3,000 research outputs found

    Jane Austen for children : the awesomely Austen collection

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    Nesta monografia, analiso a coleção Awesomely Austen, uma recontagem para crianças de seis romances de Jane Austen publicada pela Hachette UK entre 2019 e 2020. A série visa introduzir as obras da autora inglesa para jovens leitores, na faixa etária recomendada de oito a doze anos. O objetivo da pesquisa é descrever e caracterizar a coleção Awesomely Austen, para identificar o que permanece e o que é modificado com relação ao original, e por quais razões. Para tanto, a coleção é examinada quanto ao projeto gráfico e às técnicas de redação adotadas para dar conta do estilo e da temática da autora, que é reconhecida mundialmente pela forma como aborda as relações humanas fazendo uso da comédia e da ironia. Como lastro teórico, utilizo textos de Peter Hunt como embasamento para teoria sobre literatura infantil, e dos autores Vera Maria Tietzmann Silva e Leonardo Poglia Vidal para o trato com as imagens. Para o estilo de Austen me apoio predominantemente na obra Jane Austen and Her Art, de Mary Lascelles; e a contextualização de época é feita a partir de Roy Adkins e Lesley Adkins. A literatura infantil é planejada e produzida para um público específico, formado por pessoas que estão desenvolvendo suas habilidades de leitura e suas capacidades cognitivas, de modo que é responsabilidade do autor para crianças respeitar essas circunstâncias (cf. HUNT, 2010). A monografia vem estruturada em duas partes. Na primeira, trato sobre aspectos da literatura infantil, estabelecendo relações com o corpus dos recontos das obras de Austen, e também apresento a base teórica utilizada para análise dos livros. Na segunda parte discorro sobre a coleção Awesomely Austen, analisando o projeto gráfico, os textos e peritextos e as técnicas de redação como se apresentam nesta publicação do grupo editorial Hachette UK. Ao término do trabalho, espero que o produto seja útil para os pesquisadores da obra de Austen, para os pesquisadores de literatura infantil, e para leitores interessados em ambas as áreas.The present monograph investigates the Awesomely Austen Collection, a recounting for children of six Jane Austen produced by Hachette UK Editing Company between 2019 and 2020. The series aims at introducing Austen’s works to young readers from the recommended age of eight to twelve years old. The objective of my research is to describe and characterize the Awesomely Austen collection to identify what elements of Austen’s style remain, what is modified, and for what reasons. The collection is examined in its graphic design and in the writing techniques embraced to adapt the style and the themes of the author to this new reading public, as Austen is recognized worldwide for the way she approaches human relations making use of comedy and irony. As theoretical support, I use texts by Peter Hunt for theory on children’s literature. The treatment of images is examined through Vera Maria Tietzmann Silva and Leonardo Poglia Vidal. Austen’s style is addressed predominantly through Mary Lascelles book Jane Austen and Her Art; and the period contextualization is informed by Roy Adkins and Lesley Adkins. Children’s literature is planned and produced for a specific audience, formed by people who are developing their reading skills and cognitive abilities, so that it is the author’s responsibility to respect these circumstances involving the young readers (cf. HUNT, 2010). This monograph is structured in two parts. In the first I deal with children’s literature concepts, establishing relationships with the retellings of Austen’s works, and presenting the theoretical basis used for the analysis of books. In the second part, I discuss the Awesomely Austen collection, analyzing the graphic design, texts and peritexts, and writing techniques as presented in this Hachette UK editorial project. At the end of the work, I hope that the product proves useful for researchers of Austen’s work, for children’s literature researchers, and for readers interested in both areas


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    Coccidiosis is the major parasitic disease of poultry and it is caused by protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa, family Eimeriidae. Drugs and vaccines are the two main control measures for this disease however, due to concerns on prophylactic drugs use and the high vaccines cost, alternative methods are needed. The use of probiotics is now preferred to antibiotics in poultry industry. Also herbal preparations could be an alternative to treat coccidiosis in poultry and Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) is indicate for its effectiveness. Aim of this study is to formulate a new poultry diet, integrated with probiotic blend SLAB51 (Sivoy®, Mendes SA, Switzerland) or Moringa oleifera leaf meal, to avoid parasitic overgrowth and the usual administration of anticoccidic drugs. Three groups (M=Moringa; P=probiotics; C=control) of 150 chickens each, with naturally acquired coccidia infection, were studied. All groups were breeded and feeded in the same conditions. Group M received M. oleifera leaf meal added to the food (5%) from day 60 and Group P received SLAB51 probiotics in water (7.5 Billion/50ml), from day 1. At day 120, poultry were slaughtered and gut samples were collected for histopathology. Intestinal morphology (IM) was evaluated: sections from duodenum, ileum and cecum were used to measure the height of villi, the depth of crypts, and the ratio villi/crypts. At the level of cecum, thickness of the lamina propria was measured. Lesions due to coccidia replication were evaluated according to Lesions Score (LS) criteria. The scoring system was standardized for a scale of 0 to 4 [6]. Data on growth performances and mortality were recorded. Lesion Score (LS) and oocysts count (OC=oocysts/microscopic field) in different intestinal tracts were used to evaluate the different groups. In group P, LS, OC, IM, ponderal increase, final weight and mortality reduction were statistically significant, compared to group C. In group M, only LS, OC and mortality reduction resulted statistically significant. M. oleifera leaves had a positive effect against the coccidiosis but had no effect on the IM, ponderal increase and final weight. In general, group P showed better results than group M. SLAB51 probiotics seem to have a protective activity in poultry coccidiosis, and an addictional auxinic activity, preserving IM and integrity. In conclusion, M. oleifera leaf meal and SLAB51 probiotics can be useful to formulating a diet that avoids the use of anticoccidial drugs in broilers

    Female Genital Cutting: Fundamentals, Social Expectations and Change

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    The paper studies the relationship between female genital cutting (FGC) dynamics, beliefs and fundamentals across African countries. Results show that social and economic conditions are worse in countries where FGC is practiced. However, if we consider the dynamics of FGC in those countries, there is no clear link between fundamentals and the abandonment of the practice. Instead, we find a significant correlation with social expectations and trust. Our findings support the implementation of bottom-up interventions aimed at changing social expectations

    Female Genital Mutilation: Fundamentals, Social Expectations and Change

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    The paper studies the relationship between female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) dynamics, social expectations and fundamentals across African countries. We show that socioeconomic conditions are overall worse in countries where FGM/C is practiced. Yet when we consider the dynamics of FGM/C within countries that perform it, there is no clear link between fundamentals and the decline of the practice. We find instead that FGM/C dynamics are strongly related to social expectations and social capital. Our findings have implications for policy interventions aimed at reducing FGM/C

    Anatomia di una scatola nera. Quanto e come si finanzia l'alta formazione in Italia

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    The article provides a high-resolution picture of the allocation model that funds Italian academic institutions. It describes its technical aspects and analyzes in detail the 'standard cost', on which the 'basic quota' - the larger share of the budget - of funding is determined (or better, will be determined). This article sheds lights on some critical aspects of the overall theoretical model. Particular attention is devoted to the analysis of the nature and the functioning of the so-called 'perequative model' (aimed to balance major funding fluctuations), on which we express doubts. Moreover, through a detailed analysis of the 2016 and 2017 funds allocation, we illustrate its substantial distributive political failure. Our opinion is that the failure of the model is due also to its original unsustainability: its introduction in 2014 took place in a context of high underfunding of the system, that has till now remained unchanged

    Female Genital Cutting: Fundamentals, Social Expectations and Change

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    The paper studies the relationship between female genital cutting (FGC) dynamics, beliefs and fundamentals across African countries. Results show that social and economic conditions are worse in countries where FGC is practiced. However, if we consider the dynamics of FGC in those countries, there is no clear link between fundamentals and the abandonment of the practice. Instead, we find a significant correlation with social expectations and trust. Our findings support the implementation of bottom-up interventions aimed at changing social expectations

    Aspectos da Otimização e Processamento de Redes GPS

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    This paper deals with some aspects which should be taken into account for the densification of geodetic network using GPS technology, specially in the concern of Earth body tide modes, ambiguity resolution and the variance propagation of the network constrains. Based on trials accomplished for a GPS network, some aspects of GPS network optimization and processing are presented. In network optimization, applied to GPS networks, are presented the Zero Order, First Order and Second Order Problems, showing the needs of planning the GPS observations and processing in such a way that one can reach the required accuracy with high reliability and low costs. In the tests to evaluate the need for applying Earth body tide model, it was verified that it is necessary for baselines longer than 200 km for the majority of network application. It was noticed that the ambiguity solution should always be analyzed before accepting a fixed solution as the best, since the presented results demonstrated that some fixed ambiguities are inconsistent. In the processing trials with fixed constrains (without taken into account the precision) or fiducial constrains (with associated precision), it was noticed that the former provided better dispersion values for the new points, however, the last one provided more reliable values, since the new points have associated with themselves the uncertainty of the datum points