361 research outputs found

    Anomalous bond stretching phonons as a probe of charge fluctuations in perovskites

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    Important information on momentum resolved low energy charge response can be extracted from anomalous properties of bond stretching in plane phonons observed in inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering in cuprates and some other perovskites. We discuss a semiphenomenological model based on coupling of phonons to a single charge mode. The phonon dispersion and linewidth allow to locate the energy of the charge excitation in the mid infrared part of the spectrum and to determine some of its characteristics. New experiments on oxygen isotope substitution could allow to achieve a more detailed description. Corresponding relations following from the model can be used for the interpretation of experiments and as test of the model.Comment: presented at the M2S-HTSC-VIII conference in Dresde

    Effects of Noise in a Cortical Neural Model

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    Recently Segev et al. (Phys. Rev. E 64,2001, Phys.Rev.Let. 88, 2002) made long-term observations of spontaneous activity of in-vitro cortical networks, which differ from predictions of current models in many features. In this paper we generalize the EI cortical model introduced in a previous paper (S.Scarpetta et al. Neural Comput. 14, 2002), including intrinsic white noise and analyzing effects of noise on the spontaneous activity of the nonlinear system, in order to account for the experimental results of Segev et al.. Analytically we can distinguish different regimes of activity, depending from the model parameters. Using analytical results as a guide line, we perform simulations of the nonlinear stochastic model in two different regimes, B and C. The Power Spectrum Density (PSD) of the activity and the Inter-Event-Interval (IEI) distributions are computed, and compared with experimental results. In regime B the network shows stochastic resonance phenomena and noise induces aperiodic collective synchronous oscillations that mimic experimental observations at 0.5 mM Ca concentration. In regime C the model shows spontaneous synchronous periodic activity that mimic activity observed at 1 mM Ca concentration and the PSD shows two peaks at the 1st and 2nd harmonics in agreement with experiments at 1 mM Ca. Moreover (due to intrinsic noise and nonlinear activation function effects) the PSD shows a broad band peak at low frequency. This feature, observed experimentally, does not find explanation in the previous models. Besides we identify parametric changes (namely increase of noise or decreasing of excitatory connections) that reproduces the fading of periodicity found experimentally at long times, and we identify a way to discriminate between those two possible effects measuring experimentally the low frequency PSD.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effects of fission-fragment damage on vortex dimensionality in silver-sheathed Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes

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    We report on the vortex dimensionality of uranium-doped Ag/Bi2223 tapes, before and after irradiation to a thermal-neutron fluence. The effective activation energies, as a function of current density and applied field, were calculated from dynamic magnetization relaxation measurements. A dimensional crossover from a three-dimensional (3D) elastic creep regime to a 2D plastic creep was observed in the nonirradiated tape at an applied magnetic field µ0Hcr[approximate]0.37 T, with an associated change in the flux hop velocity and temperature dependence. After the introduction of the fission-fragment damage by irradiation, a shift in the crossover to µ0Hcr[approximate]0.65 T was observed. These results indicate an enhancement of the c-axis vortex coherence by the introduced splayed columnar defects, explaining the greater pinning efficiency of the uranium-fission method in Bi2223 rather than the less anisotropic Y123. Conflicting results obtained for the irradiated tape in the absence of any temperature scaling of the activation energies demonstrate the importance of the inclusion of scaling in the magnetization relaxation analysis

    Discharge Instructions to Decrease COPD Readmissions

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    AbstractChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death in the US. A 301-bed rural hospital in the Midwest had experienced excessive 30-day hospital readmissions with their COPD patients. Two gaps in practice were identified: a lack of uninterrupted time to plan and execute discharge instructions and inconsistent discharge instructions provided to these patients as. The purpose of this project was to educate staff nurses on the importance of implementing a protected time, evidence-based discharge plan for patients diagnosed with COPD. The project explored whether a discharge education program nurses would decrease the 30-day readmission rate for these patients. The Knowles theory of adult learning framed the project components. A 10-question pretest/posttest was administered to all participants (144 registered nurses). A paired sample t test was conducted to compare the pre- and posttest results. Two questions showed a significant difference: The use of protected time (p = .045) and an interdisciplinary team approach (p = .006). Deidentified data for 30-day readmissions 3 months prior to the education program were 17, while 3-month data post program revealed 1 readmission. Thus, nursing administration was recommended to continue to have protected time during discharge instructions and to continue to use the discharge tool. Decreasing 30-day readmissions through comprehensive discharge planning has the potential to promote positive social change for patients, families, and healthcare providers

    Models for Identifying Structures in the Data: A Performance Comparison

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    This paper reports on the unsupervised analysis of seismic signals recorded in Italy, respectively on the Vesuvius volcano, located in Naples, and on the Stromboli volcano, located North of Eastern Sicily. The Vesuvius dataset is composed of earthquakes and false events like thunders, man-made quarry and undersea explosions. The Stromboli dataset consists of explosion-quakes, landslides and volcanic microtremor signals. The aim of this paper is to apply on these datasets three projection methods, the linear Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), and the Curvilinear Component Analysis (CCA), in order to compare their performance. Since these algorithms are well known to be able to exploit structures and organize data providing a clear framework for understanding and interpreting their relationships, this work examines the category of structural information that they can provide on our specific sets. Moreover, the paper suggests a breakthrough in the application area of the SOM, used here for clustering different seismic signals. The results show that, among the three above techniques, SOM better visualizes the complex set of high-dimensional data discovering their intrinsic structure and eventually appropriately clustering the different signal typologies under examination, discriminating the explosionquakes from the landslides and microtremor recorded at the Stromboli volcano, and the earthquakes from natural (thunders) and artificial (quarry blasts and undersea explosions) events recorded at the Vesuvius volcano

    Automatic Classification of Seismic Signals at Mt. Vesuvius Volcano, Italy, Using Neural Networks

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    We present a new strategy for reliable automatic classification of local seismic signals and volcano-tectonic earthquakes (VT). The method is based on a supervised neural network in which a new approach for feature extraction from short period seismic signals is applied. To reduce the number of records required for the analysis we set up a specialized neural classifier, able to distinguish two classes of signals, for each of the selected stations. The neural network architecture is a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with a single hidden layer. Spectral features of the signals and the parameterized attributes of their waveform have been used as input for this network. Feature extraction is done by using both the linear predictor coding technique for computing the spectrograms, and a function of the amplitude for characterizing waveforms. Compared to strategies that use only spectral signatures, the inclusion of properly normalized amplitude features improves the performance of the classifiers, and allows the network to better generalize. To train the MLP network we compared the performance of the quasi-Newton algorithm with the scaled conjugate gradient method. We found that the scaled conjugate gradient approach is the faster of the two, with quite equally good performance. Our method was tested on a dataset recorded by four selected stations of the Mt. Vesuvius monitoring network, for the discrimination of low magnitude VT events and transient signals caused by either artificial (quarry blasts, underwater explosions) and natural (thunder) sources. In this test application we obtained 100% correct classification for one of the possible pairs of signal types (VT versus quarry blasts). Because this method was developed independently of this particular discrimination task, it can be applied to a broad range of other applications

    Growth of Ordered Iron Oxide Nanowires for Photo-electrochemical Water Oxidation

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    This work reports the synthesis of ordered and vertically aligned iron oxide nanowires for photo-electrochemical (PEC) water oxidation. The nanowires exhibited promising PEC activity for water oxidation with saturated photocurrents of ∼0.8 mA cm-2 at 1.23 V vs RHE. Various factors inevitably affect their photochemical activity such as crystallinity, morphology, compositional gradient, and surface states. They were studied with HRTEM, EELS, and Raman shift techniques. The nanowires had complex compositional and morphological structures at nano and atomic scales. The nanowires annealed at 350 °C had an outer shell dominated by Fe3+ cations, while the core had mixed oxidation states of iron cations (+2 and +3). In contrast, nanowires annealed at 450 °C are fully oxidized with Fe3+ cations only and were found to be more active. At the same time, we observed anisotropic compositional gradients of nickel cations inside the iron oxide, originating from the nickel support film. Our work shows that the methodology used can affect the composition of the surface and near surface of the grown nanowires. It therefore points out the importance of a detailed analysis, in order to obtain a realistic structure-activity relationship in photo-electrocatalysis

    A School-Based Program to Promote Well-Being in Preadolescents: Results From a Cluster Quasi-Experimental Controlled Study

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    Diario della Salute [My Health Diary] is a school-based program designed to enhance the subjective well-being and health of 12- to 13-year-old students. We hypothesized that providing students with the social and emotional skills to fulfill their potential and deal with common developmental tasks of adolescence (e.g., onset of puberty, identity development, increased responsibilities and academic demands) would result in improved well-being and health. The program comprises five standardized interactive lessons concerning common psychosocial and health issues in adolescence, and two narrative booklets addressed to both students and their parents. We evaluated the effectiveness of the program in terms of the students' subjective well-being, aggressive behavior, and health behavior. Using a quasi-experimental study design, schools in the intervention group implemented the full program and those in the comparison group received their regular curriculum. We administered measures of the study's objectives both before and after program implementation. Statistical analyses accounted for within-school clustering, potential socioeconomic and demographic confounding, and pre-implementation levels of these measures. We sampled 62 schools and allocated 2630 students to either an intervention or comparison group. Sociodemographic characteristics and baseline outcomes were balanced across study groups. Unexpectedly, respondents in the intervention group had 0.38 greater mean adjusted score of the WHO/Europe Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Symptom Checklist instrument than respondents in the comparison group, indicating a reduction in subjective well-being. We did not observe any program effects on aggressive and health behaviors. The apparent reduction in subjective well-being reflected by an increased perception of psychosomatic complaints is suggestive of either increased emotional competence or, potentially, iatrogenic program effects. While greater emotional competence is positively associated with well-being over the course of life, the program in its present form should not be disseminated due to the possibility of adverse unintended effects

    An innovative tsunami detector operating in tsunami generation environment

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    On August 25th 2007 a tsunami detector installed onboard the multi-parameter observatory GEOSTAR was successfully deployed at 3200 b. s. l. in the Gulf of Cadiz, Portugal. This activity is within the NEAREST EC Project (http://nearest.bo.ismar.cnr.it/ ). Among other deliverables, the NEAREST project will produce and test the basic parts of an operational prototype of a near field tsunami warning system. This system includes an onshore warning centre, based on the geophysical monitoring networks which are already operating, and a tsunami detector deployed on board GEOSTAR at the sea bottom. On land the warning centre is in charge of collecting, integrating, and evaluating data recorded at sea. At the sea bottom data is recorded and processed by an advanced type of tsunami detector which includes: a pressure sensor, a seismometer and two accelerometers. The detector communicates acoustically with a surface buoy in two-way mode. The buoy is equipped with meteo station, GPS and tiltmeter and is connected to a shore station via satellite link. The prototype is designed to operate in tsunami generation areas for detection-warning purpose as well as for scientific measurements. The tsunami detector sends a near real time automatic alert message when a seismic or pressure threshold are exceeded. Pressure signals are processed by the tsunami detection algorithm and the water pressure perturbation caused by the seafloor motion is taken into account. The algorithm is designed to detect small tsunami waves, less than one centimetre, in a very noisy environment. Our objective is to combine a novel approach to the tsunami warning problem, with a study of the coupling between the water column perturbations and sea floor motion, together with the long term monitoring of geophysical, geochemical and oceanographic parameters