547 research outputs found

    Sinergia entre la Gestión de la Calidad y la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales.

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    Tradicionalmente, se ha orientado la gestión de la calidad hacia el producto, el cliente y el contrato. En función de estos tres pilares, se han desarrollado procedimientos de trabajo que aseguraran la calidad del producto conforme a los requerimientos d

    Estimates of the likelihood of threats are related to intolerance of uncertainty and learning

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    In the present experiment, we assessed the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings of threats both in the presence of conditioned stimuli (CS) that signalled the delivery of an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), and after making an avoidance response. Participants learned the relationship between several pictures serving as CSs and an aversive sound serving as the US, and learned to avoid the US through a procedure including alternating pavlovian and negative reinforcement training phases. Expectancy ratings were measured on every training trial. Our results only showed a significant association between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings made after avoidance responses. This association was found only when the avoidance response was made in the presence of CSs signalling that the aversive sound was avoidable. The increase in intolerance of uncertainty was related to lower expectancy ratings in good learners, and to higher expectancy ratings in bad learners. These results are tentatively explained by invoking a view of intolerance of uncertainty as an exaggerated reaction to uncertainty aimed at learning to avoid threats.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia y Competitividad. Proyecto Nacional I+D+i. PSI2014-56061

    Propuesta de libro de texto: fundamentos de bases de datos, saber y hacer

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    Through the years, we have detected a problem in the academic program of Information and Communication Technologies of our University, a recurrent problem in the teaching learning process, accentuated with the associated paradigm to the construction of knowledge by the own pupil. We are specifically referring to the search and assimilation of content inside the book texts about Digital Databases. The work exposed in this paper represents an effort for contributing in the reduction of educational slump in areas related to good design and construction of data banks. The textbook of this research, treats all the thematical content in this area, which are studied in the whole academic program. These and another relevant subjects in the database area are retaken from a simple but fundamentally practical theorical focus, allowing the studying on acquiring a significative learning in an easier and single source way. As a result, we present the almost definitive version of the book which is been tested on pilot group

    Evaluación del impacto de la innovación en el sector sanitario: metodología de análisis y aplicación a un caso práctico de introducción de una aplicación de salud móvil en el campo de la cardiología

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    Esta tesis doctoral tiene por objeto explorar en las diferentes aproximaciones a la evaluación de impacto socio-económico de la I+D+i y proponer un modelo de evaluación del impacto que, considerando las dimensiones político-sanitaria y empresarial, permita aportar al decisor político información temprana que complemente a las requeridas en este sector (estudios de coste-efectividad clínica y establecimiento de mecanismos adecuados para su financiación), de forma que le permitan tomar decisiones de incorporación de innovaciones considerando criterios de desarrollo regional.Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería Telemátic

    A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence in the Western population is low, CAF can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and cardiac failure. CAFs can appear as an isolated anomaly or linked to some other forms of congenital heart disease like Left Ventricular Non-Compaction (LVNC) and intrinsic CA anatomy anomalies, but their etiology remains unknown. In this work we have used two different experimental models (transgenic mice and avian embryos) to investigate on the developmental mechanics of CAF formation. In order to tackle this goal, we have manipulated epicardial development and ventricular wall compaction, two inextricably related developmental events during coronary embryogenesis. Conditional integrin α4 gene deletion in the septum transversum/proepicardial (ST/PE) region (G2-Gata4+) disrupts early epicardium development and reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, leading to the thinning of the ventricular compact myocardial layer. Reduction in compact myocardium thickness associates to the presence of multiple ventricular myocardial discontinuities and focal endocardial extrusion. This same phenotype can be experimentally reproduced in chick embryos using a cryocauterization method (Palmquist-Gomes et al., 2016). Our results suggest that the partial absence of epicardium in α4integrin;G2-Gata4Cre mouse embryos and the cryoinjury in avian embryos generate myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall, which promote endocardial extrusion towards the pericardial cavity and the early contact of the endocardium with coronary progenitors at the epicardial surface of the heart. In the case of avian embryos, this phenomenon leads to precocious smooth muscle differentiation from epicardial mesenchymal cells, and the formation of pouch-like structures that closely resemble CAF. We conclude that anomalous compact myocardial embryonic growth can originate CAF.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Creation of a virtual museum as a learning tool in the teaching of the Manufacturing Engineering subject

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    Teaching subjects such as Manufacturing Engineering requires the use of effective teaching tools, which help students in their learning process. While the traditional transmission model can be effective when teaching concepts and theoretical contents, others activities are essential to allow students to participate, act or reflect, thus developing skills and competences, such us communication, teamwork, and creativity. This paper presents a learning tool based on the creation of a virtual museum related to the Manufacturing Engineering field, which is included as a coursework in the teaching program of the subject "Manufacturing Engineering". This subject is taught at the second year of different degrees at the Industrial Engineering School of the University of Malaga and a percentage of its final grade comes from this activity. The museum is materialized through the posters whose format is similar to those presented at conferences and whose content may be referred to three topics (object, process or biography). Once the students are given the necessary instructions, each project is selected by a work group and its development is supervised in the next two sessions by the lecturer. In the final stage, each group give the presentation about their work. The analysis of the students’ grades obtained from both this activity and the whole subject makes it possible to quantify the impact of this type of activities on the student learning and achievement. Eventually, best posters will be part of the department collection, being accessible to students in subsequent years.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence in the Western population is low, CAF can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and cardiac failure. CAFs can appear as an isolated anomaly or linked to some other forms of congenital heart disease like Left Ventricular Non-Compaction (LVNC) and intrinsic CA anatomy anomalies, but their etiology remains unknown. In this work we have used two different experimental models (transgenic mice and avian embryos) to investigate on the developmental mechanics of CAF formation. In order to tackle this goal, we have manipulated epicardial development and ventricular wall compaction, two inextricably related developmental events during coronary embryogenesis. Conditional integrin α4 gene deletion in the septum transversum/proepicardial (ST/PE) region (G2-Gata4+) disrupts early epicardium development and reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, leading to the thinning of the ventricular compact myocardial layer. Reduction in compact myocardium thickness associates to the presence of multiple ventricular myocardial discontinuities and focal endocardial extrusion. This same phenotype can be experimentally reproduced in chick embryos using a cryocauterization method (Palmquist-Gomes et al., 2016). Our results suggest that the partial absence of epicardium in α4integrin;G2-Gata4Cre mouse embryos and the cryoinjury in avian embryos generate myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall, which promote endocardial extrusion towards the pericardial cavity and the early contact of the endocardium with coronary progenitors at the epicardial surface of the heart. In the case of avian embryos, this phenomenon leads to precocious smooth muscle differentiation from epicardial mesenchymal cells, and the formation of pouch-like structures that closely resemble CAF. We conclude that anomalous compact myocardial embryonic growth can originate CAF.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Study in a Regional Hospital of a Mid-Sized Spanish City Indicates a Major Increase in Infection/Colonization by Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteria, Coinciding with the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has proven difficult to control over the past few decades. The large group of multidrug-resistant bacteria includes carbapenemase-producing bacteria (CPB), for which limited therapeutic options and infection control measures are available. Furthermore, carbapenemases associate with high-risk clones that are defined by the sequence type (ST) to which each bacterium belongs. The objectives of this cross-sectional and retrospective study were to describe the CPB population isolated in a third-level hospital in Southern Spain between 2015 and 2020 and to establish the relationship between the ST and the epidemiological situation defined by the hospital. CPB were microbiologically studied in all rectal and pharyngeal swabs and clinical samples received between January 2015 and December 2020, characterizing isolates using MicroScan and mass spectrometry. Carbapenemases were detected by PCR and Sanger sequencing, and STs were assigned by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Isolates were genetically related by pulsedfield gel electrophoresis using Xbal, Spel, or Apal enzymes. The episodes in which each CPB was isolated were recorded and classified as involved or non-involved in an outbreak. There were 320 episodes with CPB during the study period: 18 with K. pneumoniae, 14 with Klebisella oxytoca, 9 with Citrobacter freundii, 11 with Escherichia coli, 46 with Enterobacter cloacae, 70 with Acinetobacter baumannii, and 52 with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The carbapenemase groups detected were OXA, VIM, KPC, and NDM with various subgroups. Synchronous relationships were notified between episodes of K. pneumoniae and outbreaks for ST15, ST258, ST307, and ST45, but not for the other CPB. There was a major increase in infections with CPB over the years, most notably during 2020, coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic. This study highlights the usefulness of gene sequencing techniques to control the spread of these microorganisms, especially in healthcare centers. These techniques offer faster results, and a reduction in their cost may make their real-time application more feasible. The combination of epidemiological data with real-time molecular sequencing techniques can provide a major advance in the transmission control of these CPB and in the management of infected patients. Real-time sequencing is essential to increase precision and thereby control outbreaks and target infection prevention measures in a more effective manner

    Resonance energy transfer and superradiance mediated by plasmonic nanowaveguides

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    We show how both the subwavelength confinement associated with surface plasmons and the one-dimensional character of plasmonic waveguides can be exploited to enhance the coupling between quantum emitters. Resonance energy transfer and the phenomenon of superradiance are investigated in three different waveguiding schemes (wires, wedges, and channels) by means of the Finite Element Method. We also develop a simplified model that is able to capture the main features of the numerical results. © 2010 American Chemical Societ
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