561 research outputs found

    Morfología macroscópica de alteración de la piedra del conjunto catedralicio de Granada/España

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    Los principales factores de alteración que actúan en el conjunto catedralicio de Granada son, uno natural de origen térmico, dadas las bajas temperaturas que se alcanzan en invierno, y las grandes oscilaciones térmicas que se registran durante gran parte del año, y los de origen antropogénico, fundamentalmente los de mal uso de elementos de sujeción metálicos oxidables y los de contaminación atmosférica debida a productos de combustión. De esta forma, los mecanismos de alteración primordiales son los de heladicidad por la expansión producida por la congelación del agua retenida en los poros y microgrietas, sobre todo en los elementos arquitectónicos de mayor superficie de exposición y en su orientación umbría. Los indicadores a que ello conduce son las fisuras y fragmentaciones. Así, muchos elementos de piedra de Santa Pudia de la crestería de la Capilla Real se han perdido y los que quedan se encuentran muy degradados. La piedra de Sierra Elvira de las cornisas, más compacta, también se ve afectada por este mecanismo, iniciado por las microgrietas provocadas por dilataciones diferenciales debidas a oscilaciones térmicas, que facilitaron el acceso al agua. La expansión de hierros al oxidarse ha provocado la fracturación y fisuración de gran número de elementos ornamentales como bolas, pináculos, etc, que han obligado al desmontaje de muchos de ellos por el riesgo de caída, sobre todo en las terrazas superiores del monumento. Los mecanismos de disolución, ciclos de cristalización y acción química han conducido a la pérdida abundante de materia, tanto en forma de arenizaciones, sobre todo en las zonas de mayor humedad, como de formación de huecos (picados, alveolizaciones, estriados), en aquellas zonas más expuesta al viento. Esto afecta de forma generalizada a las zonas bajas en todo el perímetro del edificio, excepto en gran parte de la fachada principal, así como en todos los antepechos y en las superficies situadas debajo de las cornisas. Estas arenizaciones se ven favorecidas cuando existen placas biológicas o depósitos de inquemados, siendo estos últimos de mayor abundancia en las superficies más cercanas a la Gran Vía y en su orientación hacia ésta. Por último, y sobre todo por su repercusión estética, es necesario mencionar los abundantes depósitos de guano de palomino, cuya mayor presencia se da en la fachada principal.The main factors of deterioration that affect the Cathedral Whole of Granada are one of natural thermic origin due to the low temperatures during the winters and the higher thermic oscillations and those of anthropogenical origin: fundamentally the oxidation of metallic elements and atmospheric pollution due to burnt products. For this reason, the more important deterioration mechanisms arethe freezing ones due to the expansión produced in the v^ater retained inside the pores and microcracks, fundamentally in the architectonic elements with high expositional surface and in their shady orientation; the main indicators produced are fissuring and spalling. In this way, a lot of elements of Santa Pudia stone located in the Royal Chapel crenellations have disappeared and the rest are very deteriorated. The more compact Sierra Elvira stone used on the upper zone of the cornices has also been affected by the freezing mechanism, which starts with the microcracks produced by differential dilatations due to the thermic oscillations which made the water access easy. The iron corrosión and later expansión of the oxidation products has provoked the cracking and fissuring of many ornamental elements like balls, pinnacles, etc, and this situation has obliged their dismantling on the upper zones due to the danger to the public. The mechanisms of dissotution, crystallization cycles and Chemical action have led to abundant material loosening in the form of grain disgregation overcoats on the higher humidity zones, and formation of hollows (pitting, alveolar erosión, striations) in the zones more exposed to the winds. This situation is generalized in the lower zones of the monument, except on the main fagade, and in the parapets and lower zones of the cornices. The grain disgregations are more important when biological crusts or unburned deposits exist, the latter being of major abundance on the surfaces near the Gran Vía and in its orientation. It is necessary to mention the pigeon dung deposits, very important in the main fagade, with greater stetical repercussion

    Maximizing the statistical diversity of an ensemble of bred vectors by using the geometric norm

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    It is shown that the choice of the norm has a great impact on the construction of ensembles of bred vectors. The geometric norm maximizes (in comparison with other norms such as the Euclidean one) the statistical diversity of the ensemble while at the same time it enhances the growth rate of the bred vector and its projection on the linearly most unstable direction (i.e., the Lyapunov vector). The geometric norm is also optimal in providing the least fluctuating ensemble dimension among all the spectrum of norms studied. The results are exemplified with numerical integrations of a toy model of the atmosphere (the Lorenz-96 model), but these findings are expected to be generic for spatially extended chaotic systems.D.P. acknowledges support by CSIC under the Junta de Ampliación de Estudios Programme (JAE-Doc). Financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacioón (Spain) under Projects FIS2009-12964-C05-05 and CGL2010-21869 is acknowledged

    Spatio-temporal evolution of perturbations in ensembles initialized by bred, Lyapunov and singular vectors

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    We study the evolution of finite perturbations in the Lorenz ?96 model, a meteorological toy model of the atmosphere. The initial perturbations are chosen to be aligned along different dynamic vectors: bred, Lyapunov, and singular vectors. Using a particular vector determines not only the amplification rate of the perturbation but also the spatial structure of the perturbation and its stability under the evolution of the flow. The evolution of perturbations is systematically studied by means of the so-called mean-variance of logarithms diagram that provides in a very compact way the basic information to analyse the spatial structure. We discuss the corresponding advantages of using those different vectors for preparing initial perturbations to be used in ensemble prediction systems, focusing on key properties: dynamic adaptation to the flow, robustness, equivalence between members of the ensemble, etc. Among all the vectors considered here, the so-called characteristic Lyapunov vectors are possibly optimal, in the sense that they are both perfectly adapted to the flow and extremely robust.DP acknowledges the support by CSIC under the Junta de Ampliación de Estudios Programme (JAE-Doc). Financial support from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) under projects FIS2006-12253-C06-04 and CGL2007-64387/CLI is acknowledged

    Protein kinase A activity is required for the budding of constitutive transport vesicles from the trans-Golgi network

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    We have examined the role played by protein kinase A (PKA) in vesicle-mediated protein transport from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface. In vivo this transport step was inhibited by inhibitors of PKA catalytic subunits (C-PKA) such as the compound known as H89 and a myristoylated form of the inhibitory peptide sequence contained in the thermostable PKA inhibitor. Inhibition by H89 occurred at an early stage during the transfer of vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein from the TGN to the cell surface. Reversal from this inhibition correlated with a transient increase in the number of free coated vesicles in the Golgi area. Vesicle budding from the TGN was studied in vitro using vesicular stomatitis virus-infected, permeabilized cells. Addition to this assay of C-PKA stimulated vesicle release while it was suppressed by PKA inhibitory peptide, H89, and antibody against C-PKA. Furthermore, vesicle release was decreased when PKA-depleted cytosol was used and restored by addition of C-PKA. These results indicate a regulatory role for PKA activity in the production of constitutive transport vesicles from the TGN

    Optica Integrada: diseño de commutadores de acoplo direccional por método del índice efectivo

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    Se explica cómo diseñar conmutadores electroópticos integrados de acoplo direccional siguiendo el método de índice efectivo

    Collective electronic excitations in metal-coated C_60

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    Producción CientíficaA two-shell jellium-on-jellium model has been used to study the collective electronic excitations of C_60 coated by an increasing number N of Na atoms. We predict a transition from the π-electron polarization of the fullerene to the metallic sodium polarization as a function of increasing N. For low coverages, the Na layer produces only a broadening and fragmentation of the π plasmon of C_60. However, if the coverage is large enough, a Na surface plasmon appears. This occurs only after the electron density of the cluster clearly shows two distinct regions, the outer one having an ‘‘average’’ density similar to that in pure Na metal or Na clusters. The induced density at the collective-mode frequency shows structure corresponding to two interfaces, C_(60-)Na and Na vacuum, the first peak becoming less pronounced as the coverage increases due to a transfer of oscillator strength to the metallic counterpart. The static polarizability per electron also shows this trend and tends slowly to the Na value from below after an initial sharp rise in the region N∼13–21

    Universal Digital Controller for Boost CCM Power Factor Correction Stages Based on Current Rebuilding Concept

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    Continuous conduction mode power factor correction (PFC) without input current measurement is a step forward with respect to previously proposed PFC digital controllers. Inductor volt-second (vsL) measurement in each switching period enables digital estimation of the input current; however, an accurate compensation of the small errors in the measured vsL is required for the estimation to match the actual current. Otherwise, they are accumulated every switching period over the half-line cycle, leading to an appreciable current distortion. A vsL estimation method is proposed, measuring the input (vg) and output voltage (vo). Discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) occurs near input line zero crossings and is detected by measuring the drain-to-source MOSFET voltage vds. Parasitic elements cause a small difference between the estimated voltage across the inductor based on input and output voltage measurements and the actual one, which must be taken into account to estimate the input current in the proposed sensorless PFC digital controller. This paper analyzes the current estimation error caused by errors in the ON-time estimation, voltage measurements, and the parasitic elements. A new digital feedback control with high resolution is also proposed. It cancels the difference between DCM operation time of the real input current, (TDCMg) and the estimated DCM time (TDCMreb). Therefore, the current estimation is calibrated using digital signals during operation in DCM. A fast feedforward coarse time error compensation is carried out with the measured delay of the drive signal, and a fine compensation is achieved with a feedback loop that matches the estimated and real DCM time. The digital controller can be used in universal applications due to the ability of the DCM time feedback loop to autotune based on the operation conditions (power level, input voltage, output v- ltage...), which improves the operation range in comparison with previous solutions. Experimental results are shown for a 1-kW boost PFC converter over a wide power and voltage range

    Trimeric G proteins modulate the dynamic interaction of PKAII with the Golgi complex

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    The Golgi complex represents a major subcellular location of protein kinase A (PKA) concentration in mammalian cells where it has been previously shown to be involved in vesicle-mediated protein transport processes. We have studied the factors that influence the interaction of PKA typeII subunits with the Golgi complex. In addition to the cytosol, both the catalytic (Cα) and regulatory (RIIα) subunits of PKAII were detected at both sides of the Golgi stack, particularly in elements of the cis- and trans-Golgi networks. PKAII subunits, in contrast, were practically absent from the middle Golgi cisternae. Cell treatment with either brefeldin A, AlF4 − or at low temperature induced PKAII dissociation from the Golgi complex and redistribution to the cytosol. This suggested the existence of a cycle of association/dissociation of PKAII holoenzyme to the Golgi. The interaction of purified RIIα with Golgi membranes was studied in vitro and found not to be affected by brefeldin A while it was sensitive to modulators of heterotrimeric G proteins such as AlF4 −, GTPγS, βγ subunits and mastoparan. RIIα binding was stimulated by recombinant, myristoylated Gαi3 subunit and inhibited by cAMP. Pretreatment of Golgi membranes with bacterial toxins known to catalyze ADP-ribosylation of selected Gα subunits also modified RIIα binding. Taken together the data support a regulatory role for Golgi-associated Gα proteins in PKAII recruitment from the cytosol

    Diseño de multiplexores hibridos para sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas mediante la concatenación de dispositivos selectivos en longitud de onda

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    La creciente demandada de información por parte del abonado hace necesaria la inclusión de nuevos servicios como la transmisión da datos de alta y baja velocidad, señales de vídeo, etc. La única solución que promete viabilidad es la que puede desarrollarse con Fibra Óptica

    Spectral behavior of a low-cost all-fiber component based on untapered multifiber unions

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    Untapered multifiber unions are reported to show a spectral behavior similar to the tapered ones. Their oscillatory behavior does not depend on the biconical regions. This suggests a novel way to make low-cost all-fiber devices with applications as passive components such as optical filters and wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers. Two types of multimode fibers have been studied and information about the index profile influence has been obtained. Polarization insensitivity and temperature stability have been observed