8 research outputs found

    Metabolic Deficiences Revealed in the Biotechnologically Important Model Bacterium Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)

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    The Escherichia coli B strain BL21(DE3) has had a profound impact on biotechnology through its use in the production of recombinant proteins. Little is understood, however, regarding the physiology of this important E. coli strain. We show here that BL21(DE3) totally lacks activity of the four [NiFe]-hydrogenases, the three molybdenum- and selenium-containing formate dehydrogenases and molybdenum-dependent nitrate reductase. Nevertheless, all of the structural genes necessary for the synthesis of the respective anaerobic metalloenzymes are present in the genome. However, the genes encoding the high-affinity molybdate transport system and the molybdenum-responsive transcriptional regulator ModE are absent from the genome. Moreover, BL21(DE3) has a nonsense mutation in the gene encoding the global oxygen-responsive transcriptional regulator FNR. The activities of the two hydrogen-oxidizing hydrogenases, therefore, could be restored to BL21(DE3) by supplementing the growth medium with high concentrations of Ni2+ (Ni2+-transport is FNR-dependent) or by introducing a wild-type copy of the fnr gene. Only combined addition of plasmid-encoded fnr and high concentrations of MoO42− ions could restore hydrogen production to BL21(DE3); however, to only 25–30% of a K-12 wildtype. We could show that limited hydrogen production from the enzyme complex responsible for formate-dependent hydrogen evolution was due solely to reduced activity of the formate dehydrogenase (FDH-H), not the hydrogenase component. The activity of the FNR-dependent formate dehydrogenase, FDH-N, could not be restored, even when the fnr gene and MoO42− were supplied; however, nitrate reductase activity could be recovered by combined addition of MoO42− and the fnr gene. This suggested that a further component specific for biosynthesis or activity of formate dehydrogenases H and N was missing. Re-introduction of the gene encoding ModE could only partially restore the activities of both enzymes. Taken together these results demonstrate that BL21(DE3) has major defects in anaerobic metabolism, metal ion transport and metalloprotein biosynthesis

    Polygonum hastato-auriculatum Makino

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    原著和名: ホソバノウナギツカミ科名: タデ科 = Polygonaceae採集地: 三重県 北牟婁郡 海山町 船津 (紀伊 北牟婁郡 海山町 船津 )採集日: 1980/8/6採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH008360国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-95836

    Additional file 3: of Transcriptome analysis in oak uncovers a strong impact of endogenous rhythmic growth on the interaction with plant-parasitic nematodes

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    Title: Dry weight of plant tissues. Description: Table of the dry weight of plant tissues at different growth stages (Root and Shoot flushes) for the respective treatments: control, P. penetrans, P. croceum and co-inoculation of P. penetrans and P. croceum. ANOVA with *, ** and *** with P < 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively. Data with the same or no letters are not significantly different according to Tukey HSD at P < 0.05. (DOCX 15 kb

    Ectomycorrhizal fungus supports endogenous rhythmic growth and corresponding resource allocation in oak during various below- and aboveground biotic interactions

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    Endogenous rhythmic growth (ERG) is displayed by many tropical and some major temperate tree species and characterized by alternating root and shoot flushes (RF and SF). These flushes occur parallel to changes in biomass partitioning and in allocation of recently assimilated carbon and nitrogen. To address how biotic interactions interplay with ERG, we cross-compared the RF/SF shifts in oak microcuttings in the presence of pathogens, consumers and a mycorrhiza helper bacterium, without and with an ectomycorrhizal fungus (EMF), and present a synthesis of the observations. The typical increase in carbon allocation to sink leaves during SF did not occur in the presence of root or leaf pathogens, and the increase in nitrogen allocation to lateral roots during RF did not occur with the pathogens. The RF/SF shifts in resource allocation were mostly restored upon additional interaction with the EMF. Its presence led to increased resource allocation to principal roots during RF, also when the oaks were inoculated additionally with other interactors. The interactors affected the alternating, rhythmic growth and resource allocation shifts between shoots and roots. The restoring role of the EMF on RF/SF changes in parallel to the corresponding enhanced carbon and nitrogen allocation to sink tissues suggests that the EMF is supporting plants in maintaining the ERG