4,041 research outputs found

    On symplectic semifield spreads of PG(5,q2), q odd

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    We prove that there exist exactly three non-equivalent symplectic semifield spreads of PG ( 5 , q2), for q2> 2 .38odd, whose associated semifield has center containing Fq. Equivalently, we classify, up to isotopy, commutative semifields of order q6, for q2> 2 .38odd, with middle nucleus containing q2Fq2and center containing q Fq

    On isotopisms and strong isotopisms of commutative presemifields

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    In this paper we prove that the P(q,)P(q,\ell) (qq odd prime power and >1\ell>1 odd) commutative semifields constructed by Bierbrauer in \cite{BierbrauerSub} are isotopic to some commutative presemifields constructed by Budaghyan and Helleseth in \cite{BuHe2008}. Also, we show that they are strongly isotopic if and only if q1(mod4)q\equiv 1(mod\,4). Consequently, for each q1(mod4)q\equiv -1(mod\,4) there exist isotopic commutative presemifields of order q2q^{2\ell} (>1\ell>1 odd) defining CCZ--inequivalent planar DO polynomials.Comment: References updated, pag. 5 corrected Multiplication of commutative LMPTB semifield

    On the role of the coefficients in the strong convergence of a general type Mann iterative scheme

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    Let H be a Hilbert space. Let (Wn)nN(W_{n})_{n\in\mathbb{N}} be a suitable family of mappings. Let S be a nonexpansive mapping and D be a strongly monotone operator. We study the convergence of the general scheme xn+1=Wn(αnSxn+(1αn)(IμnD)xn)x_{n+1}=W_{n}(\alpha_{n}Sx_{n}+(1-\alpha_{n})(I-\mu_{n}D)x_{n}) in dependence on the coefficients (αn)nN(\alpha_{n})_{n\in\mathbb{N}} , (μn)nN(\mu_{n})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}

    Krasnoselskii-Mann method for non-self mappings

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    AbstractLet H be a Hilbert space and let C be a closed, convex and nonempty subset of H. If T:CHT:C\to H T : C → H is a non-self and non-expansive mapping, we can define a map h:CRh:C\to\mathbb{R} h : C → R by h(x):=inf{λ0:λx+(1λ)TxC}h(x):=\inf\{\lambda\geq 0:\lambda x+(1-\lambda)Tx\in C\} h ( x ) : = inf { λ ≥ 0 : λ x + ( 1 − λ ) T x ∈ C } . Then, for a fixed x0Cx_{0}\in C x 0 ∈ C and for α0:=max{1/2,h(x0)}\alpha_{0}:=\max\{1/2, h(x_{0})\} α 0 : = max { 1 / 2 , h ( x 0 ) } , we define the Krasnoselskii-Mann algorithm xn+1=αnxn+(1αn)Txnx_{n+1}=\alpha _{n}x_{n}+(1-\alpha_{n})Tx_{n} x n + 1 = α n x n + ( 1 − α n ) T x n , where αn+1=max{αn,h(xn+1)}\alpha_{n+1}=\max\{\alpha_{n},h(x_{n+1})\} α n + 1 = max { α n , h ( x n + 1 ) } . We will prove both weak and strong convergence results when C is a strictly convex set and T is an inward mapping

    Subspace code constructions

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    We improve on the lower bound of the maximum number of planes of PG(8,q){\rm PG}(8,q) mutually intersecting in at most one point leading to the following lower bound: Aq(9,4;3)q12+2q8+2q7+q6+q5+q4+1{\cal A}_q(9, 4; 3) \ge q^{12}+2q^8+2q^7+q^6+q^5+q^4+1 for constant dimension subspace codes. We also construct two new non-equivalent (6,(q31)(q2+q+1),4;3)q(6, (q^3-1)(q^2+q+1), 4; 3)_q constant dimension subspace orbit-codes

    A Minimum problem for finite sets of real numbers with non-negative sum

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    Let nn and rr be two integers such that 0<rn0 < r \le n; we denote by γ(n,r)\gamma(n,r) [η(n,r)\eta(n,r)] the minimum [maximum] number of the non-negative partial sums of a sum 1=1nai0\sum_{1=1}^n a_i \ge 0, where a1,,ana_1, \cdots, a_n are nn real numbers arbitrarily chosen in such a way that rr of them are non-negative and the remaining nrn-r are negative. Inspired by some interesting extremal combinatorial sum problems raised by Manickam, Mikl\"os and Singhi in 1987 \cite{ManMik87} and 1988 \cite{ManSin88} we study the following two problems: \noindent(P1)(P1) {\it which are the values of γ(n,r)\gamma(n,r) and η(n,r)\eta(n,r) for each nn and rr, 0<rn0 < r \le n?} \noindent(P2)(P2) {\it if qq is an integer such that γ(n,r)qη(n,r)\gamma(n,r) \le q \le \eta(n,r), can we find nn real numbers a1,,ana_1, \cdots, a_n, such that rr of them are non-negative and the remaining nrn-r are negative with 1=1nai0\sum_{1=1}^n a_i \ge 0, such that the number of the non-negative sums formed from these numbers is exactly qq?} \noindent We prove that the solution of the problem (P1)(P1) is given by γ(n,r)=2n1\gamma(n,r) = 2^{n-1} and η(n,r)=2n2nr\eta(n,r) = 2^n - 2^{n-r}. We provide a partial result of the latter problem showing that the answer is affirmative for the weighted boolean maps. With respect to the problem (P2)(P2) such maps (that we will introduce in the present paper) can be considered a generalization of the multisets a1,,ana_1, \cdots, a_n with 1=1nai0\sum_{1=1}^n a_i \ge 0. More precisely we prove that for each qq such that γ(n,r)qη(n,r)\gamma(n,r) \le q \le \eta(n,r) there exists a weighted boolean map having exactly qq positive boolean values.Comment: 15 page

    A Carlitz type result for linearized polynomials

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    For an arbitrary qq-polynomial ff over Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n} we study the problem of finding those qq-polynomials gg over Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n} for which the image sets of f(x)/xf(x)/x and g(x)/xg(x)/x coincide. For n5n\leq 5 we provide sufficient and necessary conditions and then apply our result to study maximum scattered linear sets of PG(1,q5)\mathrm{PG}(1,q^5)

    On the duality between p-Modulus and probability measures

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    Motivated by recent developments on calculus in metric measure spaces (X,d,m)(X,\mathsf d,\mathfrak m), we prove a general duality principle between Fuglede's notion of pp-modulus for families of finite Borel measures in (X,d)(X,\mathsf d) and probability measures with barycenter in Lq(X,m)L^q(X,\mathfrak m), with qq dual exponent of p(1,)p\in (1,\infty). We apply this general duality principle to study null sets for families of parametric and non-parametric curves in XX. In the final part of the paper we provide a new proof, independent of optimal transportation, of the equivalence of notions of weak upper gradient based on pp-Modulus (Koskela-MacManus '98, Shanmugalingam '00) and suitable probability measures in the space of curves (Ambrosio-Gigli-Savare '11)Comment: Minor corrections, typos fixe

    Iban "sbagliato" e responsabilità delle banche nell'esecuzione dell'operazione di bonifico

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    Il commento analizza le decisioni del Collegio romano dell’A.B.F. che riconoscono, nell’ipotesi di errata indicazione da parte dell’ordinante dell’IBAN in un ordine di bonifico, la responsabilita` della banca del beneficiario (e non della banca dell’ordinante), per non aver verificato la discrasia tra il titolare del conto di pagamento identificato dall’IBAN inesatto e il nominativo del destinatario esplicitamente menzionato. In senso critico, si prospetta una esegesi dell’art. 24 d. legis. n. 11/2010, in materia di ‘‘identificativi unici inesatti’’, diversa rispetto a quella del Collegio, e se ne vagliano le ricadute sulla condotta richiesta ai prestatori di servizi di pagamento sul piano dell’esatta identificazione del destinatario del bonifico e sulla responsabilita` delle banche verso i clienti e gli utenti, non clienti, del sistema dei pagamenti