodo
formativo y de una inestabilidad y una precariedad considerables en el empleo, entre otras
cuestiones. Concretamente, Andalucía es una de las comunidades autónomas con más
problemas en este sentido —mayor nivel de desempleo y de precariedad laboral, entre
otros aspectos—. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es el de conocer los factores
que influyen en la probabilidad de que un joven se emancipe. Para ello se propone distinguir, dentro de la emancipación, cuáles son independientes residencialmente y/o económicamente y, de esta forma, se persigue averiguar si existen diferencias en los factores
que influyen en que un joven sea independiente residencialmente y no económicamente,
y viceversa. Se ha utilizado una base de datos de 2017, con una muestra de 1.981 jóvenes
de 14 a 35 años. La regresión logística multinomial ha sido la técnica de análisis utilizada.
Los resultados muestran que los jóvenes que se aproximan más a la finalización de la transición de la juventud tienen más probabilidades de haber formado un hogar propio y de
ser autosuficientes económicamente. Sin embargo, aquellos que todavía están formándose
o tienen intención de retomar los estudios, están desempleados y no tienen descendencia ni
intención de tenerla, se aproximan más a formas de independencia incompletas (residencial
o económica) o bien nulas.In recent years, the situation of youth in Spain has been characterized by delayed residential and economic independence as the result of longer training periods, as well as
job instability and precariousness, among others. Specifically, Andalusia is one of the
regions that most suffers from high levels of unemployment and job insecurity. The
main aim of this article is to identify factors that influence the probability that a young
person will become emancipated. To this end, we distinguish between young people who
are residential and/or economically independent and determine which factors influence
whether a young person is residential but not economically independent, and vice versa.
The analysis is carried out using a 2017 database with a sample of 1,981 young people
aged 14 to 35 years. The analysis is performed using multinomial logistic regression. The
results show that people near the end of the transition from youth are more likely to have
formed their own home and be financially self-sufficient. However, young people who
are still in training or intend to return to education, are unemployed or have no offspring
or intention of having one, are more likely to display incomplete forms of independence
(residential or economic) or none at all
3D morphological features and antibiotic resistance in L. monocytogenes - Pseudomonas sp. biofilms
1 poster presented at Biofilms 7, Porto, 26-28 June 2016This research was financially supported by the Spanish Research Council (Project ref.201670 E008)N
La buena praxis como elemento definitorio de una profesión: la ética en la publicidad
El concepto de profesión se halla indisolublemente ligado a la buena praxis, no en vano, uno de sus principales rasgos definitorios es la idea de “servicio a la sociedad”. Este trabajo expone el debate existente en torno al concepto de “profesión” versus “ocupación”, enmarcado en la Sociología de las profesiones. En primer lugar realiza una aproximación al concepto de profesión para ahondar después en la profesión de la publicidad. Finalmente, reflexiona sobre la necesidad de fomentar la investigación científica sobre la regulación de la actividad profesional, dejando patente la importancia de la dimensión social de cualquier ocupación que adquiere el status de profesión.The concept of profession is inseparably linked to good praxis; not in vain, one of its principal defining aspects is the idea of “service to society”. Thus, regulation of a defined field of activity, implying observance of and compliance with the standards articulated in a professional code of conduct, becomes the safeguard of a profession. The aim of this paper is to discuss the current debate surrounding the concept of “profession” versus “occupation”, within the context of sociological theories of professions. Firstly, we explore the concept of profession, examining its essential attributes and then delve into the profession of advertising, reflecting on its distinctive characteristics. Lastly, we discuss the need to promote scientific research into the profession of advertising, and more specifically, the regulation of professional activity, emphasising the importance of the social dimension of any occupation which has acquired the status of profession
Hand Rehabilitation after Chronic Brain Damage: Effectiveness, Usability and Acceptance of Technological Devices: A Pilot Study
Purpose: The aim is to present an overview of existing tools for hand rehabilitation after brain injury and a pilot study to test HandTutor® in patients with chronic brain damage (CBD)
Questions and answers in the management of children with medulloblastoma over the time. How did we get here? A systematic review.
Introduction: Treatment of children with medulloblastoma (MB) includes surgery, radiation therapy (RT) and chemotherapy (CT). Several treatment protocols and clinical trials have been developed over the time to maximize survival and minimize side effects.
Methods: We performed a systematic literature search in May 2023 using PubMed. We selected all clinical trials articles and multicenter studies focusing on MB. We excluded studies focusing exclusively on infants, adults, supratentorial PNETs or refractory/relapsed tumors, studies involving different tumors or different types of PNETs without differentiating survival, studies including <10 cases of MB, solely retrospective studies and those without reference to outcome and/or side effects after a defined treatment.
Results: 1. The main poor-prognosis factors are: metastatic disease, anaplasia, MYC amplification, age younger than 36 months and some molecular subgroups. The postoperative residual tumor size is controversial.
2. MB is a collection of diseases.
3. MB is a curable disease at diagnosis, but survival is scarce upon relapse.
4. Children should be treated by experienced neurosurgeons and in advanced centers.
5. RT is an essential treatment for MB. It should be administered craniospinal, early and without interruptions.
6. Craniospinal RT dose could be lowered in some low-risk patients, but these reductions should be done with caution to avoid relapses.
7. Irradiation of the tumor area instead of the entire posterior fossa is safe enough.
8. Hyperfractionated RT is not superior to conventional RT
9. Both photon and proton RT are effective.
10. CT increases survival, especially in high-risk patients.
11. There are multiple drugs effective in MB. The combination of different drugs is appropriate management.
12. CT should be administered after RT.
13. The specific benefit of concomitant CT to RT is unknown.
14. Intensified CT with stem cell rescue has no benefit compared to standard CT regimens.
15. The efficacy of intraventricular/intrathecal CT is controversial.
16. We should start to think about incorporating targeted therapies in front-line treatment.
17. Survivors of MB still have significant side effects.
Conclusion: Survival rates of MB improved greatly from 1940-1970, but since then the improvement has been smaller. We should consider introducing targeted therapy as front-line therapy.
1 Introductionpost-print5468 K
Boomerang youth in Andalusia; who are they and why are they coming back
Ciertos jóvenes regresan al hogar familiar una
vez emancipados, fenómeno conocido como
boomerang. El fenómeno boomerang hace
referencia al retorno al hogar familiar de los
jóvenes tras haber vivido un periodo de emancipación.
En este artículo se pretenden analizar
los factores que influyen en la decisión de
retornar, los modos en que se produce y los
perfiles en el caso de jóvenes andaluces que
vuelven al hogar familiar. Se ha analizado una
encuesta de la juventud andaluza (2017) elaborada
para el Diseño del III Plan Integral de Juventud
de Andalucía. Los resultados muestran
que determinadas variables y situaciones vividas
aumentan la probabilidad de retornar -ser
mujer, la intención de seguir estudiando, haber
sido víctima de violencia o consumir ciertas
sustancias estupefacientes de forma habitual-,
mientras que otras la disminuyen -el aumento
de edad, el mayor nivel de estudios, tener un
contrato fijo, tener pareja estable o tener descendencia-.
Las causas principales de retorno son
las económicas, por razón de estudios y tras
una disolución de pareja.Some young people return to the family home
once they are independent, a phenomenon
known as boomerang. The boomerang
phenomenon refers to the return of youth
to the family home after a period of
independence. This article aims to analyse
the factors that influence the decision to
return, the ways in which this occurs and the
profiles of young Andalusians who return
to the family home. A survey of Andalusian
youth (2017) prepared for the design of the 3rd
Comprehensive Youth Plan of Andalusia has
been analysed. The results show that certain
variables and situations experienced increase
the probability of return -being a woman, the
intention to continue studying, having been a
victim of violence or consuming certain drugs
on a regular basis- while others decrease it
-increasing age, higher level of studies, having
a permanent contract, having a stable partner
or having a descent-. The main causes of
return are economic, due to studies and after
a partner’s dissolution
Assessment of tolerance development in L. monocytogenes – E. coli dual – species biofilms to Pronase and Benzalkonium chloride treatments
1 poster presented at VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Barcelona, 28-30 October 2015This research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (ENZYMONO, AGL2010-22212-C02-02). P. Rodríguez-López acknowledges the financial support from the FPI-MICINN programme (Grant number: BES-2011-050544).N
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