170 research outputs found

    Komparativna analiza broja ovaca u BJR i nekim evropskim državama

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    Sheep farming in Serbia, from year to year, notices a descending course in number of sheep, as well as in production of milk and meat. The main objective of this paper is the analysis of the number of sheep in Serbia and the surrounding countries (FYR). By comparing the current state of the total number of sheep (in 2011) with the state in the former Yugoslavia, the result shown is that there are 66% less sheep in Serbia compared to the total number seen in 1967 (base year). Compared to the last census from 2012, there is an increased number of sheep in Serbia, compared to previous year (2011) by 18.4%. Other former Yugoslav republics (FYR) also have a decrease in the total number of sheep: in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 76.5%, in Montenegro by 64.3%, in Croatia by 41.3%, in Macedonia by 63.5% compared to 1967 (base year), except for Slovenia, which has an increase in the total number of sheep by 83,000 head of cattle. In paper is given overview of the number of sheep for some European countries and for some part of world, in purpose of comparison with sheep state in FYR.U Srbiji ovčarstvo iz godine u godinu beleži silazni tok kako po broju ovaca, tako i po proizvodnji mleka i mesa. Glavni cilj ovog rada je analiza broja ovaca u Srbiji i u zemljama u okruženju (BJR). Upoređujući trenutno stanje ukupnog broja ovaca (2011) sa stanjem u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji dolazimo do rezultata koji ukazuju da je u Srbiji za 66% manje ovaca od ukupnog broja u odnosu na 1967. godinu (bazna godina). Poređenjem sa poslednjim popisu iz 2012. godine u Srbiji je povećan broj ovaca u odnosu na prethodnu godinu (2011) za 18.4%. Kod ostalih bivših jugoslovenskih republika takođe imamo smanjenje ukupnog broja ovaca: u BiH za 76.5%, u Crnoj Gori za 64.3%, Hrvatskoj za 41.3%, Makedoniji za 63.5% u odnosu na 1967. godinu (bazna godina), izuzev Slovenije koja ima povećanje ukupnog broja ovaca za 83 hiljade grla. U radu je dat pregled broja ovaca za neke Evropske države i za pojedine delove sveta, u cilju upoređivanja sa stanjem ovaca u BJR

    Genotoxicity of the poly-D,L-lactide microparticles on the human lymphocytes

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    Particles generated of biodegradable material are extensively investigated as carriers for sustained drug delivery. Studies have been mainly focused on the monitoring of the drug release and of the rate of the particle degradation. However, the influence of the carrier particles on the human immune cells was only rarely addressed. In this work, the influence of the microparticles made of poly-D,L-lactide (PDLLA) on the function of human lymphocytes in a three-day culture was investigated. PDLLA microparticles have been prepared by a modified precipitation method and human lymphocytes were isolated from the blood of healthy volunteers by a Ficoll – density gradient centrifugation. Lymphocyte proliferation test and the cytochalasin B micronucleus test were used to assess the PDLLA particle effect on the lymphocytes. Results showed that PDLLA particles did not influence on the proliferation of the human lymphocytes. On the other hand, changes in the nuclei form, as well as nucleus buddings were observed. Moreover, the appearance of micronuclei could be detected. All together, these results might imply genotoxicity of the PDLLA particles, or some of the chemicals used for the particle preparation/stabilization on the human lymphocytes


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    Transport is one of the largest emitters of harmful substances that affect air quality. Each combination of freight transport modes has a different volume and at the same time has a differentiated negative impact on air quality. That is why the European Union has been making special efforts for many years to create and implement strategies aimed at improving air quality. The main goal of this paper is to present a methodology that enables quantification and analysis of the impact of each freight transport mode combination on air quality using feed-forward neural networks. The developed model uses the parameters of the EU member states in the period from 2000 to 2014. In addition to the scientific and practical contribution, the development of the model provides a good basis for the universal platform formation in order to create and develop strategies, i.e. measures to improve air quality on a global level

    Mogućnosti za proizvodnju biomase na livadama i pašnjacima kao faktor unapređenja ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbiji

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    Proizvodnja kvalitetne sveže stočne hrane predstavlja važnu komponentu u stočarskoj proizvodnji. Kao takva je od strateškog značaja za stvaranje stabilnosti i oporavak stočarstva, naročito u planiniskim područjima Republike Srbije. Na teritoriji naše zemlje učešće livada i pašnjaka u strukturi zasejanih površina je zadovoljavajuće, dok je proizvodnja krmnog bilja zastupljena sa 9,1% površina. Shodno tome, mogućnosti za ishranu ovaca je pozitivan, čime se može smanjiti upotreba koncentrovanih hraniva i poboljšati kvalitet krajnjih proizvoda (mleka, mesa i vune). Radom je istaknuta geografska zastupljenost ovčarske proizvodnje po Regionima i njihovog udela u ukupnoj proizvodnji, kao i procentualna podela proizvodnje na prirodnim livadama i pašnjacima, čime se jasno stavlja na uvid stručne i naučne javnosti trenutno stanje, a daju i preporuke za buduće jačanje ovčarske proizvodnje u Republici Srbiji

    Efikasnost čišćenja kanala instrumentima sa recipročnim pokretima - studija SEM

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    Introduction/Objective The application of nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments in cleaning and shaping of the root canal system is a standard and a precondition for the success of endodontic treatment. The objective of this study was to use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in order to examine the efficiency of cleaning the apical third of the root canal system using two different NiTi systems with reciprocating movements. Methods The study included 20 single-rooted teeth (premolars) divided into two groups. In group 1, the canal preparation was realized with a single file UNICONE with reciprocating movements (MEDIN, Inc., Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic), and in group 2, with a RECIPROC BLUE instrument with reciprocating movements (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany). The same quantities of 2% NaOCl solution and 17% EDTA solution were used as irrigation solutions. The samples prepared for SEM analysis of the smear layer in the apical third were evaluated on a scale of 1-5 and at a magnification of 1,000×. Results SEM analysis pointed to mostly clean canal walls in the apical segment in both tested groups. Slightly cleaner walls were observed after the application of the UNICONE file (78%) compared to the samples of the second group, where the instrumentation was realized by the RECIPROC BLUE file (76%), but without statistically significant differences. Conclusion Single-file reciprocating systems do not remove the smear layer completely, but provide efficient cleaning of the apical region of the canal.Uvod/Cilj Primena instrumenata od legure nikl-titanijum (NiTi) u čišćenju i oblikovanju kanala je standard i preduslov za uspeh endodontskog tretmana. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se analizom skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) proveri efikasnost čišćenja apikalne trećine kanala primenom dva različita NiTi sistema sa recipročnim pokretima. Metode U istraživanje je uključeno 20 jednokorenih zuba (pretkutnjaka) podeljenih u dve grupe. Preparacija kanala u prvoj grupi je realizovana jednom turpijom sa recipročnim pokretima UNICONE (MEDIN, Nove Mjesto u Moravskoj, Češka), a u drugoj instrumentom sa recipročnim pokretima RECIPROC BLUE (VDW Gmbh, Minhen, Nemačka). Kao rastvori za irigaciju korišćene su iste količine 2% rastvora NaOCl i 17% rastvor EDTA. Uzorci pripremljeni za analizu SEM razmaznog sloja u apikalnoj trećini su evoluirani prema skali 1-5 i na uveličanju od 1000×. Rezultati Analiza SEM je ukazala na uglavnom čiste zidove kanala u apeksnom segmentu u obe testirane grupe. Nešto čistiji zidovi uočeni su posle primene turpije UNICON (78%) u odnosu na uzorke druge grupe, gde je instrumentacija realizovana turpijom RECIPROC BLUE (76%), ali bez statistički značajnih razlika. Zaključak Recipročni sistemi sa jednom turpijom ne uklanjaju potpuno razmazni sloj, ali obezbeđuju efikasno čišćenje apikalne regije kanala

    Welfare of Native Goat Breeds in Serbia—Emphasis on Parasitological Infections

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    Native goat breeds in Serbia has been recognized as an important element of regional agrobiodiversity and play an important role in the safeguarding of cultural and traditional heritage. The aim of this study was to identify the main welfare issues likely to be encountered in extensive goat farming systems with an emphasis on parasitological infections. The study was conducted during the winter season on four small farms of native Balkan and Serbian white goats. For welfare assessment, animal-based indicators from AWIN protocol for goats were used. All fecal samples for parasites were qualitatively and quantitatively examined. The main welfare issues identified were poor hair coat condition (62.79%), dirty and light soiling hindquarters (31.40%), thin body condition score (26.74%), abscesses (19.78%), and udder asymmetry (18.60%). In addition, an important and prevalent welfare problem identified across all farms was parasite infection and weak significant (p < 0.001) correlation between certain parasites (Strongylidae, Moniezia spp., Buxtonella sulcate, and Protostrongylidae) and welfare indicators such as poor hair coat condition and nasal discharge. The results of this study provided the first overview and valuable insight into the impact of extensive systems on the welfare of native goats in the Balcan region

    Evaluation of realized investments in Belgrade’s and Danube region

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    Investments in the economy are the basic driver of economic development of the country, or areas where the investment is made. To accomplish the economic development requires constant investment in development activities carried out in that area, but the limiting factor is shortage of own funds to commercial entities invested in the expansion and modernization of its products. Among the most important problems that arise in the Republic of Serbia are the problem of obtaining funds from favorable financing conditions and unstable market system, especially for agricultural products, which in addition to other macroeconomic indicators show a high risk of investing in the entire economy, as well as in agriculture, as one of the most important sectors of the Serbian economy. Given the importance of this investment research has focused on the area of Belgrade and the Danube area, which has a very favorable geographical position and as such it is a favorable area for investment

    Voluminozna (kabasta) stočna hrana kao faktor ekonomskog unapređenja ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbiji

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    Forage crops linking the plant and livestock production; under conditions where intensive livestock farming, production is based on the use of land, water and solar energy, and with respect for the principles of safe food and protecting the environment. The objective of this paper is to show the possibility of utilization of meadows and pastures, as well as the cheapest basic nutrients in animal feed production. To ensure a stable and economical production of milk, meat, wool, and of progeny in sheep production, great attention should be paid to the production of high-quality forage and concentrates. In Serbia of the total agricultural area of 5.051 thousand ga, meadows occupying 12,4% and pastures occupies 16,6%. Their total percentage paicupation is 19%, from which is obtained 2,1 t ha-1green mass or 0,8% of hay. Forage crops cultivated to 9,1% of total agricultural land used, while compared to the total sown area is 15%, for a total of meadows and pasture was 38,1% of that is used in livestock feed for cattle. This paper presents a comparative analysis of meadows and pastures in Serbia with the surface of the former Yugoslav republics, as well as the percentage of meadows and pastures in the total agricultural land in 2011 in Serbia and the former Yugoslav republics. Sheep production is primarily regionally distributed in the mountainous areas and regions where there is significant participation in grassland structure utilization of agricultural land.Proizvodnja krmnog bilja povezuje biljnu i stočarsku proizvodnju; gde se u uslovima intenzivnog stočarstva proizvodnja bazira na korišćenju zemljišta, vode i sunčeve energije, uz poštovanje principa proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane i očuvanja životne sredine. Cilj ovog rada je ukazivanje mogućnost iskorišćavanja livada i pašnjaka, kao osnovnih najjeftinijih hraniva u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Da bi se obezbedila stabilna i ekonomična proizvodnja mleka, mesa, vune, kao i priplodnog podmlatka u ovčarskoj proizvodnji, veliku pažnju treba posvetiti proizvodnji kvalitetnih kabastih hraniva i koncentrata. U Srbiji od ukupne korišćene poljoprivredne površine od 5.051 hilj. hektara, livade zauzimaju 12,4%, a pašnjaci 16,6%. Njihovo ukupno procentualno učešće iznosi 29,0%, sa kojih se dobija oko 2,1 t/ha zelene mase, odnosno 0,8 t/ha sena. Krmno bilje se uzgaja na 9,1% od ukupno korišćene poljoprivredne površine, dok u odnosu na ukupno zasejane površine iznosi 15,0%,što ukupno sa livadama i pašnjacima iznosi 38,1% površine koja se koristi u stočarstvu za ishranu stoke. U radu je prikazana i komparativna analiza površine livada i pašnjaka u Srbiji sa površinama bivših Jugoslovenskih Republika, kao i procentualno učešće livada i pašnjaka u ukupnom poljoprivrednom zemljištu u 2011. godini u Srbiji i bivšim Jugoslovenskim Republikama. Ovčarstvo je pretežno regionalno raspoređeno u brdsko-planinskim područjima i regionima gde je značajnije učešće pašnjaka u strukturi iskorišćavanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta

    Comparative Analysis of the Number of Sheep in FYR and Some European Countries

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    Sheep farming in Serbia, from year to year, notices a descending course in number of sheep, as well as in production of milk and meat. The main objective of this paper is the analysis of the number of sheep in Serbia and the surrounding countries (FYR). By comparing the current state of the total number of sheep (in 2011) with the state in the former Yugoslavia, the result shown is that there are 66% less sheep in Serbia compared to the total number seen in 1967 (base year). Compared to the last census from 2012, there is an increased number of sheep in Serbia, compared to previous year (2011) by 18.4%. Other former Yugoslav republics (FYR) also have a decrease in the total number of sheep: in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 76.5%, in Montenegro by 64.3%, in Croatia by 41.3%, in Macedonia by 63.5% compared to 1967 (base year), except for Slovenia, which has an increase in the total number of sheep by 83,000 head of cattle. In paper is given overview of the number of sheep for some Europea